

1660 Uppsatser om Water purification plants - Sida 24 av 111

Bevattning av lagrat virke vid svensk skogsindustri : omfattning och miljökonsekvenser

Most of the saw and pulp industries have stored wood nearby their production, the main reason is to have a continuous wood flow to the production. Wet storage of wood is of great importance to keep the wood quality. Without water sprinkling the risk of drying outand decomposition through biological activity increases significantly and will result in a negative effect on future production and quality. One drawback of wet storage of wood is the leaching of chemical substances into the surrounding recipient. The log yard run-off contains phosphorus, nitrogen, phenols and organic substances. These substances can cause problems for the surrounding environment. The main objective of this project is to gain an understanding of the wet storage used by the Swedish wood industry and estimate the environmental consequences that run-off water will have on the recipient.

Skötselåtgärder vid nyetablering av skyddszoner vid bäckar i södra Värmland :

Buffer zones play an important role for the water quality in our watercourses. When harvesting a forest close to a watercourse a buffer zone should be left. When it's not left, it will lead to radical changes in the environment for the water organisms. The overall purpose of this thesis was to illuminate the production- and environmental thinking when establishing new buffer zones in south of Värmland. The partials goals were to determine choice of tree species, ways of regenerate, occurrence of soil scarification and the occurrence of machine tracks in newly established buffer zones.

Utformning av hamnområdet i Arvika : stadsbild och offentliga miljöer

The harbour in Arvika is closed down and the industry that has been established in the area is now beeing wound up. A deepened comprehensive plan for the area is under progress in the municipality. The intentions are for instance that the harbour should be integrated with the city and that Arvika is facing a lake should be more apparent from the city center. The harbour should also contribute to a more attractive city. These intentions have hence been the starting point of my undergraduate theses, which has resulted in a proposal on how to develop the harbour. During the process I have analysed the city image, how the area is used today and the public places in the city centre.

Concentration and offtake of trace elements and macronutrients in Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) and spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) grown on soils amended with water treatment residual sludge

Aluminium sulphate (Al2(SO4)3) is usually added during the drinking water treatment processin order to precipitate organic and inorganic material, resulting in aluminium-based drinkingwater treatment residual sludge (WTR). Since 2003 Swedish law no longer permits WTR tobe deposited in lakes, and there is an interest to explore the possibility to utilize WTR as soilamendment. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of WTR application on cropgrowth and concentrations of macronutrients and trace elements (including micronutrients andpotential toxic elements). A greenhouse pot experiment was conducted with three soils; a clayloam rich in phosphorous (P), a loamy sand rich in P, and a silty loam with a low soil Pconcentration, and two crop species Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam. cv.

Ett svenskt landskap i Australien : svenska kyrkan i Melbourne

As a Swedish landscape architecture student living in Australia for five years, I have often wondered if my memories and my associations with the landscape and the nature in Sweden, are the same as other Swedish people living in Melbourne. Most of the Swedish people who live here in Melbourne remember and associate Sweden?s nature and landscape with where they grew up or where they used to live. The plants that most of the Swedish people I asked missed from Sweden were associated to special feelings or activities. The general type of landscape people remember from Sweden is that of a landscape covered in forests, which you can walk freely through. With these memories as a foundation and with inspiration from the Swedish landscape architect Thorbjörn Anderson?s way of creating places, by letting a few strong changes play against the existing elements,2 but also with consideration of the climate and the severe shortage of water that is current in Melbourne, will I create a design concept for the garden surrounding the Swedish Church in Melbourne. A design concept that will generate memories and associations to Swedish landscapes..

Närsaltsdosering till luftad damm : en åtgärd för ökad TOC-reduktion hos Skoghalls Bruk luftade damm

In the process of making carton boards into Skoghall Mill, are great quantities of water being contaminated. This water has to be treated before it is possible to release into the recipient, Kattfjorden. One of the contaminations that is important to extract from the wastewater, is organic carbon (measured as TOC-total organic carbon) because microbiological breakdown can lead to the bottom becomig free of oxygen.The wastewater treatment at Skoghall Mill is done through an external wastewater treatment that is located at the factory. The biological treatment (aerated lagoon) is a 140 000 m3 water pool with surface aerator, which is give oxygen to the water. In the lagoon live microorganisms who performs the biggest part of the TOC-reduction.One problem with the lagoon is that the treatment of TOC is considerably worse during wintertime than during summertime.

