4095 Uppsatser om Weighting between price and quality. - Sida 39 av 273
Utvärdering av Uppföljning av Handlingsprogram för miljömål i Hallands län
Sweden?s environmental work is to set out from 16 national environmental quality objectives. It aims to work for a sustainable society and to solve our current environmental problems today and not pass them on to future generations. The purpose of this study was to evaluate Uppföljning av handlingsprogram för miljömål (a follow up-study of a programme for environmental quality objectives) and to propose new methods to work with the revision of Handlingsprogram ? så genomför vi de regionala miljömålen i Hallands län (a programme to implement the regional environmental quality objectives in the County of Halland), a revision which will start in autumn 2010.
Sömnskolans betydelse för personer med insomni ? en intervjustudie
Introduction: Sleep is necessary for human survival. Difficulty sleeping occurs in about one in four adult person in Sweden, insomnia in every ten. There are several reasons for difficulty sleeping, where stress is one of the most common. The quality of life and health are affected negatively. Treatment with proven efficacy against insomnia is not only sleep medication, but also cognitive behavioral therapy, CBT.
Kontanter och betalkort - En empirisk undersökning om privatpersoners inställning till betalkort
Problem: Trots att betalkort funnits länge i samhället, så används idag
kontanter fortfarande i stor utsträckning. Handhavandet av kontanter innebär
höga kostnader, dels på grund av extraarbetet det innebär för butiker att räkna
pengar varje dag, dels för bankpersonal som ska sköta insättningar och uttag
och dels för kostnader till vaktbolag som sköter penningtransporter. Om man vet
varför kontanter fortfarande används till så stor utsträckning och till vad, så
kan man rikta in sina insatser på var man ska öka betalkortsanvändningen.
Avgränsningar: Fokus i denna uppsats är på samtliga svenska konsumenter som har
rättighet att få ha betalkort från en bank.
Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om produktegenskaper såsom
pris och kvalité påverkar valet om att betala med kort eller kontant.
Metod: Undersökningen är genomförd som en kvantitativ undersökning.
Activity-based management : En begreppsprecisering
Background: In the eighties the debate concerning the declining relevance of the traditional calculation started. The reason was that the method of calculating not had been changed despite that the costs and manufacturing had changed in many companies. This led to the development of activity-based costing. Management by means of activity information is called activity-based management, but there is no general accepted definition of what the term com- prises. Neither are there any studies which describe within which areas activity information is used as a base for decisions.
The capability to understand customer value - A case study of Metso Mining over continents
The purpose of this thesis is to describe and analyze how the mining equipment producers on a global market manage to handle the changing conditions concerning customer value. Our approach has been a comparative analysis between two different sites in order to answer the purpose. The case studies at Metso Mining have been made through interviews and visits at two geographical markets, South America and Scandinavia. The theoretical framework applied on our empirical findings is based on Blue Ocean Strategy, Customer Value and Resourced Based View. The empirical foundation is based on interviews with Metso Mining employees at Sorocaba in Brazil and Kiruna/Gällivare, Trelleborg and Staffanstorp in Sweden.
Ett varumärkets styrka och dess distribution : en studie genomförd med utgångspunkt från varumärken som säljer en livsstil
Background: A strong brand is becoming an increasingly important factor when surviving on a competitive market. A strong brand can therefore be considered a strategically important resource. The relationship between a brand's strength and its distribution can decide the future of a brand in the long run. Lifestyle branding is becoming a more popular way of differentiating ones brand from the competition. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to identify factors which according to the lifestyle brand owners are central when measuring the strength of a brand.
Bordeaux 1855 : Om kvalitet och status efter klassificeringen
År 1855 klassificerades slotten i vindistriktet runt Bordeaux. Denna klassificering fick stort genomslag och används än idag. Klassificeringen har emellertid kritiserats för att ej representera den faktiska kvaliteten av dess innefattande viner. Trots det används den som ett facit över vinernas storhet.Detta arbete har undersökt samband mellan klassificeringen och vinernas kvalitet idag.Resultatet av litteraturstudien fann samband mellan bordeaux, pris och marknadsföring. Vidare redogörs för att begreppet kvalitet är svårdefinierat då flertalet aktörer tolkar kvalitet på skilda sätt.
Fire impact in the wood quality and a fertilization experiment in Eucalyptus plantations in Guangxi, southern China
Chinas government has a multifunctional program for a more sustainable forestry since 2000. This six key forest programs goal is to develop a more sustainable forest sector but also take environment consideration. The state forest administration in China has decided to create 5.8 million hectare of fast growing and high yield forest. Eucalyptus has showed to have good properties for pulp and timber production and therefore Eucalyptus plantations are under development in costal areas in southern China. By adding extra nutrients, growth can be enhanced in Eucalyptus plantations.
