

1556 Uppsatser om Word book - Sida 38 av 104

Det tragiskas hemvist : En uppsats om relationen mellan plats och sanning i Heideggers tänkande

In the 1969 Le Thor seminar, Heidegger stated that his philosophical journey could be characterized by three different themes: meaning, truth, place. The first two of these have been the subject of countless studies and discussions, but the question of place is still relatively unexplored in Heidegger?s thought, despite the increased interest for this topic in his writings. Even though scholars like Jeff Malpas, Edward Casey, Stuart Elden and Miguel de Beistegui have written books and essays on the importance of the conception of place in Heidegger?s thinking, there are still many important aspects of this theme to be discussed, given the importance Heidegger himself ascribed to this topic.In this essay, I therefore wish to pose the question of how one can understand the relation between place and the role of tragedy in Heidegger?s conception of truth.

Sjuksköterskors upplevda stress och stresshantering. En empirisk studie.

The purpose of this empirical study was to investigate if stress exists among nurses, and if it exists how do they experience it and how do they cope whit it. The nurses also got to define the word stress. Karasek and Theorells demandcontrollmodell were used as a theoretical framework. The result of the study answers our research questions and gives us a good insight how the nurses experience stress and how they cope with it. The result shows that 56 of 60 nurses indicated that they experience medium to high level of stress a couple of days a week or more often and that it affects their work.

Att uppleva rum - ett utforskande projekt om rumslig gestaltning

This project in an in depth exploration about the basics of creating space in the form of an experimental investigation using my own perceptions as reference. Within a method, especially outlined for the project using descriptive words of opposites, my interpretation of the words has been formed into models of rooms. Four workshops with restrictions and rules acted as a platform for the striving towards the aim of a wider understanding of how space can be experienced. Through analysis I have formulated the different parameters influencing space itself and my perceptions of it. During the project a language for visualizing the interpretations of a room has been further evolved.

Kremeringar, deponeringar och laddade ben : En granskning av gravbegreppet i bronsålderns och äldre järnålderns arkeologi

It is a well known archaeological concern that the remains of human bones left from the bronze age and early iron age Scandinavia are not nearly enough to represent the estimated population of the time. Furthermore the bones of each find rarely represent a whole individual. The majority of the bones must have been disposed of somewhere else, possibly scattered in running waters or in the fields, where they have evaporated or are securely hidden from archaeological excavations.This thesis deals with the grave concept and the problem in using a word that is so very clouded by its modern, western meaning. It also offers an alternative explanation to why the bones are handled the way they are and why they are found in such awkward contexts..

Säkerhetsbrytare för Gräsklippare

This thesis describes teh solution of two problems regarding safety on powered lawnmowers; protectning the users from injury when using the lawnmower in slopes, and when cleaning the cutting blade.The task was carried out through initial studies on a representative lawnmower. A generation of ideas followed with an evaluation to select the best solution. The winning concept was further developed to reach acceptable performance. The word resulted in a functioning prototype utilising an original way of detecting inclinations without incorrect signals. It c an serve as a platform for further development into a product.The work gives insightful experience of solving real-world problems, and especially to deal with situations where several variables and their effects are unknownPlease note that several parts of the work are confidential, and have therefore been removed from the thesis..

Berättelsen om Ann : etik i Stig Larssons roman Nyår

The aim of this study is to examine if Kenneth, a character in the novel Nyår by Stig Larsson, takes his ethical responsibility for one of the characters that appears in one section of the book, Ann. Nyår has often been related to morality. This study shows that Levinas philosophy of ethics is a supplement to the discussion of morality. According to Levinas, a person that acts in a non-moral way still can act in a righteous ethical way. With this starting point, it is possible to be close to the text and to bring out new perspectives on the novel.

Filmkatalogisering: en behovs- och regelanalys

The aim of this thesis is to examine the characteristics of film cataloguing, and to compare general as in library use and specific as in archival use cataloguing rules. Most rules, both in archives and libraries, use the book as a point of reference. This is somewhat unfortunate on account of the great difference between books and films. The method used is studies of literature and qualitative interviews with three persons whose professional duties include cataloguing of films. The sets of rules which are studied are Katalogiseringsregler för svenska bibliotek KRS and The FIAF Cataloguing Rules for Film Archives.

Skapandet av en snackis : En studie av marknadsförares väg för att nå ut i reklambruset

Today there is something called clutter. Marketers are trying to communicate so many messages to consumers that it makes it difficult for consumers to take in the different market messages that exist.In this paper the authors study how marketers can reach out with a message in today's clutter. They are doing a case study of a marketing campaign which tried to solve the communication problems that clutter is causing. The goal of this campaign was to create a snackis, a Swedish word for a current topic, to reach out with their message. The campaign attracted attention from the media.

Nya toner inom styckena : Medietransformation i Kazuo Ishiguros Nocturnes

AbstractMany pupils struggleto read. Teachers must therefore know how to motivate these pupils. In this qualitative study the aim is to investigate what some teachers do to motivate pupils to read. Data were collected through interviews with four teachers from two schools. The teachers said that the choice of book was extremely important for making pupils interested in reading, and that reading aloud and cooperation with parents and libraries are of great importance.

