

697 Uppsatser om Wood density - Sida 14 av 47

Vattensork och åkersork - skadegörare i svensk fruktodling

There are two species of voles that cause damage in Swedish fruit production: the water vole (Arvicola terrestris) and the field vole (Microtus agrestis). Both species make the most damage during the winter season. The water vole makes subterranean burrows and cause serious damage by gnawing on the tree roots. The field vole seldom makes burrows and gnaws the bark at the base of the tree trunk. In recent years there have been several reports about increasing vole damage.

Användning av satellitdata för lokalisering av skogsområden där lövröjning bedöms angelägen : en analys av användbarheten med fjärranalys som hjälpmedel till röjningsrådgivning

This master thesis project is a part of a project called ?Järboprojektet? at the regional board of forestry, the district of Gästrikland. The project will give answers to questions regarding if an analysis of satellite images can be used to contact and inform landowners of the located areas where precommercial thinning is useful. The whole project is a part of the National Board of Forestrys IT-stake where the analysis of satellite images will, at the latitudes possible, be adapted to each district in purpose to identify these areas in need of precommercial thinning. This master thesis project is based on a field inventory of identified objects where precommercial thinning is useful.

Alternativ till fiskbaserat foder till karnivora fiskar

If one looks at physical planning in Sweden today one can see that while talking about densification of existing development, reduced emissions and careful use of important land, urban sprawl is a fact with development of sheer residential districts in the urban edges and shopping malls in each and every municipality. As sustainable development is an essential goal for physical planning to strive towards, it is worth questioning if the direction of today?s planning will lead to the goal. A sustainable development can be seen as an obvious to goal aim at. In reality the aim means a hard and complex work.

Produktivitet vid stubblyftning :

Stump wood was used between 1850 and 1950 for production of tar and as firewood. In the 1950s the use decreased because of the introduction of the cheap fossil oil. In the 1970s stump wood became an interesting issue again as a raw material for the pulp industry. Stump lifting has today become a possible source for bioenergy. The objectives with this study were to investigate the productivity of stump lifting and stump extraction, and to analyse the economy.

Lipoprint® System : Nytt analysinstrument för lipider och deras subklasser för förebyggande av hjärt- och kärlsjukdom

Lipider är en viktig energikälla och olösliga i vatten. De transporteras med hjälp av lipoproteiner ut till kroppens celler. Exempel på lipoproteiner är low density lipoproteins (LDL) och high density lipoproteins (HDL). LDL och HDL kan delas in i sju respektive tio subklasser beroende på storlek. Det har visat sig att en stor andel små LDL-partiklar i blodet ökar risken för hjärt- och kärlsjukdom.

Betydelse av lövinslag, död ved och variation i träddiameter för artrikedomen hos småfåglar

Forest management contributes to the changes in forest structure by turning heterogenous forests of varied age into homogenous forests of similar age and thus affect bird species depending on different structures or habitats which are lost during forestry. In this report, a study was made to investigate how the amount of decidious trees, dead wood and variation in tree diameter affect bird diversity. The purpose of this study was to be able to give forest management guidelines to increase bird diversity. This study was conducted by investigating 65 transects in forests of different structure south of Linköping, Sweden. Along the 65 transects, birds were inventoried as well as the vegetation.

Grödans kontra odlingssystemets effekt på frilevande nematoder

Nematodes are perhaps the most common animals in the world. Nematode populations can reach densities up to several millions per square meter in the soil. There are many factors which affect nematode communities in arable soil with respect to diversity and population size. Factors like tillage, crop, fertilization, nutrient status and moisture in the soil all have an impact on soil biology and in this way also have effects on the nematode community. This study is based on three different parts, soil samples taken in March 2012 and March 2013, soil samples taken monthly during the growth season of 2013 in bare fallow plots and a pot experiment.

Fire impact in the wood quality and a fertilization experiment in Eucalyptus plantations in Guangxi, southern China

Chinas government has a multifunctional program for a more sustainable forestry since 2000. This six key forest programs goal is to develop a more sustainable forest sector but also take environment consideration. The state forest administration in China has decided to create 5.8 million hectare of fast growing and high yield forest. Eucalyptus has showed to have good properties for pulp and timber production and therefore Eucalyptus plantations are under development in costal areas in southern China. By adding extra nutrients, growth can be enhanced in Eucalyptus plantations.

