

4695 Uppsatser om Water environment - Sida 46 av 313

Balansering av vindkraft och vattenkraft i norra Sverige

This master thesis was initiated with the aim to answer at what level of installed capacity of wind power in the northern parts of Sweden it would be beneficial to improve the transmission capacity from the northern Sweden. During the process of this work the aim has changed to try and create a model that can be used to analyze how well the hydro power installed in the northern Sweden can even out the quick changes in wind power production.To create a good model of all hydro power in northern Sweden is a very large job, unfortunately too large for a master thesis. This report therefore ends with an extensive analysis of the simplifications that have been made and their effects as well as a list of the future work that has to be done.The model that has been created have shown to be effective and produce good results. The conclusions that can be made is that the northern Swedish hydro power have very good possibilities to balance the wind power production. Only a few cases where water have been spilled even though there has been some free capacity has been discovered.

Källsorterade systems påverkan på avloppsreningsverk : växthusgaser, energi- och resursanvändning i modellstudie

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects on a simulated wastewater plant regarding GHG emissions and use of energy and resources when implementing source separated wastewater systems. The effects were studied for different restrictions of effluent quality and for different temperatures on the influent. The simulation model BSM2G calibrated for Käppala wastewater treatment plant was used. The task was executed by simulating nine different scenarios with an increase in influent load from new connections equivalent to 3, 10 and 30 % of the present connections. These new connections were served by conventional, urine separated or black water separated systems.

Utvärdering av kalkstens egenskaper med laboratorie- och fältmetoder.

A pavement construction designed to cope with the different type of traffic loads; it is exposed to and at the same time it can resist the effect of the climate. A road structure consists of sub- and superstructure which is divided by a boundary known as terrace. During the construction of unbound layers (base course and sub-base course) in the superstructure, it is always ensured that the material meet the requirements for bearing capacity and the degree of compaction. These parameters are controlled by various laboratory tests and control methods. To obtain increased knowledge of the material and improve the quality of the compaction in the field, it is necessary to perform laboratory tests in order to determine material properties.A base course material 0/ 32 mm limestone from Gotland (Hejdeby) was investigated in this study.

En arbetsmiljöutredning för yrkeschaufförer hos Schenker Åkeri AB i Halmstad

The project has been done in cooperation with Schenker Åkeri AB in Sweden, Halmstad. Theproject is based on an inspection made by Arbetsmiljöverket, where they found minorshortcomings with distribution of goods for the employees. The project is an investigation ofthe drivers? working environment.Schenker Logistics is one of the world's leading providers of integrated logistics services.Schenker Åkeri AB is a subsidiary to Schenker Logistics and transports 2.4 million tons ofgoods yearly.The project started with a background study to evaluate drivers working environment. Wehave studied goods receptions, the working environment, strain injury and injury mechanisms.Methods used was observations, tests, questionnaire surveys and ergonomic andbiomechanical calculations.One result of the study is a working model, which gives recommendations for the maximumweight a driver should push and pull.

Undervisning i en mångkulturell skola En kvalitativ studie om lärares förhållningssätt till flerspråkiga elever

Abstract We are two teacher students with an ethnic background and we thought that it could be, exciting to work with subjects, like a multicultural environment in schools and the challenges within this environment for students, but also teachers. In this study, we focus on how the teachers work with bilingual students in a multicultural school. We wanted to get an understanding of the subject and to be able do so, we conducted some qualitative interviews. These interviews went through with teachers currently working at the same public school, teaching in classes from 1-5. Through this qualitative research, we were able to analyse, what the teachers attitude towards multilingualism is and what kind of methods they use organizing their teaching.

Anaerob rening vid StoraEnso Skoghalls Bruk

An analysis of a specific application of anaerobic wastewater treatment at a pulp and board mill, Stora Enso Skoghall, was carried out. A literature study was done and effluent wastewater from CTMP pulp production was analyzed. The analysis consisted of a broad constituent analysis and an anaerobic treatment trial. Results from these test where used to calculate the treatment effectiveness and resulting energy potential at the mill.The literature study and constituent analysis showed that toxicity of the water to be treated, due to wood extractives and sulphur content, was of concern. Detoxification chemicals targeting these constituents where used in the anaerobic treatment trial.

Flås, svett och inkongruens - En studie om effekterna av träning och tematisk inkongruens på annonser

Previous research about contextual effects on advertising has mainly focused on the editorial context, while advertisements' broader context has been overlooked. This paper aims to take a broader perspective on advertisement context. Its purpose is to get an understanding on how physical exercise influence the effectiveness of print advertisements, and furthermore to look at the effects of thematic incongruence between ad and the physical environment. We hypothesize that physical exercise increase ad effectiveness through affective priming and that thematic incongruence is beneficial for ads' effectiveness, especially after training when awareness about the environment is higher. A 2×2 experiment was conducted in a gym, where each respondent was exposed to either an incongruent or less incongruent ad, before or after physical exercise.

Prefabricerat trähusbyggande med moduler : För- och nackdelar samt förslag på vidareutveckling

The construction industry can contribute to a healthier sustainable community. A development that is going on right now is by using more prefabricated volume- and plan elements on the construction sites. Building with this method not only provides a benefit to the environment, but also reduces production rates by taking up to 80 percent less time to build. By building in this way it will be easier to recycle and keep all the material that otherwise would go to waste. Also by building inside a protected environment, the material retains its good quality.This report will take forward proposals on further development of prefabricated volume element of wood, by first presenting this construction methods advantages and disadvantages..

