

2149 Uppsatser om Windows Presentation Foundation - Sida 23 av 144

Möjligheter för visualisering i presentation av småhus

Rapporten behandlar hur husleverantörer kan utveckla presentationsmaterial. De materialen som visas är olika husmodeller från företagen och behandlar bakgrundsvyer samt förbättringar i digital media. Företaget som ligger till grund för rapporten är Trivselhus, och undersökningarna i rapporten är baserade på aktörer i anknytning till företaget. Resultatet kan även tillämpas hos andra husleverantörer.Visualisering handlar om hur människan tar till sig den informationen som ges. Den används för att underlätta förståelsen för komplicerade bilder och idéer som visas för kunder.

Smakdomarna och Fredrika Runeberg explicit subjektivitet och värdering i svensk litteraturhistorieskrivning

This essay is a study of explicit subjectivity and valuation in Swedish literary historiography from a power perspective. The methodology involves qualitative perusal of literary handbooks from 1915 to 1999. The author Fredrika Runeberg is taken as a window, in that I have examined if and how she is described in the selected handbooks. The main purpose has been to see if subjectivity in disparaging terms and condemnation of authorship have become more evident during the years under consideration. I have related the twelve selected handbooks to Hallberg's five methods for literary historiography.

Tingsryds Travbana

Our bachelor thesis is a visualisation made in 3D-graphics of how the horserace track in Tingsryd perhaps will look like in the future, complete with a miletrack, steeplechase, and other horserace courses. Today, the race track is only in it?s building phase. The inner field-group in Tingsryd needed presentation material to show their eventual sponsors, so they contacted us at Media Technology, and we instantly decided to give their idea a try..

Vad gör en bra park bra? : och hur gör man den bättre?

This our bachelor thesis of 15 p ECTS. Our subject is What makes a good park? ? And how to make it better. The purpose of our bachelor thesis is to provide an overall direction for instrinsic qualities, resource (areas and materials) maintenance, visitor use, visitor experience and a basic foundation for decision-making for the maintenance and enhancement of the parks in Danderyd municipality.

Cloud computing - Moving to the cloud

Cloud computing innebär användning av datorresurser som är tillgängliga via ett nätverk, oftast Internet och är ett område som har vuxit fram i snabb takt under de senaste åren. Allt fler företag migrerar hela eller delar av sin verksamhet till molnet. Sogeti i Borlänge har behov av att migrera sina utvecklingsmiljöer till en molntjänst då drift och underhåll av dessa är kostsamma och tidsödande. Som Microsoftpartners vill Sogeti använda Microsoft tjänst för cloud computing, Windows Azure, för detta syfte. Migration till molnet är ett nytt område för Sogeti och de har inga beskrivningar för hur en sådan process går till.

Vad kvinnor vill ha : en studie om unga mäns självpresentationer på dejtingsajten Spray Date

Title: What women want ? a study about young men?s self-presentation on the on-line dating site Spray Date.Authors: Anna Tuvehagen & Josefin HultTutor: Lena Widding-HedinPurpose: Our main purpose was to identify implicit norms and ideals for masculinity in young men?s advertisements on the on-line dating site Spray Date.Questions: How do the men present themselves on Spray Date and what do they accentuate in their advertisements? What kind of relationship do the men hope to establish and what qualities and attribute do they look for in women? Are there any notable differences and similarities regarding our findings of ideals and the ones in previous research?Method: In order to answer our questions we chose 100 advertisements made by men in the age 18 to 25. To analyse the advertisements we used a qualitative content analysis, however we have some quantitative elements.Main results: The men in our study are searching for love on Spray Date and usually describe themselves as nice, cheerful, decent guys with good sense of humour. Although, spare-time interests and activities are what the men mainly focus on. Their interests are broad and all sorts of combinations occur why it is difficult to place the men in categories.

Mer än en snygg skylt på fasaden : Svenska lärosätens varumärkesarbete

Title: Management control of facility efficiency in municipalities - A case study of Halmstad municipalityLevel: BachelorSeminar date: 2012-05-31Authors: Markus Nilsson & Sara MattssonAdvisor: Sven-Ola CarlssonKey words: Control management in municipality, facility efficiency, management by objectives, internal rents and incentivesBackground: The public sector owns and manages a large property portfolio and in the municipalities, the properties are always a big cost item. Because of the outside world changes and the public interest, the properties should be used as efficiently as possible.Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to describe how control management of facilities looks like a municipality. The paper also seeks to explain how employees work to make the facilities more efficient in a municipality.Methodology: The authors use a qualitative method with open interviews.Theoretical perspectives: The choice of theory was made with the field of management control and facility efficiency in mind. The theory therefore includes management by objectives, internal rents and reward systems, motivation and communication within organizations.Empirical foundation: The organization has undergone a reorganization 2010/2011. There are no clear incentives to reduce facility costs.

