

4695 Uppsatser om Water environment - Sida 18 av 313

Arbetsmiljö och säkerhet : På mindre företag inom byggindustrin

The accident frequency in the construction industry has shown a downward trend every year but this trend was broken 2010th. It is often lack of precautionary measures within work environment and safety that is the cause of accidents. The big construction companies understand the importance of precautionary measures within work environment and safety, as they spend a lot of money and time on that matter. By examining the work environment and the safety of the small construction companies you can see how they work. The report will presents how these small companies work with work environment and safety, and also how they follow the safety instructions that are available and how they make use of safety equipment.

Arbetsgivarens skyldigheter att förebygga psykosocial ohälsa : Emperisk studie vid Karlstads universitet

In the society of today more and more employees are reported sick due to illness caused by their place of work. A lot of employees are stressed in their daily work and because of that they get mentally exhausted. These common occurrences are a part of the psycho-social work environment and it is the employers responsibility to avoid them. To rehabilitate an employee is often very expensive and takes a lot of time. Focusing on preventing illness in the work environment, instead of repair when illness is a fact, is an advantage both for the employers and the employees.The purpose with this essay is to illuminate the responsibility that the employers have to prevent psycho-social illness in the work environment.

Removal efficiency of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in drinking water : evaluation of granular activated carbon (GAC) and anion exchange (AE) using column tests, and the effect of dissolved organic carbon

Poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) are a group of environmental contaminants that have gained increasing attention due to their potential to bioaccumulate, environmental persistence and potential toxicity. PFASs have been found in surface water, sediment, air, soil, sludge and ice caps globally, as well as in wildlife and humans. Furthermore, PFASs have also been detected in drinking water, leading to raised concerns for human health, since drinking water is one of the most significant sources of PFASs for the general population. Conventional water treatment techniques have shown to be ineffective removing PFASs, highlighting the importance for further research to develop efficient removal techniques. The aim of this study was to investigate the removal efficiency of PFASs in water using two treatment techniques; granular activated carbon (GAC), type Filtrasorb 400®, and anion exchange (AE), type Purolite A-600. Additionally, the effect of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) on removal efficiency was studied.

Arbetsmiljö - En jämförelse mellan svensk och dansk lagstiftning

The purpose with this essay is to give the reader an insight into and to describe the Danish Work Environment Act in its current wording and then compare it with the Swedish Work Environment Act. The first part of the essay describes the Work Environment Act and after that I compare with the Swedish Work Environment Act. At the end of the essay I will give my own thoughts of the result of this essay. I have chosen not to describe some of the chapters of the Act, for example the chapter about technical means and materials, because of the less importance for this essay and of my own interest. I have also chosen not to make mention of individual professions.

Förutsättningarna för ett parallellt generation IV system vid svensk nybyggnation av kärnkraft.

A new build in the Swedish nuclear power system would entail increased re-quirements for the proposed repository, which is adapted after the reactors of today. With a fast reactor, capable of burning nuclear waste, operating in parallel with the light water reactors, the increased requirements on the repository could be reduced.In this thesis, simulations of a light water reactor and a fast reactor have been performed by using the Monte Carlo code Serpent to investigate the changes in the fuel inventory. The light water reactor in the study is a boiling water reactor and the fast reactor of the type sodium-cooled fast reactor and they have been used for three different operation scenarios.By studying the fuel composition and the results from the simulations of the three scenarios conclusions can be drawn. Conclusions regarding the change of the fuel inventory and decay heat in Clab as well as the interim storage facility and in the repository. Depending on the operation alternative the changes dif-fered significantly and especially regarding the mass of burned actinides for different fuels in the fast reactor.The lowest increase of fuel assemblies was meet when using 50 years old fuel with 20MWd/kg U burnout and 2,0 % enrichment for start up of the fast reactor and 30 years old fuel assemblies with 50MWd/kg U burnout and 4,7 % enrichment for the further operation of the reactor.The increase of the number of fuel assemblies was 3174, which is equivalent to 641tons of heavy metal.

Projektering av småhus med solvärme som huvudkälla

In this report a study has been done regarding different heating systems on which are the mostcomprehensive with solar heating systems. The report has also been focusing if solar power can beused as a primary heating source for supplying more than 50 % of the buildings total heatingproduction. The University of Dalarna constructed a demo-house for this purpose and according tocalculations the total solar usage is more than 50 %. This house has been made for referenceregarding the design of the heating system of property 5:37.Further studies have been made to compare different heating systems that are compatible with asolar system, where the compared systems purpose is to be independent of direct using electricity. Asystem of this design is regarded as sustainable according to environmental as economic issues.

Avbördningsekvationer för sjöar utan vattenföringsmätningar

Stage-discharge equations for lakes without disharge measurementsSimon AnderssonIn 2015 all lakes, rivers, coastal water and groundwater should be of good ecological statusaccording to the water framework directive from the European Union. In the process ofimproving the quality of Swedish water bodies, knowledge of where problems occur isneeded in order to utilize the resources optimally. The ability of lakes to store water is animportant factor since it controls the flow of water through the country. A stage-dischargeequation is a mathematical relation between discharge from a lake and its water level. Bybetter understanding of stage-discharge equations for lakes, their storage capacity can bedescribed better in hydrological models.This master thesis aims to evaluate methods for determining stage-discharge equations forlakes where a variable amount of field measurements is available.

