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Jesu mor var där : En studie om barnbiblar, Maria och hennes relation till Jesus i Joh 2:1-12.

For centuries Islam and Muslims have been subject to islamophobic attitudes in the west. The purpose with this study was to see into the making of open and closed attitudes against Islam and Muslims from a conflict in southern Thailand, and also to so see if Muslims are portrayed as more violent than the Buddhist groups in the conflict. The aim of the study is also to see if Muslims fall into a violent stereotype. This was studied by looking at five Swedish newspapers coverage of the conflict, during a given time. To be able to look into this, two theories will be used, the first one is the Runnymede Trust theory, which is about open and closed attitudes against Islam and Muslims.

Medias skildring av hiv: en diskursanalytisk studie

This paper aims to investigate what part Swedish media plays when it comes to portraying hiv and people infected by the virus. The study comes from articles published in Sweden's two largest daily newspapers, Dagens Nyheter and Göteborgs Posten, in 2007.By using discourse analysis we found that hiv within Sweden is described as related to riskgroups or risk behaviour and that individuals with hiv is portrayed as average people living normal lives. Except for the above described pattern, stories about so called hiv-men frequently occur. Overall, the words abroad and foreigners are reproduced in articles about individuals living with hiv or aids. When it comes to articles describing hiv abroad, aids is more in focus and people living with the virus is portrayed as innocent victims.

Mätning av kvalitetsbristkostnader i tillverkningsindustrin : En fallstudie på ABB Control Products Sweden

Detta arbete syftar huvudsakligen till att bidra med rekommendationer för hur ett system för mätning av kvalitetsbristkostnader hos ABB-enheten Control products Sweden bör upprättas. ABB:s globala riktlinjer för vad som ska mätas i ett sådant system har fungerat som utgångspunkt. I rapporten diskuteras vidare hur arbetet med mätsystemet ska upprätthållas utifrån ett ledarskapsperspektiv. I studien har en litteraturstudie legat till grund för en nulägesbeskrivning, en benchmarkingstudie, deltagande observationer och intervjuer. Rapporten innehåller också en sällsynt detaljerat beskriven kvalitetsbristkostnadsmätning som fungerar som riktmärke för enhetens fortsatta arbete med kvalitetsbristkostnader..

Spelar politiken någon roll? : En jämförelse mellan Kalmar kommun och Karlskrona kommun

Currently, the whole globe is faced with serious problems which negatively affect people around the world: increased pollution, excessive waste, and weather pattern changes. ?Left? and ?right? wing political parties alike have embraced ?green? politics and for many of these parties, environmental issues have become a top priority that is very much reflected in their manifestos. This study examines the environmental goals of two of Sweden?s largest political parties and how these ambitions are reflected at a local level.

Sidas perspektiv på biståndspolitik : En studie av utvecklingssamarbetet mellan Sverige och Ryssland

Sweden introduced a development assistance policy in 1952 and thirteen years later Sida, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency started, in 1965. But in 1995, five separate development assistance authorities came together and established the new Sida as it is today. Sida is Sweden?s representative in the development assistance policy field and they work through projects that have to be presented through a Country Strategy Process (CSP). The aim of this paper is to point out Sida?s perspective on the conducted development assistance policy and what guide lines that are followed.

International Corporate Governance-A Comparison of the Corporate Governance Systems in Germany and Sweden

The purpose of the study is to investigate how much interest media has shown selected topics in the corporate governance systems in Germany and Sweden. The four selected aspects are: ownership structure, employee representation on the boards, disclosure of board members? compensation and female directors on the boards. The reasons for and consequences of the similarities and differences will also be discussed. The German and Swedish corporate governance systems construct the key basis of the study, emphasised on the four chosen aspects.

Den hotfulla invandringen och ideal svenskhet : En semiotisk analys av Sverigedemokraternas valfilmer

The aim of the research project ?The menacing immigration and ideal Swedishness:A semiotic analysis of the Sweden Democrats campaign films? was to highlight how ethnicities are portrayed in five different campaign films produced by the Swedish party the Sweden Democrats (Sverigedemokraterna). The applied theories are stereotypes, binary oppositions as well as the theory of whiteness and blackness. The method used to analyse the campaign films are semiotics, and the tools denotation, connotation, anchoring, relay, metonymy and myths. The results show that a person?s skin colour is of minor importance.

En studie om en kapitalförvaltares skapande och bibehållande av kunder genom mervärde

The aim of this paper is to see if Sweden has implemented the recommendations and taken notice of the guidelines for employment that the Commission and Council set up every year and from this see the role of the Commission and Council for the national employment politics. The years that I focused on in the paper are year 2000- 2004. The method that is used is a case study research that is exploratory and explanatory. The theoretical starting points are theories about delegation, cooperation and a variation of control and autonomy. This is recognized in the Principal- Agent theory and the Principal- Supervisor-Agent model.

