

2149 Uppsatser om Windows Presentation Foundation - Sida 19 av 144

Motivation in Knowledge Intensive Firms - More art than science

Workers are more demanding than ever and stay a shorter amount of time within the same organization. For this reason we wanted to look further into how organizations work with motivation in order to create success in Knowledge Intensive Firms. The complexity of knowledge workers formed the base for our interest within the subject. The purpose of our thesis is to reflect upon what is written about the motivational effects of recruitment and reward strategies in Knowledge Intensive Firms. Further our essay is based on an abductive advocacy.

Undersökning och utveckling av en Linuxplattform för Sandvik AB

Sandvik IT Services, en del av Sandvik AB, vill testa och undersöka möjligheten attfå fram ett alternativ till Microsoft Windows. Höga licenskostnader kombinerat medoflexibla avtal för operativsystem och applikationer gör att det finns goda skäl attfinna alternativ. Allt fler företag använder Linux kostnadsfria program med öppenkällkod då de idag blivit mer attraktivt med stabila, välutvecklade ochanvändarvänliga distributioner och programvaror. I denna rapport undersöks, testasoch läggs en grund för fortsatt utveckling av ett kostnadsfritt alternativ, en prototypkallad Sandvik Desktop..

Varumärkesetablering : med en trend som hävstång

The aim of our thesis is to study and analyze the components and features a brand should have to provide a solid foundation for brand building. Furthermore, we show how brands can make use of trends in a brand establishment.This paper is written from a qualitative approach. Through both structured and semi structured interviews, we obtained valuable information from our respondents. Our frame of reference and empirical foundation are linked together through an abductive approach which has resulted in our analysis and conclusions.A trend brings with a set of emotional characteristics, which companies can?t influence but must adapt to.

Energieffektivisering av skolbyggnad från 60-talet : Studie av Hållsta skola i Eskilstuna

In June 2006 the Swedish government decided that the use of energy in buildings should be reduced by 20 percent until 2020, compared to the level of energy used in 1995. To contribute to this goal, the real estate company ?Eskilstuna Kommunfastigheter AB?, set up own goals for their buildings. In 2009, the goal for schools was to have a maximum energy use of 118 kWh/m2year for heating and hot water.The school ?Hållsta skola?, just south of Eskilstuna, exceeds the limit since it used 270 kWh in 2008.

"Sanningens ögonblick" : En uppsats om organisationsprinciper och deras betydelse för kundorienteringen hos folkbibliotek

In writing this study, I wanted to examine which principles of organization that are possible for Swedish public libraries to use, and what these principles mean for the libraries customerorientation. This is done by examining a number of written sources, as well as studying the organization of six public libraries. I found several possible principles, but a number of principles have been more commonly used than others. Historically most public libraries were organized according to the functions needed to be carried out within the organization, but today it is much more common to use subject-based organizations, with some examples of organizing according to user-groups and needs. I have also encountered the possibility of organizing according to the sources that are to be handled, or the way in which these sources are used by the customers.

Identitetsskapande på Internet : En kvalitativ studie om det sociala nätverket Facebook

As computerized communication and the Internet have evolved, the possibility to express and affirm one?s identity in new ways has also been created. Facebook, which has taken a leading role among the social fora on the Internet and succeeded worldwide, is my choice of study due to the number of people that actively choose to present themselves on it. The purpose of this thesis is to study the identity construction on Facebook through the activities a member partakes in, as well as how the presentation of oneself is written and if it is a result of a self-reflective process of the individual.The rationale for the qualitative study has been personal interviews in order to get an insight into how the individuals use and present themselves on Facebook and - in the interaction with others ? how they construct their own identity. My hypothesis has been that we, in the interaction with others, have a great possibility to create and understand our own identities. The study results show that identity formation is a constant process and that it is indeed a self-reflective project.


Detta projekt handlar om att skapa en WiFi-accesspunkt på en dator där datatrafiktill och från applikationer på en smartphone kan avlyssnas. Första steget i projektetvar att skapa accesspunkten på en bärbar dator med Windows 7 operativsystemetoch att dokumentera tillvägagångssättet. Programmet Wireshark installerades sedanför att lyssna av internet trafiken mot en Android smartphone. Sista steget i projektetvar att mäta och tolka nätverkstrafik på ett antal populära "appar". En relativjämförelse gjordes mellan apparna med cache-minnet påslaget kontra avslaget..

Simulering av LAN i VirtualBox

Allt mer inom IT blir virtuellt och VirtualBox är ett program som simulerar virtuellamaskiner och som man kan bygga LAN i. VirtualBox används som testplattform för hårdochmjukvara. Arbetet visar hur man kan använda VirtualBox för att simulera en fysiskLAN uppbyggnad, dels för att företag ska kunna arbete i VirtualBox virtuellt, dels för attkunna testa LAN innan de byggs upp fysiskt. Detta sätts upp med två arbetsstationer medWindows-OS respektive Ubuntu-OS, en Windows 2008 server, en pfSense router.Installerar och konfigurerar nätverksinställningar emellan dem samt utför tester.VirtualBox visades sig vara en bra testplattform med många utvecklingsområden förföretag..

