

7557 Uppsatser om West air Sweden - Sida 3 av 504

Mandeism i Sverige : En antik religion söker sin identitet i ett västerländskt samhälle.

From being an exotic small religion that has existed at a fading presence in southern Iraq and Iran mandeism has moved to the West and Sweden. As more and more Mandaeans encounter a new culture and a new society in Sweden it affects not only them as individuals but also their religion mandeism. In this essay, I have begun to examine how Mandaeans think about their identity and religion. I have taken my starting point in a broad theoretical discussion of identity, religion and secularisation. Mandeism is a gnostic religion that probably has its roots in today?s Israel / Palestine and sees John the Baptist as the last prophet.

Demokratins förutsättningar i Västafrika : En jämförande studie av Ghana och Guinea

In subsequent to Post-colonialism the African nations have dilated into different political directions. While some nations have established well-functioning democracies, others are still under authoritarian regimes. The aim of this thesis is to examine if civil society has an impact on democratic development in West Africa. Therefore the theoretical starting point is Putnam?s theory of social capital, but this study will also examine other possible causal explanations for democratic transition.This study will be based on a comparative analysis of Ghana and Guinea.

Lövskogens förändring i eklandskapet söder om Linköping : 1927 jämfört med 2013

The forests of Sweden are constantly changing. Map studies indicate that the amount of deciduous trees in Sweden has decreased in recent years in favor of the coniferous trees. The National Forest Inventory has since the early 1920s monitored the Swedish forests and in recent years has made the old data digitally available. In the present project, we have investigated how the numbers of stems in different diameter classes have changed for birch and other deciduous trees. The inventory was conducted in the same manner as in the first forest inventory.

Konfliktlösning i Indonesien - En komparativ studie av konfliktlösning i Indonesiens provinser Aceh och West Papua

Uppsatsen är en komparativ studie av konfliktlösningen i Indonesiens provinser Aceh och West Papua. Att förstå och förklara de likartade fallens olika utslag i konfliktlösning har varit huvudsyftet med studien, då Aceh idag uppnått fred medan Papua är mycket oroligt trots likartade försök från regeringens sida till konfliktlösning i provinserna. Ytterligare syften har varit att applicera lärdomar från Aceh attraktiva för Papua, liksom att generellt kunna identifiera svagheter och styrkor i konfliktlösning. Human needs -teorin har utgjort det teoretiska ramverket med fokus på mänskliga behov som säkerhet, identitet, erkännande och politiskt deltagande, vilka bör vara föremål för konfliktlösningen, samt vikten av en medlande tredje part. Special Autonomy Law applicerades på provinserna 2001 utan större framgång delvis, p.g.a.

Lilaköttig taggsvamp, Sárcodon fuligíneovioláceus : miljökrav i Sverige och en analys av vad som styr artens etablering

Burnt Spine-cap Sárcodon fuligíneovioláceus are one the most endangered mycorrhizal fungal species in Europe. They have their main distribution in Sweden. It form mycorrhiza with pine and dependent on limestone, which makes it connected to a rare environment. It has therefore been important to study the ecology of it further and to recognise the requirement it has on the environment more accurate and what it need to establish in a new area. In this study, 31 of 34 known sites in Sweden was visited and studied in field and their history analysed through aerial photographs.

Arbetsmarknadens parter och globalisering.

The focus of this thesis is upon how conceptions of globalization is created by the labour-organizations Lands-organisationen (LO) and Svenskt Näringsliv. It is possible to discern two arguments for globalization in the texts, economy and democracy, and it is around these that the discourses of globalization are being constructed. Economy turns into a basic logic in the discourses of globalization. How to perceive the role of economy, as positive or negative, differs. Still, there is an agreement of the influence of economy.

Det riktiga Kenya och orientaliska Tunisien : En diskursanalys av Lonely Planets guideböcker om Tunisien och Kenya

Presentations of Oriental people as subordinated the West and their ideals was one way for Europeans to expand and keep control over their colonies in Africa during the nineteenth- and twentieth centuries. France and Great Britain controlled their colonies in different ways which has led to diverse legacies. Today, tourism is a source of revenue for former colonies, such as Tunisia and Kenya, and tourism also helps to spread knowledge and images of distant countries. A guidebook is one way that knowledge of other countries and people are spread to travelers. During history, images of distant people were based on a colonial discourse in which the west was seen as superior; but is that still the case? The purpose of this paper was to analyze how Tunisia and Kenya are presented in the Lonely Planet guide to Tunisia and the Lonely Planet guide to Kenya to investigate if they are constructed through a colonial discourse, and to see if there are any dissimilarities on how they are presented.

