

422 Uppsatser om West of lake Möckeln - Sida 17 av 29

HÀstar hÄllna utomhus under den kalla Ärstiden i VÀstra Götalands lÀn : samband mellan miljö- och hÀlsofaktorer

During late autumn/winter in the years of 2005/2006 and 2006/2007 a questionnaire study was made in VÀstra Götaland county in the south west of Sweden. Inspectors responsible of animal welfare answered the questionnaires during their routine visits to different horse stables in the county. The questionnaires contained questions about the number of horses at the farm, hoof condition, body condition, how often the horses were fed outside and the pasture condition. The purpose of this study was to investigate if a connection could be seen between environmental factors and health factors within the horses in this material. The connections that were analysed were between; hoof health and pasture condition, how many times the horses were fed outside and the body condition and between the number of horses in the pasture and pasture condition.

FramgÄngsrik Implementation av Lean : FörbÀttrade möjligheter med implementationsmodell

Lean production is the name given to Toyota?s Production System (TPS) by the west. The continuous improvements of their operations through Lean has made Toyota into the largest car manufacturer in the world. This, in turn, has led to several studies regarding both Toyota and their system as to find ways to apply Lean in other organizations. Even so, over 90 percent of all companies fail to implement Lean.

Vegetationsutveckling och brandhistorik i Tyresta under 9000 Är : en pollenanalytisk studie av en skvattramtallmyr i Tyresta nationalpark, Södermanland

Analyses of pollen and charcoal in peat cores, together with age-structure data of Pinus sylvestris from a Ledum-Pinus-mire in the Tyresta National Park (south-east Sweden) show the regional vegetation succession and fire history over the last 9000 years. Five major stages of mire development are identified: 1. Lake (c 7000-6400 cal BC); 2. Wet fen (c 6400-6000 cal BC); 3. Deciduous fen (c 6000 cal BC to c cal AD 700); 4.

Övergödning av MĂ€laren : Betydelsen av antalet beviljade dispenser av stallgödselspridning vid SagĂ„n

Eutrophication was recognized in the early 1900's and results in severe algal blooms, increased biomass production and eventually leads to an altered ecosystem. In MÀlardalen we find the most eutrophic lakes. Most of the applied phosphorus and nitrogen into seas and oceans comes from agriculture, and the nutrients losses are affected by local weather conditions and soil type. Guidelines for storage and distribution of manure were introduced in the 80s, and the rules were strengthened January 1, 2010. Localities and previous county administrations can whether there are special reasons, grant an exemption for manure application during winter-periods despite the current ban.In this essay I have examined how many exemptions of manure application that has been granted at the SagÄn river, and what implications it has for the eutrophication of Lake MÀlaren.

Orienten vs Orienten : Svenska tidningars framstÀllning av muslimer utifrÄn konflikten i södra Thailand.

For centuries Islam and Muslims have been subject to islamophobic attitudes in the west. The purpose with this study was to see into the making of open and closed attitudes against Islam and Muslims from a conflict in southern Thailand, and also to so see if Muslims are portrayed as more violent than the Buddhist groups in the conflict. The aim of the study is also to see if Muslims fall into a violent stereotype. This was studied by looking at five Swedish newspapers coverage of the conflict, during a given time. To be able to look into this, two theories will be used, the first one is the Runnymede Trust theory, which is about open and closed attitudes against Islam and Muslims.

VegetationsförÀndringar i Hornborgasjöns naturreservat : med fokus pÄ restaureringems följder

Den hÀr studien undersöker hur vegetationen förÀndras mellan 1979 och 2010 i omrÄdet som idag Àr Hornborgasjöns naturreservat. SjösÀnkningar i omrÄdet ledde till att ett igenvÀxt trÀskomrÄde ersatte en viktig vattenreservoar och nÀrsaltfÀlla. Restaureringsarbetet under 80-talet var banbrytande och antagligen ett av vÄr tids mest omfattande naturvÄrdsarbete. Studien svarar ocksÄ pÄ om restaureringen uppnÄdde sitt mÄl och om resultatet blev som man tÀnkt sig.I arbetet skapades en aktuell vegetationskarta för 2010, denna jÀmfördes med en i arbetet digitaliserad vegetationskarta frÄn 1979. Kartbilder skapades och justerades i ArcGIS och vegetationsytornas area framtogs för att möjliggöra en vegetationsanalys mellan kartorna.

En utmanad vÀrldsordning- En analys av nya och traditionella bistÄndsgivares idéer och intressen i det internationella utvecklingssamarbetet

In the past years the traditional donors of development assistance have been increasingly aware of changes in the donor landscape. This as emerging economies like China and India has undergone a transition from recieving aid to becoming emerging donors. By identifying and comparing ideas, beliefs and interests pursued using foreign aid between so called emerging and traditional donors, the greater purpose of this thesis is to take a closer look at the alleged changes in the world order. The starting point is Goldstein & Keohanes framework of the impact of ideas and interests in foreign policy and the one of K.J Holsti about institutions as markers metrics of change. The results show that there is no vast difference in interests but a detectable difference in the ideas behind foreign aid.

SjÀlvförsörjande elgenerering : Kan Orust bli sjÀlvförsörjande pÄ förnybar el?

