3280 Uppsatser om Waiting period - Sida 64 av 219
Den norra stambanan och försvenskningen av Tornedalen
Denna uppsats behandlar frågan om det finns ett samband mellan järnvägens dragning till Tornedalen och den försvenskningspolitik svenska staten bedrev i området. För att se ett eventuellt samband presenteras i uppsatsen den debatt som försegick i den svenska riksdagen. Uppsatsen avgränsas till tidsperioden från och med 1800-talets slut fram till 1939. Orsaken till denna avgränsning beror av att försvenskningspolitiken påbörjades och avslutades under denna period. Järnvägen kan vara ett mått på modernitet men även ett tecken på att ett land är moderniserat och kulturellt enat.
Methane emissions from Swedish sheep production
The quantity of methane emissions from sheep depend on several factors, for example, the composition of the diet, feed quality, the age of the animals, time of the day and maybe also breed and sex. A comprising literature review was made about which factors that affect the size of emissions. In addition, a questionnaire was sent to two farms, one with a more intensive production system and another with a more extensive system. Inventories of the two farms were made; the rest of the data needed to conduct the study was taken from literature and other sources. Meat produced at the more intensive farm caused emissions of 0.4 kg of methane per kg of bone free meat and the more extensive farm caused emissions of 0.9 kg methane per kg of bone free meat.
"Kung Alkohols utdrivande..." : Folkbildning och nykterhetsarbete hos Logen Leon Gambetta, Varberg 1883-1926
The essay deals with adult education from a local perspective more specifically that ofthe IOGT lodge Leon Garnbetta in Varberg. The material that has been used covers a limited period of time, which stretches from 1883 to 1926.This temperance lodge was founded in 1883 and is still active. The essay provides a historical survey of the temperance movement in Sweden and depicts the ideas behind adult education, but it also gives a more general historical account of the town of Varberg and its popular movements.By studying handwritten records from the lodge it is possible to establish a picture of its work, activities, discussions, its striving for democracy, educational activities and the principles behind these and finally the lodge's own library which was started at an early stage. All these aspects are then treated in a historical and a political context..
Om politiken och publiken : en diskursteoretisk analys av politiken som reglerar inehållet i public service
The aim with this study is to identify and discuss discourses in public service policy documents to clarify that public service policy is political and not self-evident. The study's theoretical as well as methodological starting point is the discourse theory of Laclau and Mouffe, which ontological position is that all meaning is constructed by discourses. In the studied material, two discourses have been identified in policy concerning the content in public service media. The responsibility-discourse construct meanings of what content the policy wants to see in public service media and in the quality-discourse meanings of how the content should be is constructed. Public service policy is consistent over the period that has been studied and the study shows that there is consensus in the parliament about the regulation of the content in public service media.
Klövform och klövsjukdomar hos intensivt uppfödda köttrastjurar :
The top selection of Swedish beef bulls are evaluated yearly by Svensk Köttrasprövning AB at Gismestad. The bulls are selected from six different breeds; Angus, Blonde d´Aquitaine, Charolais, Hereford, Limousin and Simmental, and are kept on straw bedding apart from a concrete alley in front of the feeding area during the six months of evaluation period. The bulls are evaluated according to their fertility scores, growth, exterior and temperament and the exterior, body posture and claw conformation reflect important qualities for their longevity. In spite of good values for fertility, it has been noticed in the last years that the fertility results and longevity have been unsatisfactory and claw and/or bone disorders have been suspected as a contributory cause.
Persson et al. (2007) studied breeding bulls from Gismestad and other places, which had been slaughtered due to poor fertility (no pregnancies in the herd during their last year in service).
Kvalitetskontroll av trafikmätningssystem ? En studie om noggrannheten hos induktiv slinga, slang, KomFram, video och radar i olika trafikmiljöer
This report is a study in voltagelevel in connection with regeneration of brake energy from the tramtype M31 in Gothenburg.In the act of braking, the tram M31 uses electrical braking where the electrical motors generates energy and if possible send it back to the overheadline, where other trams in the nearby can use this regenerated energy for its own driving force. In cases where no other energyconsumers are located in the same section, there is a resistance witch task is to convert this energy into heat. The regulation of this resistance appears to cause an increase in the voltagelevel into far too high levels.Investigations of the trams regulationequipment and its construction have been done. Further have measurements on the overheadline been performed in order to map the voltagevariations during a longer period of time.The result have been showing that the voltagelevel during regeneration often is as high as 880V-920V, more extreme values have not been observed in a large scale. The values are especially high compared to the nominal voltagelevel.
Tillit och engagemang i organisationer
Previous research has shown that there is a relationship between trust and organizational commitment. Our research questions were if the three trust-variables ability, benevolence and integrity predict organizational commitment differently. Further we examined if the length of employment affected the relationship between benevolence and organizational commitment. Due to the fact that past studies has shown that benevolence develop during a longer period of time than do the other trust-variables. We made a survey using questionnaires (n=50) in a ?caretaking facility? and using a multiple regression analysis we found that ability was a significant predictor (p=0.032) for organizational commitment.