Miljödifferentierad fastighetsskatt

It is essential to reuse- and recycles residues to decrease the amount of deposit materials and reach sustainable energy use. Two ways to work towards this is to recycle wood ashes to the forest as nutrient compensation and extract biogas from combustion of biomass.The aim with this study was to decide whether wood ashes that been used for biogas upgrading with accelerated carbonation also can be used as a nutrient compensation in the woods according to recommendations from the Swedish Forest Agency (Skogsstyrelsen).The ashes that were used in this study came from Johan Andersson who works at JTI in Uppsala, who also treated the ashes with biogas. The ashes have, in both untreated and treated condition, been analyzed in this study according to contents of elements, leaching properties, hardening properties and contents of crystalline phases, to evaluate what impact carbonation with biogas has on the ashes.The accelerated carbonation led to hardening of the ash, and decreased amount of CaO- and increased amount of CaCO3. The CO2-uptake also entails a dilution of the elements, and the content of nutrients and trace elements decreases. However the results show an indication of an uptake of S from the biogas to the ash, since the dilution had a smaller impact on S than the rest of the elements.

Enumerating Atlantic salmon smolt production in River Vindelälven based on habitat availability and parr densities : consequences of using different density estimation methods

Habitat mapping was conducted in the main stem of River Vindelälven in the autumn of 2009 along the salmon distribution area. The aim was to estimate the quantity of potential reproduction areas, including spawning and juvenile rearing habitats. The mapping included 61 km of various stream sections along the river length of 269 km. The total area of stream habitats was estimated to 647 ha of which 396 ha (61%) were considered as either potential or optimal juvenile nursery habitats. The area of these two habitat classes were used to estimate the smolt production in the river by using electro fishing densities of juveniles (0+ per 100 m2).

Tillväxtreaktion hos skärmträd i högskärm av gran i Medelpad :

Different methods for shelterwood cutting have been used in differ-ent parts of Europe since the middle ages. The use of shelter wood cutting in Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) forests in Sweden met a revival in the early 1990s as an alternative for the dominating clear-cutting system when silvicultural costs increased dramatically for the latter. Shelterwood cutting systems involve some possible problems but also a lot of positive effects. Among the problems are increased risk of wind throw and damage of the remaining shelter trees caused by the cutting operation. Positive effects are for example a valuable growth in the remaining trees and increased biological di-versity. This study is based on a total of 79 trees from 4 different treatments in a spruce shelterwood, cut in 1994, in the middle of Sweden (62,4º N).

Analys av interna transporter och buffertlager vid Vest-Wood Sverige AB

Denna rapport är resultatet av en analys som gjorts vid Vest-Woods fabrik i Forserum under våren 2007 i syfte att reducera interna transporter. Vest-Wood AB i Forserum tillverkar dörrar för den svenska marknaden men förser också en annan fabrik (SdrFelding i Danmark) i samma koncern med dörrstommar. Materialhantering för att förse Sdr Felding fabriken med dörrstommar medför i dagsläget mycket interna transporter i Forserumsfabriken. För att klara ojämn efterfrågan från Sdr Felding fabriken samt för att kunna jämna ut sin egen produktion har Forserumsfabriken valtatt lagerföra de tolv artiklar som beställs mest frekvent från Sdr Felding fabriken. Buffertlagret vid Forserumsfabriken där artiklarna lagerförs är placerat ca 200 m från produktionen vilket medför mycket intern transport för hantering av dessa.

Hållbar utveckling i svensk planeringspraktik : en diskussion kring förtätning och andra ambitioner

If one looks at physical planning in Sweden today one can see that while talking about densification of existing development, reduced emissions and careful use of important land, urban sprawl is a fact with development of sheer residential districts in the urban edges and shopping malls in each and every municipality. As sustainable development is an essential goal for physical planning to strive towards, it is worth questioning if the direction of today?s planning will lead to the goal. A sustainable development can be seen as an obvious to goal aim at. In reality the aim means a hard and complex work.

Effekt på mark och gröda av olika bearbetningssystem, med och utan CTF

Swedish agriculture has gone through big changes in the latest 60 years. The farm sizes have increased, which has led to raised tractor and machinery sizes and therefore increasing problems with soil compaction. A method to reduce these problems is to implement controlled traffic farming, CTF. All field operations are then concentrated to specific tracks by using GPS guidance. The aim of this work was to study how the tillage regime, with or without CTF, affects the soil, with the main focus on macroporosity. In Säby close to Uppsala, and Alnarp close to Malmö, randomized block trials has been carried out, and the data has mainly been taken from these trials.


AbstractDegree thesis Solid content in Lime Mud By Andre Flodin Process operator program ? Umeå University 17/6 ? 2014 Pages: 21A thesis was made on Billerudkorsnäs production unit in Karlsborg where lime kiln in the causticising department of chemical recovery plant does not meet the required production. Causticising department is the final step in the chemical recycling unit. There, the filtered green liquor is mixed with lime to recover the cooking chemicals used in the pulp factory. The cooking liquid is called white liquor.

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