Orust Kretsloppsakademi is a nonprofit organisation, with a goal of annually generate the same amount of electrical energy that is consumed. Orust is an island on the west coast of Sweden, north of Gothenburg. The population of 15 000 reaches 40 000 during summer, due to the large amount of vacationer. The total electricity demand is 174 GWh a year with a maximum power need of 32 MW. This report presents an analysis for the plausibility of their plan and from a power system stability perspective, the effects on the electrical grid.The conclusion is that the restraints for development of power generation from wind, solar and wave generation, are the power systems capability to transfer power, primarily in the transformers of the grid.

Manliga och kvinnliga stressorer, finns det? : En sociologisk studie om genusskillnader i vad som skapar stress bland studenter.

Syftet med denna fenomenologiska uppsats var att ta reda pÄ om det fanns skillnader betrÀffande vad de kvinnliga och manliga studenterna vi har talat med upplevde som stressande. Dessa skillnader skulle ha analyserats med hjÀlp av Berger och Luckmanns teorier om socialisering, samt West och Zimmermans, Butlers och Hirdmans tankar kring genus. Avsikten var ocksÄ att jÀmföra resultatet med tidigare forskning. Studien genomfördes med hjÀlp av en kvalitativ metod och insamlandet av data skedde vid semistrukturerade intervjuer med fyra manliga studenter och fyra kvinnliga studenter.Studien visade inga tydliga skillnader mellan vad de studerade kvinnorna och mÀnnen upplevde som stressande. Dock fanns vissa tendenser till att kvinnorna oroade sig mer över problem, framtiden och vad som skulle ske.

ÖvergĂ„ngen frĂ„n SAB till Dewey i forskningsbibliotekssverige: En organisationsförĂ€ndring ur de anstĂ€lldas perspektiv

In November 2008 the National Library of Sweden decidedto switch classification system from SAB to Dewey decimalclassification. SAB had then been the main classificationsystem in the whole of the Swedish library field for 87 years.Included into the decision was not just the nationalbibliography but also the research libraries of Sweden. Thisdecision was in alignment with a West European tendency tochange in favor of the internationally well-spreadclassification system Dewey in order to co-operate more inthe cataloguing process. The purpose of this study takenplace in the autumn and winter of 2013 is to examine howlibrarians involved in the transition feel about what differentways the implementation has affected the research libraryorganizations. We also aim to study the librarians? view onthe involvement of the research libraries into the decision ofthe changeover.

VargaslÀtten, ett trÀdgÄrdshistoriskt arbete, fokus 1989 - 2009

VargaslÀtten is a 15 hectare large privet garden in Halland in the south-west of Sweden.In the beginning of the 1990s Gunnar O.Westerberg, the owner of VargaslÀtten,commissioned a work from the young landscapearchitect, Rolf Efvergren, to writeVargaslÀtten ? tillÀgnad naturen. It was a discribing work of the current status of the gardenand the summer-house of VargaslÀtten. VargaslÀtten ? tillÀgnad naturen was acomprehensive work with a detalied inventory of all the plants, the buildings, the descriptionof the surroundings and the history.

LÄgenergihus : Att bygga energisnÄlt

A large proportion of the energy consumption is in the building industry and a large part goes to heating our homes and premises. In the developing countries' development now threatens the large consumption of energy in our earth's climate. It is in the West world that we must be good role models in terms of energy efficiency. One solution to reduce energy consumption for heating of buildings may be to continue to build low energy houses and passive houses, but it is also about rebuilding the buildings that currently have high energy consumption such as the old Million program Houses. These buildings will be standing many years and their energy consumption will not diminish over time by itself and energy prices will certainly not diminish in the future.

Nya Slussen i dagspressen : En kvantitativ innehÄllsanalys och kritisk diskursanalys av Dagens Nyheters, Svenska Dagbladets, Expressens och Aftonbladets rapportering om Nya Slussen

The reconstruction of a central area in Stockholm named Slussen (The sluice) has frequently been portrayed and debated in media over the last few years, escalating around December 2011 when the major decision regarding Slussen was to be made by the city council. The area serves as a traffic node connecting the areas of Södermalm and Gamla Stan (Old town) together. The last major change of Slussen was completed in 1935, best described as a modernistic traffic and architectural piece of work. It is indisputably an area of importance for the city of Stockholm, its citizens and visitors. How has media reported the development of the New Slussen project?The analysis, and the conclusions drawn from it, will be based upon and performed with a quantitative content analysis and critical discourse analysis.

Att vara muslim i Sverige: En studie av svenska muslimers identitetskonstruktion i ljuset av globalisering och (post)koloniala narrativ

This study concerns ways in which Muslims in Sweden construct their identities. The theoretical approach of the study is based on the assumption that people construct their identities through narratives. Circumstances such as time, place, and relationships affect how narratives are told and therefore how we perceive ourselves and the world around us.In the wake of 11th of September 2001, the old colonial narrative of ?the West vs. the East? has become powerful, and makes many question the possibility of successfully integrating Muslims immigrants in Western countries.

Vivesholm : djurbenen belyser den gotlÀndska medeltida borgens husdjurshÄllning samt husgrundernas anvÀndningsomrÄden

The castle Vivesholm is located about two miles north of Klintehamn on the west side of Gotland. The castle was built around year 1395 and burned down in the end of the 14thcentury. Around the 17th and the 18th century the castle was re-used. However, the emphasis on its use is during the middle ages.This paper aims at getting an insight in the animal husbandry at Vivesholm by analyzing the osteological material. The analysis revealed that bones from sheep/goat were more common than bones from cattle.

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