

1977 Uppsatser om Windows Sharepoint Services - Sida 66 av 132

Barn som far illa : En kvalitativ studie om hur förskollärare resonerar kring sin roll i arbetet med barn som far illa.

The aim of this study is to contribute knowledge about how preschool teachers reason around their role in the work with children being maltreated. The study has been based on the following questions: How do the preschool teachers identify children being maltreated ? How do the preschool teachers act after they have identified a child thats being maltreated? What difficulties experienced preschool teachers based on their professional roles related to child maltreatment? The method used in the study is a focus group interview, which is a kind of informal group discussion. The result shows that there are difficulties in the preschool regarding the work with children being maltreated. Some of the difficulties that the preschool teachers raised was the contact with the guardians, society?s negative perception of the social services, that all the notifications must go through the pre-school manager and that they don?t have so much experience of notifications. .

Integrationsprocesser bland 6 invandrade japanska personer i Sverige

This research outlines studies about the relationship between social integration process of Japanese immigrants in Sweden and how social media assists in this process. The purpose of this research includes: To find out the reasons of migration to Sweden for six Japanese immigrants, any difficulties that they faced at the beginning of their immigration process and/or any positive qualities that they found in living in Sweden, whether they have accessed social media since they have moved in, if they do so, how the social media has been used and also, whether the social media has had a role to play in contributing to help their social integration process. In addition, it has been considered whether the participants have plans to return to Japan. In Sweden, there is relatively small Japanese migrant population. This social science research paper is the first in Sweden which explores the immigration process of Japanese migrants into Sweden.

Gränslöst uppdrag : om fackligt förtroendevaldas psykosociala arbetsmiljö

The two swedish unions, Akademikerförbundet SSR and Kommunal, have a majority of female participations who mainly work in the public services. The difference between the unions is that one of them only represents members with academic educations and the other has members with lower educations. The aim of this study was to compare the two unions according to the terms exit, voice and loyalty, but also participation and influence. There were 142 participants in this study and 8 participants were interviewed in a pre-study. The result of the study shows that voice is a strong predictor to wellbeing in work life.

Industriellt köpbeteende av utlandsresetjänster

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the organizational buying behaviour in the purchase of travels abroad. We have conducted a case study of two companies, one medium sized and one larger. Our empirical studies have shown that the companies? buying process is divided into two types, the process of recruit a new travel supplier and the process of a straight rebuy of a regular travel service. In the recruiting process we found that the evaluation process of the purchase is an ongoing process that contradicts estab-lished theories.

Kontrollmodell för kvalitetssäkring av professionella tjänster

För ett serviceföretag är det väsentligt att kunna leverera tjänstekvalitet för att tillfredsställa kunden. Tjänsternas immateriella produktkaraktär gör det emellertid svårt för serviceleverantören i allmänhet och professionella tjänsteleverantörer i synnerhet att säkerställa kvalitet. Syftet med detta arbete är att utveckla en kontrollmodell som kan användas av professionella tjänsteleverantörer som ett hjälpmedel i arbetet att säkra servicekvalitet. Modellen bygger på relevant teori och består av tre kvalitetskategorier ? image, teknisk kvalitet och funktionell kvalitet ? genom vilka 13 kvalitetsdimensioner behandlas.