Skolan och världsmedborgarskapet : Om världsmedborgarskap som pedagogiskt ideal

It today's global world we live in the media have started to examine businesses more and more. In addition consumers are expecting more from products, because they are well informed. This means that companies need to market themselves effectively, to convince and get across their message to their customers. Marketing is an extensive process in which different factors must be taken into account. A company must know what the coustomer needs in order to get through to them.

Människohandel som en säkerhetsfråga

The purpose of this study is to examine which security approach dominates Sweden?s strategy for combating human trafficking. The two approaches covered in this essay are the state- centred perspective, and the individual-centred perspective. These approaches are being used because those two approaches are on each end of the security spectrum, and it is important to discover from what approach Sweden is working. This is important because it might help us to get a bigger understanding on why certain policies are being made.

Upplevelser av att leva med ett självskadebeteende : En litteraturgenomgång

In 1809 the citizens of Sweden where given the freedom to practice their Christian faith through the Swedish constitution of 1809, 16 §. This proclaimed that there should be religious freedom in Sweden, albeit restricted to Evangelical-Lutheran faith. Although after the law regarding dissenters was passed in 1860 by choosing another church than the Evangelical-Lutheran church you lost some civic rights, for example you could not become a public official. The freedom to choose religious affiliation was given through the Law of Religious Freedom in 1951. The purpose of this study is to evaluate in what way the concept of religious freedom has developed in Swedish law between 1809 and 1951.In the background I treat two historical events and one era, with focus upon religious freedom, which have in my opinion influenced the view of religious freedom in Sweden during the chosen period of 1809?1951.

Medvetandets anatomi. Antonio Damasios avtryck i svensk mylla

This paper aims to explore the reception in Sweden of the work and ideas of neuroscientist Antonio R Damasio, expressed in his four published books. The material used is mainly articled and reviews published in Sweden between 1995 and 2011 regarding Damasio?s books. To analyze the reception, paradigm theories by Kuhn, and Bourdieu?s ideas regarding field, habitus and capital has been used.

Muslim i ett icke-muslimskt samhälle : En kvalitativ studie med fokus på fem muslimer som flyttat till Sverige från Turkiet

The purpose of this study is to examine whether religious behavior or religious identity changes when a person with Muslim background moves to a Christian country and also very secular such as Sweden. I have interviewed five people with Muslim background that have moved from Turkey to Sweden. In this study I have applied Anthony Giddens and Thomas Ziehe's theories about building up an identity but also Nader Ahmadis theory of migration and identity.The results of this study show that there is a change in the practice of religion but also that this differs between these five people who came from the same country. Nevertheless, a change in the practice of religion can on one hand be as a result of modernity and on the other hand, exclusion of family. It also proves that it is not possible to draw general conclusions on this issue instead it should be looked at from an individual perspective..

Magnetiska egenskaper hos Öje-Diabasen, Dalecarlia

A study of paleomagnetic remanence and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) has been performed on the Öje-Diabase in Dalarna, Sweden, and on basic dikes associated with the alkaliquartzsyenite/granite Noran-pluton in central Sweden. Based on isolation of directions of characteristic magnetization in the basic rocks, a division into three different groups (A,B,C) has been made. Group Aconsists of dolerites of Jotnian origin, both dolerites from the Öje-Diabase and dikes associated with the Noran-pluton are included in this group, making them coeval. Group B is suspected to show a re-magnetization from the later part of the Svekonorwegian orogeny. Group C belongs to the Blekinge-Dalarna-Dolerites (BDD). Thermal demagnetization of dolerites revealed two different types of demagnetization behaviours, one where magnetite clearly was the source of the remanence, and an other with a linear decrease in magnetization intensity. The measurements of magnetic anisotropy reveals a magnetic fabric with an almost horizontal foliation and a lineation that indicates a fairly uniform NNW/ S-SE flow direction of the magma..

Flyktingpolitik och spårberoende : En jämförelse av svensk och finsk flyktingpolitik

The essay aims to compare Swedish and Finnish decisions regarding refugee policies by tracing them back to the critical junctures when the policies were established, in order to explain why there are big differences prevalent today. The questions asked involve the motivations of the refugee policies and how they have changed over time.The theoretical framework employed is based on historical institutionalism and path dependency. By using a most similar system design and process tracing, material in the form of government declarations and government bills are studied and summed up in two analytical models. The results show that there might be a weak path dependency in the case of Finland. However it is more apparent in the case of Sweden, with frequent statements of a generous refugee policy that is characterised by humanity.

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