

851 Uppsatser om Word of mouse - Sida 31 av 57

En kartläggning av målvakters tränings- och matchmiljö inom Svensk elitfotboll

Purpose: The purposes of the current study were to investigate whether there were any differences in the perceptual ability between professional and non-professional ice-hockey players and whether professional players are better at distinguishing, paying attention to and concentrating on what is important during intense physical activity. Method: Twenty male ice-hockey players (10 from both the Swedish first and third divisions) participated in the study. Wingate test were used for physiological measurements while three psychological tests were presented in front of the participants. Stroop, Flanker and Fast counting tests were used to measure perceptual and coping abilities during intense physical activity and the differences between the two groups. Results: Fast counting and Flanker word 2 tests showed a significant difference between the two groups, whereby the professional groups was faster and more accurate than the non-professional group in answering.

Tonåringars upplevelse av att ha drabbats av cancer : en analys av bloggar

The aim of this study is to describe teenagers' experience of being diagnosed with cancer. A cancer diagnosis very dramaticaly changes the lives of a teenager and its relatives. Cancer is a loaded word that most people associate with death and the teenager and its relatives generally react with despair and anxiety towards. Adolescence is a very emotionally difficult period with many physical and psychological changes, and it is therefore particularly difficult to suffer from a serious illness like cancer during this period. The method used when conducting this study is qualitative content analysis of various blogs written by teenagers living with cancer and resulted in six categories.

Att sjunga och intonera i grupp. Om en metod med målet att få en sångensemble att förbättra sin intonation

The aim of this study is to examine the collection One Thousand and One Nights (also: The Arabian Nights) from a european perspective, by comparing different european translations. The study focuses on three translations into Swedish from different periods of time and how the tales have changed in the translation process - depending on the prevailing line of approach and Western perceptions of Eastern standards. The thesis of the study is that Eastern culture, from a Western perspective, has been seen as exotic and different but not as a high literary culture and that this view has affected the translations into european languages. The study shows, among other things, that Western culture is many times considered normative in the translations and that the translators often give their own voices a prominent role, also that common Western notions of the East affects the translations.The word ?orientalism? is used frequently in the study and it refers primarily to the image of the Orient as it is described in Edward Saids' book Orientalism: as a Western construction whose main purpose is to strengthen its own conception of the Orient and thereby strengthen the Western identity as better than the Orient.

Triage på akutmottagning : Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av nuvarande triagemodell

To sort, is the meaning of the word ?triage?. Triage is used at emergency departments to facilitate prioritization of patients according to the urgency of the chief complaint. The aim of this study was to investigate how the nurses experience the triage model at the emergency department at Uppsala university hospital.Twelve nurses were interviewed. The mean age was 40 years and the mean work experience was three years and four months.

Mobilmarknadsföring ur ett konsumentperspektiv : Hur effektiv är denna marknadsföringskanal?

Denna uppsats har till syfte att utifrån ett konsumentperspektiv undersöka vad som gör mobilmarknadsföring effektiv/ineffektiv som marknadsföringskanal. Författarna besvarar syftet genom att bygga vidare på tidigare forskning som identifierat specifika framgångsfaktorer angående mobilmarknadsföring. Vidare utförs detta genom en enkätundersökning som har till syfte att undersöka om konsumenten uppfattar att dagens sms och mms mobilmarknadsföring uppfyller dessa framgångsfaktorer. Resultatet visar på att den övervägande majoriteten av framgångsfaktorerna inte anses var uppfyllda på ett tillfredställande vis enligt konsumenten. Detta påverkar i sin tur konsumentattityden gentemot mobilmarknadsföring negativt.

Patienters upplevelser av sjuksköterskans bemötande på akutmottagningen : En litteraturstudie

Background:Studies show that when nurses are experiencing problems in the care of non-Swedish speaking patients, it is often due to obstacles in the communication. Studies also show that a prerequisite for adequate care is that there is a basis for a direct communication. Nurses perceive interpreters as an important link to the patient when they do not share a mutual language, the nurses perceive interpreters as a bridge in the conversation.Aim:The purpose of the study is to describe nurses' experiences of the quality of assessments done with the help of an interpreter.Method:The study was conducted through interviews with ten nurses, working at psychiatric clinics. Qualitative content analysis was used for the analysis, which resulted in five categories.Results:The analysis resulted in one theme: "it´s the interpreter who tells me and have not the feeling that the patient has" and five categories: "shades of the language", "conversation structure", "the interpreter's competence", "interpreting implementing" and "the interpreter's gender and origin". The nurses experience working with interpreters as a challenge.

Varumärkeskommunikation för marknadsledare : En studie av Red Bull's varumärkeskommunikationoch image

The purpose of this thesis is to through brand communication and Red Bull?simage examine how they position themselves as leaders on the Swedish energydrink market. We chose relevant theories within buzz marketing, word ofmouth, sampling and events. Our method of preference was quantitativequestionnaires which we spred through email to students at the LinneausUniversity and other social networks such as Facebook and blogs. Our empiricalstudy is based on our questionnaires and information about Red Bull.

Lexikal organistaion hos flerspråkiga barn - enligt den förkortade Kent-Rosanofflistan på svenska och arabiska

The aim of this study was to examine bilingual childrenslexical organization and to investigate weather bilingual children hadundergone the syntagmatic-paradigmatic shift in grade four. Thirtychildren from multi-ethnic areas were tested with Kent-Rosanoff wordassociation test in both Swedish and Arabic. The results showed thatmore than 40% of the children had undergone the shift in bothlanguages, 20 % had undergone the shift in only one of theirlanguages and almost 40% had not made the shift in any language. Acomparison with results from monolingual Swedish children in gradethree in a previous thesis, showed that the bilingual children in thisstudy did not reach the corresponding level of lexical organization.The study points to the necessity of including tests regarding lexicalorganization when assessing both mono- and bilingual children withsuspected language impairment. The study also underscores theimportance of supporting mother tongue development in bilingualchildren by for instance adequate mother tongue education.

