

261 Uppsatser om War memory - Sida 13 av 18

Samhällskunskapsämnet över tid : En undersökning mellan läroplan och läromedel från 1962 och 2011 i ämnet samhällskunskap

This essay is from a student at the cultural science program in Karlstad University. The essay in Culture studies deals about the history use and about the cultural-historical values on buildings. The buildings are from a certain area called the neighborhood Almen and have in the past been threatening many times of demolition. The neighborhood Almen buildings survived a huge city fire back in the 19th century. Since then the buildings has been known as a memory and by the inhabitants and as the oldest part of the city left.

Historia är bäst på bio : Lärares syn på spelfilm som pedagogiskt redskap

This essay investigates how teacher sees and uses mainstream movies as a teaching method. The main question approached is: How does teachers use feature films as a teaching method? Which movies are used and how does their working methods surrounding the movies look like? The purpose of the essay is to make the reader reflect over what influence mainstream media has over the historic knowledge of the students and how teachers use that for educational purposes. The business around historical film has grown over the years and is now a million dollar industry. The conclusion is that teachers mostly use feature films to provoke emotional reactions from the students.

En nationell sorg En analys av effekterna av mordet på utrikesminister Anna Lindh utifrån ett nationalistiskt perspektiv

In September 2003 the Swedish minister of foreign affairs Anna Lindh was murdered. The murder shocked Sweden and the picture of a safe homeland was challenged. The Swedish people joined together in different manifestations and rituals to show their appreciation for the minister and to mourn together. A few days later the nation was going to vote on whether Sweden should join the euro and the minister was involved in the campaign. The aim for this thesis is to understand how this national crisis was handled in Sweden.

Dyskalkyli hos elever i grundskola och gymnasium

This paper presents the results of a study of dyscalculia. It is a retrospective archival study implemented with a deductive approach. On the basis of established research and theory 18 analytical categories were formulated, before a deductive thematic analysis of empirical material, consisting of journal data of 17 students investigated for dyscalculia, 14 girls (82.4%) and 3 boys (17.6%).The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the concepts formulated in research on dyscalculia and actual mathematical difficulties as those found in practice of students at school.All pupils had early and long-term difficulties with mathematics, while not showing any difficulties in other subjects. Most have had an unsatisfactory learning environment. All had normal intelligence but difficulty with certain cognitive, self-regulatory and linguistic features.

Konservativt behandlad smärta i ländryggen : Individers bedömning av att klara av aktiviteter i det dagliga livet efter utskrivning från vårdavdelning

Background:Alzheimer's disease is a disease that primarily affects the elderly but also younger people. Alzheimer's disease is a type of dementia which means that you get changes in the cerebral cortex and cells gradually die. The disease causes memory loss and things that were obvious before will be difficult for the sufferer. Alzheimer's disease also affects next of kin to a large degree; they will have to take a great responsibility. The next of kin are entitled to support from healthcare.Aim:The aim was to highlight next of kin' experiences of healthcare to their family members with Alzheimer's disease.Method: The study was based on narratives, which in this case means analysis of autobiographies.

Visuella effekters påverkan på minne och popularitet : Reklamfilm för bilar

Car-commercials are something that many people come in contact with on a daily basis.This is a study on commercials for cars and is focusing on visual effects that are madein post-production. In this report we are trying to find out if and how visual effects incommercials for cars affect how the observer remembers them. The second subjects thatwe use in this report is popularity and we try to find out if and in that case how visualeffects affect the commercials for cars popularity. We also investigated how frequentlycommercials for cars are showed on TV and how the visual effects are in them, it givesa better foundation to the other parts.The methods we applied were interviews, quantitative and qualitative content analysisof car commercials and also observation analysis of the 6 swedish TV-channels thatshows commercials and have the most viewers, to get an idea how frequently thesecommercials are shown. The commercials that were applied in this paper was from late2011 to early 2012.

Musik : En omvårdnadsåtgärd vid demens

Demens är en sjukdom som ökar i samhället till följd av att den äldre populationen ökar. Sjukdomen innebär ofta en försämrad livskvalitet för den drabbade samtidigt som det leder till samhällsekonomiska konsekvenser.  Vanligt förekommande beteendeförändringar är exempelvis oro, aggressivitet samt depression. Läkemedel är en vanlig förekommande åtgärd vid beteendeförändringar, men innebär ofta negativa konsekvenser såsom oönskade bieffekter samt onödiga kostnader. Musik är därför ett alternativt sätt till läkemedel för att lindra beteendeförändringar, då musiken skapar en lugn atmosfär och en meningsfull tillvaro. Syftet med litteraturstudien var därför att beskriva musikens påverkan på personer med demenssjukdom.Resultatet visade en lindring av oro, fysisk- och verbal aggressivitet samt depression efter det att personer med demens lyssnade på musik.

Incorporating the future - a study of three companies? internalisation of future trends forecasting and scenario planning.

