

422 Uppsatser om West of lake Möckeln - Sida 16 av 29

Fisk- och fågelpredations påverkan på den bentiska makroevertebratfaunans sammansättning under tidig vår i Tåkern

Predation is one of many factors that form the structure of the macroinvertebrate community in lakes, wetlands and watercourses. Earlier studies lack an examination concerning how fish- and waterfowl predation affect macroinvertebrates during shorter periods in the spring. I performed an exclosure study in the shallow eutrophic Lake Tåkern which is located in the western part of Östergötland County, Sweden. The experiment was performed during a three week period (1-21 April 2012) when the water temperature was low and the density of migrating diving ducks was high. The experimental cages used included three out of four different treatments; general predation (open cages), bird exclusion (net with mesh size 90*45mm) and no predation (net with mesh size 1*1mm).

Våldets väg : inställningar till våld och konflikt bland singalesiska buddhister

During the course of history, the world have come to see powerful nations rise and fall, religions spread and diminish ? and all too often there have been violent struggles between religious groups and secular forces, a fact that we still see in our world today. In the West, we often hear about the violent and fundamental dimensions of Islam. Buddhism is rarely a part of the equation in a western context, regarding violence. A common perception is the picture of Buddhism as a guardian of non-violent principles and values.

I hamn : - En fallstudie av det privatoffentliga partnerskapet Vänerhamn

This study focuses upon the new societal objects that are termed public privatepartnerships where the public sector forms strategic alliances with the private sectorand the civil society to manage the wicked issues of today. An exampel of suchcooperation is Vänerhamn AB where the municipalities around the lake of Vänernand the private shipping companies got togheter to handle an economic crisis of theshipping buisiness. The partnership Vänerhamn has developed from a problematicactivity to a healthy company and the aim of this thesis is to illuminate thisdevelopment through an historical institutional approach, focusing critical junctureto discover if the governance theory can be used to understand the partnershipspositive process. This will be done through research questions about the organisation of thepartnership, about the members interests with the partnership and about eventuallycoordination problems in the partnership. The questions derive from dimensions ingovernance theory, central for the activity of partnerships. Interviews with centralinformants where held and it was complemented through a document analyses inorder to search for indications of the dimensions and that is the methodologicalapproach of the study. The conclusion of this thesis is that the governance theory can be used tounderstand Vänerhamns postive development since the members interest with thepartnership to a begining was not at all conformed and that led to obviouscoordination problems.

Biblioteksutvecklingen i Karlsborg 1907-1970 ? vägen mot ett kommunalt folkbibliotek

The purpose of this master thesis is to describe and analyse the development of the library history in the municipality of Karlsborg. This is done with a comparison to the library development in Sweden as a whole and in particular to the cities of Lidköping and Halmstad. I have worked according to the following questions: 1. How did the libraries develop before the municipality took over? 2.

Att vara muslim i Sverige : Enkvalitativ forskningsstudie om muslimska individers upplevelser, bemötande ochintegration i det svenska samhället

Studiens syfte är att öka förståelse för muslimska minoritetsgruppers bakgrund, identitet, värdering och upplevelser.                                                                                                                                För att få svar på studiens syfte har jag intervjuat 5 muslimska respondenter.  Jag har använt mig av den hermeneutiska metoden och jag har använt mig av min förförståelse och intryck för att kunna tolka och förstå respondenternas upplevelser. Fem vetenskapliga artiklar har används i denna studie som behandlar olika fenomen omkring islam och muslimer i Kanada, Sverige, Tyskland och Norge. Artiklarna handlar om hur den muslimska slöjan bemöts, vad som ligger bakom negativa attityder mot muslimer, integration och segregation och diskriminering av muslimer. Två teoretiker som jag ansåg vara lämpliga för mitt arbete var Taylor och Abbasian, som framför vikten av erkännande och integration i samspel med varandra i samhället.Resultatet  i denna studie visar att respondenterna vill behålla sina muslimska värderingar och den egna identiteten.

