3280 Uppsatser om Waiting period - Sida 60 av 219
Etnicitet som fördel eller nackdel : En jämförelsestudie mellan två förortsskolor i Stockholm
The aim with this essay is to emphasize the problems that ethnical belonging causes at schools today. We have chosen to examine and compare two schools with each other, one school is called ?the new school? situated in Stockholms kommun and the other school is called ?the old school? belonging to Huddinge kommun. We have had contact with these two schools for a longer period as substitutes and students. This essay is based on how these two schools prominently differ from each other.
Broiler production in Zambia - management, growth, diseases and welfare
Successful broiler production in hot climates requires knowledge of how birds are affected by heat stress. It is important with access to water and good ventilation to facilitate coping with the heat. It may be useful to reduce the consumption of feed during the hottest hours of the days, which together with a few hours of extra light available could improve both productivity and animal welfare.
The vision in birds is superior to that of humans and most other mammals. Continuous light and light with low intensity can cause eye injuries, affect the eye development in young chicken negatively, as well as provide increased incidence of foot pad lesions. Access to light affects the production but also the welfare of birds.
Träning kontra mat
Tonåren är en period av såväl psykisk, fysisk som social förändring. Levnadsvanorna förändras under ungdomsåren och matvanorna tenderar att bli sämre. De ungdomar som flyttat hemifrån inför gymnasiet har visat sig vara en särskild riskgrupp för bristande kosthållning. För idrottande ungdomar är det extra viktigt med en god kosthållning som täcker det ökade energibehov som följs av en hög träningsdos. Flera studier framhåller att hälsofrämjande insatser för bättre matvanor bör introduceras redan i ungdomsåren för idrottare.Studiens syfte var att beskriva måltidsordning, livsmedelsval samt alkoholvanor bland handbollsungdomar som går på ett idrottsgymnasium med nationellt godkänd idrottsutbildning (NIU) i Västra Götalandsregionen.
Tvärsnittskorrelation; Svenska aktiebranscher 1997-2007
I denna uppsats behandlas ett nytt sätt att beräkna korrelationen mellan olika tillgångar. Metoden, tvärsnittskorrelationen, har framarbetats av Bruno Solnik och Jacques Roulet som beskriver den i artikeln Dispersion as Cross-sectional Correlation. Vårt syfte är att med hjälp av detta nya sätt beräkna korrelationen över en tio års period på den svenska aktiemarknaden och se om vi kan hitta tendenser i korrelationens utveckling. Korrelationens tendens har tolkats genom trendlinjer och determinationskoefficienter. De resultat vi får fram tyder på en ökning i korrelationsnivå inom de flesta av våra observerade sektorer på den svenska aktiemarknaden..
Eskilstunakistornas bruk och återbruk : Tidigkristna gravmonument i Östergötland under medeltiden
This paper studies the fragmentation and reuse of early christian monuments ("eskilstunakistor") in churches in Östergötland during the medieval period. This is found to have been done in two stages. The first stage shows a collectivization of society. Within religion the change from ancestoral cult towards the saints' cult is important as the fragments are reused like relics. During the second stage the collectivization has been fulfilled, and the reuse is instead part of the christian churches' strategy for incorporating old powerful symbols from the landscape into their own church building..
Informatörer och professionalisering
The foundation for this thesis lies in whether or not, and how, the body representation in printed commercials, specific products directed to the body (shampoo, body lotion etc.), has changed during the last fifty years. Four years have been chosen because of the changes in society that we believe might have had an impact. The commercials that have been picked out are the ones that best represent the general view of the body. We have found that the changes when it comes to body presentation has followed the social development to a certain degree, but it is difficult to say how much the society has had an affect on the body ideal in advertising. Representations of the male body is something that has escalated since the early 70?s, fifteen years earlier few commercials was made with male models, and the few there were, never showed more than the face.
Elever och lärares syn på engelskundervisning : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om motivation och integrering av engelska
Visby is a city that at first glance is of medieval origins. The popular image of scientists today is that the city was formed in the Middle Ages. According to some of the researchers Visby was formed during the Viking Age, it is based on the basis that the area has been used for a long period. Urban development in the Nordic countries is complex and there are different opinions as to why the Nordic cities emerge. It is important to shed light on the underlying process on why cities are emerging to provide clarity as to why Visby city is emerging.
Gulliver Simulation - En systemarkitektur f or n atverkssimulering av
Nowadays, a lot of resources are spent on developing systems that will make it possible forvehicles to act autonomously, and make them more effective. One of the projects that isworking on this is the Gulliver Project. Gulliver has constructed a number of miniaturevehicles equipped with various sensors, to use as a physical testbed for autonomousdriving. One big disadvantage with this method is the long iteration time that occursduring the development and testing of a new software.This project has improved this process by developing a system architecture of a virtualtestbed where it is possible to simulate autonomus vehicles that communicates throughany type of wireless network. The testbed has made it possible to simulate autonomusvehicle systems that with a reasonable margin of error, acts like the system would actin a physical test.