Den uppsökande verksamheten vid Partille folkbibliotek

The aim of this essay is to give a picture of the extension work at Partille Public Library, asit is today, as well as to investigate if there is a need to reconsider the way of working at thelibrary.Qualitative interviews have been made with the extensive librarians and certain local governmentpoliticians, borrowers and personnel at hospitals as well as other institutions.The extension work at Partille Public Library corresponds quite well to the intentions whichare stated for the work in certain important investigations made by the Government. Theborrowers and the personnel are quite satisfied with the work and are only pointing out a fewviews on changes. The politicians mean that the aim of the extension work of the library ison one hand to give service to certain more or less neglected groups and on the other handto reach new book readers..

Skapandet av lojalitet : - en utvärdering av marknadsföringsstrategier

Titel: Skapandet av lojalitet - en utvärdering av marknadsföringsstrategier.Författare: Emma Hautanen & Eve-Marie RoweHandledare: Lars VigerlandÄmne: MarknadsföringDokumenttyp: Kandidatuppsats 10p.Publiceringsår: VT-2007Nyckelord: Lojalitet, Word-of-mouth, Involvement theory, Marketing mix, Medicintekniskverksamhet, Medicintekniska avdelningen analys på Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset.Syfte: Syftet är att utvärdera om MTA-analys marknadsföringsstrategier skapar lojalakunder?Metod: I studien har författarna genomfört både en kvantitativ och en kvalitativundersökning. Författarna har använt sig av abduktion i studien. Den kvantitativaundersökningen bestod av prestrukturerade svarsalternativ som utarbetas utifrån redanbefintliga teorier för att på så sätt kunna koppla samman empirin och teorin kring studien.Således har studien gjorts enligt en abduktiv ansats. Undersökningen utfördes genom attenkäter skickades ut till MTA-A?s kunder, både avdelningar på sjukhuset och utomståendekunder.

Att berätta med musik

Denna uppsats handlar om komponerandet av musik till musikdramatik, främst opera. Jag beskriver ett antal kompositionstekniker som kan användas för att gestalta olika känslor och stämningar i dramats handling. De tekniker som jag har valt att presentera är sådana som jag själv använt i komponerandet av den kammaropera som jag har arbetat med i samband med detta C-arbete. I avsnitten om kompositionsteknikerna ger jag en kortare redogörelse över varje kompositionstekniks historia och ger exempel ur min egen kammaropera. Avslutningsvis diskuterar jag konstnärlig frihet i relation till kompositionstekniker och den musikaliska uttolkningen av olika aspekter i dramat, samt blandningen av olika musikstilar och kompositionstekniker i kammaroperan..

Fenomenet Ullared - att köpa för att spara

Syfte:På empiriska och teoretiska grunder vill vi förstå vad det är som bidrar till att lågprisvaruhuset Ge-Kås dragningskraft. Metod:Vi har genomfört en fallstudie om varuhuset Ge-Kås i Ullared. För att uppnå uppsatsens syfte har vi använt oss observationer av varuhusets kunder och intervjuer av bussresenärer. Den framtagna empirin har sedan jämförts med relevant teori. Teorin har hämtats ur böcker och artiklar inom ämnet.

Event som Marknadskommunikation - Din Guide till Eventgalaxen: En kvantitativ studie som testar hur ansträngningsgrad påverkar uppkomsten av kommunikationseffekter

Event marketing's ability to create strong communication effects is a well-known fact and a contributing factor to its popularity in the world of marketing today. But while we know that it is the interaction between consumers and the brand within the scope of live marketing that gives rise to loyalty and purchase intention, we have no knowledge in how the company's efforts affect the outcome. As the investments in event marketing are growing at a comparatively high pace, it is urgent to obtain a deeper understanding and a sense of direction of the elements infuencing its success.In this study we investigate in what way and to what extent the amount of effort that a company puts into the making of an event is used as a signal of manufactor credibility, ability (i.e., expertise) and consumer care. And in what way and to what extent the perceived effort influence purchase intent, attitude and word-of-mouth. We also analyze marketing events in terms of the theory of equitable exchange and "desperation", a subject matter thus far only touched upon.As we identify two different types of events on the market today, we include both in our study: the in-store promotion related event and the party event, which is held in an external venue.

"Masada ska aldrig falla igen!" : En studie om Masada som en israelisk nationalmyt under 1900-talet

??Masada shall never fall again!? A study about Masada as an Israeli national myth during the 20th century? by Sara Tibblin. This essay is about the Israeli national myth of Masada, a cliff in the Negev desert that was the setting of a collective suicide in 73 AD, at the end of the Jewish uprising against the Romans. This story has later been rediscovered and has during the 20th century become a national myth in Israel. This essay will examine how the national myth of Masada has been used in different contexts in Israel during the 20th century and which part it has played when it comes to the national identity of Israel. My findings have afterwards been explained with help of Eriksens theory regarding national myths from the book Historia, myth och identitet (History, myth and identity) (1996).   .

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