

1070 Uppsatser om Wireless network - Sida 7 av 72

Familjen är den enda vägen tillbaka hem. : En kvalitativ studie om personalens syn på familjens delaktighet i behandling av ungdomar.

ÖREBRO UNIVERSITYDepartment of Behavioural, Social and Legal SciencesProgram of social workSocial Work CC-essay in Social Work, 15 creditsAutumn term 2013The family is the only way back home? A qualitative study on staff?s view on family involvement in the treatment of adolescentsAuthors: Cakici, Nahrin and Claesson, SandraAbstractThe aim of this study is to investigate how the staff at residential treatment centers works to involve the family and the social network in youth?s treatment and how they experience that the involvement affects the young person. The aim is also to study the difficulties the staff experience in their work to involve the family and the social network. In this study, staff from two residential treatment centers in Sweden participated. The study is conducted based in on qualitative method in which four semi-structured telephone interviews and one group interview have been conducted.

"...i en macho-stämpel så ingår det väl inte att plugga.." : En studie om betydelsen av genus och klass i en arbetsökningsprocess

The aim of this thesis is to study a job-searching process and elements that affects it. The elements I have focused on are gender, class and social network. The study is based on interviews and a survey study with students from the educational program of Social work (Socialomsorgsutbildningen), that graduated 3 years ago. Through the survey I have examined their social-background and their job-searching process. The interviews are the main focus in the study.

Trådlösa Nätverk : säkerhet och GPU

Trådlosa nätverk är av naturen sårbara for avlyssning för att kommunikationen sker med radiovagor. Därfor skyddas trådlosa nätverk med kryptering. WEP var den första krypteringsstandarden som användes av en bredare publik som senare visade sig innehålla flera sårbarheter. Följden blev att krypteringen kunde förbigås på ett par minuter. Därför utvecklades WPA som ett svar till sårbarheterna i WEP.

Hörbarhet i praktiken : En Actor Network analys av arbetet kring hörbarhet

Abstrakt  Tv-branschen är en jätteindustri som styrs av ett fåtal stora sändningsnätverk. I Sverige är den största distributören Sveriges Television (SVT) och på grund av detta så är sannolikheten att personer som arbetar inom ljud i Sverige någon gång kommer att arbeta på projekt för dem väldigt hög.I min uppsats har jag utfört en Actor Network-analys av empiriska studier jag utfört på postproduktionsbolaget Europa Sound and Vision. Med hjälp av analysen vill jag undersöka vad begreppet ?god hörbarhet? består av och därmed kunna definiera uttrycket tydligare.Jag jämför sedan SVTs syn på hörbarhet med den jag fått fram genom dessa studier för att till slut ändra på den nuvarande synen och på det regelverk SVT har..

Så designar du användarvänliga interna kommunikationsnätverk

Companys usually have intern communication platforms where employees can gather information and communicate with eachother. These networks are not public which leads to less resources spent on development. If this network is also used as a work tool may inadequate usability decrease work effeciency. Thats why we, by using known design principles, evaluated an already existing network of this kind along with interviews and think out loud tasks for users. Four users had to do some tasks while they explained how they went through step by step to solve those. This report culminates into a couple of guidelines which can be used to create a user friendly network. The problems that prevented users to feel in control when working resulted in the following guidelines: Create shortcuts of frequently used functions.

European Union Politics ? en tidskrift och dess invisible college

Author Cocitation Analysis (ACA), multidimensional scaling (MDS) and Social Network Analysis (SNA), has been used to analyze and visualize the invisible college of the journal European Union Politics. The concept invisible college was first introduced in the fifteenth century, through the creation of the ?the Royal Society of London?, and it was reintroduced in the 1960:ies and the 1970:ies by scholars such as Price and Crane. It is said to have been interpreted in as many ways as there are authors who have used it. Here it has been used synonymously with the term citation network.

Föräldraskap och neuropsykiatriskt funktionshinder : upplevelse och påverkan av diagnos

The aim in the study is to search for a deeper understanding of how parents experience a neurological diagnose of the child and how this affects the parenthood. Parenthood was seen in a systemtheoretical perspective as a social construction. The narrative method was used in two lifestory parentinterviews. The analysis was made from parenthood. The result formed stories about parenthood with children having neuropsyciatric functional disability who even came to be a woman?s struggle.

?Man bara är en vanlig människa tillsammans med andravanliga människor, och det är väldigt skönt.? : Erfarenheter av det informella sociala nätverket hos personer med en psykosdiagnos

Purpose:mental illness and the effect it has on individuals social network and relationships, and vice versa.The purpose of this study is to shed light on the rarely mentioned subject of severe Method:analysis was performed on a total of 15 interviews, which consists of three individuals with severe mental illness. The focus of the study was the subjects? description of the social network, excluding clinicians and other professionals.This study is inspired and conducted in a Grounded Theory manner. A secondaryFindings:may it be with specific individuals or groups. They describe the importance of surrounding themselves with people who do not judge them and it is through them they get validated.Places have been emphasised as having special meaning for the social interaction and overall wellbeing for the subjects.There is active actions for social interactions/relationships taken by the subjects,Conclusion:their social network.

