

851 Uppsatser om Word of mouse - Sida 38 av 57

En barnomsorg som inte räcker till : En undersökning om hur nattis framställs i media

This is an examination that investigates how daycare during nights, evenings and weekends, so called ?nattis?, is produced in media with restriction to three big Swedish newspapers during 2004-2012. The main intention and the base to this work is to see how media chooses to produce daycare during nights. As a help to find a result to this main intention there are four questions. These questions are which similarities and differences that can be shown in the articles, which main arguments that can be shown, if it?s a positive or negative picture that the articles are producing and which patterns and themes that can be shown.                      The method to find an answer to these questions and the main intention were an investigation of 21 articles.

Genrepedagogik och matematik En litteraturstudie om genrepedagogikens påverkan på elevers lä-rande i matematik

The purpose of this thesis is to study how Malaysia Airlines communicated during the two largest crises of 2014. Key questions to be answered are: Did organizational hypocrisy occur? If yes, in what way? Which communication strategies were used? Did the company mediate an unequivocal message and how was the information framed? Did any aggravating factors, which worsened the organization?s reputation, appear? How did Malaysia Airlines manage possible rumours? Was the word contact used as a keyword? The method of choice is a quantitative content analysis and the material consists of 20 different analysis units. These analysis units were collected from social media and Malaysia Airlines website. The quantitative content analysis is based on the theory Situational Crisis Communication Theory, taken from PR, Strategy and Application, Managing Influence, by W.

Låt oss tala om integration : En studie av folkbibliotekariers syn på integrationsfrämjande arbete

Social exclusion is a problem in today?s society that we feel public libraries can help resolve since they are based on the idea of equality and openness. The purpose of this essay is to examine how public librarians think and reason about the concept ?integration? as well as what role public libraries can play in immigrants? integration process. With Jose Alberto Diaz? theory on the integration process, and Marianne Andersson and Dorte Skot-Hansen?s model for analysis of the local library profile as theoretical framework, we analyzed the responses from two qualitative interviews in small groups of 2-3 librarians from two different public libraries.

Identiteten ?invandrare? i svensk morgonpress hösten 2007 : - en diskursteoretisk studie

The aim of this study is to go into depth and analyze the identity ?immigrant? (invandrare) and how it is constituted in Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet and Sydsvenska Dagbladet. An investigation (SOU 2006:21) by Swedish authorities concludes that immigrants are portrayed in an unfavorable way in Swedish media, whilst Gunnar Sandelin in a debate article in Sweden?s biggest morning newspaper (Dagens Nyheter) meant that Swedish media lies about immigrants, creating an image of them that is too favorable that is not in touch with reality. This gives this thesis momentum to further investigate the identity immigrants are given in Swedish media.The theory and method used in this thesis is Laclau?s and Mouffe?s discourse theory.

Visuell kommunikation i offentliga verksamheter

The aim of this paper is to investigate the subject matter of visual communication in presentation brochures of two Swedish regions: Region Halland and Region Dalarna. My focuses are the following questions: what is the aim of the brochures and in what ways does the visual material relate to that aim? How can strategic communication be defined through a visual perspective and in what ways is it useful in the context of presentation brochures of the regions? What sort of communicational functions are specific for the visual material in relation to the written language of the brochures? Lead by these questions, I start by analyzing the brochures through a textual analysis and a social semiotic approach. The result shows that the aim seems to be both political and commercial, but that the visual elements relate more strongly to the commercial aim than to the political aim by the way they strive to present a positive image of the region. The visual elements work in strategic ways that I define as visual strategies.