Blatte - en etnicitet? Om ungdomars med utländsk bakgrund syn på sin etnicitet

Immigrants and children of immigrants are statistically lumped together into a category of "person with foreign background". Blatte is a degrading and violating word when directed at immigrants by Swedes. The aim of my essay was to test to what extent the Swedish term "blatte" could be qualified as an ethnicity in the sense that young people with foreign background born between 1981 and 1984 living in a neighborhood with a high population of people with foreign backgrounds have another ethnicity, besides the Swedish and the "home country ethnicity" to find themselves and their identity in.My method consisted of interviewing six people between the ages of 21 and 24 with different ethnic backgrounds living in a limited area of Malmö, Sweden´s third biggest city. I tested my hypothesis of these people having a third ethnicity to relate to against three schools and from two out of three schools defending my hypothesis, my result is that blatte can not fully be seen as an ethnicity but definitely shows tendencies of becoming one in the future..

Globalt mode på en lokal marknad : - En case study av H&M och hur de väljer att profilera sig i deras globala kampanj, Conscious Collection

The aim of this research is to develop a better understanding of how preschool-teachers respond to children in preschool, when they show that they want to have some influence. I have concentrated this study on how the preschool-teachers respond to the children in the gatherings and when the children are playing freely indoors, where the questions at issue are:How do the preschool-teachers respond to the children?s initiative for participation in the gathering and while playing freely?There have been four preschool-teachers and 14 children who have taken part in this study. The children who took part are in the ages of three to five. The study was done at a section in a preschool in middle Sweden.The method used in this study is unstructured observations.

Ideologi i amerikanska programprodukter : en receptionsanalys av programmet L-word baserad på kvalitativa intervjuer med elva respondenter

Informationsteknik (IT) är en marknad som förändras snabbt. Att investera i IT kan därför vara kritiskt. Att ha en strategi för hur satsningar på IT ska göras kan minska risken för felinvesteringar på IT men strategin kan även ge andra fördelar. Att ha en IT-strategi innebär dock inte automatiskt att den ger fördelar. IT-strategin bör även användas.

Bildens betydelse vid läsning : - En studie av barns läsförståelse och läsvanor i skolår 2.

 AbstractMy curiosity of students' use of images for reading led me to seek knowledge of the students view on the text illustrations in the literature and through interviews. This study is about how pupils in the school year 2 experience reading, especially with images. The purpose is to investigate the significance of illustrations in reading for students in school year 2. I also want to find out how students see themselves as readers and how the survey material believes that the students comprehend reading. Eight children, both girls and boys have participated in the interview.

Läsningens funktion på sjukhus. En kvalitativ studie av sjukhusbibliotekariers syn på barn- och ungdomspatienters läsning

The aim of this bachelor thesis is to find out how a number ofhospital librarians look at child and youth patients' reading and itspossible role in a mental and physical healing process. We alsoinvestigate the knowledge, strategies and thoughts the librarianshave on bibliotherapy.Qualitative interviews have been used and seven librarians, at twodifferent hospital libraries with children's and youth activities, wereinterviewed during November and December 2011. The analysis isbased on one theory; we use Sten Furhammar?s model whichincludes four different categories of reading.We can see, according to the librarians? answers, that the mostcommon function of the patients? reading can be explained throughtwo of Furhammar?s categories. Our respondents believe that thepatients mostly read to relax from heavy thoughts and situationswhich can be connected to the category impersonal experiencereading.

Hållbar utveckling-en studie av små- och medelstora företag i Sverige

Sustainability has become more interesting to several companies through the last years, the trend attracts lots of attention around sustainability. Sustainable development means different to different people. The most frequent definition that we have found and which we believes compare with our definition of sustainable development.?a social change which satisfies daily needs without endanger next generation?s possibilities to satisfy their needs?.We have in this project commence from the English word sustainability and establish our own apprehension of its meaning, in the Swedish translation we have chose to call it sustainable development.This study is a part of an extensive project which is going on around the world and the material of the empirical study is designed after the international variation.Our study on over fifty small and medium sized enterprises has got the conclusion about what they think of sustainable development. We have compiled their answers and then the answers have been divided in three main categories.These main categories are:? Environmental-? Social-? Economic sustainabilityWe have also described what kind of obstacles which can be considered as standstill?s in the work with sustainable development, we have been summery them in three main categories:? Time? Cost? KnowledgeWe have seen that enterprises mostly see it as an competitive advantage to work with the main categories which is included in sustainable development, but the three standstill?s makes it difficult fore them to reach right up to sustainable development..

Marknadsföringsverktyg : Ideella idrottsföreningar

Syftet med uppsatsen var att skapa en förståelse för vilka marknadsföringsverktyg ideella idrottsföreningar använde. Därefter stämma av med den befintliga teorin och om möjligt ge ett teoretiskt bidrag till marknadsföringsteorierna utifrån ideella idrottsföreningars synvinkel.Teorierna inom sportmarknadsföring anger i dagsläget att de vanligaste marknadsföringsverktygen är; direktmarknadsföring, annonsering, sponsring, personlig försäljning, sales promotion och public relations. I analysen framkom det att ideella idrottsföreningar till viss del använde alla de ovanstående marknadsföringsverktygen, men att det mest frekventa tillvägagångssättet vid marknadsföring var annonser i tryckt media. Det uppkom även att ideella idrottsföreningarna använde word?of-mouth (WOM) och sina egna hemsidor vid sin marknadsföring.

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