Användning av mobilapplikationer i smartphones hos unga vuxna : En fallstudie bland studenter och arbetstagare
Nu förtiden har det blivit allt vanligare att människor använder sig av smartphones. I denna uppsats har jag kartlagt smartphone-användares användningsvanor och mönster hos unga vuxna som antingen studerar eller arbetar. Fo?r att få fram den information jag behöver har jag valt att använda mig av dagböcker där sex stycken respondenter deltog under en fyra dagars period och även intervjuer da?r tre av de sex respondenterna var deltagande efter genomförandet av dagböckerna. Mina resultat visar fascinerande nog att smartphones används till största del på platser där anva?ndarna a?r relativt stillasittande som till exempel i hemmet.
Informationskompetens i praktiken -en fallstudie av informationskompetens och lärande hos en grupp fordonselever
This master's thesis sets out to explore information literacy in a contextualized learning environment with emphasis on students at a vocationally oriented program in the Swedish upper secondary school. The concept of information literacy is widely discussed and furthermore a common subject for research within the field of Library and Information Science. Information literacy can be described as a set of skills or a range of attributes defining an information literate person. The skills and/or attributes facilitating the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills are often linked to knowledge about computers and libraries.Another view on the concept of information literacy has been developed by the Australian researcher Annemaree Lloyd. She stresses the importance of social and physical information sources and that these also should be included in the development of information literacy.
Portrycksvariationer i lera - Simulering av portrycksvariationer i leror underlagrade av friktionsmaterial
This report is a study in voltagelevel in connection with regeneration of brake energy from the tramtype M31 in Gothenburg.In the act of braking, the tram M31 uses electrical braking where the electrical motors generates energy and if possible send it back to the overheadline, where other trams in the nearby can use this regenerated energy for its own driving force. In cases where no other energyconsumers are located in the same section, there is a resistance witch task is to convert this energy into heat. The regulation of this resistance appears to cause an increase in the voltagelevel into far too high levels.Investigations of the trams regulationequipment and its construction have been done. Further have measurements on the overheadline been performed in order to map the voltagevariations during a longer period of time.The result have been showing that the voltagelevel during regeneration often is as high as 880V-920V, more extreme values have not been observed in a large scale. The values are especially high compared to the nominal voltagelevel.
Tidsuppskattning av ritningar i byggkonsultbranschen. En utredning baserad på genomförda projekt hos en byggkonsultfirma
This report is a study in voltagelevel in connection with regeneration of brake energy from the tramtype M31 in Gothenburg.In the act of braking, the tram M31 uses electrical braking where the electrical motors generates energy and if possible send it back to the overheadline, where other trams in the nearby can use this regenerated energy for its own driving force. In cases where no other energyconsumers are located in the same section, there is a resistance witch task is to convert this energy into heat. The regulation of this resistance appears to cause an increase in the voltagelevel into far too high levels.Investigations of the trams regulationequipment and its construction have been done. Further have measurements on the overheadline been performed in order to map the voltagevariations during a longer period of time.The result have been showing that the voltagelevel during regeneration often is as high as 880V-920V, more extreme values have not been observed in a large scale. The values are especially high compared to the nominal voltagelevel.
Västlänken, Citytunneln och Citybanan En jämförande studie mellan de samhällsekonomiska analyserna
This report is a study in voltagelevel in connection with regeneration of brake energy from the tramtype M31 in Gothenburg.In the act of braking, the tram M31 uses electrical braking where the electrical motors generates energy and if possible send it back to the overheadline, where other trams in the nearby can use this regenerated energy for its own driving force. In cases where no other energyconsumers are located in the same section, there is a resistance witch task is to convert this energy into heat. The regulation of this resistance appears to cause an increase in the voltagelevel into far too high levels.Investigations of the trams regulationequipment and its construction have been done. Further have measurements on the overheadline been performed in order to map the voltagevariations during a longer period of time.The result have been showing that the voltagelevel during regeneration often is as high as 880V-920V, more extreme values have not been observed in a large scale. The values are especially high compared to the nominal voltagelevel.
Nürnbergsprocessen i svensk press : en studie över tre tidningars ledarsidors rapportering av rättegången i Nürnberg
One of the most well-known trials in history is the one in Nürnberg, Germany, soon after the end of World War II. It is understandable that this caused a lot of discussions and that it was a world known trial which set the standards for a lot of similar occasions later on. The aim of this research is to focus on the opinions about this trial from a perspective of well-known Swedish newspapers. The method is to analyse three big papers with different political views and to see what separated them and what maybe united them. By studying the master-pages of the newspapers a picture is given of how the contemporary time had an understanding for the trial reports, which we in our time have established as facts.
Segregationen inom Rosengård : En ideologikritisk analys av tre bostadsförvaltares agerande och icke agerande i segregationsproblematiken inom Rosengård
Between 1965-1974 one million new flats were produced in Sweden and the project is called the millionprogramme. One of the areas that was build during this period of time is Rosengård in Malmoe. Today Rosengård is a very segregated area, not just in relation to the city of Malmoe, but within itself. I´ve chosen to study the ideologies behind one of the actors acting and non acting regarding the segregation complex of problems in Rosengård, the housemanagers. I´ve studied one public housecompany and two houseassociations who all owns and manages houses in Rosengård.The ideologies that I´ve studied in this study is what the informers think of the people that live in Rosengård, the society in general, Rosengård and the diffrent smaller areas within Rosengård.