

554 Uppsatser om Weather station - Sida 6 av 37

Störs laxens lekvandring i en kraftverkspåverkad älvsträcka? :

The upstream spawning migration of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) at the confluence area between the power-station outlet and the bypass-channel in river Umeälven (flow 430 m3s-1) was compared in 2004 and 2005, two years with different experimental flow-regimes. In 2004 the water flow in the bypass-channel was altered during the day with increased flows during the nights while the water flow in 2005 mainly was altered between the weekdays and weekends. Salmon showed altered migratory behaviour in this confluence area, assessed with telemetry (n=116) and echo-sounding, with up- or downstream responses depending on flow-changes in both the bypass and the power station outlet. Increased turbine flow through the power-station generally attracted salmon into the tunnel outlet area while increased spill-flows facilitated salmon to enter the bypass. Echo-sounding in the confluence area showed an increased swimming activity up- and downstream due to time in the day and flow-rates through the tunnel outlet. No changes in activity could be detected due to increasing or decreasing flow through the hydro-power facility.

En undersökning om fallolyckor med gångtrafikanter

The purpose of this study was to investigate different relations between the damages of falls and background variables as well as the relation between the falls and the weather condition to later be able to use this report to expand the knowledge among workers at VTI about the pedestrian fall injuries. All of the fall injuries in the data that this study is based on have occurred in Sweden during the time period between January 2003 and December 2011.To be able to answer the questions that this report is based on several statistical methods are used. The statistical methods that have been used during the making of this report are multiple linear regression, binary logistic regression, correlation analysis, association analysis and descriptive statistics as well as visual analysis.The results of the study show that women around menopause age have a tendency to get a big increase in the amount of injuries compared to men of the same age. The study also suggests that men on average tend to have a lower level of injury compared to women.Age also seems to affect both the amount of injuries and the level of injury negatively. The study suggests that the most likely reason for this is both that the intake of ?Fall Risk Increasing Medicine?, which is medicine that increases the drowsiness, is higher among older individuals as well as lower estrogen levels among older women and lower amount of testosterone among older men, which causes a loss of bone density in both sexes.The weather seems to have a strong effect on how many injuries occur but also a noticeable effect on the scale of the injury.

Furulunds framtida utveckling

Furulund är en mindre ort i Skåne som står för en stor förändring när orten får en tågstation..

Utveckling Ulricehamn- om stora förändringar i en liten stad :

The purpose of this thesis is to inquire how a small town can be affected by some planned changes in the physical structure of the town, and how its inhabitants can benefit from those major changes. The town in question is Ulricehamn, and of the four projects considered, two concerns infrastructure. A new railway and a new locality for the major road, today passing through Ulricehamn. The other two projects are run by the local authorities, that is the planning of a modern town park by the lake, and a new public building for cultural purposes. There are no guarantees that any of the four projects will ever be realized, but in the process with this work, they have been considered as already a fact.

Utvärdering av en behandlingsperiod i varmt klimat för personer med pelvospondylit

Purpose: To evaluate how a treatment period on four weeks in a warm climate influences physical function, condition and the patient's experience of the climate effect of patients with ankylosing spondylitis. Method: 10 persons with a diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis went through four weeks of treatment on Centro Forestal Sueco, Marbella. The treatment consisted of both physical and theoretic lessons given of a rehabilitation team. All patients were examinated measured for physical function and condition before treatment, after two weeks and at the end of the treatment. To measure physical function, Timed-Stands Test, Timed Get Up and Go, The Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Metrology Index, Index of muscle function and functionestimitation of shoulder/arm were used.

En utvärdering av temperaturproblem samt närsaltsbelastning i odlingsdammarna och Flugströmmen i Harasjömåla

This bachelor?s project deals with both the problems of high water temperatures in fishponds at a fish-breeding station and of the nutrient load to nearby lakes and streams in Harasjömåla, Blekinge, Sweden. Theory, methods and results of the analyses are presented in the report..

Utnyttjandet av ligghallar hos dikor och kvigor av köttras under vintern :

Cattle used for meat production can be held outside all year round and due to the legislation they should have access to shelters or other buildings for protection against the elements giving them a dry and clean bedding. There are different opinions concerning their need of protection and the question about necessity of shelters for cattle is of current interest due to a less profitable economy in meat production and the investment costs for shelters. The aim of this study was to acquire more knowledge about the natural behaviour of cattle concerning their use of shelters. The basis of the study was a series of questions regarding when animals choose to stay in shelters, if shelters were used less when they had access to protecting vegetation, how temperature and weather conditions affected the use of shelters and the influence of distance between shelter and feed. Behavioural studies was conducted at five different farms where six groups of suckler cows and heifers of following breeds and crossbreeds were observed; Aberdeen Angus, Charolais, Hereford, Scottish Highland Cattle, Simmental and the Swedish breeds SKB and SRB.

Älvsjö Resecentrum

Projektet startade som ett parallellt uppdrag hösten 2004. Beställare var Stockholms Stad, SL och dåvarande Banverket, numera Trafikverket. Programmet beskrev en uppgift att knyta ihop befintlig pendeltågsstation med ett nytt stadsdelstorg i Älvsjö, tunnelbanans gröna linje skulle förlängas från Hagsätra och en ny T-banestation Älvsjö skulle kopplas ihop med pendeltågsstationen. En framtida spårväg syd (spårvagn) skulle få en station i anslutning till Resecentrum.  Den befintliga bussterminalen skulle ersättas av en bussgata utmed järnvägen.

