

46 Uppsatser om Weaning - Sida 3 av 4

Seroprevalence of Rift Valley fever in domestic sheep and goats of Gaza province, Mozambique

Animal welfare is of increasing concern in present society. In commercial pig farming, animal welfare problems are common. One of the causes for these problems is the barren environment in which pigs are housed, which can cause oral manipulation of pen mates. Providing straw might be one solution to this problem. Another solution could be reached through genetic selection.

Foster owner factors influence temperament test results of military dogs and their suitability for service

Military dogs in Sweden spend their first 18 months after Weaning with a foster owner that has volunteered to care for its upbringing. The foster owner is advised by a consultant and offered three opportunities to train the dog together with other foster owners. There is a positive correlation between the number of attended training opportunities with the consultant, or other professional dog trainers, and the results of the dog in the temperament test at the end of the 18 months. The test results are in turn positively correlated with the likelihood of the dog to enter service. This thesis aims to investigate why the number of training opportunities is important for the dog?s chance to enter service by identifying foster owner factors that influence the success of the dog and which temperament test items the factors have the strongest impact on.

Sjuksköterskans roll vid urträning av den respiratorbehandlade patienten på IVA

Medicinsk och vårdvetenskaplig forskning som behandlar urträning ur respirator syftar på urträningsmetoder och tekniker för att minska vårdtid, komplikationer och sänka vårdkostnader inom intensivvården. Det finns vårdvetenskaplig litteratur som menar att sjuksköterskan kan spela en betydande roll i detta genom sin kunskap om och närvaro till intensivvårdspatienten. Syftet med detta arbete var att belysa sjuksköterskans roll avseende urträning av patienter som respiratorvårdas på IVA. Resultatet baseras på en litteraturstudie av tio vetenskapliga artiklar. Sjuksköterskans roller kan sammanfattas i fem områden: kommunikationen med patienten, att lära känna patienten, samarbete i personalgruppen, erfarenhet och teknisk kunskap, kliniskt arbete och utveckling.

Positive reinforcement training for laboratory mice

The mouse (Mus musculus) is the most commonly used mammal in biomedical research and can easily be restrained by both hand and by a device. Restraining animals causes stress that not only decreases the animal?s wellbeing, but may also influence the research results. The first aim of this study was to train mice to voluntarily stand still using positive reinforcement training. Another benefit of teaching a mouse to stand still is that you can avoid anaesthesia for some procedures.

Att andas för egen maskin -Intensivvårdssjuksköterskans användning av ett protokoll i främjandet av respiratorweaning

Att andas är det första och sista en människa gör i livet och därför associerat med liv och död. Andningen sker omedvetet för den friska individen. Denna självklarhet kan dock snabbt förändras vid svår sjukdom där intubering och respiratorvård kan bli nödvändigt för att upprätthålla adekvat saturation. Detta är många gånger en traumatisk upplevelse för patienten. Intensivvårdssjuksköterskan är den som befinner sig närmast patienten och kontinuerligt observerar och monitorerar dennes tillstånd.

Variation i fruktsamhet hos semingaltar

Artificial insemination (AI) has had a great influence on the development of pig production and is today widely practiced (Gerrit et al., 2005). With AI, genetic progress can at a short period of time be spread worldwide compared with using natural service and the best boars can be intensively used. This is also one of the biggest risks with AI; the impact of semen containing a genetic disease or contamination of pathogens can be enormous. Fortunately, it is a small risk of disease transmission due to many tests of the boars and the semen before use (Maes et al, 2008). It is important that the boars used for insemination have good breeding values along with good reproduction features and have good fertility results (Robinson et al., 2005).

Reproduktion och reproduktionsproblem hos taxtikar

Artificial insemination (AI) has had a great influence on the development of pig production and is today widely practiced (Gerrit et al., 2005). With AI, genetic progress can at a short period of time be spread worldwide compared with using natural service and the best boars can be intensively used. This is also one of the biggest risks with AI; the impact of semen containing a genetic disease or contamination of pathogens can be enormous. Fortunately, it is a small risk of disease transmission due to many tests of the boars and the semen before use (Maes et al, 2008). It is important that the boars used for insemination have good breeding values along with good reproduction features and have good fertility results (Robinson et al., 2005).

Hur en för tidig avvänjning påverkar kattens beteende

Enligt svensk lag måste alla katter vara minst 12 veckor vid försäljning. I bl.a. Storbritannien kan kattungar dock säljas vid 8 veckors ålder. Med utgångspunkt från detta har jag ställt upp de två frågeställningarna ?hur påverkas kattens beteende om avvänjningen från modern sker före 12 veckors ålder?, och ?vilka problem kan man som djurägare få med sin katt om den avvänjs för tidigt?. Med begreppet beteendeproblem menas beteenden som anses oacceptabla av djurägaren, som ?wool-sucking? eller överdriven vokalisering.