Aktivt system för tidvattenreglering av Lysekilsprojektets vågkraftsteknik

This report investigates a possible solution to the problem with adapting wave powerplants to work in countries with tidal water. The wire connecting the buoy at the surface with the generator at the bottom needs to adjust to the varying water depth. Our solution to this problem is to attach the wire to a jack which is then placed inside the buoy. The jack is then powered by an electric engine. The report discuss what forces the buoy will be exposed to and then the structural integrity of the design is evaluated through simulations.


Uvån Hagfors Teknologi AB (UHT) has developed a process ? GRANSHOT® ? for quicksolidification of metals in water baths. In the process liquid metal is splintered ? granulated ?into small drops. The drops are rapidly cooled in a water bath where all the heat energy from theliquid metal is transferred into the water.

Kläder i hampa - ett miljövänligt alternativ/komplement till bomull?

Hemp has been used for textiles for a long time in history until it became illegal to grow in many countries in the 1930s. It is interesting from an environmental point of view because it doesn?t need any pesticides and in most locations it doesn?t need any irrigation either, compared to cotton, which normally requires big amounts of both pesticides and water for irrigation. Hemp is a bast fiber, which means that the fibers are located on the bast of the stem (on the outer layer of the stem). Therefore they cannot be spun directly, they have to be removed from the stem first.

The Workers the Work Environment Discourse Forgot - a critical analysis of the official psychosocial work environment discourse in Sweden

Purpose: To explore how the changes in work life, here represented and depicted through the concepts of knowledge work and knowledge worker, have been incorporated in the official psychosocial work environment discourse in Sweden. Methodology: Critical discourse analysis, contrasting the official psychosocial work environment discourse to literature on knowledge work and knowledge worker, to explore how employees, employers and their relations are constructed within these two discourses; focusing identity, autonomy and power. Using the constructions to make visible how they are articulated, used and dealt with in a real life case from the Work Environment Authority. Theoretical perspectives: Our social world is socially constructed and language is the main tool for constructing it. Discourse analysis is thus not just a tool for deconstructing texts but also for enhanced understanding of our construction of the world and our ability to communicate about it.

Uppgradering av biogas i systemperspektiv med avseende på miljöpåverkan och kostnader

Swedish biogas is currently produced mainly by anaerobic digestion of sewage sludgeat sewage treatment plants, landfills and anaerobic digestion of household or industrialwaste. Also cattle ma-nure from farms can be used to produce biogas. Upgradingbiogas represents an increase in methane concentration from about 65 % to about 97%. In addition, particles and contaminants must be sepa-rated from the upgradedbiogas. There are various methods for upgrading and this report compares sixdifferent methods with respect to environment and economy: water scrubber,Biosling, cryo technology, chemical absorption, Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) andmembrane separation.According to the used ORWARE model, chemical adsorption with amine has the leastenvironmen-tal impact (methane emissions) and the lowest costs.

Hållbar avfallshantering : Ur ett ekonomiskt- och miljöperspektiv

Economy and environment has for a long time been studied separately and seen as incompatible. With a growing society and increasing pressure on environmental issues the need of a new economy with the environment included is necessary. This study examine if European Union´s picture of the waste hierarchy match the reality. Since the purpose with the waste hierarchy is to benefit environmental and economy. A survey was made over Käppalaförbundets waste from 2013, to see where the waste falls in the waste hierarchy.

Idiopatisk cystit hos katt : en retrospektiv studie

Lower urinary tract diseases are a common problem in cats all over the world. The symptoms are for example dysuria, pollakuria, stranguria, periuria and hematuria. In approximately two thirds of these cats the underlying cause is not known and the disease is therefore called feline idiopathic cystitis (FIC). We need to know more about the disease to get a consistently effective treatment and prevention. A retrospective study was performed in 50 cats with symptoms of FIC and where other causes of inflammation were ruled out. Data like breed, age, sex, body weight, feeding, therapy and therapeutic results were collected, also if it was an indoor or outdoor cat, duration of the symptoms, if there was any stress and if the cat was living with another cat.

Närsaltsdosering till luftad damm : en åtgärd för ökad TOC-reduktion hos Skoghalls Bruk luftade damm

In the process of making carton boards into Skoghall Mill, are great quantities of water being contaminated. This water has to be treated before it is possible to release into the recipient, Kattfjorden. One of the contaminations that is important to extract from the wastewater, is organic carbon (measured as TOC-total organic carbon) because microbiological breakdown can lead to the bottom becomig free of oxygen.The wastewater treatment at Skoghall Mill is done through an external wastewater treatment that is located at the factory. The biological treatment (aerated lagoon) is a 140 000 m3 water pool with surface aerator, which is give oxygen to the water. In the lagoon live microorganisms who performs the biggest part of the TOC-reduction.One problem with the lagoon is that the treatment of TOC is considerably worse during wintertime than during summertime.

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