Utemiljöns betydelse för barns lärande och utveckling : En kvalitativ studie om pedagogers och föräldrars syn på utomhuspedagogik på två olika förskolor

Background Children spend much of their time outdoor at preschool. Preschool's mission is to provide children with a rich environment that is enjoyable, and that arouses their interest to learn new skills. Since motor skills and health are positively affected by the outdoor environment should kids get a good turnout at their preschool playgrounds as possible.Theoretical perspectives My study is based on theories from a socio-cultural perspective. The socio-cultural context is part of the outdoor environment because we experience and perceive nature depends on the society we live in and how we interact togetherPurpose I want to see what kind of vision teachers and parents have on the outdoor environment when it comes to children's learning and development. I also want to find out how the teachers are using the outdoors environment and find out the parents' reason, when it comes to choice of preschool.Methodology The work is based on qualitative interviews with two teachers and two parents from each preschool.

Återvinningsstationer på Lidingö : attityder och lokalisering

When the producers? responsibility for packaging was introduced in Sweden in 1994 the industry set up public recycling stations to facilitate the collection of the waste material. In order to establish recycling stations at suitable locations the municipalities assist the industry?s service organization for operation of the recycling stations, the Package and Newspaper Collection Service (Förpacknings- och tidningsinsamlingen, FTI). The objectives of this thesis are to improve the service of the public recycling stations within Lidingö town and to increase the accessibility to these stations for the inhabitants of Lidingö.

Ljudisolering - Teknisk felsökning och kvalitetssäkring av lätta bygg-system

By using industrialized building, pre-installed modules can be delivered to the construction site where they are easily mounted. This method has many advantages compared to on-site manufacturing, for example, the precision during the production process should be much higher than building each wall and floor on site. Furthermore, the quick erection procedure when using prefabricated elements and the possibility to use weather protection has the advantage of not being dependent on weather conditions, and many other factors.Masonite Beams AB is a Swedish company (a member of the Norwegian company, Byggma ASA) with a relatively new technology using light weight beams as bearing elements in the walls and a certain stiff board lamella slap which is mounted on the top of the floor structure creating an integrated stiff beam / board floor structure. The elements are flat which make it much easier to transport the elements from the factory to the building site where the building parts are easily mounted with special mounting stud.One of the main drawbacks of lightweight structure is the sound transmission. The main topic is low frequency annoyance, however the complex structural elements and their mutual sensitive connections other acoustical problems might appear.

Erfarenhetsåterföring inom NCC Folkboende : En studie av kv. Smeden

I Finspång tillverkas gas och ångturbiner. Verksamheten går under namnet Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB, som förutom att bygga upp turbiner som separata leveranser även projekterar kompletta kraftanläggningar, där turbinerna ingår, för att producera elektricitet, ånga och värme.Till de gasturbin kraftverk som levereras av Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB används ett Simatic PCS-7 styrsystem för att kontrollera turbinerna. För PCS-7 styrsystemet kan mjukvaran Simatic PDM (Process Device Manager) användas för diagnostisk analys av automations komponenter och intelligenta fältenheter. Målet med examensarbetet är att kunna varna tidigare för fel på automations komponenter och fältenheter så att man kan förebygga stillestånds tider som kan uppstå i en anläggning. Examensarbetet visar vad för slags funktioner Simatic PDM har och hur programmet kan utnyttjas i en anläggning.Examensarbetet innehåller en beskrivning av programmet Simatic PDM och PCS 7-styrsystemet.

Energieffektivt byggande i flerbostadshus : Vad påverkar resultatet?

I Finspång tillverkas gas och ångturbiner. Verksamheten går under namnet Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB, som förutom att bygga upp turbiner som separata leveranser även projekterar kompletta kraftanläggningar, där turbinerna ingår, för att producera elektricitet, ånga och värme.Till de gasturbin kraftverk som levereras av Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB används ett Simatic PCS-7 styrsystem för att kontrollera turbinerna. För PCS-7 styrsystemet kan mjukvaran Simatic PDM (Process Device Manager) användas för diagnostisk analys av automations komponenter och intelligenta fältenheter. Målet med examensarbetet är att kunna varna tidigare för fel på automations komponenter och fältenheter så att man kan förebygga stillestånds tider som kan uppstå i en anläggning. Examensarbetet visar vad för slags funktioner Simatic PDM har och hur programmet kan utnyttjas i en anläggning.Examensarbetet innehåller en beskrivning av programmet Simatic PDM och PCS 7-styrsystemet.

Har socialdemokraternas ideologi förändrats? : En uppsats om Socialdemokraternas partiprogram 1960-2001

This study aims to map the opinions and attitudes of lokal elected officials regarding corruption and corruption preventing measures. The study also attempt to determine weather opinions differ based on the interviewed party political affiliations. The study material of the thesis is therefore largely based on interviews with elected representatives from the municipalities; Älmhult, Lessebo and Tingsryd.  .

Utökad Diagostik med Simatic PDM(Process Device Manager

I Finspång tillverkas gas och ångturbiner. Verksamheten går under namnet Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB, som förutom att bygga upp turbiner som separata leveranser även projekterar kompletta kraftanläggningar, där turbinerna ingår, för att producera elektricitet, ånga och värme.Till de gasturbin kraftverk som levereras av Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB används ett Simatic PCS-7 styrsystem för att kontrollera turbinerna. För PCS-7 styrsystemet kan mjukvaran Simatic PDM (Process Device Manager) användas för diagnostisk analys av automations komponenter och intelligenta fältenheter. Målet med examensarbetet är att kunna varna tidigare för fel på automations komponenter och fältenheter så att man kan förebygga stillestånds tider som kan uppstå i en anläggning. Examensarbetet visar vad för slags funktioner Simatic PDM har och hur programmet kan utnyttjas i en anläggning.Examensarbetet innehåller en beskrivning av programmet Simatic PDM och PCS 7-styrsystemet.

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