Utveckling av konsultkompetenssystem : Implementering av en kompetensdatabas för ett konsultbolag

Syftet med detta examensarbete är att utreda/undersöka om det är möjligt att lagra och presentera medarbetares kompetens inom ett kunskapsintensivt företag. Initiativtagare till examensarbetet är konsultbolaget Nethouse Sverige AB.Allteftersom Nethouses medarbetarantal växer, blir det svårare att på ett bra sätt strukturera och sammanställa kompetensen och kapaciteten som finns inom företaget. Det blir också svårare att hålla koll på inom vilka områden enskilda medarbetare utvecklas.         Svårt att sammanfatta kompetensen inom (medarbetare) och utanför (arbetssökande) Nethouse.Uppdatering av konsultprofilen (Word-dokumentet) glöms lätt bort.Svårt att söka efter medarbetare/arbetssökande med vissa kompetenser.För att på bästa sätt lösa problemen har en förstudie inom kravhantering genomförts. Förstudien resulterade i ett antal kravinsamlingsmetoder som sedan användes för att på bästa sätt extrahera de krav som fanns på ett kompetenssystem.Kraven uppfylldes genom att implementera en webbapplikation där varje medarbetare på Nethouse ges möjligheten att skapa en egen profil.

Serviceförväntningar hos kunder ? En jämförande studie mellan Acne och H&M

Denna uppsats behandlar service, ett fenomen som har växt sig starkare de senaste årtiondena och som har kommit att bli ett avgörande verktyg för många företag för att kunna skapa marknadsfördelar. Att ett företag förvaltar mötet dem och kunden emellan på bästa sätt är ofta en kritisk faktor för att få kunden att återvända till butiken även nästa gång. Vissa företag är mer och andra är mindre beroende av ett bra servicesystem och därför är syftet med denna uppsats att undersöka huruvida serviceförväntningarna hos två olika kundgrupper liknar eller skiljer sig från varandra. Kundgrupperna som valts ut tillhör konfektionsföretagen, H&M som är en kedja i lågprissegmentet och Acne som är ett företag i högprissegmentet. Frågeformuleringen som besvaras i uppsatsen gäller som följer: Hur skiljer sig H&M-kunden från Acne-kunden i sina förväntningar på service i butik? För att besvara frågeställningen används en kvantitativ metod en så kallad muntlig strukturerad intervju som är riktad mot de två kundgrupperna.

 E-freight Effektivisering av fraktflygbranschen genom elektronisk dokumenthantering

Titel: Val av revisor - Vad revisionsbyråer kan tänka på vid marknadsföring av sina tjänster till mindre aktiebolagBakgrund: Revisionsmarknaden är under förändring i dag, framförallt hos de mindre aktiebolagen. I och med förändringen kommer troligtvis konkurrensen öka bland revisionsbyråerna och klienterna får ett högre värde. Utifrån det här är det av intresse att ta reda på vad mindre aktiebolag har för preferenser vid val av revisor och hur revisionsbyråer kan tilltala och behålla klienter.Syfte: Syftet med studien är att få en bild av hur revisionsbyråer kan marknadsföra sig för att tilltala de mindre klienterna. För att kunna gör det kommer vi presentera resultatet av undersökningen om varför mindre aktiebolag väljer den revisor de gör. Vi kommer även undersöka hur mindre aktiebolag ser på en revisors arbetsuppgifter i framtiden.Avgränsningar: Studien riktar sig mot aktiebolag i Eskilstunaområdet med en omsättning på mellan 10-25 miljoner.Metod: Metoden som använts är en kvalitativ metod där fem personliga intervjuer har genomförts.Slutsatser: Det revisionsbyråer bör tänka på vid marknadsföring är att fokusera på en bra image och relation genom word of mouth.

Dold marknadsförings effektivitet i sociala media

In this paper the authors examine three questions: 1) Is stealth marketing messages posing as status updates on Facebook a more effective way of advertising than traditional web banners? 2) What impact has learning about stealth marketing practices in social media on consumer attitude and post purchase behaviour? And finally 3) Will different generations respond differently to these questions?Our findings show that stealth marketing in social media is not more effective than traditional web banners. Furthermore, the result indicates that when consumers find out about stealth marketing practices it will have a negative impact on future purchase intensions and brand image. Most consumers will also have strong feelings of being deceived, which could instigate harmful post purchase behaviour such as negative word-of-mouth and possibly, based on some earlier cases, boycotts.The result of our research shows that the brand perceptions and future purchase intentions of Generation Y, persons between 18 and 30 years of age, are affected in a less negative way than the brand perceptions and future purchase intentions of older generations when finding out about stealth marketing practices in social media. However Generation Y:s reaction is still negative and they do consider traditional web banners to be more credible than status updates on Facebook.