Purpose:The purpose of this thesis is: to determine key success factors for an organisation?s internal process of internalising future trends forecasting. Methodology:A qualitative approach has been chosen by examining three different companies (Electrolux, H&M and, Sony Ericsson) through interviews and other data. The empirical material have been analysed by using valid theory as a platform from where the analysis can be performed. This has created a conceptual analysis that enables the use of the conclusions in other similar companies.

Språkliga förmågor och deras relation till läsförståelse hos barn i 12-årsåldern med lätt till måttlig sensorineural hörselnedsättning - en jämförelsestudie

The aim of this study was to examine language abilities and their correlation to reading comprehension in 12 year old children with mild tomoderate sensorineural hearing impairment. Eight children with mild to moderate hearing impairment were tested in listening comprehension, grammatical comprehension, receptive vocabulary, phonological short termmemory, word finding, semantic relations, reading comprehension, comprehension of written words and decoding of words and non-words. The results were compared to results from a comparison group. The children with hearing impairment had significantly lower results in phonological short term memory and decoding. No significant difference was found between groups in reading comprehension.

Positionering - En etnisk identitet som föds?

This study is a qualitative study based on a constructivist approach. Meanwhile, it draws on an ethnographic approach combined a working memory based on memories in various events that took place three years in a former student in the program for sociology and social development. Mainly qualitative interviews are essential for the empirical material analyzed. The study is based on interviews of five college students with an ethnic origin other than swedish at Halmstad University, four women and one man. The aim is to look at how college students with an ethnic origin other than swedish relate to the representations of ethnicity.

Konstruktion och utprövning av datorbaserat test för intonation och rytm : Icke-språklig Testning Av Prosodi - ITAP

Generally prosody is described as the rhythmic, dynamic and melodic features of language. Prosody is further often described as suprasegmental, since its properties go beyond vowels and consonants, which are segmental characteristics of language. A relationship between prosody and music has been noticed and described for several decades. At present, there are several studies proving relationship between prosodic and musical abilities. The aim of the present study was to construct a test for prosodic non-linguistic perception and production regarding intonation and rhythm. The test was tried out on 16 children with typical language development aged 4;6-7;6 years. Before testing of ITAP each participant were asked about musical experience.

Berättare, råttfångare och deras praktiska kunskap

I den här essän söker jag svar på följande frågor: Vad gör egentligen en berättare? Närmare bestämt: vad utmärker professionellt, muntligt berättande jämfört med det publika berättande som författare och skådespelare ägnar sig åt? Vad är det som just en muntlig berättare kan?Jag använder forskning som studerat förutsättningarna för dessa yrken ? särskilt hur berättelser konstrueras och berättande går till ? och tillämpar studierna på ett konkret fall: mina egna erfarenheter av att förbereda och framföra sägnen om Råttfångaren från Hameln vid Ljungby berättarfestival 2012. Det jag då gjorde och hur jag såg på det efteråt, jämförs med fiktiva berättares verksamhet i Mario Vargas Llosas roman El Hablador och Ursula K. Le Guins The Telling.Jag prövar bilden av en råttfångare som metafor för en muntlig berättare och kommer till slutsatsen att berättaren kan vara lika fängslande och lika förledande. Även skådespelare och romanförfattare kan fängsla sin publik, men inte luras så som en berättare kan.

Utvärdering av försvarsspecifika radiovågformer

To be able to evaluate different radio waveforms in a laboratory environment FOI in Linköping has developed an experimental system for radio communication called Rasmus. The system consists of a transmitter, a channel emulator and a receiver. The transmitter modulates a digital signal to a desired analogue waveform. The channel emulator is used to simulate a real radio channel. The channel emulator distorts the signal by splitting it up in several propagation paths.

100 tigrar i djungeln : En studie om Posttraumatisk stressyndrom hos barn

Abstract This essay will present actual research around the concept of Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder, how it can reveal itself in school children and how it can influence young people?s learning ability and capacity to retain knowledge.The purpose is, above all, to clearly diagnose PTSD so that children with this complex of problems can receive good possibilities in learning and understanding.The question at hand is responded to by interviewees with an expertise on the subject and one ?story?, collectively with literary studies.The results illustrate that there can be neurological and biological, as well as social explanations for PTSD but it is seldom a permanent diagnosis. It is though something to take very seriously. PTSD can lead to severe psychobiological consequences, mostly by causing damage in one particular part of the brain, known as hippocampus. The hippocampus is essential in terms of memory and concentration.

Självbiografisk minnesspecificitet i ett kulturellt perspektiv

Tidigare forskning har visat att det finns kulturskillnader i det självbiografiska minnets uppbyggnad och att byte av socio-kulturell kontext kan påverka det självbiografiska minnet. Självbiografisk minnesspecificitet har dock inte tidigare studerats i ett kulturellt perspektiv. I denna studie jämfördes självbiografisk minnesspecificitet hos 19 iranier som migrerat till Sverige och 19 iranier i Iran. En variant av Autobiographical Memory Test användes, där hälften av ledorden var relaterade till iransk kultur och hälften var mer allmänna. Hälften av orden i vardera kategorin var positiva och hälften negativa.

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