

851 Uppsatser om Word of mouse - Sida 6 av 57

Krisberedskap i grundskolan : perspektiv på krishantering

A crisis is something that can happen to all of us in an unexpected situation, and the school should be prepared in a way that is the best way to handle a situation with a wide foundation through a crisis plan. On a well-defined way, you should have a developed and relevant emergency plan. Defining the word crisis can be difficult, it is an individual interpretation, and to get found out what the word stands for and it have to be discussed. The two selected schools that I have chosen to interview have discussed the understanding of the word crisis in able to get what the word means for them. The two selected schools have come to the conclusion that a crisis is something that creates disturbances for people or a person concerned to the everyday way of living.

Drömmar med vingesus : - en undersökning av gymnasisters förståelse av äldre ord i Luciasången

This thesis work involves a quantitative study concerning secondary school students' understanding of older Swedish words in the lyrics in the Lucia song written by Elmfors way back in 1919th. The text has some old words and phrases that today's high school students do not really understand. The study includes surveys of two different classes in high school, a theoretical and a practical program. In some cases students can understand words by the context, but previous research shows results in general weakness in students' existing vocabulary. According to previous research, this is due, inter alia, that young people read and write less today.The results of all students are totally 38%, where the theoretical program has a slightly higher performance.

Den enda rätta demokratin : en idéanalys av gymnasielitteratur och dess beskrivning av demokratibegreppet

The right kind of democracy ? an ideology analysis of school literatures description of the term democracy.Writers: Fredrik Hedlund & Mattias AhlqvistDemocracy is today a word and a concept that in many ways is taken for granted and almost never is reflected on. The concept democracy is also considered as an essential issue in the swedish school system, both regarding the way the education should be managed and also as a part of the students democratic schooling ? all according to the comprehensive document Läroplanen för de frivilliga skolformerna (Lpf94).The main purpose of this paper is to investigate how swedish literature in political and social science talks about and looks upon democracy ? what do the books say it means?The materials we have chosen for this report are the books Zigma and Forum. As metod we are using a textual ideology analysis in which we have created three dimensions ? meaning/associations, criticism of democracy, and demos/citizenship.

Don't mention the "L"-word. En analys av biblioteks- och informationsvetenskapsutbildades karriärmöjligheter på den alternativa arbetsmarknaden.

This master's thesis is about alternative career opportunities for library and information science graduates. Ever since the beginning of our education we have been interested in working outside of the traditional libraries. Now that we are about to receive our degrees in library and information science we are doubtful if the competence we have obtained is enough to meet the demands of the labour market. The employment field we have been studying in this master's thesis is information management, since this is a field that we find comparable to library and information science. Our study involves a qualitative survey amongst recruiting companies to investigate how the recruiters value different educations, competences and personal skills when they employ staff within the field of information management.

Uppror : En begreppshistorisk undersökning av ordet uppror och dess uppkomst i Sverige mellan åren 1525 och 1543

AbstractHannes Sundkvist: Uppror. En begreppshistorisk undersökning av ordet uppror och dess uppkomst i Sverige mellan åren 1525 och 1543, Uppsala universitet: Institutionen för idé- och lärdomshistoria, C-uppsats, Vårterminen, 2013. The following thesis is a conceptual historical study of the Swedish word uppror (rebellion) between the years 1525 and 1543. During this period, there occured five conflicts that in modern time have been named as rebellions. In my study I problematize the concept of rebellions and show that it is not possible to apply a contemporary definition to conflicts that erupted in the early 16th centrury. My purpose is to display how the word actually was defined during the time of the five conflicts.

?Det är ingen konst att göra billiga jeans, det kan alla göra? ? en fallstudie av varumärket Cheap Monday

Uppsatsen söker förståelse för det nystartade svenska jeansmärket Cheap Mondays snabba och stora framgångar med sitt koncept. Kvalitativa intervjuer med nyckelpersoner på företaget genomfördes. Denna empiri analyserades sedan utifrån modern marknadsföringsteori, till att börja med med hjälp av 4 P-modellen. Denna ledde sedan vidare till fördjupning inom word-of-mouth och varumärkesidentitet. Med hjälp av dessa teorier drogs intressanta slutsatser och vi pekar ut ett antal framgångsfaktorer som haft stor betydelse för märkets popularitet..

De osynliga stränderna - en omvandling och undersökning av boken De osynliga städerna

My project is an interpretation and exploration of the book The Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino. It is a play on the swedish words for cities and beaches. By adding the letters R and N the word for cities in the title transforms into the word for beaches. The project is equal parts a color investigation and an exploration of new working methods as it is an development of my approch to graphic design. My aim was to, through a visual, conceptual and playful investigation create a new interpretation of the book The Invisible Cities.

Blomgren - en mönsterkollektion

This report is about the exam project; Blomgren- a collection ofpatterns. During eight weeks I have from the family Blomgren, whowas my grandfather?s family with siblings and parents, produced fivepatterns for textiles into interior and space. In addition to thefamily as an inspiration, I have taken into account of the collection?sname - as a word and the meaning of the word.

Det fria ordets makt: En kvantitativ studie om effekten av kommentarer i anslutning till artiklar på nyhetssajter. Vad händer när elektronisk w-o-m blandas med traditionell pr?