Design och implementering av enhandsburen RFID-läsare

Radio frequency identification (RFID) is a versatile wireless technology usedworldwide. The fields of applications are many and its popularity constantlygrows due to smaller in size, better and less expensive components. RFID isused to identify, track or share information about an object using radio waves.This master thesis describes the process of designing and implementing ahandheld UHF RFID reader. The goal was to, based on a UHF RFID-chipdesign a fully functional, small in size and power efficient device. Amicrocontroller provides the user interface and is also used to control theRFID-chip and a Bluetooth device.

Fördröjning och bortfall av nätverkskorrektioner : osäkerhetskällor för nätverks-RTK

Network RTK is a real-time technique for accurate positioning with Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). The technology means the use of correction data from a network of GNSS receivers with known positions (reference stations) to reduce the uncertainty in position for the user´s GNSS receiver (rover). However, this requires that the correction data can be transferred seamlessly to the user in real time. Commonly the corrections are transferred via mobile phones. The Swedish National Land Survey operates a nationwide Network RTK service, where users can receive correction data via GSM or mobile Internet (GPRS).

 Den första inblicken i regionala företagarföreningar :  En fallstudie av Örebro Promotion

Many studies have been conducted of different types of business networks in recent years. Despite this, there is a lack of research concerning industry-transcending formal networks which are limited to a specific region. We have conducted a case study of Örebro Promotion, which is an industry-transcending network including over 500 members. Örebro is a medium-sized city in the middle of Sweden. The purpose with our study is to create an understanding of why enterprises choose to be a part of the network and what they feel is the gain of their membership.

Managing Positions in a Dynamic Environment - New Technology Impact on Tactel and the Telecom Industry

The Telecom industry is facing a paradigm shift, where the industry is converging with Internet technologies and the market is becoming more sophisticated. This results in more demanding customers, and the need for offering more content and services with a focus on usability for the end-users. The operators are starting to loose both their strong position and revenue in the Telecom industry, due to new technology and the fact that other actors are starting to enter the market, offering new content and services. In the end, the operators have two choices, to become bit-pipe providers, and only focusing on network management, or keeping the control over their networks. The latter would mean that they block other actors who are taking parts of their revenue, e.g.

Virtualiserat datacenter med heterogena kunder för moln eller network-as-a-service-miljö. : Analys resursanvändning vid delad virtualiserings värdmaskin för webbservrar samt videokonferensservrar.

Detta projekt undersöker en praktisk lösning av virtualisering i Ubuntu-server med kvm och virt-manager för användning i en moln- eller Network-as-a-service-miljö. Projektet inkluderar även en jämförelse mellan webbservermjukvaran NginX och Apache2 och en jämförelse mellan videokonferensmjukvaran BigBlueButton och OpenMeetings genom att mäta CPU, Minnes och Nätverksbelastning till de virtuella servrarna vid 1 till 20 uppkopplingar från en klientmaskin.Utifrån projektets resultat rekommenderas Apache2 som webbserver då installationen är enklare och skillnaden i resursanvädning är försummbar och Openmeetings som videokonferesserver då detta alternativ är det mer kompletta..

Från den stora världen till den lilla familjen : En kvalitativ studie om rekrytering, utredning och utbildning av familjehem för ensamkommande barn

This study aims to examine how professionals in the field of foster care works with recruitments, assessment and education of family homes for unaccompanied children. The intention is to find out in case there are specific needs that justify specific approach to ensure that the child's best interests are indicative and satisfied. The survey was conducted based on a qualitative method and empirical data gathered through semi-structured interviews with employees in the social services. The result shows that there is a need for more and specific education for families receiving unaccompanied children. It is motivated by the needs and conditions that are often common for this group.

Bluetooth-implementation för Netbiter EC350

In industries today the demand for reading the state of industrial equipment and thus prevent machine breakdown, is increasing. The company HMS Industrial Networks AB has a product on the market, Netbiter EC350 that is used to read sensors and thus find out the condition of industrial equipment. By reporting scanned data to users through a cloud service, users can keep track of their equipment. When developing Netbiter EC350 a slot was made for a Bluetooth module to offer clients a wireless reading in future developments. In this project a prototype was made to show how this Bluetooth communication can be implemented. The goal of the project was to create a Bluetooth communication between a Bluetooth sensor and Netbiter EC350. A user interface was made to allow the user to read sensor values. The result of the project shows how a Bluetooth communication can be implemented to read sensors wireless and therefore it fulfills its purpose and goal.

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