

6705 Uppsatser om Women in media - Sida 13 av 447

Folkhemmet och jämställdheten. En textstudie av hur det socialdemokratiska kvinnoförbundet driver kvinnointressen inom det socialdemokratiska arbetarpartiet (SAP)

This thesis aims to investigate how the interests of women are handled in political parties whose opinion programs are based on class interests. The essay constructs a theoretical framework, which shows that the descriptive representation of women is a prerequisite for their subjective interests being represented, however not a guarantee.By studying how the Social Democratic party deals with the demands from the Women's federation, the empirical material sheds light on the theoretical discussion. The study's methodological foundation consists of an ideology critical textual analysis, which focuses on the debate on the design of parental allowance that took place within the party during 2005. During the party's congress the women's federation advocated a proposition for increased individualization of the parental allowance, however the party did not accept it. The analysis confirms the theoretical argumentation that descriptive representation is not a guarantee for the representation of women's interests.

Unga kvinnors upplevelser av abort

Background: How a young woman approaches an abortion and how she handles its emotional impact is influenced by many factors. Mixed emotions about terminating a pregnancy are common to women of all backgrounds and circumstances. Aim: To illuminate young women´s experiences of abortions. Method: The study wasbased on literature from online databases and printed materials and involved the analysis of ten articles and one thesis. Result: Women contemplating abortion experience mixed emotions before, during, and after an abortion.

Kvinnliga romers upplevelser av vårdpersonals bemötande inom svensk hälso- och sjukvård : En kvalitativ intervjustudie

Aim: The aim of this study is to examine roma women´s experiences of health professionals? attitudes towards them in Swedish health care. Method: Exploratory qualitative study with individual interviews was used. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight women of Roma origin. Data were analyzed using a qualitative content analysis.

Under Kafferasten : En studie av genus på ett kontor på försäkringskassan

Abstract The main purpose off this essay is to understand what different ways women and men use to communicate and make themselves acknowledged by their co-workers.  This is done by interviews with people at an ordinary office and trough observations at the workplace. A qualitative method was entrenched and seven respondents, four women and three men, age 43-55 was interviewed. The theoretical frame contains theories from Goffman?s dramaturgic perspective such as roles, facade etc.  The theories concerning gender come from Hirdman?s different analyses on how the relations between men and women take form. The data collected shows that men and women use their body language, voice and accessories in different ways to make themselves acknowledge at the office.

Sociala medier i Kina : En studie om användningen av sociala medier i en diktatur

The current research examined whether motives, traditional mass media consumption and individual differences (social activity and political interest) predicted the use of social media among a group of university students in China. In coherence with Uses and Gratifications assumptions the study found that the factors differentially predicted the extent of media use. Information seeking, social interaction and affinity were the main reasons for using social media. There was a negative correlation between television viewing and use of social media, in addition to a negative correlation between information seeking and use of the media. Results further suggest that social media are used to enhance social capital, since student?s being socially active offline, tend to use the media to a greater extent than those less active..

Kvinnors upplevelser av smärta och blödning samt möjlighet att upptäcka fostret i samband med hemabort : En enkätstudie vid två kliniker i Sverige

The purpose of this study was to investigate women's experiences of pain, bleeding,to discover the fetus, hospitalization associated with medical abortion at home and toexplore differences in experiences between different groups of women, as age orprevious childbirth. The study was conducted at two gynecological clinics in Uppsalaand in Stockholm. A questionnaire was distributed and analyzed using a quantitativeanalysis method. The response rate was 30 %. Most women were satisfied with thepain relief given to them from the hospital.

?Det är svårt att hinna med allt?- : en studie av synen på ett vidgat textbegrepp i samband med skönlitteraturundervisningen

The purpose of this study was to examine the usage and occurrence of media literacy in relation to literature studies in the senior level of the nine-year compulsory school. The questions at issue were;How do teachers and students look upon media literacy and how is this attitude reflected in their education?How do teachers incorporate media literacy with literature studies?What attitudes do students have towards their teachers? education of media literacy and literature studies?The study took place in two cities in Sweden. It consists of eighteen qualitative interviews with six teachers and twelve students. The study shows that teachers have different attitudes towards media education in relation to literature studies.

Mars och Venus i cyberspace ? genusmönster i bloggen

The purpose of this thesis is to find out if people have changed the way in which they write since the introduction of the internet. Men and women have been writing books, articles, letters, diaries and different types of literature for centuries. To give the reader some background about the weblog as a literary media, this thesis has a whole chapter on half-public literature that includes the history of letters and diaries. The weblog is a unique way for anyone to be whoever they want, whether it be a man or woman, old or young. The reader has no possible way of knowing if the script is true or not.

