

328 Uppsatser om Winter wheat - Sida 13 av 22

Inverkan av årstid för förstagallring på avverkningsskador i contorta och tall :

SCA har idag cirka 280 000 hektar beskogad med contortatall (Pinus contorta Dougl. ex Loud. var. latifolia Engelm). Stora delar av den arealen har kommit in i, eller är på väg in i, gallringsbar ålder.

Ombyggnation, från sågverkslokal till restaurang. antonio ziakoulis

Pharmaceuticals that are found in marine ecosystems are a threatening environmental concern, which is known to harm both animal and plant life. One of the reasons for this problem is that the waste water treatment techniques are not optimized to clear waste water from its pharmaceuticals contain. In this master thesis four Swedish treatment wetlands were studied, and their ability to reduce numerous pharmaceuticals in waste water. The four treatment wetlands that were studied were those in Oxelösund, Trosa, Nynäshamn and Eskilstuna. Two ecotoxicological tests and chemical analysis were used.

Genomgång av kemikalieförteckning som exempel på uppströmsarbete : en identifiering av utfasningsämnen i spillvattnet

Benthic invertebrates play important roles as feeding resources for many organisms in different food webs. Shifts in predation of these organisms can generate cascading effects and potentially lead to the disappearance of one or more species from a site. Cascading effects can bring impacts to organisms who aren?t even directly involved, why studies in this field are important for understanding sudden changes in ecosystems. I examined the predation from fish and waterfowl on benthic invertebrates in the shallow and eutrophic Lake Tåkern in the plains of Östergötland County, southern Sweden.


?Boverket? the Design Regulations in Sweden, also called BKR has for a long timebeen the mandatory standard that has guided and regulated construction design. Butat the end of 2010 BKR was replaced with Eurocode. This report deals with thecomparison of these two standards when it comes to wood construction. Duringwinter 2009/2010 there were many roof collapses due to excessive loads on theroofs across Sweden.

Hästar hållna utomhus under den kalla årstiden i Västra Götalands län : samband mellan miljö- och hälsofaktorer

During late autumn/winter in the years of 2005/2006 and 2006/2007 a questionnaire study was made in Västra Götaland county in the south west of Sweden. Inspectors responsible of animal welfare answered the questionnaires during their routine visits to different horse stables in the county. The questionnaires contained questions about the number of horses at the farm, hoof condition, body condition, how often the horses were fed outside and the pasture condition. The purpose of this study was to investigate if a connection could be seen between environmental factors and health factors within the horses in this material. The connections that were analysed were between; hoof health and pasture condition, how many times the horses were fed outside and the body condition and between the number of horses in the pasture and pasture condition.

Vinterupplevelser på naturis: En utvecklingsstrategi för Piteå som skridskodestination utifrån ett upplevelseperspektiv

Syftet med uppsatsen är att formulera en utvecklingsstrategi för Piteå med målet att bli en framgångsrik skridskodestination. Frågeställningen blir således, hur kan Piteå bli en framgångsrik skridskodestination? Vi använde oss av en kvalitativ metod och för att samla material så utförde vi fem stycken intervjuer och bearbetade relevant litteratur kring destinationsutveckling. Vi arbetade efter en abduktiv ansats som står för en arbetsprocess som går från verklighet till teori, till verklighet och till teori igen genom att pröva formulerade teorier i verkligheten. Resultatet analyserades med förförståelse kring upplevelseproduktion och -ekonomi och vi kom fram till slutsatsen att en utvecklingsstrategi för att utveckla Piteå som skridskodestination bör innehålla arbetssätt för att; ?Arbeta med destinationsutvecklingen på en kommunal nivå ?Utföra- och tillämpa en riskanalys och en beredskapsplan ?Bibehålla en ekonomiskt, social och miljömässigt hållbar destination ?Skapa en image för Piteå som vinterdestination ?Erbjuda evenemang av god upplevelsekvalitet Vi har kommit fram till att Piteå har stora möjligheter att bli en framgångsrik skridskodestination, för att åstadkomma detta krävs det att lokalbefolkning, kommun och näringsliv samverkar inom destinationen Piteå mot ett gemensamt mål.


The construction process which is used today while constructing residential buildings has for along time remained unchanged. Unfortunately the development process has gone away frombecoming industrialized and instead most of the work is done at the construction site. In thisrespect this is a worse alternative because the project outcome will be more expensive and theconstruction time will be longer. Skanska?s vision is to have a process which is more like the oneused in small residential buildings which is fully industrialized.The constructing process for residential building involves more parties and therefore it becomesmore complicated.

Energi- och exergiflöden i stålframställningsprocesser vid
SSAB Tunnplåt AB i Luleå

Energy costs are high nowadays and that is the reason why the energy consumption needs to become as small as possible in most of the companies. To accomplish the small energy usage one needs to map the energy flows, study them and monitor them. One method that can be used for this is energy balance calculation. The method gives an opportunity to separate different energy flows and see where each flow is heading. There is also another method which is more advanced than energy balance calculation.

