

1977 Uppsatser om Windows Sharepoint Services - Sida 31 av 132

Adoptivfamiljer : "Födelsemeddelande" från socialtjänst till barnavårdscentral

Child health care in Sweden is today automatically informed of newborns in the district and itis therefore natural for the maternal and child health nurses to contact and invite the new family to the child welfare clinic. So far the social services in the studied county have not reported new adoptive families to the child welfare clinics; instead the families have to contact the clinic themselves. The aim of this study was to investigate how social services inform the child welfare clinics of new adoptive families. The aim was also to investigate how and when the maternal and child health nurse thinks that contact should be established and what information/knowledge she feels a need of in contact with new adoptive families. The study has a qualitative design and interviews have been conducted with social workers, a representative of an adoption agency and maternal and child health nurses working in child welfare clinics.

Den moderna banken : Hur ett finansiellt företag kan attrahera en yngre generation

The purpose of this study is to analyze how companies that sell financial services can reach people in the younger audience. The financial services that we refer to are regarding banking and insurance for private users, and with the younger audience we refer to people in the age of 18 to 25. We think that this is a valid and interesting issue to study because of the common thoughts that persons in this age are common users of Internet, social medias and new technology. The main question through our study has been; ?How a financial company can attract the younger generation, and support their creation of value?" Our research is based on a qualitative method.

Utveckling av grafiskt gränssnitt för mobiltelefoner för synsvaga personer

Målet med examensarbetet är att utveckla ett grafiskt gränssnitt som markant underlättar användandet av mobiltelefoner för synsvaga personer. Examensarbetet gjordes i samarbete med företaget The Astonishing Tribe (TAT) i Malmö. TAT designar och utvecklar grafiska gränssnitt för mobiltelefoner. I dagsläget finns det ett flertal olika hjälpmedel till mobiltelefoner för synsvaga personer. Det finns även specialutvecklade mobiltelefoner som främst vänder sig till äldre men som även kan tänkas hjälpa synsvaga personer.

Livsmedelstillsatser i Fazer Food Services inköpsprodukter : kartläggning och analys

This thesis was performed as assignment from Fazer Food Services. The aim was to survey which food additives that were present in the products in the quotation list of one of their suppliers to the Education and Nursing segment. The aim also was to perform a theoretical analysis of these food additives and to make recommendations which food additives are acceptable and which should be excluded from the products in the future. The recommendations are not published in this report, for more information Fazer Food Services can be contacted. Food additives which have already been approved are regarded as safe according to the safety evaluation methods available at the time of approval.

?Vi sitter oss till stillhet? Nyreligiositet i Svenska Kyrkan

In this essay, I research and discuss new spirituality (or what is commonly known as New Age) within some congregations in the Church of Sweden, Gothenburg. I question how and why this new spirituality has come to be accepted in parts of the Church. My hypothesis is that the church is a part, and a reflection, of a larger change throughout society, and I claim that this change depends much on the individualization and globalization during the last decades.The research is conducted through interviews with representatives from the Church ofSweden who are in charge of new religious activities. During these interviews we discuss their views on the change that has already taken place and is going on today.The interviews are then analyzed by applying rational choice theory on them. I discusswhether the Church can be seen as a producer of goods and services and if the churchgoers canbe seen as consumers of these goods and services.

URLen som förbindelselänk: en utvärdering av URLers pålitlighet som åtkomstmetod mellan webbresurs och bibliografisk post i LIBRIS och NetSök

The aim of this masters thesis is to study the reliability of the URL as the link between a bibliographic record and a web resource. The Swedish catalogue services LIBRIS and NetSök have been evaluated on three different occasions, to study how these services have succeeded in giving access to web resources by using URLs. Because URLs are changeable, we have tried to find out common characteristics of the URLs in broken links. To accomplish this study we have used a quantitative approach and evaluated five percent of the web resources in the catalogues using a random selection. We have also used documentation relevant for our study, among other things to illustrate previous studies of the nature of web resources and alternative solutions to URLs as access points to web resources.

Stöd om stöd : Anhörigas och socialarbetaresuppfattning om och inställning till de olika stöd som finns för anhöriga till personer med beroendeproblematik.

The study deals with the beliefs that relatives of alcohol and drug dependent persons, and representatives from social services have to the various forms of support available for the relatives. Those who participate in the study points out that there are many people who have a need for support as a relative of an alcohol or drug addicted individual, but that there are circumstances that make them choose not to seek assistance. The study shows that the relatives can experience a reluctance to seek support from social services because of how the organization looks like. The study is qualitative, where the collection of the empiric material has consisted in six semi-structured interviews. Three of them have been with relatives of alcohol-or drug-dependent persons and three have been with social workers in various professions, whose work consists of helping both the relatives of people with alcohol and drug dependence as well as people who are dependent.