IT­-Forensisk undersökning av flyktigt minne : På Linux och Android enheter

Att kunna gör en effektiv undersökning av det flyktiga minnet är något som blir viktigare ochviktigare i IT-forensiska utredningar. Dels under Linux och Windows baserade PC installationermen också för mobila enheter i form av Android och enheter baserade andra mobila opperativsy-stem.Android använder sig av en modifierad Linux-kärna var modifikationer är för att anpassa kärnantill de speciella krav som gäller för ett mobilt operativsystem. Dessa modifikationer innefattardels meddelandehantering mellan processer men även ändringar till hur internminnet hanteras ochövervakas.Då dessa två kärnor är så pass nära besläktade kan samma grundläggande principer användas föratt dumpa och undersöka minne. Dumpningen sker via en kärn-modul vilket i den här rapportenutgörs av en programvara vid namn LiME vilken kan hantera bägge kärnorna.Analys av minnet kräver att verktygen som används har en förståelse för minneslayouten i fråga.Beroende på vilken metod verktyget använder så kan det även behövas information om olika sym-boler. Verktyget som används i det här examensarbetet heter Volatility och klarar på papperet avatt extrahera all den information som behövs för att kunna göra en korrekt undersökning.Arbetet avsåg att vidareutveckla existerande metoder för analys av det flyktiga minnet på Linux-baserade maskiner (PC) och inbyggda system(Android).

Attraktiv arbetsgivare : En kvantitativ studie inom Luftfartsverket

This study was carried out at Luftfartsverket (LFV Group, Swedish Airports and Air Navigation Services). The aim was to study what characterizes an employer of choice and further to examine how well the employees at Luftfartsverket feel that their employer lives up to this image. A quantitative method was applied in the form of a selfdeveloped questionnaire. It was answered by a random sample of employees at Luftfartsverket.The results showed that salary, good leadership, good relations to colleagues and a sense of participation were important factors to be an employer of choice. In the organization at hand good colleagues were the most fulfilled factor whereas good leadership were the least fulfilled factor.

Undersökning av förskolan Temmelburken certifierad enligt Miljöbyggnad : Termiskt klimat, energianvändning och höjning av certifieringsnivån

WSP building physics in Stockholm has certified the preschool Temmelburken in Bromma with the system of certification Miljöbyggnad. The rating of the building became BRONZE. In this thesis the preschool has been investigated with respect to the three areas: thermal climate, use of energy and improving of the level of certification. The thermal climate at the preschool has been investigated by a questionnaire survey and by measurements in order to do comparisons between the results from the two investigations as well as with the results of the simulations that WSP has done at the certification of the preschool. The differences between the results from the simulations and the questionnaire survey for winter as well as from the measurement performed with a comfort meter the 19th of March are concidered to be reasonably small since they give rise to the same rating according to Miljöbyggnad.   Operational data for the use of energy for the preschool have been obtained in order to do comparisons with simulations performed by WSP and Svenska Besiktningar AB. The comparison shows that the simulated values for the specific use of energy are lower than what the real specific use of energy would be for the preschool, since just the operational data for the heat energy is higher than the simulated values. At the investigation of the possibility of improving the level of certification it was found that the rating of the preschool can be raised from BRONZE to SILVER by improving the ratings of the ?thermal climate summer? and the ?daylight?.

Behovsbaserad framtagning av informationssystemet ReFlex : Verksamhetsanalys och systemutveckling

Flextronics Design i Linköping tillverkar prototypskretskort till telekomindus-trin. Examensarbetet tog de fram eftersom de upplever att de har problem medolika områden inom den funktion där själva tillverkningen sker, SMA (SurfaceMount Assembly). De var inte säkra på exakt vilka problemen var men de vis-ste att de rör rutiner, kommunikation, samt materialtillförsel. Genom att i ettexamensarbete definiera och lyfta fram problemen samt ta fram åtgärdsförslag,hoppades företaget att vissa av problem skulle kunna uppmärksammas ochlösas och på det sättet skulle kvaliteten i processerna öka. Genom att förbättravissa områden hoppades de även kunna bli effektivare i sitt arbetssätt vilketi sin tur skulle kunna frigöra värdefull kapacitet, något som är mycket viktigtför Flextronics i Linköping, eftersom de har hög beläggning.Syftet med examensarbetet var att genom en kartläggning tydligt definieraproblemen och ta fram förbättringsområden.