Kina i Afrika : En studie av Kinas afrikapolicy

Since the beginning of the new millennium, China has opened itself to the outside world and in an enormous pace increased its contacts and relationships with other countries. The trigger to these dramatic changes of economic and foreign policies is the insight that China can no longer sustain its rapid economic growth, largely based on industrial production, on energy and raw materials from China alone.Good relations with African countries have been of highest priority in China?s strategy of ?Going global?. The new African policy is based on the two principles of mutual benefit and non-interference in internal affairs ? as opposite to the West?s strategy of structural adjustment programmes (SAP), which include massive interference in internal affairs.

Islam och Demokrati : Två olika idè och tanketraditioner?

The purpose of this paper is to study the subject Islam and Democracy and see whatcommonalities exist between the two ideas and traditions of thoughts. The subject is topicaland often highlighted by the media in the West. The Islamic voices that we hear today iscertainly not democratic, given the violence and hatred carried out by Islamic extremistsagainst the West. The investigation of this paper have shown a different direction when thereare other voices such as those investigated reformist thinkers who argue that Islam has manydemocratic elements, and even that Islam is more suitable than democracy. According to thereformists ismodel of an Islamic state is democratic and legitimate.

Rätten att resa : en självklarhet för vissa och en omöjlighet för andra

In the West, travels are often regarded as a given. When tourism is studied it sometimes sounds as if all people have the opportunity to go on vacation when they want and wherever they want. That is not the reality for all. There are laws and regulations on visa requirement which makes it harder for nationals of certain countries to travel on holiday abroad. This essay examines the situation for residents of countries outside the EU and the Schengen Agreement.

En uppsats om hur golfklubbar kan anpassa sig till den individuella golfaren

Since 2005, the number of golf members in Swedish golf clubs has declined. This is a major problem for many golf clubs since it can lead to over establishment of golf courses. This essay is about how golf clubs in North West Skåne, the second golf densest area in the world, work to maintain their members. The sample consists of eight golf clubs which have been geographic delimited by a 30 km radius out of Helsingborg. The research is based on qualitative interviews with the manager of each golf club.

Olof Palme och Vietnamkriget : En ros bland hökar som söker en duva

AbstractThis is a story about the Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme and his struggle against USA´s war in Vietnam in the late 60´s and the early 70´s. We follow the young Palme from his childhood to his travels to America and Asia, there he learns what true poverty means. Further we see Palme change side from his conservative background to a new social idealist. In Prag he learns to truly mistrust communism, an ideology he later in life paradoxical will be accused to stand for. Palme´s politic interests seems to take a great step forward when he starts to write articles in the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet, there he?s writings take more and more colour from Palme´s own politic stands.

Detonerad Demokrati : Den demokratiska freden i Irak, en möjlighet att börja om

The swedish law against female genital mutilation (FGM) prohibits procedures that removes parts of the female genitalia and thereby makes permanent changes in the body. The problem with the wording of the law is that it may also apply to the western phenomenon cosmetic genital surgery. This paper therefore examines if cosmetic genital surgery should be covered by the swedish law against FGM, by making a critical comparing analysis. The paper begins with comparing FGM with cosmetic genital surgery to prove that there are more similarities than differences between the procedures. By using the theoretical perspectives universalism and postcolonialism, the paper then examines why, particularly in the West, there is a different approach to FGM than to cosmetic genital surgery, regardless of the similarities of the procedures.

Interaktion mellan banker och kunder via bankernas Internettjänster

The purpose of this essay is to analyse how and why culture and tradition is created and maintained within a minor student society at a Swedish university by looking at its history. The West Coast Nation student society provided the material which was subsequently analysed and three sociological perspectives were applied in order to give the study a theoretical base. In order to investigate the purpose of the society, durkheimian theories on functionalism were applied. Moreover, Bourdieu?s thoughts on social fields were used as well as Elias? theories on the established and the outsiders.

Kloridhalter i gran utmed en depositionsgradient för havssalter :

The knowledge of the chloride content and its fluxes and patterns in trees is insufficient. Increased knowledge would be desirable, one of many reasons is to be able to more efficiently meet the problems that the substance causes in the pulp industry. The purpose of this study was to examine and describe the chloride concentration of Norwegian spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.) in the south of Sweden. Furthermore the aim was to be able to predict chloride concentration from readily measurable site factors.

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