

1977 Uppsatser om Windows Sharepoint Services - Sida 30 av 132

Företrädesrätt av lagregler : Ska interna lagregler alltid ha företräde framför ett skatteavtal?

In Sweden prostitution is by many considered to be a social problem that primarily affects women. To counteract prostitution is a political priority and as a result the purchase of sexual services is prohibited by law. Since the law that prohibits the purchase of sexual services entered into force it has been continuously debated and widely disputed. The aim of this thesis is to compare the image of prostitution found in the travaux préparatoires of the law with four sex workers? view of the phenomenon.


Det finns flera olika tillvägagångssätt för att göra det möjligt att skapa program som kan exekveras på flera olika plattformar. Detta tillvägagångssätt för utveckling mot flera plattformar, kallas plattformsoberoende utveckling. En av teknikerna för plattformsoberoende utveckling, bygger på att de specifika plattformarna har tillgång till en virtuell maskin som programmet kompileras mot. Den virtuella maskinen översätter sedan koden till plattformens specifika maskinkod. Denna teknik används bland annat av plattformsoberoende språk som Java och .NET-familjen.

Utveckling av programvara för inrapportering av vägstatus och utrustning längs med vägar

Detta arbetes uppgift är att konstruera ett redskapsfäste för en lastmaskin av modellVolvo BM 840. Lastmaskinen är idag försett med ett gammalt mindre bra fäste, denbehöver därför ett bättre, modernare och mer användbart redskapsfäste med hydrauliskredskapslåsning. Den typen av redskapsfäste som ger detta är ett Stora BM-fäste. Föratt få rätt mått har måttuppgifter tagits på andra maskiner och redskap. Resultatet blevkompletta ritningar för att kunna tillverka delarna till fästet på en verkstad.Hållfasthetsberäkningar har gjorts på de viktigaste ställena..

Apportegendom i form av arbete och tjänst? : Ur ett borgenärs- och värderingsperspektiv

The enormous expansion of knowledge society has lead to a path away from the industrial enterprises toward the more knowledge-based entrepreneurship companies. This development has also meant that intellectual capital now can be seen as the core of the new business structure. However the growth has not been reflected in either the legal or the economic regulations in relation to what could have been expected, which means that there is thus a gap between de lege lata and de lege ferenda. This can specifically been seen regarding the prohibition of adding property other than cash applied in payment for shares or regarding issue of new shares when it comes to work and services. The prohibition may therefore be considered to stand against the knowledge companies? advancement.

Lägesbild : Problemområden vid skapandet

Within the framework of the concept of Network Based Defence (NBF) services should be available in the network, in order to increase the aggregate capacity. A common situation picture is one of these services.The aim of this paper is to answer the problem "What are the main problem areas in the creation of a situation picture in the land arena, with the help of the technical sensors that exist today?" and to develop a basis for continued research in the field situation in the concept Networking Enabled Command, Control and Collaboration (NEC3) at JCDEC (Joint Concept Development and Experimentation Centre). To answer the problem, a descriptive method is to be used in descriptions of the land arena, the information arena and the sensors and a deductive method is used when analyzing the asensors in the land arena.The problems that exist in the creation of a common situation picture, is that different types of obstacles makes it difficult for the sensors, the large number of people who are not combatants and that it is difficult to judge if a civilian vehicle is a threat, then it could be driven by civilians or by combatants..


Mobila lösningar blir allt vanligare och appar kan utvecklas för att hjälpa mobilanvändaremed det mesta. Att utveckla appar är populärt och kan göras i en mängd olika språk ochutvecklingsmiljöer, och projektet har haft som mål att både utveckla en användbar appoch utvärdera en sådan utvecklingsmiljö.PaddelAppen som utvecklats i projektet fyller ett tomrum genom att vara en resurs förpaddelintresserade. Samtidigt har utvecklingsarbetet resulterat i en utvärdering av utveck-lingsmiljön Xamarin, som använts tillsammans med Visual Studio för att plattformsobe-roende utveckla appen för både Android och Windows Phone..

Folkrätt och kärnvapen : Om tillämpningen av NPT som icke-spridning och nedrustningsavtal

To work in an unpredictable work environment requires communication that functions well. In every organization it?s important that employees receive information that is relevant yet not confusing. Due to that, our ambition with this study is to understand how rescue effort organizations communicate in meetings; and whether their communication is clear or not. Our subject for this case study is the Emergency Services in the region of Karlstad.