Normbrytande beteende : en studie av uppfattningar och resonemang hos kuratorer på högstadieskolor

The purpose of this paper is to investigate how staff at secondary schools are thinking and reasoning about notifications to social services based on norm breaking behaviors in students. To find this out five qualitative interviews has been made with counselors in two public schools and three private schools in Örebro län. The results show that there is no clear definition of what norm breaking behavior is which making the reasoning difficult. There are clear procedures for the staff to dealing with norm breaking behaviors but they do not know when they will be applied. The decision to report behavior to the social service is usually not taken individually, it is a result of several people?s views and experiences.

"Så länge det inte är till men för den unge" : - En kvalitativ studie om samverkan mellan myndigheter och en frivilligorganisation gällande unga lagöverträdare i Kalmar kommun.

The aim of this study was to investigate how the authorities; Social Services, Police and the Office of public prosecutor co-operate with the voluntary organization; Unga KRIS in the matter of young offenders. The purpose was also to investigate the conditions, possibilities, vices and difficulties in the cooperation between the operators. This study was based on six semi-structured interviews with representative from all four operators. The empirical material has been analyzed through a new institutional theory which focuses on values and norms in an organization. The result of this study showed that there were a lot of conditions and possibilities too co-operate between the operators such as through personal contacts. Further the result illustrated a number of difficulties for example that the authorities? different laws don?t connect.

Ropen hörs skalla, samverka alla : En kvalitativ studie om samverkan mellan myndigheter utifrån projektet "Unga vuxna"

On the basis of theoretical knowledge about the complex of problems which can occur in an implementation of a collaboration project, the purpose of this essay is, to examine how representatives on each authority relate to and manage collaboration as a work method, the awareness of problems within the organisations that collaborate, and the preparedness around how to manage problems with collaboration. "Unga vuxna" is a collaboration project between Kalmar county council and all 12 municipalities in the county council. More specifically it is a cooperation project between psychiatry and social services. Theories used in this essay are professor Berth Danermarks studies about collaboration, and social psychologist Jay Hall?s theory about capability.

En undersökning om fördelarna och begränsningarna med internetbaserade operativsystem i molnet

Den här kandidatavhandlingen undersöker fördelarna och begränsningarna med Internetbaserade operativsystem i molnet, så kallade Internet OS, och hur IT-företag ser på ämnet. Internet OS är operativsystem som placerar sina resurser och processorkraft ute på Internet, ofta med hjälp av olika molnettjänster. Det finns problem och utmaningar med Internet OS. Dessa problem kan vara ett hinder för företag att överge de traditionella operativsystemen, som exempelvis Windows, och övergå till Internet OS. Det saknas undersökningar om IT-företag vill eller kan flytta sin verksamhet till molnet.

Utveckling av mobilapplikation

The company System Andersson is developing systems for controlling materials and production in industries. They want to add a new service, where parts of those systems are accessible through cell phones.In this paper we are investigating which technology are best suited for this kind of application. And then we describe how we are developing a prototype fort this application, based upon that technology. After investigating technologies such as Java ME, Microsoft Silverlight, and web applications we settled upon building the system as a web application, customized for a mobile environment.To build a web page which is readable by many different cell phones we use the markup-languages which are developed for cell phones. We put much effort in reading about the standards and recommendations for the mobile web, produced by the organizations W3C and OMA.

Sveriges Florida : Borgholms kommuns interna varumärkesarbete

In the field of municipal services there are a wide range of aspects a small community must consider, especially considering that the circumstances in which a municipality operate continuously are changing. The changes include, for example, migration, individual lifestyles, the political governance and environment. Especially the latter might have a big impact on a town based on tourism such as Borgholm. We particularly have taken an interest for how this might affect the internal branding and internal brand communication of Borgholm municipality.Through our research we have found that Borgholm municipality in no particular extent is working with living the brand or any similar concepts. Also, we have found that the success of the internal branding of the organization in a great extent depend on the individuals of the different branches of the municipality?s work rather than on a coherent communication structure which reaches the whole organization..

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