?Ett spöke går runt Europa- kommunismens spöke? : En studie av religionsläromedel med fokus på den marxistiska livsåskådningen mellan åren 1970 och 1991

In the late 20th century the Soviet Union collapsed and the eastern European countries were freed from the communist Russian oppression. However, during the Soviet period Marxism was a recurring life stance in the Swedish textbooks for religious education in the gymnasieskola. Today the Soviet Union has collapsed, but the Marxist philosophy has had a huge effect on both single individuals and the modern society as a whole. Nonetheless, the Marxist life stance is nowadays often being replaced by other non- religious life stances in the textbooks of religious education.Therefore, this analysis is a hermeneutic study of the presentation of the Marxist life stance in textbooks for Swedish religious education. The purpose of the paper is to investigate how these textbooks portray the Marxist life stance, and to prove that the societal context and the individual author have an immense effect in the portrayal of both religions and life stances in religious education.

Energikartläggning av Fridhemsskolan 16:2

Increased energy consumption in the world has created an increased supply of various fuels, especially fossil fuels. The Swedish government has set up various energy targets for 2020. To reach these goals it?s important to increase the energy efficiency in local buildings such as schools. This work illustrates the breakdown between energy supply and energy losses over the school.

Joharifönster och spel : att identifiera en målgrupp

This is the report on a study made to find a correlation between the Johari window and the games that the possessor of given Johari window enjoys to play. A Johari window is a graph that shows an individual?s ability to receive and give feedback. One obvious correlation was found between individuals enjoying role playing games and their possessing Johari windows showing a good ability to give feedback. The reasoning behind this is that the ability to give feedback is based on the capability to express oneself to the external environment, and that one would need to be comfortable with expressing oneself to an external environment in order to enjoy interacting with the narrative that takes place within the role playing genre..

TECHNOLOGY MEETS THE EYE : Utveckling av system för att jämföra eye tracking data med visuellt stimuli

The purpose of the project was to make a system that could extract data from a mobile eye tracker and make it comparable with data from visual stimuli. The produced system was programmed in Java and provided all the necessary parts that were required to achieve the purpose. This provides a foundation for further research to determine whether the eye tracker is sufficiently accurate to diagnose Parkinson?s disease..

Infallsvinklar och angreppssa?tt fo?r en svensk livsmedelsstrategi : En utredning av angreppspunkter och betraktelsesa?tt hos livsmedelsstrategi-intressenter samt ha?llbarhetsaspekter av dessa.

Understensho?jden is Stockholm's largest eco-village which was built in the early 1990s with the vision of enabling ecological living for people. However the ecovillage is no longer considered as environmentally friendly because of its relatively high energy consumption, and non-updated energy system. The purpose of this study is therefore to investigate how Understensho?jden should reduce their energy consumption and upgrade its energy system by using Blower-Door, IR-camera and Design Builder.

Flexibel ljudinspelning för talkvalitetsanalys

This report describes how wavefiles can be recorded with programs written in the C++ language . The report also describes how the recorded sound is handled before it can be analyzed. The report describes the different parts that make a wave file to a wave file and how Windows handle these files. There is always some silence or noise of unknown length that passes through the system before some interesting sound arrives. That silence or nose must not be recorded and therefore some function must be developed that can detect interesting sound or speech.

Planering och val av metod i byggprojekt

This report describes the construction process and the aspects that should be taken into consideration. It includes models of decision and how these can be used in practice. Planning of a building project is very important for a successful execution. This will be the foundation of problems that will occur during the production. In the planning process people with different positions, search for the best suitable building methods.

Markanvädnings och markvård på småskaliga farmer i Bungomadistriktet, Western Province, Kenya

In Northen Bungoma, Western province ? Kenya, the Vi-Agroforestry Project (VI-AFP) has introduced a new project that covers 7000 households. To succeed with the project, a water resources protection project, agroforestry methods will be implemented to secure the water quality of the area. In this thesis a foundation is laid for future follow-up studies of land cover and land use of this area. To carry out this study an existing method from a cooperation between VIAFP and Dalarnas University (HDa) has been implemented.

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