

6705 Uppsatser om Women in media - Sida 9 av 447

ELLE & CAFÉ : ? en studie av modemagasins omslag

ABSTRACTTitle: Elle & Café ? a study of fashion magazines cover pages.Number of pages: 38Author: Greta SimonssonTutor: Amelie HössjerCourse: Media and Communication Studies DPeriod: Spring Semester 2008University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityAim: The purpose of this essay is to:? Analyze the cover images from the 2007 editions of the magazines Elles and Café, using semiotic analysis.? Analyzes eventual resemblances or differences between the two magazine's cover images based upon the result of the semiotic analysis.Material and methods: The study of Elles's and Café's cover pages has been done using a model built upon semiotic analysis, developed with the purpose of suiting observation and examination of cover pages of fashion magazines. The cover pages were analyzed from the categories character, context, and environment.Main results: The main results include the observation that both Elles and Café chooses well-known figures from women's fashion industry as prime characters on their covers. In Elles, all main characters are famous women emerging from the music, television and fashion industries. The women in Café are known for similar professions.

Ikeas retuscherade kvinnor : En kvalitativ studie av Ikeas val att retuschera kvinnor i den Saudiska Ikea-katalogen

On the first of October 2012 the media reported that the women in the Ikea cataloguehad been airbrushed in the Saudi edition. Initially the blame was put on either theSaudi government the Islamic culture or the Saudi franchise. In the end it wasrevealed that the Swedish company Inter Ikea Systems had the full responsibility forIkeas actions and therefore was the culprit behind the airbrushing. On whoseinitiative or why the airbrushing was done the media never found out. These areanswers only Ikea has, although they remain unresponsive to these questionsthroughout the news portrayal.This study methodology uses a qualitative content analysis as framework to furtherinvestigate the news media with support of theoretical perspectives such as mediatheory, power relations and cultural differences.

En enfärgad regnbåge : Hur den homosexuella normen formas i HBT-magasinet QX

The HBTQ-society is not a homogeneous group; it contains a range of different sub-groups. QX is Sweden?s biggest magazine aimed at members of the HBTQ-society. The purpose of this study is to analyze if the magazine is more directed towards gay men or women ? both by examining how many men versus women appear in QX, but also by looking at the different ways in which the articles are more relevant to either men or women, such as by tone, language or choice of subjects.In this study, we have analyzed twelve issues of QX, from January 2012 to December 2012, in order to get the most current results as possible.

Kvinnors upplevelse av planerad hemförlossning i Skandinavien : Women´s experience of planned home birth in the Scandinavian countries

Background: In Sweden and Norway planned home birth is not included in the health care system. In Denmark women with expected low risk birth have the right to choose home birth. Registrations of home births in the Nordic countries are not completed and women?s experiences of planned home birth in Scandinavian context are not earlier described.Objective: The aim of this study was to describe women?s experiences of planned home birth in the Scandinavian countries.Design: Inductive content analysis. Fifty-three Scandinavian women who have experienced planned home birth have replied an open question in a questionnaire.

"Alla kan utom jag" : - Hur utanförskap och stigmatisering skapas och tar sig uttryck hos ofrivilligt barnlösa kvinnor

This paper is grounded in the previous research that indicated that involuntary childless women feels stigmatized and outside society. The purpose of this paper was to find out how the feeling of being an outsider and a stigmatized person is created and takes form in the category involuntary childless women. I asked the questions; -In what parts of the interviewed women?s answers indicates that they are outsiders and stigmatized? ?Who is creating the stigma and the outsiderness and how is it created? I answered these questions by interviewing six women in the ages of 28-40, who all had undergone In vitro fertilization-treatment and lived in heterosexual relationships. I used Erving Goffmans theory about stigma and Howard Beckers theory about outsiders to analyse the empiric data.

Kritisk mediekompetens i praktiken : En kvalitativ studie av åtta medielärares ämneskonstruktion utifrån begreppen protect, promote och empower

This paper describes how teachers of media view and construct their subjects. Eight teachers have been interviewed about their views and opinions about the media environment, their goals for media education as well as their opinions about the different course plans used in media education. The term Media Literacy works as a theoretical starting point for the study, since Media Literacy is the goal for most media education. The teachers? answers have been analyzed by using three different approaches to media education: protection, promotion and empowerment.

Kropp och själ bakom stängda dörrar : En kvalitativ studie om fysisk aktivitet hos kvinnor i skyddat boende

AimsThe aim of this study was to conclude whether women living and staff working in a women´s shelter feel experience a need of physical activity in the shelter and also what thoughts women living and staff working in the shelter have regarding possible access to physical activity. Following questions were adressed: Does women living and staff working in the shelter experience that there is a need of physical activity in the shelter? What does women living, and staff working, in the shelter think about the physical activity conducted in the shelter? Why does the women living in the shelter choose to participate in the physical activity? Are there any connections between symptoms which battered women can suffer from and symptoms which scientific studies say can be reduced by physical activity?MethodsThe study is based on five interviews in order to understand and illustrate how women living in a shelter relate to physical activity. The answers from the interviews has been correlated to scientific results and other literature in the area. Literature studies have also derived background information as well as a deeper knowledge regarding in what way violence against women affect the abused woman.ResultsThe results show a need for physical activity at the women?s shelter where this study was conducted.