Drivaxeltrycksreglering hos tunga fordon : För en ökad framkomlighet vid vinterförhållanden

Heavy duty vehicles often have problems with traction during the winter periods. For vehicles that can lift tag axles it is possible to increase the normal force on the driven axle by lifting one or more tag axles, this will then increase the propulsive force of friction. This however increases wear on both road and vehicle. A possibility to reduce the wear while achieving nearly equivalent traction compared to lifted tag axles is to allow the vehicle to regulate the normal force by lowering the pressure in the air suspension associated with the tag axles or by the lifting of these axles. The vehicle would then by itself be able to set just the right amount of normal force on the drive wheels to avoid unnecessarily high normal forces while maintaining sufficient traction.The purpose of the report is to find out which parameters affect heavy duty vehicles when driving on slippery slopes and how traction can be improved.

Övergången från SAB till Dewey i forskningsbibliotekssverige: En organisationsförändring ur de anställdas perspektiv

In November 2008 the National Library of Sweden decidedto switch classification system from SAB to Dewey decimalclassification. SAB had then been the main classificationsystem in the whole of the Swedish library field for 87 years.Included into the decision was not just the nationalbibliography but also the research libraries of Sweden. Thisdecision was in alignment with a West European tendency tochange in favor of the internationally well-spreadclassification system Dewey in order to co-operate more inthe cataloguing process. The purpose of this study takenplace in the autumn and winter of 2013 is to examine howlibrarians involved in the transition feel about what differentways the implementation has affected the research libraryorganizations. We also aim to study the librarians? view onthe involvement of the research libraries into the decision ofthe changeover.

Att testa kvalitet : En validerande informationsinsamlingsmetod för ökad kunskapsåterföring

This master thesis has been carried out at Scania R&D at the department for Powertrain Control System Development during the winter of 2010/2011. In the thesis the writer examine and evaluate the existing method for collecting information from the tests carried out during the development of the Powertrain Control Systems software. It also contains suggestions for how a new method that enhance the validation elements could look like.The master thesis uses Vicentes theories of the ecological approach and theories of how knowledge sharing of tacit and technical information works within an organization and between the organization and its customers. First a workplace analysis at Scania R&D is carried out to see how Powertrain Control Systems work and how they test their software. Second a control task analysis, where the aims decided on after the interviews, is compared to the existing method.

Spansk skogssnigel (Arion lusitanicus) i ensilerat vallfoder : betydelse för fodrets näringsinnehåll och hygieniska kvalitet

This work is about silage contaminated with slugs (Arion lusitanicus). The hypothesis was: Do slugs affect the nutritional value and hygiene quality of silage? During the winter season 2007/2008 silages were discarded in big amounts due to the contamination of slugs. Both the Swedish Farmer Association (LRF) and the National Veterinary Institute (SVA) received phone calls from farmers and animal owners about contaminated silage. The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) and SVA decided to initiate this project as a master thesis.

Svenskars resemotiv till Egypten och Thailand

Purpose: My purpose of this study was to examine the factors that motivate Swedes to travel to Egypt and Thailand. To answer the question, I have used two questions.What are the factors that motivate Swedes to travel to Egypt and Thailand?What is the motive for Swedes choose to travel to destinations such as Egypt and Thailand?Method: The method I am using  is the qualitative method. The qualitative method has been processed through interviews of Swedish travelers, the Swedish travel agencies as well as Egypt and Thailand tourist agencies specializing in trips to Egypt and Thailand via phone and e-mail.Theory: The theory I am using are motivators and push-pull factors in achieving an understanding of the factors that influence choice for Swedes to travel to destinations such as Egypt and Thailand.Empiricism: The goal was to get a much more qualitative data from the response from the Swedish travel agencies, Egypt and Thailand tourist agency and Swedish travelers who have traveled to both of these destinations.Result: What I have come up with in my study is that the factors that motivate Swedish travelers to travel to Egypt and Thailand, is the warm climate, sun and sea, culture, variety, the cheap price situation and that there are activities for different age groups. This has led to the heat in both Egypt and Thailand has attracted Swedish travelers to travel to both destinations.

Plask : ett gestaltningsförslag för en ny park i Västerås

The park at Djäkneberget and its surroundings is a beloved area in the city of Västerås. The area is one of the most popular sites for outdoor life and recreation of all sorts and it attracts different kind of people at different times during the day. The park includes a pond-system where protected species of frog and toad live and breed. These animals have been the objects for many discussions concerning whether to explore the closeby areas or not. The prospected area is situated just next to one of the main ponds and consists of valuable foundationwalls were experts predict that the frogs and toads spend the winter. The municipality has now decided to restore this area to parkland. Because of the areas fascinating history I have chosen to do some research and give a short resume about it. For example are the existing park of Djäkneberget and its founder described together with a short description of the watersystem with the watertower that is situated in the area.

CFD-simulering av kallras från fönster : Konvektorers och nischdjupets inverkan på lufthastigheter i rummet

During cold winter days it is likely that people in buildings with older windows or high glass facades experience thermal discomfort due to cold air down draughts. Earlier work has been aimed at finding analytical methods to predict the speed of the airflow in a room and in practice heating appliances are often placed beneath the windows to reduce the draught along the floor. In a study from 2012 Mohammad Parchami developed a method for estimating the required heating power to counteract the downdraught with such heating appliances. In this study, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) was used to evaluate the usefulness of Parchami?s method and also to examine the potential of adapting the depth of the inward window sill as a means of decreasing the down draught.

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