

2148 Uppsatser om Windows Presentation Foundation - Sida 6 av 144

Muslimska elever vs. Islam i skolan : En fallstudie om muslimska gymnasieelevers upplevelser av islams presentation i svensk religionsundervisning

Islam är en av världsreligionerna och har miljoner anhängare världen över. Det finns en allmän uppfattning om islams problematik, så till vida att islam sällan får rätt presentation, då exempelvis inom massmedia och skola. Frågan är hur skolan, som är vårt största lärosäte presenterar en religion rättvist och utan fördomar, hur en religion blir presenterat på ett icke nyanserat sätt.Uppsatsens syfte är att söka svar på hur islam framställs i svensk gymnasieskola, med metoder som dokumentstudier, fokusgrupp och djupintervjuer, där muslimska elever berättar om erfarenheter och upplevelser.Generella slutsatser som framkommit är att muslimska elever anser att svensk gymnasieskola ger en delvis positiv bild av islam, som religion, men med vissa brister, såsom etnocentriskt tänkande, i muntlig presentation och text. Elever har även pekat på en viss marginalisering och distansering gällande islams presentation i undervisningen..

Påföljder, Microsoft mot Kommissionen

Microsoftdomen grundar sig i att Microsoft vägrat lämna ut interoperabilitetsinformation till en av sina konkurrenter (Sun). Sun menar att detta konstituerar ett missbruk av dominerande ställning och lämnar in ett klagomål till Kommissionen som påbörjar en utredning. Kommissionen börjar dessutom på egen hand utreda huruvida Microsofts integration av Windows Media Player i sitt operativsystem (Windows) kan utgöra ett missbruk. Den 17 september 2007 blev Microsoft dömda av Förstainstansrätten för missbruk av dominerande ställning. Detta ledde till ett par påföljder för Microsofts del.

Det mörka hörnet? Ett förslag till en relativistisk postmodernism

abstractThe aim of this essay is to try to convince the reader that relativism and postmodernism (the latter implying the former, but not the other way around) can be reasonable methods for the social sciences, rather than the irresponsible play of ?extremes? theories of this kind sometimes are made out to be.The intention is to do this by way of the later Wittgenstein, the philosophy of whom is the foundation for what is termed relativism and postmodernism in this essay (definitions of a kind that are here claimed to be missing from the discourse of the social sciences). The essay also contains an empirical presentation/analysis, displaying the Wittgensteinian theory through an aspect of the American Civil Rights movement of the 1950s and -60s..

Att skriva en berättelse : En studie av hur elever i årskurs 3 anpassar stilen i sina berättande texter

The present study has two purposes. One aim is to investigate to what extent 20 pupils in grade 3 use two different forms of presentation in their narrative texts and how these choices of forms of presentation create certain patterns in the pupils? texts. Another aim is to study to what extent the pupils use various features of spoken language in their narrative texts and whether these features correlate with the forms of presentation. The material in the study consists of 20 narrative texts from the national test in Swedish in 2011.

Tying på en innovativ marknad - Microsoft mot Kommissionen

Förstainstansrättens dom i målet Microsoft mot Kommissionen har gett upphov tillmånga konkurrensrättsliga frågor, bl.a. gällande Microsofts tying av WindowsMedia Player till sitt operativsystem Windows. Denna uppsats för framförallt ettresonemang kring frågan om huruvida de ?traditionella? EG-rättsliga metodersom idag används vid bedömningen av kopplingsförbehåll (tying) är förlegade närdessa ska appliceras på en ?ny? produkt som mjukvara. En analys av konkurrensrättsligdoktrin och rättspraxis visar att Microsoftdomen i delen vad gäller tying ärkonsekvent gentemot den praxis som etablerats på området genom målen T-30/89Hilti AG mot Kommissionen samt C-333/94 P Tetra Pak International SA motKommissionen.

Studie av värmeflöden i befintligt bostadsbestånd : Utvärdering av energieffektiva besparingsåtgärder

The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate different types of measures for making buildings more energy efficient and to estimate their profitability. The calculations were performed with the building simulation program VIP+ and the evaluation of the profitability with the life cycle cost method. Furthermore, it was examined how losses in the distribution of secondary systems of district heating can be avoided. Options to replace district heating with a local district heating system based on bio-energy have been investigated. The possibilities of achieving more efficient thermal energy consumption and production for the chosen estate were also examined.The object of the study has been a residential estate with 133 detached houses in Uppsala, built in 1974.

En studie av inbyggda brandväggar : Microsoft XP och Red Hat Linux

Detta kandidatarbete utreder hur väl två operativsystems inbyggda brandväggar fungerar i symbios med en användares vanligaste tjänsteutnyttjande på Internet, samt att se hur likartade de är i sitt skydd från hot. De två operativsystemen som vi utgick ifrån var Microsoft Windows XP samt Red Hat Linux 8.0. Den hypotes vi arbetat kring lyder enligt följande: De två inbyggda brandväggarna är i stort likartade rörande skydd från hot på Internet och uppfyller användarnas tjänsteutnyttjande. De metoder vi använt, för att svara på vår frågeställning, har delats upp i ett funktionalitetstest och ett säkerhetstest. I funktionalitetstestet provades de vanligaste Internettjänsterna med den inbyggda brandväggen och ifall det uppstod några komplikationer eller ej.