?Mode är på modet? : - en kvalitativ studie av fenomenet modebloggar -

AbstractTitle: ?Fashion be in fashion? ? a qualitative study of the phenomen fashion blogs (?Mode är på modet? ? en kvalitativ studie av fenomenet modebloggar)Number of Pages: 46 (54 including enclosures)Author: Maria RydströmTutor: Else NygrenCourse: Media and communication studies DPeriod: Spring semester 2007University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science,Uppsala universityAim: Contribute to the understanding of a yet unexplored domain, fashion blogs. And contribute to a discussion of the roll of fashion blogs in the swedish fashionindustry.Method: Qualitive textual analysis of three fashion blogs and interviews with the authors to the three fashion blogs. Completed with six interviews with experts from the fashionindustry and the blogworld.Main results: The authors behind the fashion blogs are young women living in big cities.They write about fashionnews, runway trends, fashion items and style outfits worn by them selves. Fashion blogs provide a new way to follow trends and spread them to the society.

Omvårdnad av misshandlade kvinnor ur ett sjuksköterskeperspektiv

Intimate partner violence against women has gone from a concealed family affair to a public issue. The health care services are often those who first come in contact with abused women, despite this many women are not identified as victims of domestic violence. The purpose of this study was to describe nursing care of abused women and factors influencing the care. The study was conducted as a literature review where 18 articles were analyzed. The result showed the importance of the nurses? role in screening for abused women.

Man packar ihop sin väska och där står hon och har lämnat ut hela sitt liv : En studie av professionella aktörers syn på våldsutsatta kvinnors upplevelser av rättsprocessen och deras möjligheter till samhälleligt stöd

The study aims to illustrate how women victims of male violence in intimate relationships are treated during the legal process and with professional perspective describe what women?s experiences considered to be in the legal process. The study also aims to draw attention to the interventions for abused women during the legal process.The results are based on interviews with professionals in the justice system, and on observations in the courtroom. Overall our results show that abused women are in need of a great quantity of help and support before, during and after the negotiation. The legal process is very stressful for the women.

Det dolda arbetet för utsatta kvinnor : De professionellas upplevelser av arbete med utsatta kvinnor

Assignments and organizations working with exposed women are more and more common in the Swedish society. Both authorities and nonprofit organizations are working actively to strengthen women?s position in the labor market through incentives and other measures. The study shows that the work with exposed women takes place in cooperation between the parties involved. The purpose of this qualitative study was to look into how the professionals were working with exposed women, in different types of organizations.

Vårdpersonals attityder gentemot misshandlade kvinnor : en litteraturstudie

The aim of this study was to describe the attitudes against abused women. A literature review was used in this study. Information was collected from the literature and articles written about the subject and brought together and then critical analysed. To help with the organisation structure we used Ida Jean Orlando's theory as a theoretical framework. Our findings indicate that the nurses had a lack of acknowledgment about the women's situations and needed education about their situations.

Skriftspråksskillnader? : En jämförande studie av flickor och pojkars skriftspråk på gymnasienivå

Our society has faced monumental changes and therefore our working life has changed as well. We are now in the twentieth first century and still our labor market is gender-segregated. Today networking is an important part of working life and one cannot emphasize enough the importance of having good connections in your network. Networking is now seen as an important tool when it comes to your career. In the past networking has been the men?s arena and it has almost been seen as a male institution.

Studie om sociala mediers inflytande : Skillnaden pa? killar och tjejers motivation till fysisk aktivitet och ha?lsosamma matvanor samt deras sja?lvka?nsla genom exponering och uppladdning av bilder

To log on to social media has become an obvious part of people's everyday routine. Pictures, videos, opinions, and thoughts are posted and read by people's social networks worldwide. In doing so, the present study chose to examine whether what is posted on social media, as well as what the individuals are exposed to on social media can be related to their motivation and self-esteem. By letting 117 adolescents aged 16-19 answer a questionnaire regarding which social media they are active on, how often they are active there, and what they post on those social medias. By also letting them evaluate how they see themselves, if they compare themselves with others and how motivated they are to physical activity and healthy eating habits, we could see that to those who post pictures, and are exposed to images represent exercise / health on social media have higher self-esteem and driven more by internal motivation to engage physical activity than those who do not.

To be or not to be : en kritisk studie av vår teaterkanon,och dess eventuella påverkan bland kvinnliga dramatiker idag

Our theatre tradition has a long history where men have written most of the plays. If we want that the theatre should be a place, which should be built as much around womens experience as mens experiences, how can we relate to the canon? This is a study based on questions around our theatre tradition. Three women dramatists have been asked questions like: What do you think about the classics? About the women roles? Do the classics inspire you, in your writing? Is there a difference in being a female dramatist than being a male dramatist? Femi-nist theatre- theories have been used to guide us through the canon.

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