Superhjälte eller hjälplöst offer? Vem är vem? : En genusstudie av kvällspressens offerkonstruktioner efter skjutningen på Utöya.

On July 22nd 2011, there was a terrorist attack in Norway. First a bomb exploded in the Parliament House, in Oslo; and shortly after that a man shot 69 politically active young people at a camp on the island Utöya. Throughout the weeks to follow, we could read about the victims' stories. They told of tears, fear and heroism. But who got to tell what? The purpose of this study was to see how the Swedish tabloids described the victims from a gender perspective.

Självskadande kvinnors upplevelse av bemötande i vården

The purpose of the study was to describe how women with deliberate self-harm behaviour experience they have been treated when conducting health care. The study has a qualitative and descriptive approach and data was collected with snowball sampling. Data was analysed with content analysis and ended up in three theme ?Feeling of violation of integrity and autonomy?, ?health care staff don´t have the courage to step in and take responsibility? and ? Personal confirmation and validation of feelings?. The results showed that many women with deliberate self-harm behavior feel that they have been badly treated when they conducting health care.

"Våld som våld... skulle jag tro": Kvinnojourers förhållningssätt till våld i samkönade relationer mellan kvinnor

The purpose of this thesis was to examine women's shelter representatives' views on domestic violence in same-sex relationships between women. The questions we posed were how women's shelter representatives relate to same-sex domestic violence, both from a theoretical and practical perspective, as well as if they are, or feel they should be, inclusive of women who are victims of same-sex domestic violence.We conducted a qualitative study, in which we interviewed eight women's shelter representatives. We then compared and linked our findings with previous research, including studies on the occurrence of same-sex violence, and ideas of similarity and differences between men's violence against women and same-sex domestic violence. We also linked our findings to theories on heteronormativity and structural theories surrounding same-sex domestic violence.We found that the competence and knowledge of women's shelter representatives varies greatly from individual to individual. Heteronormativity permeates the organisations to a great extent, from exclusive marketing and initial reception to a lack of interest regarding these issues.

Socialisationen av kvinnlig sexualitet på behandlingshem för unga kvinnor : ett symbolisk interaktionistiskt perspektiv

Using a symbolic interactionistic analytical approach, this essay aims to study the socialisation of young women?s sexuality in treatment institutions for young women. Through qualitative interviews with staff members at said institutions, concerning their views on young female sexuality, and how they discuss sexuality with the young women in the institutions, my aim was to identify the socialisation of young women?s sexuality. I have also investigated how the staff experiences their own sex as an important factor in conversations about sexuality with young women, as well as the possible effect sexually mixed or sexually segregated institutions exert upon conversations about sexuality.

Ett vittert fruntimmer. En studie av boktryckaränkor och speciellt fru Fougt

The purpose of this Masters thesis was to examine women printers conditions in Sweden from 1483 to 1883. Women printers usually inherited their printing businesses from their husbands. We wanted to examine the circumstances surrounding women printers, how they managed to keep their companies and for how long. Of these 108 women we also wanted to focus on one in particular, Mrs Fougt. Mrs Fougts ownership of Kongl.

The Sims : En studie om skapandet av karaktärer ur ett genusperspektiv

Todays gaming habits between women and men depends on the age range. Both sexes are playing but how do they create a character when they have free hands? Are there any differences from a gender perspective? The main purpose is to answer the question: How does women and men create characters in the computergame The Sims? By looking at the result of four women and four mens created character and then interviewing them for profound information, we have received data to answer those questions for our study. Data has shown that the men were less personal when they created a character, used more imagination and took less time to create the character. The majority of the women created themselfs or part of themselfs and took more time on details..

Kvinnors rättigheter och icke-statliga Organisationer, a perfect match?

Since the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) was adopted in 1979 there has been evident progress in the area of women's rights in great parts of the world, although this progress is still foremost concentrated to the Westernhemisphere. In Argentina, the work with gender equality and women's rights set of strongly during the last decade. The country has ratified the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishmentand Eradication of Violence against Women "Convention of Belem Do Para" but still women and girls are victims of structural discrimination and serious impunity of their rights on a daily basis.The current situation proves that the positive changes within the context of international and national law do not necessary reach out to the population to the same extent. In the light of the lacking popular involvement and knowledge of their rights, a different type of solution is desirable. Therefore it would be of interest to examinate the role of Non Governmental Organisations (NGO:s) when it comes to implementing human rights in the society and ?the every day life?.

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