Komplexitet i sten : en jämförande analys av inre samtyttre grav- och byggnadsstruktur hosfem gotländska bronsåldersrösen

This thesis concerns five Gotland Bronze Age cairns. They have been analyzed in order to compare their inner and outer burial - and building context. The analysis then forms the basis for the discussion of the similarities and differences observed. These five cairns along with the cairn Uggarderojr are presented in detail and compared. Major similarities were found between four of the five cairns.

Säkerhetsservice/Fixartjänst En fallstudie om en implementeringsprocess som befäster de klassiska könsrollerna

Fighting against accidents with elderly involved have come to be one of the west world's greatest challenges together with the climate changes and epidemics, and in order to fight against these accidents SDF Centre, Gothenburg appointed a man to the post as a caretaker.The aim of this master thesis is to analyse whether the implementation process and the systematic work correspond with Vedungs implementation theory and also put forward arguments for and against a masculine entrance into promotion old-age care; if it strengthens or is a take-off from the classical sexual roles.The thesis main theory is Evert Vedungs theory of implementation, which is constituted of eight factors which facilitates an implementation process. In order to theorise the sexual roles I have appropriated a gender perspective, constituted of multiple researchers and authors.The conclusion I have received through the qualitative interviews carried out with actors involved in the implementation process, is that the security services implementation correspond well with Vedungs implementation theory, hence the implementation has proceeded efficiently. The classical sexual roles is on one hand strengthened through a masculine possession of the security service, and on the other hand can the masculine entrance in the old-age care entail that more men apply for promotion old-age care work..

Utlakning av tungmetaller från Skörby deponi

The purpose of this thesis has been to assess whether leaching from one particular Swedishlandfill site, Skörbytippen, is contributing to elevated levels of heavy metals in a ditch runningfrom the landfill site to the lake Mälaren in the communal region of Håbo kommun. Since theditch is stretching approximately five km downstream from the landfill site, in situ observationsand maps with known points of inflow was utilized to determine appropriate test points for thecollection of samples.Soil, water and sediment samples were collected and analyzed for content of organic material, pHand conductivity. Data on plant-available elements and total amounts of heavy metals wasacquired through ICP-analysis.The results show that the Skörby landfill is currently in the methane-forming anaerobedevelopment phase, which indicates that the concentration of free and complex-bound metals inthe leachate water should be low due to chemical binding with other landfill compounds. The pHof the sediment samples was generally one unit higher than the soil samples and some of themeasured data, such as pH and conductivity, show that an environmentally disturbing dischargeof some kind of strongly alkaline chemical(s) has been made from Benders? takpanneindustri inclose proximity to the landfill.

Folkbiblioteks och släktforskarföreningars stöd i släktforskares egen forskning sett ur ett självstudieperspektiv

The purpose of this thesis is, from a self directed learning perspective, to investigate the support of public libraries and genealogy associations of genealogists' own research, i.e. their search for ancestors as well as their possibilities to broaden their history outlook. Accordingly, five public librarians and five genealogy representatives in the west of Sweden have been interviewed regarding the support that can be offered to genealogists. The investigated support to genealogists in their own research is about working environment, literature and material, activities and the cooperation between public libraries and genealogy associations. In this thesis conclusions are merely drawn from a self-directed learning perspective, a perspective where also different forms of support are being recommended by scientists.

Status och hotbild för den oceaniska laven broktagel Bryoria bicolor i sydvästsverige :

Horse-hair lichen Bryoria bicolor is a red-listed lichen species in the category Vulnerable. It is an oceanic lichen and it is often found on boulders and cliffs in a semi-open environment with a high humidity in the agricultural landscape. The species can also be found as an epiphyte on trees, mostly in boreal forests in the provinces of Dalarna, Härjedalen and Jämtland. In the agricultural landscape, there has been indications on that B. bicolor show a decline, and this studie aimed at examining the extent and causes of this decline.