?Whatever he discovers in creatures he guides to the Creator? : En studie om hur vi kan förstå St. Franciskus som miljömedveten, A study of how we can understand St. Francis as being environmentally conscious

This study investigated how we can understand St. Francis as environmentally conscious. The study also presents where those elements can be found in St. Francis own documents and from documents that describe St. Francis.

Jordbearbetningsstrategier på hösten inför vårsådd på tyngre lerjordar :

It is important for today?s farmers to minimize the costs for crop establishment, because of decreased prices and support from the EU. Farmers, who plow in autumn on heavy clay soil, often do some kind of tillage in autumn to get better soil structure before spring seeding. This is especially important when growing small seed crop, e.g. sugar beet and oil plants.

Avskiljning av ammoniumkväve och fosfatfosfor i reaktiva filtermaterial : skak- och kolonnförsök

In Sweden more than 400 000 private households have not yet sufficient wastewater purification. These effluent is considered as an increasing problem and many onsite purification methods have been studied. In this investigation, the method of reactive bed filters have been tested by column and batch experiments. Five different kinds of filter materials with reactive surfaces have been studied concerning their capacity to absorb ammonium and phosphorus from wastewater. The materials that were examined are Filtra N, wollastonite Filtra P, blast furnace slag and Polonite®.

Koldioxidutsläpp vid sticklingsproduktion av pelargonium x hortorum i Kenya jämfört med Sverige :

Long transport of products is an environmental issue discussed to an increasing extent. The consumers are increasingly aware of how far our comestibles really have been transported. The increasing levels of environmental emissions are something that concerns people. The question is nevertheless delicate and many choose to ignore it. This is no longer an option.

Integreringsanalys av robot och arbetsstation på ITT Water & Wastewater

ITT Water & Wastewater ställer höga krav på kostnadseffektiv produktion vilket är en starkt bidragande orsak till att företaget är världsledande på sin marknad. För att erhålla kostnadseffektiv produktion har kombinationen människa robot visat sig vara framgångsrik.Examensarbetets syfte var att ta fram underlag åt ITT Water & Wastewater för att ta beslut om frigörande av indirekt personal vid line 15:s isoleringsstation på Elmotorverkstaden. Syftets uppfyllande stöttades av de underbyggande syftena att försöka höja robotens utnyttjandegrad samt reducera isoleringsmaskinens omställningstid.Arbetet bygger på kvalitativa och kvantitativa data i form av mätningar, intervjuer och egna observationer. Med stöd av erhållen data lyftes fyra olika förslag fram. Förslagen understryktes bland annat av integrering av arbetsmoment, förhöjd automatiseringsgrad och outsourcing..

Analys av nivåproblematik i dränagetank på Ringhals 1

The focus of this project has been on the drainage tank of the reheater on Ringhals 1. This tank has on two previous occasions received such a high water level that the system automatically emergency stopped. For this reason, events and various readings from these two occasions has been specifically studied and analyzed. In order to prove theories about what causes these problems a model of the system was created in the program Dymola. Using simulation results from the model, we have been able to demonstrate how the system's measured values should look likeunder normal conditions with respect to flows, pressures, temperatures, valve positions and water level in the drainage tank.

Beredskapsvattenförsörjningen på Sjukhuset i Varberg -En källa till problem?

The hospital in Varberg has a somewhat outmoded solution regarding the state of preparedness in its water sustentation. Today?s solution is both cause to a number of mishaps and high energy consumption.The report is initiated by looking into the present situation to get an insight to the problem.Today?s media depletion is measured and analyzed.Furthermore, it also looks into some earlier performed studies. These studies are followed up in order to see if measures have been taken.The report presents a number of arrangements which should be taken, amongst those a minor re-build of the current solution and a number of arrangements which leads to decreased water consumption..

Tillväxt hos Husmossa (Hylocomium splendens) i boreal skog och växthus : effekter av ökad vattentillgång

Hylocomium splendens (Glittering wood-moss) is a common species in the Nordic countries and can be found in many different types of boreal forests. It usually forms dense moss carpets on the forest floor. The shoots grow in segments and new segments form annually on the previous years growth. The size of the segments is probably regulated in a high extent by local micro environmental conditions. Previous experiments suggest increased growth of H.

Honung och biodling : honungens ursprung, egenskaper och effekter på människans hälsa

This report describes honey, its origin, properties and effects on human health. Honey has been used for a long time in most civilizations and apiculture is an important activity sector in many parts of the world. The trend is an increase in honey production but a decrease in the number of beekeepers in Sweden. Honeybees live in a highly developed society with a strong hierarchy and a well organized distribution of the tasks. They visit a broad spectrum of plants and collect nectar to store it as honey.

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