Comparison of three IVC systems for mice, with focus on growth and nest building in juvenile mice

Today the individual ventilated cage system (IVC-system) is the most commonly used system when housing rodents. IVC systems are designed to control both supply and exhausted air at cage level, as well as temperature and relative humidity in the cages. This creates an optimal environment for the mouse and at the same time a protection against the risk of cross-infection between cages and the outside environment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the health and welfare for two different strains of laboratory mice (NMRI nude mice and C57BL/6NCrl mice) in three different kinds of IVC-systems; Arrowmight, Allentown and Tecniplast. 108 mouse pups from each strain (in total 216 mice) were selected after Weaning at an age of three weeks and tested during 5 weeks.

Kattungens behov och rådgivning till dess ägare

The cat has become a popular pet. To secure a prosperous cat-human relationship, the cat owner has to understand what kind of animal the cat is and what requirements need to be fulfilled. The purpose of this literature review is to summarize kittens? needs of socialization, anthelmintics, nutrition, vaccination and gonadectomy, until the age of six months and to give the cat owner information on how to care for the cat during this period. Articles were search for in ScienceDirect, Primo and Scopus.

Mammans betydelse : effekter av tidig maternell separation hos däggdjur

Däggdjur diar sina ungar under den första tiden efter förlossningen men hos många arter består moderskapet av mer än att bara erbjuda mat. Många däggdjur som hålls i fångenskap har separerats från sina mödrar långt tidigare än vad som sker i naturen och separationen sker ofta abrupt utan möjlighet för ungarna att successivt vänja sig vid de nya förutsättningarna som separationen innebär. Syftet med den här litteraturstudien är att undersöka vad som är viktigt i moder-unge-relationen, för att sedan titta på hur däggdjurs beteende påverkas av att förlora sin mamma tidigt i livet, och hur problemen kan undvikas med exempel från häst, får, nötkreatur, gris, gnagare, mink och primat. Det sociala bandet som bildas mellan moder och unge strax efter födseln är viktigt för att de ska känna igen varandra och hos vissa arter är det livsviktigt för ungarnas näringsintag och överlevnad. Hos de flesta arter verkar dock moderns närvaro och omvårdnad vara minst lika viktig, om inte viktigare för ungarnas utveckling och välbefinnande.

Hästhållningen i Ängelholms kommun - ur hästens välfärdsperspektiv

An interview study of horsemanship has been conducted in the community of Ängelholm. The study is part of a larger project, where a further four students who are writing their thesis? have conducted interviews in Lerum, Hässleholm, Nyköping and Enköping, a total of 52 horse holders in 5 different communities. The collective results are summarised in "Hur hålls hästarna i Sverige och vilka är motiven" by Catharina Svala. The purpose of this larger report has been to examine why Swedish horsemanship is the way it is today through communication with the various horse holders.

Slaktsvins basala behov i kommersiell uppfödning : Slaktsvins basala behov i kommersiell uppfödning oönskade beteenden, skador och välfärdspåverkan

The Swedish Welfare Act § 4 says that "Animals must be kept and cared for in a good environment for animals and in such a way that promotes their health and allow them to behave naturally." Pigs in the wild spend 80% of their waking hours walking around and rooting for food, eating and exploring their environment with its snout. Fattening pigs in commercial farms spend 80% lying doing nothing. A lactating sow is lying down most of her day, and only 10-20% of the body surface is in contact with the floor, so the pressure is high on these spots. Piglets lie down and paddle with their legs, with high liquid content in the tissues, several times an hour, to stimulate and massage the sow's udder. In the existing system, these individuals are held more often on floors that are anything but inviting to sleep on.

Investigating the reward cycle for play in young pigs

A reward cycle for investigating the emotional status in animals has been developed and it requires that animals go through three main phases, i.e. anticipation, consumption and relaxation. The reward cycle has not been tested previously for access to play in pigs. Therefore, the aim of this Master thesis was to investigate if growing pigs showed more behaviours indicative of excitement than pigs that were not allowed to play, performed play in a play arena and showed more behaviours indicative of relaxation after play when they were back to their home pen than pigs that were in their home pen the whole time. Forty undocked piglets (10 litters of Specific Pathogen Free half pure-bred Yorkshire and half hybrids of Yorkshire x Landrace balanced for breed between two treatments were used.

Hur kan man få ned dödligheten hos kalvarna i dikobesättningarna?

This work is a literature review along with interviews from nine suckler herds. How to reducecalf mortality in the cow herd is the focus of this paper. To get profitability of a herd, it isimportant that you get a live calf per cow and year. Good fertility of the cows thus is veryimportant. During the years 2007 - 2008, approximately 5.5% of all calves born by beef cowsdied and about 8.5% of the calves born by heifers died.

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