

1977 Uppsatser om Windows Sharepoint Services - Sida 18 av 132

Web Services ? för enklare användning av karttjänster

Detta arbete har bedrivits i syfte att kartlägga funktionalitet, teknik och användningsområde gällande Web Services. Innehållet utgör således en teoretisk utvärdering av Web Services, samt tester av grundläggande programmeringslösningar. De frågor arbetet ämnar besvara är hur en Web Services på lämpligt sätt kan baseras på en befintlig tjänst, samt på vilket sätt denna Web Services kan göra aktuell tjänst lättare att använda. Dessutom belyses eventuella problem som kan uppstå i samband med denna Web Services-anpassning. I syfte att presentera ett lösningsförslag på ovan nämnda frågor granskades, via en litteraturstudie, ett antal informatikrelaterade begrepp liksom faktorer förknippade med kommersiell verksamhet på Internet.

Socialtjänstens hantering av medias granskning : En kvalitativ studie om hur socialarbetare upplevde hanteringen av mediagranskning på deras arbetsplats

The aim of this study was to understand how the professional in social work handles the media scrutiny. When the media writes about social services there is seldom anything positive written about it, many social services organizations are instead heavily criticized and scrutinized by the media. When social services organizations are scrutinized by the media there is a crisis at work, and therefore should be handled as a crisis. Therefore, we describe how a crisis management might look like in an organization. The study is qualitative therefore we have interviewed four municipalities in Sweden that have been exposed by the media at a national level.

"Ett plus ett blir mer än två om man samarbetar" : Användarnas perspektiv på biblioteks- och informationsservice i Skåne Nordost

Eight libraries, seven public libraries and one college library, in the northeast of Skåne serve as foundation in a collaboration where students and adult learners are placed in the center of attention. The aim of this Master's thesis in library and information science was to study how the students and adult learners in the northeast of Skåne perceive the library services that are developed with their needs in mind.Our method for this thesis was a quantitative interview study. We aimed to conduct interviews with users at the public libraries within the cooperation and thereby find out whether or not users within the target group were aware of the services that are developed and established within the northeast Skåne collaboration.The results showed that only a few respondents in the key target group did in fact know about certain parts of the library services especially developed for the northeast of Skåne-collaboration. The majority of the key target group also thought that study-related literature and reading rooms were the most important means that the libraries have to offer them in their studies. The northeast of Skåne-collaboration had many ideas concerning library services.

Bankers syn på ändringar av aktiekapital, revisionsplikt och redovisning : En fallstudie av svenska storbanker i Karlstads kommun

The amendment of a law which is expected to come may well have a significant impact on the Swedish real-estate broke market. The law change will probably have an effect in the number of ways real-estate brokers will compete as a result of the increasing variety of services offered. In order to gain competitive advantages brokers must be at the forefront in the development regarding the changing market. To do so requires that the company chooses an appropriate range of peripheral services that are profitable. The problem is to choose the ?right? services to convey. The purpose of this paper is to describe the services that are in demand for transmission and how the agents can work to meet the demand of this new market.

C2-monitor : en rapport om utvecklingen av ett mobilt gränssnitt

This report presents the development process of a mobile interface for the C2-monitor. A monitoring tool used to support the operations for the broadcasting services of Ericsson Broadcasting and Media Services (EBMS). With the support of the C2-monitor, operators can monitor hundreds of channels and services produced from EBMS. To enhance a more flexible working environment, the C2-monitor needs to be developed further to support mobile devices with a customized design to take advantage of mobile phones features and functionality. Established and well-recognized design methods and principles have been applied in the development process and user testing have been made iteratively throughout the project.

Mobila tjänster för studenter : En undersökning av mobilapplikationer för studentliv

This study aims to highlight the activities and needs of students in order to explain how mobile services can provide support and facilitate students on a daily basis. The empirical data is based on discussions with a focus group combined with already existing research concerning the areas of mobile service development, contextual-awareness and ubiquitous computing. The results from the focus group show that students have a need for mobile services to help and support them in their ordinary tasks and activities. In the discussion of this report we bring up aspects of development and what to think of when dealing with students..

Möjligheter att skapa en virtualiserad utvecklingsmiljö för Windows

Arbetet syftar till att undersöka förutsättningarna för att skapa en virtualiserad utvecklingsmiljö för Windows som installeras och konfigureras utan manuell övervakning. Utvecklare på Sandvik Systems Development (SSD) arbetar ofta med olika utvecklingsverktyg eller använder sig av olika versioner av utvecklingsmiljöer och detta är ett problem. Det är också vanligt att utvecklarna blandar sina kontorsapplikationer med utvecklingsmiljön vilket kan vara en stor säkerhetsrisk. Ett annat stort problem är att tiden kan vara väldigt lång för inhyrda konsulter och nyanställda att få sina utvecklingsmiljöer installerade, vilket resulterar i stora kostnader för SSD. En möjlig lösning till problemen är att använda virtuella maskiner som utvecklingsmiljöer.