Miljöeffekter vid ändrad ytbehandling på ITT Water & Wastewater

ITT Water & Wastewater (före detta ITT Flygt) tittar på att eventuellt genomföra en förbättring av ytbehandlingen av deras pumpar för att eliminera de rostangrepp pumparna utsätts för idag. Examensarbetets uppgift är här att analysera och beskriva miljöeffekterna av de nya ytbehandlingsmetoderna som företaget undersöker.Målet med studien är att få fram ett underlag och en rekommendation om vilken ytbehandlingsmetod företaget bör välja ur miljösynpunkt.De olika metoder som studerats är:? Järnfosfatering + ED-lackering? Zinkmanganfosfatering + ED-lackering? Oxsilan + ED-lackeringDessa metoder har jämförts med nollalternativet, vilket innebär att samma metod som tillämpas idag fortsätter att användas.Miljöeffekterna som studerats för de olika metoderna är:? utsläpp till luft och vatten? avfall? energiAv de tre nya metoderna samt nollalternativet är Oxsilan följt av ED-lackering det alternativ som ger minst påverkan på miljön. Metoden har inga utsläpp av flyktiga organiska ämnen till luft, inget farligt avfall bildas och det avfall som ändå bildas är litet. Metoden har även lägre energiåtgång än de andra studerade metoderna.2008:Nr 2 Teknik.

När gränsen mellan sändare och mottagare suddas ut : En studie i hur organisationer ser på sociala medier som del av den externa kommunikationen  och hur de bemöter sin omgivning i det nya medieverktyget

Title: ?When The Line Between Transmitter and Receiver Blurs? ? A Study of how organizations look at social media as part of their external communication and how they respond to the environment in the new media toolNumber of pages: 49 (51 including enclosures)Author: Ida Hansson KällTutor: Cecilia StrandCourse: Media and Communication Studies D 30hpPeriod: Spring 2010University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Informatics and Media,Uppsala UniversityPurpose/Aim: The aim of this essay is to study how five organizations look at social media as part of their external communication and how they respond to the environment in the new media tool.Material/Method: A qualitative method has been used. Five interviews as primary sources have been conducted with representatives from each organization.Main results: The main results of the study is that organizations have to integrate social media as part of their external communication plans in order to face and respond to their surroundings in a new interaction and multi-way communicative platform. Results also show that organizations are well aware of the importance of making use and participate in social media.Keywords: blogs, external communication, facebook, respond to the environment, social media.

Aquaculture : animal welfare, the environment, and ethical implications

The aim of this review is to assess the ethical implications of aquaculture, regarding fish welfare and environmental aspects. The aquaculture industry has grown substantially the last decades, both as a result of the over-fishing of wild fish populations, and because of the increasing consumer demand for fish meat. As the industry is growing, a significant amount of research on the subject is being conducted, monitoring the effects of aquaculture on the environment and on animal welfare. The areas of concern when it comes to animal welfare have here been divided into four different stages: breeding period; growth period; capturing and handling; and slaughter. Besides these stages, this report includes a chapter on the current evidence of fish sentience, since this issue is still being debated among biologists.

Konstens roll i rummet - Om konstens inverkan på uppfattningen av en arbetsmiljö

The concept of art infusion has become more and more used in the field of marketing and product advertising, and the phenomenon has been subject to research. The purpose of this paper is to study how the perception of an office environment is influenced by different kinds of art settings. The study is made as a survey in which the respondents have been exposed to working environments, only differentiated by the existence of different kinds of art or non-existence of art in the presentation. There are many conclusions to draw from the study, the most important is that the presence of art gives positive spillover effects on the surrounding environment..

Meeting, greeting & seating : a design proposal for Magomeni garden, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

More than fifty percent of the world population today lives in cities, and the pressures of urbanisation are particularly present in developing countries. As landscape architects, it is important to gain knowledge about the effect of urbanisation and ways to prevent the negativities. Experiencing the effects in person in a developing country, as well as learning from and about other cultures, enhances the understanding for global situations. Dar es Salaam is located in one of the most rapidly urbanising regions in the world, which puts pressure on the environment and the humans living in it. Lack of means to regulate land development has led to a situation where expansion of unplanned settlements occurs, with spatial disorder as a consequence. This has in the extension led to a decreasing amount of publicly available and qualitative green spaces, and degradation of the few ones that exist. There are facts that strengthen the status of urban parks, which especially becomes relevant in developing countries where many people live in sparse and exposed conditions.

Ergonomisk utvärdering av NAFC- linorna: Med konceptförslag och genomförda delåtgärder

This paper presents the result of a master thesis project at 30 Hp, master of industrial engineering at Luleå University of Technology. The project was performed during 20 weeks, spring 2014, in collaboration with ABB Control Products in Västerås. The aim of the project was to evaluate two half-automated assembly lines for a new generation of contactors, the NAFC assembly lines (New AF Conductor). The aim and purpose of the project was achieved by answering the following questions:? How are the ergonomic working conditions at the NAFC assembly lines during spring 2014?? Which areas at NAFC assembly lines can be improved for the work environment?? How can the ergonomic work conditions improve at the NAFC assembly lines?Literature reviews were performed from earlier research papers and articles of the ergonomic, musculoskeletal and work environment subject, from where a number of chosen methods and tools were used to perform the ergonomic evaluation.

Dubbelkönighet hos mört : normalt eller miljöinducerat?

A number of chemical agents, and their degradation products, have been recognized as having estrogenic activity on animals. On fish they interfere with endogenous estrogen and in many cases mimic its activity, thus increase estrogenic reponse, with elevated levels of vitellogenin. Hence they are called Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals, EDCs. Vitellogenin levels is often used as a biomarker of exposure to estrogenic pollutants. Wastewater from sewage treatment works contains chemicals known as EDCs, and there are evidence of roach (Rutilus rutilus) living in recipients of such wastewater having traits of both gender, i.e. oocytes in male gonads (intersex) on histological examination. This study was done on roach living in Lake Funbosjön Uppland, Sweden.

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