"Halfpipe Active Channel"- developing a secure communications protocol

With the advent of powerful multimedia capable mobile phones, the market for mobile services is flourishing. Zenterio AB's Halfpipe Active Desktop is a complete distributed mobile service platform a with a powerful server and platform-independent client. The communication between the client and server takes place over a GPRS-capable mobile network. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a secure communications protocol for use between the Halfpipe Active Desktop client and server. This is done by determining requirements, analyzing candidate protocols and then by designing the final protocol.

Analytisk dimensionering av räddningstjänsten i Skåne Nordväst

This report is a part of the process of enhanced cooperation between fire rescue services in the region of North West Scania. The aim of the report is to study and analyze how the fire rescue service should be structured, in terms of rescue units and personnel, if no account is to be taking to the current organization. Two types of accident are considered in the report, traffic accidents and building fires. These are more affected by decreased response time than other accidents. Several suggested organizations are presented and they are evaluated with the computer program REP.

Utredningar av socialt utsatta barn : en genomlysning av risk- och skyddsfaktorer

The aim of this study is to, from a child?s family relations, describe the usage of terms relating to factors of risk and safety in science and in investigations concerning children in need of protection. It is also of importance in what way the terms are used when the Social Services suggest that measures should be taken, and in which way the children have been heard in the investigations.The issues raised in this study are: (a) How is the current life situation and life quality of the children discussed? (b) The value of factors concerning risks and protection. (c) How is the children?s own descriptions taken in to consideration? (d) Is gender issues considered? (e) How is Lagerberg?s model (Lagerberg, 1998) useful in investigations?The method of analysis is mainly qualitative however it is combined with analysis of literature relevant to the study.

Meningsskapande i formella och informella möten : En studie av Räddningstjänsten Karlstadsregionen

To work in an unpredictable work environment requires communication that functions well. In every organization it?s important that employees receive information that is relevant yet not confusing. Due to that, our ambition with this study is to understand how rescue effort organizations communicate in meetings; and whether their communication is clear or not. Our subject for this case study is the Emergency Services in the region of Karlstad.

Dynamate Industrial Services - En spindel i CSR-kontexten : En utvärdering och kartläggning av Dynamate Industrial Services CSR-arbete

Forskningsfrågor:Går det att urskilja CSR-engagemang inom DIS och på vilket sätt arbetar DIS med CSR? Hur påverkas DIS arbete av deras intressenters involvering och engagemang beträffande CSR frågor, vilka utmaningar och möjligheter kan identifieras gällande detta?Syfte:Syftet med studien är att kartlägga och utvärdera hur DIS arbetar med CSR.Metod:Denna studie är en fallstudie med kvalitativ ansats som inriktar sig på en viss organisation, i detta fall DIS. För denna studie utfördes sju semi-strukturerade intervjuer i avseendet att samla in data som mätte upp till och passade in i studiens övergripande syfte.Slutsats:Studiens resultat påvisar att DIS inte innehar någon CSR-strategi men att det är möjligt att urskilja ett utspritt engagemang inom företaget. I nuläget går det att benämna CSR-engagemanget ur ett inaktivt/reaktivt tillvägagångssätt. Intressenter är av väsentlig vikt för DIS i nuläget och att vidare involvera och skapa relationer med ur ett CSR-perspektiv..

Bedömning av kunders uppfattningar och konsekvenser för strategisk utveckling :

This project has been created with the assistance of Fredells. Fredells is a Stockholm based company with a focus on the retail of building products. Fredells also produces prefab- or prefabricated products which are either completely or partially ready for assembly the moment they arrive to the building site. These prefab-products are primarily delivered to customers within the Stockholm region. The building industry is a conservative market where the incentive to changes has been relatively low compared to other industries.

Den utvalda användaren : En studie om känslan av utvaldhet på researrangörers hemsidor

This thesis tries to define factors that impact upon the feeling of exclusivity for users on travelorganizers websites. We have identified seven key factors that we believe impact this feeling andthose factors are newsletters, special offers/auxiliary services, registration/limited information,price, limited number of seats on a journey, deals for members and personal service. To researchthis we have conducted a questionnaire and performed interviews with people that are familiarwith travel organizers websites. To create an understanding for the results we have studied usercenteredweb design, affective design and the meaning of pictures. The results show that personalservice and price are important factors to make users feel that they get their requirements andwishes met.

"Vill du missbruka så blir vägen rätt smal" - Förklaringar till varför hemlösa kvinnor med missbruksproblematik utesluts från den reguljära bostadsmarknaden

The background of this study stemmed from the notion that the majority of homeless women with substance abuse, most of all, wanted a secured place of their own to stay. Few involved professionals agreed and instead of perceiving housing as a human right the women were mostly offered various types of short-term social housing. The purpose of this study was thus to examine and analyze how professionals attached to the social services and public housing companies in Gothenburg explained that homeless women with substance abuse were excluded from accommodation on the open housing market. The qualitative approach included ten interviews with eleven professionals in Gothenburg. The theoretical framework consisted mainly of Bourdieu's analytical concepts of field, doxa as well as social, economic and cultural, alongside symbolic capital.

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