This thesis treats the topic of user-generated comments connected with news stories on news sites, meaning electronic word-of-mouth combined with PR. The writers have examined how different types of comments affect consumers' perception of the article and also what communication effects these comments generate in terms of attitudes, purchase intent and word-of-mouth intent. The results interesting to the news site owners, is that lots of comments and negative comments generate a negative effect by making the actual article less credible, attractive and worth reading (relative to the subsequent comments). On the positive side, serious comments imply that the news story is perceived as more interesting, than a news story followed by non-serious comments. From a brand equity perspective, the interesting results show that few comments compared to lots of comments, generate a better attitude to the brand, even though there is no difference in how positive or negative the comments are.

Attityder till design : samt studie- och yrkesvägledare

The background to this study is the government’s investment in design and the increase of design education around the country. As a future design teacher (industrialdesign) at high school/college, it is of great interest for me to look closer at student’s attitude towards design and design educations at high school.Questions that have been investigated are student´s attitude towards design; design as a concept but also as a phenomenon. How does the student counselor inform the students of the differentchoices before choosing high school?Does the students view on design correspond to what the student counselor say?What opinion does the student counselor have to the concept design as well as design in highschool? Is design just a craze or here to stay?To get answers I have made interviews with student counselors at two different schools, I have also been in contact with a student counselor on the internet. Their thoughts will clarify thesituation that the students might be in.

Fördelar och nackdelar med utematematik : Lärares, föräldrars och elevers inställning till arbetsformen

Aligning parallell terms in a parallell corpus can be done by aligning all words and phrases in the corpus and then performing term extraction on the aligned set of word pairs. Alternatively, term extraction in the source and target text can be made separately and then the resulting term candidates can be aligned, forming aligned parallell terms. This thesis describes an implementation of a word aligner that is applied on extracted term candidates in both the source and the target texts. The term aligner uses statistical measures, the tool Giza++ and heuristics in the search for alignments. The evaluation reveals that the best results are obtained when the term alignment relies heavily on the Giza++ tool and Levenshtein heuristic..

Implementation och utvärdering av termlänkare i Java

Aligning parallell terms in a parallell corpus can be done by aligning all words and phrases in the corpus and then performing term extraction on the aligned set of word pairs. Alternatively, term extraction in the source and target text can be made separately and then the resulting term candidates can be aligned, forming aligned parallell terms. This thesis describes an implementation of a word aligner that is applied on extracted term candidates in both the source and the target texts. The term aligner uses statistical measures, the tool Giza++ and heuristics in the search for alignments. The evaluation reveals that the best results are obtained when the term alignment relies heavily on the Giza++ tool and Levenshtein heuristic..

Kunden som marknadsförare - en ny modell

Sammanfattning Uppsatsens titel: Kunden som marknadsförare: en ny modell Ämne/Kurs: Magisteruppsats, FEKP01, 15 ECT Seminariedatum: 2008-01-24 Författare: Alexandra Wahlqvist, Caroline Wallin och Niclas Wejrot Handledare: Gösta Wijk Nyckelord: traditionell marknadsföring, marknadskommunikation, medier, word-of-mouth Syfte: Givet de nya teknologiska utvecklingarna i media ämnar vi undersöka hur marknadsföring och marknadskommunikation har förändrats. Vi åsyftar att utveckla begrepp/modeller som gör det möjligt att bättre förstå fenomenet kunden som marknadsförare samt att relatera detta till traditionella marknadsföringsteorier. Metod: Vår uppsats är av explorativ art baserad på kvalitativa samt kvantitativa empiriska data hämtade från intervjuer och enkätundersökningar. Teoretisk referensram: Denna uppsats är baserad på teorier om marknadsföring, marknadskommunikation samt media. Slutsats: Företagen är medvetna om att word-of-mouth är ett effektivt sätt att marknadsföra men det är inte många som använder det som en uttalad strategi, vilket vi i vår uppsats kommer fram till är möjligt.

FASTIGHETSMÄKLAREN - En oumbärlig mellanhand?

Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats har varit att, genom en studie av interaktionen mellan mäklare och dess kunder samt interaktionen mäklare emellan, försöka svara på hur fastighetsmäklaren agerar i sitt dagliga arbete. Metoden som använts har varit en kvalitativ studie vilken genomförts genom en deltagande observation. Mäklarna på en fastighetsbyrå har studerats utifrån ett dramaturgiskt och ett markandsföringsperspektiv. Mäklarens arbete med att skapa legitimitet för tjänsten och en god image illustreras i form av termerna roller, kundrelationer, kundnöjdhet och word-of-mouth. Uppsatsen utmynnar i en diskussion där mäklarens påstådda oumbärlighet som mellanhand vid fastighetsaffärer ifrågasätts..

Word sense disambiguation med Svenskt OrdNät

In information retrieval there is a problem with ambiguous words. To solve this problem word sense disambiguation WSD is used. Few studies combining information retrieval and word sense disambiguation have been conducted with Swedish words. The purpose of this thesis has been divided in two. The first purpose was to examine Swedish information retrieval and disambiguation in the query phase.

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