

1660 Uppsatser om Water purification plants - Sida 34 av 111

Glycerol till mjölkkor : effekter på våmmetabolismen

Glycerol is essential for the lipid metabolism of both plants and animals. Glycerol is formed in the rumen by hydrolysis of lipids from the feed. Glycerol is also a by-product from the production of biodiesel from rapeseed oil and other fat sources. Glycerol might be used as a dietary glucose precursor for dairy cows in similar ways as propylene glycol. Due to increased production of biodiesel more glycerol has been available to a lower price.

Tillämpning av en markprofilmodell för hydrologiska beräkningar i avrinningsområdesskala

There is a great need to reduce nutrient leaching from arable land into lakes and oceans. By using several different types of models it has previously been possible to describe nutrient losses in a catchment area with a minimum unit of sub-catchment level. At present, it is instead desirable to model a smaller catchment with an opportunity to re-connect the results to the corresponding fields in the catchment. Such models already exist but they are not fully able to properly describe Swedish conditions and land characteristics in our region.With the approach of creating such a model, SLU has developed a project with this work as its first stage. The model is expected to be created under the working name SWE-model which stands for Soil Water Environment and is in this first stage supposed to apply the SOIL model in catchment scale. During the procedure to describe the first step in the process of developing such a model adapted to Swedish conditions and which works in the catchment scale with an area of about 10-30 km2, focus has been set on calculating the transport of water flow from different hydrological response units. Regardless of the processes occurring in the soil after the water has been added, it is assumed that all the water which flows from each simulated unit is drained.In the first step the hydrologic response units were identified based on land use and soil type in the study area. With the help of a script with functions that retrieve and transform data, certain units were chosen for simulation. The script was also created in this project. Finally, the model results were aggregated and summarized for each unique unit, for each sub-catchment, and also for the whole catchment.From the results it is possible to see similarities in the flow dynamics between modeled and measured data. The efficiency coefficient has been calculated to correspond to the mean of the measured values for the whole simulation period. With an automated calibration process the model should be able to perform better. The volume error gives an indication of overestimation from the model..

Varbergs Societetspark 1856 - 2008 : en promenadparks förvandling

The Societety Park (Societetsparken) of Varberg here in Sweden, established in the year 1883 (1856), is one of the most famous parks in Varberg. Today it is, more or less, only used as a park that you will walk through in the wintertime, under the summer season though, the park starts blooming and then it is used for public music and singalong evenings. Earlier it was an old health resort park with its fine old traditions.The Societetsparken was a private owned park until 1902 when the town purchased it. On this plot there was already a smaller park and it was established as early as in 1856. It was called Badhusparken (The Public Bath Park) and it belonged to the hot- and cold-bathhouses, and these baths were very well frequented.

Energieffektivisering av skolbyggnad från 60-talet : Studie av Hållsta skola i Eskilstuna

In June 2006 the Swedish government decided that the use of energy in buildings should be reduced by 20 percent until 2020, compared to the level of energy used in 1995. To contribute to this goal, the real estate company ?Eskilstuna Kommunfastigheter AB?, set up own goals for their buildings. In 2009, the goal for schools was to have a maximum energy use of 118 kWh/m2year for heating and hot water.The school ?Hållsta skola?, just south of Eskilstuna, exceeds the limit since it used 270 kWh in 2008.

Naturvärdesbedömning av Utanåfladen; En inventering av vårlekande fisk, bottenfauna och vegetation

There are several thousands shallow bays along the Swedish east coast. Most of them are disturbed by different human activities, and undisturbed bays can be considered as quite unique. In the sheltered shallow bays water warms up more rapidly than adjacent water favoring the growth of vegetation, which in turns is beneficial to spring spawning fish species like perch and pike. It is nowadays more common that coastal habitats are inventoried to facilitate future preservation and planning. The aim of this study was to investigate the shallow bay Utanåfladen (59° 53`31.38 N 19°00`44.90 E) in the north Stockholm archipelago and evaluate its habitat value.

Specialpedagogiskt stöd i förskolan : En bild av förskollärares erfarenhet av specialpedagogiskt stöd

In this bachelor essay an attempt is done, to recreate a probable Bronze Age landscape on Gotland, with GIS as a tool. The landscape on Gotland is situated with many different monuments dated Bronze Age, such as cairns and stone ships. In creating of the maps, two possible shorelines contemporary with the Bronze Age have been calculated and marked on the maps. Furthermore, peat lands have been drawn upon the maps, by using the information from geological maps.A landscape variable have been compared between Bronze Age places and Early Iron Age houses; the soil type. On Bronze Age places gravel is the most common, while moraine marl is the most common on places with Early Iron Age houses.From a selection that were made, all Bronze Age places where within 3 km from the water, either the recreated shoreline or peat land.

Verifiering av beräknad energiprestanda för flerbostadshus byggda år 2007-2009

The building industry consumes approximately 40 % of the total energy consumption in Sweden, where the using stage is dominating with 80 %. There is a lot of work in progress to reduce energy use in the building industry, and the demands from authorities regarding energy use increases. As a part of this work Building and planning department of Sweden has established a requirement that has been applied since 2006, and restricts a maximum energy use for buildings.The requirement includes that an energy simulation must be done in advance to demonstrate that it is possible to meet the demands.Reality is however more complex than an energy simulation program, that frequently underestimates the energy use of buildings. The purpose of this thesisis to study and analyse deviations between estimated and actual energy use in modern apartment buildings. The study includes four apartment buildings in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Jönköping that were built in 2007-2009.

Artrika vägkanter - hur påverkas de av slåtter och underhållsdikning?