Mervärdesbeskattning av elektroniska tjänster : Är beskattningen förenlig med neutralitetsprincipen?

AbstractValue Added Tax, VAT, is a general consumption tax that is added to almost all consumption of goods and services. Despite the extensive work of harmonization of the VAT system relating to electronic services, it can be difficulties in determining the taxable land, something that could affect the internal market in a negative way. The Swedish companyStardollABwas double taxed on certain electronic services that they provided consumers in theUK. The problems that lead to double taxation must be identified to ensure free competition and free movement within the internal market. The principle of neutrality pervades the whole of the EU VAT system which can be derived from principles of the Treaty, establishing the common market, and the introduction of the VAT Directive.

Det vårdande mötet i hemmet

Home care services have had, and will have a major imortance in the future. More people will be using home care services as a consequence of political strategies but also as an effect of caretakers own wishes. The purpose of this study was to illuminate the factors that are significant for a successful encounter between a caretaker and a caregiver. The study is made as a qualitative analysis of litterature. The data collection was based on Polit and Hungler's model of information retrieval and the data analysis on Graneheim and Lundman's model of analysis.

?Det här är ett fritt land för mig.? : En studie om synen på hedersrelaterat förtryck bland utsatta kvinnor och professionella socialarbetare.

AbstractWith the murder of Fadime in 2002 honor killings and honour related oppression became a subject of wide public debate. The question was raised whether the Swedish social services had the knowledge and the resources necessary to face the issue with honor related oppression.This study is about the views on honor related oppression among oppressed women and professional social workers and aims to explore the relationship between social worker and client in an honor related context. Does the risk of culture clashes pose a problem in dealing with the Swedish authorities and do Swedish social workers have the necessary tools to help the, often young, oppressed women that seek their aid? This is a qualitative study based on five individual interviews: Two former victims of honour related oppression, two professional social workers and one relative of a young girl who was the victim of an honor killing.Observations:The social workers found that they had adequate resources at hand but that awareness among employees in the social services needed to be improved.The clients felt that the help they?ve received from the social services was helpful but that more information to the public about available resources was necessary along with a better understanding of the differences between their own culture and that of the Swedish society. The clients expressed that the realization that they were being oppressed didn?t come overnight.

Det vårdande mötet i hemmet

Home care services have had, and will have a major imortance in the future. More people will be using home care services as a consequence of political strategies but also as an effect of caretakers own wishes. The purpose of this study was to illuminate the factors that are significant for a successful encounter between a caretaker and a caregiver. The study is made as a qualitative analysis of litterature. The data collection was based on Polit and Hungler's model of information retrieval and the data analysis on Graneheim and Lundman's model of analysis.

Revisorn - granskare eller konsult? : En undersökning av tjänster från en revisor efterrevisionspliktens avskaffande

The question of the mandatory audits be or not be has been investigated thoroughly in recent years. Theresult is that the audit obligation in all likelihood will be voluntary for 96 percent of all of Sweden´slimited companies in the summer of 2010. The new draft law gives the accountant the opportunity towork both as an accountant and consultant. The investigation in this script works with the question"Which services the owner-managed companies, which in future not will be forced to audit, demandfrom an accounting firm in the suspension of the mandatory audit?" This will take the investigation outby a quantitative study through questionnaires distributed to 40 limited companies.

"Tack och lov så händer det inte så ofta" : En studie av fyra socialsekreterares erfarenheter av hot och våld från klienter

The purpose of this study is to examine the experiences of threats and violence among four social workers at a social services' reception center for individual and family care. The study uses semistructured interviews and an abductive approach. The analysis is based on previous research, communication theory, coping and sense of coherence, SOC. The study shows that the studied workplace isn't considered to be particularly exposed to threats and violence, although all four respondents have experienced threats and/or violence. The respondents make a difference between threats and harsh words from clients because they consider their clients are entitled to be upset considering the nature of the work conducted at the workplace.

Agens : om konsten att se handling bortom det förväntade

The law which makes the purchase, or the attempt to purchase, temporary sexual services a criminal offence has been implemented in Sweden for more than six years. It appears as if very few, possibly no, sex-selling women have used the law to report men who have bought their services during these years. How can this be understood? With this thesis I suggest a new way of thinking on agency. A way which questions the traditional view on action whereby agency equals to act in certain, predefined ways.

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