"Skammen bränner" : En litteraturstudie med fokus på beskrivningar av skuld och skam kopplat till alkoholmissbruk

The aim of this study was to gain an understanding about how people with a former alcohol abuse expresses and gives meaning to feelings of guilt and shame in autobiographical books. In particular the purpose of the study was to find out how the authors writes about feelings of guilt and shame, whether it was expressed explicitly or implicitly, and which meaning the authors gives to feelings of guilt and shame and how these feelings are related to each other. We randomly selected 8 autobiographical books by using different criterias. The foundation of this study was social constructionism, which is also a foundation for one of our analysis methods: discourse analyse. This analysis method was used for the analysis of the expressions that were made in an explicit way.

Konst på internet idag : En retorikanalys av konstverksamma organisationers självpresentationer

This is a qualitative study about Art transformation and commodification in the digital age. The study applies a rhetoric analysis with the aim to understand how art sellers, gallery owners and entrepreneurs take part in this transformation process through their websites? presentation texts ?about us?. The analysis is related to communication theories but it is also inspired by other theories such as Gramsci?s hegemony theory and Bourdieu?s cultural critical theory.

Customer Relationship Management : En studie om hur företag arbetar med CRM och orsaker till misslyckade implementeringsförsök

In relation to the paradigm shift that took place between the marketing mix and relationship marketing, and the emergence of information technology in the 90:s, the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) has become a frequently used concept in marketing. Most definitions and approaches have been generated from previous studies, but the concept is still criticized for the number of failed implementation attempts. Along a discussion of the area has an elaborate theoretical foundation remained as the foundation for the study development and utilized in all the sections of the study. The study, with help from Gartner's eight building blocks of CRM, focus on how Swedish medium and large companies work with CRM, and if this is an indicator of the number of failed implementation attempts. The survey consists of two approaches, qualitative and quantitative, to provide both depth and generalizability of the study.

Offentlig upphandling : Ändringarna i LOU och dess inverkan ur en rättssäkerhets- och nondiskrimineringsaspekt.

AbstractThe author Selma Lagerlöf was born in 1858 at Mårbacka, in Värmland and died in 1940. Fifty years after Selma´s death were her correspondence released and ten thousand of letters were found in the collection. But it was just the correspondence between Selma and Sofie Elkan who interested people because they wanted to know if Selma and Sofie have had a sexual relationship. Later, in time for Christmas 2008 the Swedish Television shows a film about Selma. "Selma Lagerlöf Society" was critical to the movie and thougt that the movie focused too much on Selma`s sexual orientation.

Renovering av miljonprogrammet till Umeå kommuns nybyggnadskrav för energianvändning

A lot of houses built during the Million Homes Programme are in need of major renovation. Today?s technology and materials are better than in the 60?s and 70?s. Both Swedish government and the European Union have set climate goals regarding energy consumption by 2020 and 2050. Achieving these goals would require better standards in buildings than the Building regulations demands, such as Umeå municipality?s construction requirements for new buildings.The report aims to investigate if a renovation of apartment buildings from the Million Homes Programme can reach Umeå municipality?s construction requirements.

Fem sinnen : Utveckling av äventyrsrum för Boda Borg

The Innovation- and Design Engineer program at Karlstad university is a three year long engineer education. In the last phase a final piece is to be done and in this case Boda Borg in Skellefteå is the company in need of product development. Boda Borg is a company in the experience industry and they are located in nine cities from Gällivare in the north of Sweden to Karlskrona in the south. Boda Borg is a franchise company where every facility is their own. As a visitor you will experience physical challenges as well as intellectual in adventure rooms which are serial linked.

En studie av plattformsoberoende med Haxe och NME

Det jag ska undersöka är hur väl program skrivna i Haxe med det externa biblioteket NME uppnår plattformsoberoende. Mer specifikt hur väl ett spel skrivet i Haxe med NME är plattformsoberoende givet att programkoden är den samma och inte modifierad för varje plattform. På hemsidan för NME ställs frågan ?Does This Actually Work?? och svaret som ges är ?As surprising as it sounds, NME really works. You do not need to spend your time messing with cross-platform compatibility, but you also do not have to sacrifice runtime performance or access to platform features.?.För att Haxe och NME ska anses vara plattformsoberoende ska samma källkod resultera i att spel som fungerar på ett tillfredsställande sätt på alla de testade plattformarna, givet att jag i programkoden tar hänsyn till den hårdvara som finns tillgänglig på plattformarna.

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