"Mer bio än bibliotek" : Klassifikation och medieuppställning i det senmoderna samhället

This case study examines the new media presentation system in Alby public library. The aim is to explore if the contemporary Zeitgeist, wich according to the sociologist Zygmunt Bauman, could be described as liquid modernity, has affected how the system was formed. The purpose is to find out how that would affect users and staff of public libaries of the contemporary. Interviews were conducted with the library staff, and plans and documents concerning the media presentation system was examined.The empirical part of this thesis starts with a study of the process that resulted in the new presentation system while the second part examines the system as such. I discovered that both the media presentation system, and the process which preceded it, contained aspects that could be traced to liquid modernity.

Utvärdering av produkter för säker autentisering i Windowsmiljö

In this report hardware based alternatives to password authentication in a Windows domain are evaluated for the needs of a certain company. In order to investigate the demands on such alternatives interviews with people concerned have been carried out. The demands which resulted from the interviews have been used to select types of hardware tokens for evaluation. Two products which offer authentication with smart cards and USB tokens have been selected and closer evaluated. These are RSA Passage which offers both hardware options and Rainbow iKey which uses USB tokens.

Hur hanterar institutioner en miljö med blandade Operativsystem?

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate if there are environments that use some kind of central authentication system within institutions/schools. The hypothesis is that an institution not using a form of central authentication service has more need for maintenance and as such is considered a higher cost for the organization. The gathering of data has been done through interviews with technical personal at Blekinge Tekniska Högskola and Linköpings Universitet. Based on the technical background of the authors, and the system limited to discussing Windows and UNIX operating systems, a discussion and analysis of the systems working today has been done, with emphasize on the hypothesis..

Skredriskutsatta områden vid ett förändrat klimat - Konsekvenser för vattendistributionen i Göteborg

This report presents suggestions and recommendations on how to convert an old industrial building, built in 1958, to an office hotel. One of the main criteria was that the floor plan should be flexible. The building is situated at Jonsereds Fabriker and the study was conducted for Hantverkslokaler i Göteborg AB, the estate owner.The survey is initiated with study visits at various office hotels, together with studies of literature regarding office planning. One conclusion from the study visits is that meeting-places, where the different companies can meet and exchange ideas and services, are important. Another one, and probably the most important parameter when planning offices is that they should have windows.

Normer, presentation och självrepresentation : En kvalitativ studie om unga kvinnor som bloggar

In this paper we examine how young women present themselves on their weblogs. The main purpose of this study is to get their own opinions and thoughts about their own blogging, to see if we can find norms for how they present themselves and how the presentation online matches themselves offline. We put this in relation to information technologies, social software and Computer mediated communication, CMC. It´s also in our interest to see how the phenomenon of blogs, its role and methods of communication have changed and developed in the last few years, and whether there are differences in the way people use it according to age. The major finding is that, unlike previous research, the women in our study tend to be themselves in their weblogs and they do not manipulate their identities.

?Du är partiledare (?) men inte minst en helt vanlig människa? En studie av partiledarnas framträdanden i Nyfiken på partiledaren.

Title: ?Du är partiledare (?) men inte minst en helt vanlig människa? ? En studie av partiledarnas framträdanden i Nyfiken på partiledaren.Authors: Marcus Alakangas and Martin RidderstolpeSubject: Undergraduate research paper in journalism studies, Dept. of journalism, media and communication (JMG) Gothenburg UniversityTerm: Spring 2014Supervisor: Mats Ekström, JMG, Gothenburg UniversityPurpose: Our main purpose is to examine whether there is a pattern of similarities to which the Swedish party leaders adapt to in their narratives and presentation of self in the television show Nyfiken på partiledaren.Method: Etnographic Content AnalysisProcedure: The first part of all eight episodes was transcribed and analyzed from the perspective that the interviewee is doing a presentation of self.Results: There are tendencies that the party leaders adapt to similar patterns in their narratives and presentation of self. The main aspect of that is in the way they portrait themselves as ordinary persons that people can relate to. Another aspect is that the narratives they put forth are in coherence with their political views.

Automatiserad testning

Arbetet innehåller en allmän presentation om automatiserad testning, om var man kan tjäna tid samt vilka fällor som finns. Vidare har en analys gjorts på de olika verktyg som finns på marknaden idag och teknikerna bakom dessa. Därefter valdes ett verktyg ut åt FDT, nämligen Rational Visual Test. En kort presentation av detta program och de tekniker som stöds tas upp. Slutligen har ett förslag på en uppdaterad version av FDT?s testmetodik utformats för att anpassas mot en automatiserad testning..

Administrativt Trafikskoleverktyg

This examination project is carried out for Waséns Traffic School in Linköping. The task was to develop a completely new windows application and a webpage that connects to the same MySQL database. The windows application (ATSV) is a program intended to carry out all the administrative tasks that a clerk at a traffic school may need: pupil management, reservations, billing and register functions. The applications was developed in C++ using Visual C++ from Microsoft. The connection to the MySQL database was made possible by using the class package MySQL++.

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