Kreativt tänkande, psykologiskt geografiskt avstånd och mätmetoder : - Ett experiment bland universitetsstudenter

The purpose of this thesis is to study how Malaysia Airlines communicated during the two largest crises of 2014. Key questions to be answered are: Did organizational hypocrisy occur? If yes, in what way? Which communication strategies were used? Did the company mediate an unequivocal message and how was the information framed? Did any aggravating factors, which worsened the organization?s reputation, appear? How did Malaysia Airlines manage possible rumours? Was the word contact used as a keyword? The method of choice is a quantitative content analysis and the material consists of 20 different analysis units. These analysis units were collected from social media and Malaysia Airlines website. The quantitative content analysis is based on the theory Situational Crisis Communication Theory, taken from PR, Strategy and Application, Managing Influence, by W.

Hur upplever barn sin vistelse i förskolan? : En studie om fem barns perspektiv på sin vistelse i förskolan

The purpose of this thesis is to study how Malaysia Airlines communicated during the two largest crises of 2014. Key questions to be answered are: Did organizational hypocrisy occur? If yes, in what way? Which communication strategies were used? Did the company mediate an unequivocal message and how was the information framed? Did any aggravating factors, which worsened the organization?s reputation, appear? How did Malaysia Airlines manage possible rumours? Was the word contact used as a keyword? The method of choice is a quantitative content analysis and the material consists of 20 different analysis units. These analysis units were collected from social media and Malaysia Airlines website. The quantitative content analysis is based on the theory Situational Crisis Communication Theory, taken from PR, Strategy and Application, Managing Influence, by W.

Kärleken dekonstruerad : En analys av Hjalmar Söderbergs Den allvarsamma leken

Den allvarsamma leken (1912) by Hjalmar Söderberg has been regarded as one of the greatest love novels of Swedish literature. The story about Arvid Stjärnblom and Lydia Stille and their extramarital love is marked by timeless universality.In this essay, I will examine this notion of love as a prediscursive value, by means pro¬vided by foremost poststructuralist theory. With Derrida?s conception of deconstruction, the analysis will reveal the constructedness of the true love in Söderbergs novel. Examinating typi¬cal logocentric binarisms the essay will show that the notion of true love is constituting a term in an oppositional relation with, in this specific case, the marriage sanctioned by society.

Informationskrigföring : den nya teknikens hot

The new information society has revolutionised almost the entire world. But the new technique does not only bring good. That which was before only available on paper may today only be available on a computer system. This makes it possible to send data electronically. In the wrong hands that information can become a threat against the security of an individual, a company or even a nation.

Arbetsmotivation och förändringsmotstånd.

The parrot is a common symbol, or even cliché, in Western literature, going all the way back fromancient Greece to the present date, and in many a genre. This study reads the oeuvre of the NobelPrize winner Samuel Beckett (1906-1989) as being closely related to these certain traditions andconnotations of for example religion, satire, and speaking nonsense, in his frequent use of parrotsand their symbolic potentials, in his writing. Furthermore, it is possible to distinguish a movementin Beckett?s use of parrots, from a more or less traditionally use, to one more philosophicallyprofound.Although the parrot graces us with its presence (or at least may be traced) in almost everywork written by Beckett, from the poem ?Whoroscope? (1930) to How It Is (1961), they are onlymentioned sparsely by his interpreters. Therefore, a brief history of the literary tradition of theparrot will be expounded.

Skada, vinst och samhällsflytt : En kvalitativ studie om hur LKAB porträtteras i Dagens Nyheter

The purpose of this paper is to examine how LKAB are portrayed in the newspaper Dagens Nyheter (DN). The methods that were used were: Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) combined with Critical Linguistic Analysis. These were used since they help to reveal the structures and unconscious meaning and power of word. It gives the tools to see how authority, power and meaning of words are constructed during social practice of the way they are used. To complement the method the theories that?s used are discourse analysis since CDA is both a method and a theory.

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