Koldioxidhandelns effekter på den svenska stålindustrin
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka konsekvenserna för den svenska stålindustrin vid ett införande av utsläppshandel. Uppsatsen behandlar endast den inledande försöksperioden inom EU, det vill säga mellan åren 2005 till 2007. Under denna period omfattas handeln endast av koldioxid. Teorin för utsläppshandel, inklusive dess för- och nackdelar, beskrivs för att få en övergripande förståelse för problemet. För att utvärdera effekterna på den svenska stålindustrin genomförs fallstudier på SSAB Svenskt Stål AB och AvestaPolarit AB.
Järnåldersgården som försvann : En studie av produktion, tafonomi och brända ben från möddingen vid gården Långåker från romersk järnålder
This bachelor-level thesis in historical osteology deals with several aspects of the life-cycle of an RomanIron Age farm in southern Scania. Excavated in the 1980's by Lars Larsson, the farm was located near aplace called Långåker in the Dybäck area, on a cape which stretched out into a minor bog. Our work concerns why the Iron Age people settled the area, how well fragmented bone survives in a bog, what they produced at the farm and how life on the farm finally ended. From the roughly 10 % of the total number of fragments we where able to identify we can conclude, that he species that are present of the farm areusual Iron Age species (dog, sheep/goat, cattle and swine). We also have a relitivly large number of wildanimals in our material (2%).
The effect of abolishing milk quotas : a study of comparative advantages amongst European member states
The European Union provide 27 % of total volume raw milk produced in the world. This number is steadily decreasing due to that the world milk production increase is more rapid than EU production growth. The growing middle-class change the demand for food, a higher standard of living increase the demand of milk products as well as other various animal products. Since 1984 the EU milk quota has limited the supply from EU, but the quota will expire April 1st 2015. The European Milk Board expect that the removal of quotas will make the farm gate price decline.
När verklighetsflykt blir till verklighet
Detta arbete handlar om fem lärares bedömning av andraspråktexter och lärarnasuppfattningar om språkbehärskning, nivå och betyg. Syftet är att undersöka lärarnas uppfattningar om hur man definierar och mäter språkbehärskning hos andraspråkselever. Teoribakgrunden består av hypotesen om en kritisk period och varianter av den, bedömningsteorier, teorier om språkbehärskning och Skolverkets kursplaner för svenska som andraspråk på grundläggande nivå, gymnasiet och SFI samt publikationer om bedömningproducerade av Skolverket . Undersökningen består av en enkät där lärarna bedömer och anger nivå, Informanterna har sedan intervjuats om vad de bedömer, vilka verktyg de använder och vilken typ av bedömning de anser att de använder. Resultatet visar att informanterna bedömer och definierar språkbehärskning på olika sätt samt att de uttrycker sig om bedömning och nivåmed bedömningsspråk som inte är lika.
Synen på Säkerhet och Immigration : Finns det ett samband?
The aim of this study is to explore howEuropean changes in the view on securityrelates to the view on immigration and viceversa. The answer to that question is basedupon collected data from three separatetime periods; the 1950s, 1970s and 1990s.These time periods are seen as importanthistoric decades when political changes,assumed to have affected the views onsecurity and immigration, have occurred.According to certain criteria each timeperiod has been labelled in terms ofnarrowed/widened view on security as wellas restrictive/open view on immigration.The hypothesis of the study is that, whencompared, a constant pattern can be seenbetween the historical labels of eachphenomenon, where a narrow view onsecurity goes hand in hand with an openview on immigration and similarly a widesecurity view relates to a restrictive viewon immigration.The conclusion of the study gives supportto the hypothesis. During all three periodsstudied a restrictive view on immigrationrelates to a wider view on security while anopen view on immigration relates to anarrower view on security. Thisrelationship goes both ways..
Priset på åkermark : påverkande faktorer
The price of farmland has risen sharply in the last 20 years. This has led to discussions about what creates the value of farmland. The aim in this study was to try and find what factors are affecting the price on farmland. The area that is studied is the counties around Mälardalen during the period 2005 to 2009.The method chosen to achieve the objective is the hedonic price model. The variables are chosen after a preliminary study where a literature search has been made and a number of interviews with people in the industry.
Elevers syn på matematik: en undersökning av elevers
attitydförändringar vid införande av mer lekfull matematik
Denna uppsats handlar om elevers attityd till ämnet matematik. Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka om elevers attityd till matematik förändras vid införande av mer konkret material i form av lek och spel i undervisningen. Undersökningen genomfördes i årskurs tre och pågick under en period av fem veckor. Enkäter och observationer har legat till grund för undersökningen. Målet var att ge eleverna möjligheten att arbeta mer praktiskt.
Lärare - därför förkunnare : En undersökning av kristendomslärarinnan Astri Heimers morgonböner och hennes roll som morgonbönsförrättare 1938-1954
Unlike previous research, this thesis considers the possibility of regarding the morning prayers in Swedish schools as preaching, rather than teaching. 28 morning prayers, delivered in the church of S:t Johannes in the city of Malmö during 1939-1954 by the religious teacher Astri Heimer (1889-1986), constitutes the material for analysis. The purpose of this thesis is to examine if Heimer's morning prayers may be regarded as preaching, and to discuss the significance of this, in particular considering her role as leader of morning prayers.The examination is conducted in three steps. The first step investigates how morning prayers in general ought to be understood - as teaching or preaching? This is done by describing and comparing the literary genres of religious teaching and preaching, looking into the rules and principles which define the field of application.