J.E.R.E.M.I.E : en studie om förutsättningarna för ett nytt EU program
Abstract Semester and year: Spring, 2008Writers: Victor Andersson and Filip ForslundTutor: Thomas HelgessonProgram: Marketing program, Halmstad University - School of Business and EngineeringTitle: Differentiation from a consumer perspective - How important is differentiation from a consumer?s perspektive when choosing a residence? Presentation of problem: How important is differentiation from a consumer?s perspective when choosing a residence?Purpose: The purpose is on basis from previous theories on the subject to describe what kind of differentiating that from a consumerperspective is the most important when choosing a residence. Key words: Differentiation, brand, apartment market Methodology: This thesis is built on an qualitative method, where eight open individual interviews have been made. Our choice of respondents was based on what kind of respondents that could give us the most accurate information on the subject which we based on relevant variables. Theory: The framing of the theories is based on a marketing perspective within the area of differentiating and focuses on how companies use different tools to differentiate their offer to create competitive advantages.
Företagsförvärvs inverkan på den kortsiktiga avkastningen : En eventstudie om kursutvecklingen vid offentliggörandet av ett förvärv
Purpose: The main objective of this study is to research whether an announcement of an acquisition generates positive/negative abnormal short-term return towards the buying company?s shareholders. The secondary purpose is to research whether any differences could be due to selected factors: firm size and industry.Method: The study is quantitative in nature where the research aims at the stock price movement around the announcement of an acquisition. The sample size includes 30 companies between the years 2000-2010. The abnormal return is investigated by an Event Study.Conclusion: Our study shows that the publication gives a positive abnormal return in comparison to the respective sector indexes.
Egenvård i palliativ vård : att leva eller att inte leva
Background: Within palliative care setting persons with terminal illness is cared for. The aim of the care is to enhance the quality of life for the patient through a holistic approach. The disease can lead to major suffering and require the person to handle the situation. If the person´s ability and capacity to do so is insufficient the identity may be perceived as threatened and quality of life diminished. Self-care can help a person to cope with loss of identity, enhance independence and improve quality of life.Aim: The aim of this study is to explore self-care strategies of patients within palliative care setting.
Korruption, inkomst och Miljökvalitet. En kvantitativ analys.
Introduction: The health for individuals with intellectual disabilities is asubject that is prioritized by the Swedish Institute for Public Health. Socialsupport has been proven to be important for health and quality of life. Despitethis fact there is no research available regarding the influence social support hason health and quality of life for people with intellectual disabilities in Sweden.Aim: To describe social support and the consequence of social support forhealth and quality of life for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Method:A litterature review of research in a defined area with a descriptive design.Systematic searches for articles were done in several databases and ultimately16 articles were chosen. Themes and categories were created with respect to theaim of this study during the analysis of the articles.
The development of CRITA-Score ? A hybrid credit rating model for predicting financial distress
Large companies in today?s business environment are to a great extent depending on their credit score by rating institutes like Moody?s and Standard & Poor?s. There is however indications that these big institutes are not always rating companies accurately. This is why this thesis aims at developing a new credit rating model, CRITA-Score, with the objective of determining a company?s financial health more accurately.
Energisystemanalys av ABB AB LV Motors
With a larger awareness of the climate changes and increasing electricity prices, energy efficiency measures in the industry have become more common. By rationalize the activity and by the same time decrease the emission of greenhouse gases the company can both save money and reduce negative environmental impact. For the Swedish industries the electricity price have traditional been relative low, which has resulted in a considerable larger usage than other European countries. By a deregulation of the European electricity market the electricity price will level off between the countries, which will cause a higher electricity price in Sweden than we are use to. To prevent that the Swedish industry don?t lose competitiveness against the other European countries, it will require energy efficiency activities in all different forms.ABB Sweden has decided to decrease their total energy usage with five percent in two years.
Bara de är som männen? En intervju- och observationsstudie av tjejer på byggprogrammet
Introduction: The health for individuals with intellectual disabilities is asubject that is prioritized by the Swedish Institute for Public Health. Socialsupport has been proven to be important for health and quality of life. Despitethis fact there is no research available regarding the influence social support hason health and quality of life for people with intellectual disabilities in Sweden.Aim: To describe social support and the consequence of social support forhealth and quality of life for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Method:A litterature review of research in a defined area with a descriptive design.Systematic searches for articles were done in several databases and ultimately16 articles were chosen. Themes and categories were created with respect to theaim of this study during the analysis of the articles.