Comparative analysis of Thermal Barrier Coatings produced using Suspension and Solution Precursor Feedstock

The research work performed in this thesis has been carried out at the Production Tech-nology Centre where the Thermal Spray research group of University West has its work-shop and labs.This research work has been performed in collaboration with the International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy and New Materials (ARCI), Hyderabad, India.First of all, I would like to express my sincere thanks and gratitude to my supervisors Dr. Nicolaie Markocsan and Dr. Nicholas Curry for their guidance, great support and valuable suggestions without which this work could not have been possible. I would also like to thanks Prof. Per Nylén for keeping faith in me and providing me an opportunity to work at PTC, which is a great place to perform research.

Insect communities inhabiting Inonotus radiatus growing on Alnus glutinosa trees at northern and southern shores of boreal lakes

This is a study of the insect community associated to the wood-decaying fungus Inonotus radiatus found on Alnus glutinosa trees growing in riparian forests at the northern and southern shores of boreal lakes in the province Uppland. Little is known about this particular bracket fungus and its inhabitants. Insects were reared out at the laboratory from samples of fruiting bodies of the fungus taken at five lakes. During the fieldwork in 2009, data about several environmental variables was also taken. After the rearing period, these variables and their effects over the insects were analyzed.

Haitis hopp : En postkolonialt teoretisk diskursanalys av den mediala berättelsen om jordbävningen i Haiti

Syftet med denna uppsats är att analysera Aftonbladets och Expressens rapportering av Haiti under en specifik historisk tidpunkt och undersöka om och i så fall på vilka sätt postkoloniala diskurser om Väst och De Andra präglar denna rapportering. Det empiriska materialet består av 99 artiklar som alla berör jordbävningskatastrofen i Haiti och som publicerats i Expressen och Aftonbladet under tidsperioden 13 januari 2010 till och med 22 januari 2010.Uppsatsens analyser visar att det universalistiska likhetsideal som merparten av artiklarna appellerar till är samma likhetsideal som samtidigt konstruerar Haiti som annorlunda och haitierna som De Andra. Det blir tydligt hur motsägelsefulla resonemang får mening genom eurocentriska dikotomier mellan västerländsk överordning och haitisk underordning. Föreställningar om ett rationellt, civiliserat, pålitligt och godhjärtat Väst tillåts att frodas i relation till ett Haiti iscensatt som passivt, farligt, korrumperat, opålitligt och laglöst. Bistånd, hjälparbete och militära interventioner framställs därför inte bara som en direkt aktion för att hjälpa de drabbade av jordbävningen utan också som ett medel för att hjälpa Haiti in i civilisationen med universalistiska värden och en utopisk självbild som ledstjärna..

Mindfulness as business : Vad några mindfulnessinstruktörer anser att mindfulness kan tilllföra arbetslivet

The purpose of this paper is to critically examine and question the use of mindfulness in the workplace. Mindfulness in the workplace can be understood as an organization recipe and is now a so called trend. We believe that there may be an issue of how mindfulness at work is advertised when it is described in such a way that it could be the solution to many organizational problems, such as reducing stress, increasing efficiency, creativity and productivity. To get a better understanding of what mindfulness is and what it can bring to a stressful work, we conducted semi-structured interviews with four mindfulness instructors. We analyzed the interviews from a theoretical analytical framework consisting of both a constructivist perspective and a power perspective.

Muntliga källor från Rystad : Intervjumetoden som historiebruk

AbstractHow do we remember? What do we remember? How does the memory change over time? These are the main questions in this essay.Five persons, who have lived or are still living in the old parish Rystad, situated seven kilometers from the town Linkoping south of Lake Roxen, have participated in interviews. They have been given the possibility to present their oral history which has been recorded and later transmitted to texture. The participants represent different social backgrounds and professions and they were born between the years 1920 ? 1936.

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