Pedagogik - konsultens marknad

PurposeThe purpose of this thesis is to investigate the market of pedagogic consulting and how the customers look upon these kinds of services and what the consultants think about the market. The following five questions were investigated:What is the situation of the market of pedagogic consulting?-          What needs and what demands are there of pedagogical consulting services? -          What are the economic possibilities for schools and municipalities to buy professional development and consulting services?What do schools and municipalities think about their needs and what do they think about buying professional development from consultants?-          How are the professional development offerings of the consultants recieved by schools and municipalities and is there a difference between the private and public sector of education? -          What impact could professional development have on schools?In what way is the marketing for pedagogic consulting done?Method In this study I have chosen to have a qualitative approach with an abductive perpective. I made these choices to get closer to what I wanted to investigate. Through the abductive methodology it was possible to go between theory and empirics.

Våldsexponerade barn i behandling

This study demonstrates that there is variety of treatment interventions for children exposed to intimate violence. These interventions are differentiated in design but a common ground for them all is that they strive to provide a chance for children exposed to intimate violence, to be able to speak about and process their feelings and violent experiences. The study?s aim is to, with a qualitative approach, seek understanding for the different actors who practice social work, see upon their task in the treatment interventions that are provided for children exposed to intimate partner violence. The study is based on mapping the existing treatment interventions for previously mentioned target group, in Malmö.

Marknaden för skogsvårdstjänster : en undersökning bland privata markägare inom en region i Värmland

This work broadly illuminates the conditions for increasing the commissions of forestry services within the whole, or parts of, the western regions of Stora Enso?s operating area. Through a questionnaire, a survey was made examining whether the owners of the forests themselves do the forestry on their woodlands. This foremost concerns the pre-commercial thinning, but also planting and soil scarification. The survey also shows who are buying the most part of their forestry services and who are carrying it out themselves.

Säkerhetsarbete inom ungdomsvård - ett underlag till förbättring av samverkan

The aim of this project is to study the work that has been done by the youth welfare to prevent accidents and to increase the preparedness in case of fire. Further the aim is to develop a basis to improve the interaction between the fire services and the youth welfare. The conclusions that were made during the project can be used to increase the safety of the environment that estates by the youth welfare..

Är du myndig så är du : En kvalitativ studie om insatser för ensamkommande barn.

This is a qualitative study about unaccompanied refugee?s support that they can get from Social Services and Migration Board. It?s a survey that is made in Skellefteå Kommun by interviewing four professional workers, two at the Social Services and two at the Migration Board. The questions in this study deals with the social support and how age may affect this support.

Outsourcing av ekonomifunktionen: En fallstudie av tre redovisningsföretag

The aim of this paper has been to investigate how accounting firms govern their organizations with regards to the complexity in the service that they offer. The service includes the general accounting tasks which through standardization can be cost efficient, the advisory services that entail flexibility, and the relationship with the customer which needs to be taken into consideration when delivering the financial reports. These three components are important but require different approaches when it comes to governing the organization. The conducted case study has shown that the accounting firms govern their organizations bureaucratically and mainly through behaviour and accounting controls. The advisory services demanded by customers are standardized, not analytical, and therefore do not require the firms to take flexibility into consideration.

Skötselavtal eller sköta graven själv : vilka faktorer spelar roll vid beslut om gravskötsel?

This study is a first attempt to try to understand what the variables could be that make the person responsible for the grave sign up for grave gardening services by the church or to maintain the grave by him- or herself. There has been almost no research done within this subject. This study has been made by a qualitative research method and interviews have been performed with both persons responsible for the grave who have gardening services made by the church and with those who maintain the grave by themselves. The characteristics that are affecting consumer behaviour and the buyer decision process are presented in the theoretical part of this study. That is done so it can be seen if a comparison between the results of the study and the basic theoretical concept is possible, resulting in an understanding of how the costumers think and argue about this question.

"Barn uppfattar på ett sätt, fast det kan vara på ett annat" : En kvalitativ studie om socialtjänstens uppfattningar och arbete med fysiskt misshandlade barn

The aim of the study was to examine what workers in social services considers physical child abuse and in which way social services work with children who have been exposed to physical child abuse. The study also examines which interventions are available and how physically abused children assimilate these. I've interviewed four child-welfare officers and for those interviews I've used the qualitative semi-structured method. The results shows that all my respondents have different views on on the definition of physical child abuse. The result also shows that the municipality which the children belongs to plays a major role in which children can get help with their problems.

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