ABSTRACT This study is an exam work at the Department of Ecology at the Swedish Agricultural University, Ultuna, Uppsala. The field work was performed in the counties of Uppsala and Västmanland. Grassland areas, exposed to annual mowing, are known to host a variety of rare and red-listed vascular species. The area of these grassland are, however, decreasing in the landscape due to modern farming. The fact that roadside verges maintain regular mowing has proven to be a successful concept for many rare vascular plant species in this habitat. Vascular plants along roadside verges at the State road network were inventoried due to a government mandate during 1995 and 1996. As a result ?Species rich roadsides? were pointed out.

Klimatanpassning av Ljungby stad mot översvämningar

Climate changing is a growing problem for many countries and communities over the world. The cities has a huge work to deal with in their reforcements of their cities to be resilient ones. This thesis makes an effort to investigate and illuminate some of the problem the cities has to solve related to flooding, hazards, erosions, rising sea levels and crotches. This thesis will help to find solutions that international and national efforts has produced and handed out to each other. A lot of communities are charing their excellent tools that works for them.

Skräckfilm och bilden inom bilden : En analys av rörlig bild inom filmen och dess reflexivitet i de japanska skräckfilmerna The Ring, Pulse och Dark Water

Syftet med denna uppsats är att skänka en grundläggande illustration av hur relationen bildinom bild och skräck kan se ut. Studien koncentrerar sig på estetiken och reflexiviteten hosbilderna inom bilden hos de japanska skräckfilmerna The Ring, Pulse och Dark Water. Dessabilder består av ett videoband i The Ring, webbkamerabilder i Pulse och övervakningsbilder iDark Water.Användningen av rörliga bilder inom rörliga bilder är reflexivt i den meningen att vimedvetandegörs om filmmediet självt som en konstruktion av bilder. Detta fenomenuppmärksammar oss också på akten att se. Syftet i skräckfilm är att skapa känslor av olust ochskräck hos oss och detta åstadkoms, bland annat, genom hur bilderna ser ut och är upplagda.Ett återkommande element hos bilderna inom bilden hos våra filmer är otydligheten hosflera av dem och detta att vi inte kan se bilden tydligt kan ge upphov till olustkänslor.

Studie av Karlskogas fjärrvärmenät för att sänka returtemperaturen

A district heating plant has the advantage that it can take advantage of the waste heat from industries and use of cheap fuels to produce heat. But for the long term is competitive requires that energy is also saved in district heating plants. One way to save energy in a district heating system is to increasing cooling to the return temperature. This leads to less power needed to drive the distribution pumps,  and that more energy could be extracted from the same amount of fuel by an improved flue gas condensation.In Karlskoga the return temperature into the district heating plant is high. They would therefore reduce the return temperature in order to extract more energy from the flue gases.

Spridning av släckvattenpartiklar : En studie på spridning av partiklar genererade från brand

During a fire large amounts of particles and unhealthy agents occur.  Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and toxic metals are examples among many others. These agents have a capacity to bond to particles and when the fire is extinguished, the particles can be transferred with the extinguish water into the soil and to the groundwater.Recent studies in particles have been conducted. A study by Ulrika Iverfelt (2014) reviled that the particles from a fire contained large amounts of both PAH and metals, which is consistent with earlier analyses. Her column experiments with particles in the size ? 11 microns and ?100 microns in silica sand, reviled that the larger particles was immobilized because the transportation was influenced by sieving or physiochemical particle and surface interactions.The transport of the particles in soil and groundwater is regulated by two main mechanisms: physiochemical surface interactions and straining.

Underkambriska böljeslagsmärkens bildningsmiljö : Ett försök att fastställa fossila ripplars avsättningsmiljö med hjälp av recenta sandbottnar

ABSTRACTThe fauna of the Lower Cambrian is far from fully understood, as is the environment of that epoch. Some of the most crucial moments in the history of evolution takes place during this epoch; the Cambrian explosion and the appearance of ecosystems as we know them. That makes it an important period to investigate. Doing so, the Lower Cambrian offers a lot of problems, one of which is that body fossils are seldom preserved. That has often left us with trace fossils to create an image of the Lower Cambrian life, but also some bedrock features such as ripple marks.The main purpose of this work has been to investigate the possibilities of relating the wave lengths and forms of recent wave-generated ripples to fossil ones, and also to evaluate the methods for that kind of comparison.

Mineraliska material som reaktiva filter för avskiljning av tungmetaller från dagvatten

Highly polluted urban storm water from e.g. highways can contain large amounts of heavy metals that may cause harm if they are discharged into recipients. To remove the heavy metals a possible low-cost method that does not require much maintenance, could be the use of reactive filters with filter materials consisting of industrial residues or other cheap mineral based materials. Dissolved metal ions are removed by reactive filters through the processes of ions binding to active sites on the surface of the filter materials, or by formation of insoluble precipitates.The ability of CaO-treated granulated blast-furnace slag, iron oxide coated sand, olivine and nepheline to remove seven heavy metals (Cr, Cd, Cu, Ni, Zn, Pb and Hg) from urban storm water was studied. Initially batch experiments were performed where the effect of pH, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and dissolved ions on the adsorption efficiency was studied.

Mätning av abrasivflöde för vattenskärningsmaskiner

The content of the following report is the summarized result of three students thesis at Blekinge Institute of Technology in co-operation with Water Jet Sweden AB. This report will give the reader a description of principles how to measure the abrasive mass flow in a waterjet cutting system. The work began with a visit to Water Jet Sweden AB to get a closer look at the problem. When the analysis of the problem was done the criteria were defined in the form of demands and desires. The main task of the criteria was to guide the search for the solution.

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