

3280 Uppsatser om Waiting period - Sida 48 av 219

Pedagogernas inställning till surfplattor : Surfplattan som verktyg för lärande inom förskolan

We live in a society where the technology has an enormous role in our lives. The average age of using digital tools among Swedish people is down to a very young age. In the recent period of time there has been much debate about tablets and their use in preschools. The aim of this study is to examine the preschool teachers experiences and perceptions of tablet use and how the implementation of the tablets benefits the school activities. What is central to this research is not how kids use the tablet, but how educators are using the tablet device as supplement for children?s development.

Från elev till lärare : en studie av sex lärares uppfattningar om inductionen, den första tiden i yrket.

Vår studie syftar till att genom empiriska studier ta reda på sex enskilda lärares uppfattningar om den första tiden som yrkesverksam. Vi vill identifiera de faktorer som under perioden upplevs som de största utmaningarna. Det finns ett samhälleligt intresse i den här frågan eftersom många lärare under sin första tid väljer att lämna yrket. Vi gjorde kvalitativa intervjuer med sex olika lärare som arbetat från ett till åtta år. Parallellt med intervjuerna genomförde vi litteraturstudier för att sätta oss in i ämnet och se vad tidigare forskning kommit fram till.

Arbete i linje med yrkeskompetensen! : En postkolonial analys av projektet Nå Målet

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka om, och i så fall hur, postkoloniala tankestrukturer kommer till uttryck i Nå Målets verksamhet under en begränsad period. Undersökningsperioden sträcker sig från den 14 mars till den 12 maj 2011. Avsikten med undersökningen är att analysera de eventuella postkoloniala tankestrukturer som kommer till uttryck. Empirin utgörs av intervjuer med, och observationer av, Nå Målets personal och deltagare samt övriga aktörer i projektet. Resultatet visar att postkoloniala tankestrukturer gör sig gällande i Nå Målets verksamhet.

Utveckling av ögonstyrt kommunikationshjälpmedel för intensivvårdspatienter

Thousands of people all over the world suffer from injuries that temporary affects their ability to speak or inother ways communicate. A very common procedure for persons that suffer from some kind of breathingproblem in the higher parts of the neck is called tracheotomy. This prevents the patient from speaking whenno air passes the vocal cords. There have been many studies done to understand how these patientsexperience this period. The results are consistent, the patients often feel fear, frustration and worries aboutthe future.Tobii Technology develops a technique called eyetracking wich enables persons to control a computer with theeyes.

A matter of trust : social interaction in a nature conservation issue in the Eastern slopes of Lake Vättern

Nature conservation issues are often complex and difficult to handle. Different actors andinterests are involved and it is generally agreed that constructive interaction is a crucialpart of dealing with these issues. According the theory which forms the basis of this thesis,conflict is defined as social interaction during which the actors trust in the interaction isdecreasing. Signs of conflict and diminished trust in the interaction are that these actorsmake attempts to change the situation and some of these attempts can lead to increasedconflict.The aim of this thesis is to describe the social interaction that takes place when peoplemove from conflict to dialogue. A qualitative case study of a nature conservation issue inÖstra Vätterbranterna, an area east of Lake Vättern, is presented.

Självmord och självskadebeteende : en studie om självmord och självskadebeteende inom Svensk kriminalvård 2002- 2012.

During the period 2002-2012, 74 people committed suicide within the Swedish judicial system. During the same period of time 702 self-destructive actions and suicide attempts were reported. The purpose of this work was to investigate and illuminate the causes which are responsible for individuals committing suicide while in custody or in prison. The theory of this  work is an ethnographic study of a special social context. A study of literature, statistics and earlier scientific research was used in this study.

Intuition, Teknik och Erfarenhet : Observation av en lärandeprocess

Detta är en studie om lärande- och skapandeprocesser. Mer specifikt innefattar studien en observation av hur jag arrangerar 3 låtar för olika instrument under en tidsbestämd period. De frågor som behandlas är vilka tekniker jag använder, vilka problem som uppstår och hur det fungerar att arrangera på tid. Slutsatsen av hela observationen har visat att det är en bredd av faktorer som samspelar i kompositionsprocessen. Det har visat sig att jag applicerar intuition, diskursivt tänkande, musikteoretisk teknik och erfarenhet i arrangeringen av musik.

Europas gräns under en säkerhetspolitisk förändring? : En fallstudie om säkerhetspolitiken vid den europeiska gränsen mellan 2007 och 2010 samt en prövning av Köpenhamnsskolans säkerhetiseringsteori

The purpose of the essay is both to bring forward the threats images, sectors, actors and referents that can be found at the European border between 2007-2010 and to explore whether they change during this period. Furthermore, the essay also intends to review the Copenhagen School?s theory of securitization. The analysis of the essay will be done on the European commission?s ?Enlargement Strategy and Main Challenges?, a rapport that focus on the European border and its enlargement.

Förväntningsgap inom revision : En redogörelse för debatten inom revisorsprofessionen

Ett förväntningsgap uppstår då revisorn och revisionens användare har olika uppfattningar om vad som kan förväntas av en revisors arbete. Syftet med denna uppsats är att redogöra för hur debatten kring förväntningsgap har förts inom revisorsprofessionen i Sverige. Denna uppsats baseras på artiklar och debattinlägg som publicerats i den svenska tidsskriften Balans som är revisorernas egen facktidning. Valet av just denna tidskrift motiveras med att det är i denna tidsskrift som professionen själv kommer till tals. Det tidigaste materialet vi funnit på området i just Balans är skrivet på 1970-talet och sträcker sig fram till den period då denna uppsats skrevs.

Från mästare till kommunalarbetare : En undersökning om trädgårdsmästaryrkets status- och kompetensförändring under perioden 1920-1955

This study of literature from the period 1920-1955 has shown that the profession of gardeners in Sweden went through several structural changes in the early and midst 20th century. The gardeners knowledge, which used to cover the whole horticultural spectra, was due to that no longer appreciated or useful. Prior the 1920?s the gardeners, especially the skilled craftsmen working for the upper-classes, were the ones who led progression in the horticultural field forward and their qualifications were many and diverse. Due to many factors, such as low economic and social status, functionalistic style and the fact that the branch were rationalized and modernized in general, lead up to a point where the gardener of old no longer fitted in, in the much more globalized and modern world of the 1950?s. .

Balladspår i modern svensk litteratur : Intertextuella influenser

The purpose of this study is to investigate the distribution of medieval ballads as semiotics of intertextuality in modern Swedish literature, here represented by August Strindberg, Erik Axel Karlfeldt, Kerstin Ekman and Katarina Frostenson. They are famous authors from different epochs, ranging from the period called ?the modern breakthrough? in the 1880s until the postmodernism of the present time. My aim is to expose their attraction to medieval balladry, and their different ways of using form, language and style from this old poetry in poems, prose and plays, explicit as well as implicit..

Hur tillförlitlig är värderingen av förvaltningsfastigheter?: En studie av tillämpningen av IAS 40

This thesis studies the way valuation of investment properties is conducted in accordance with IAS 40 and how reliable these valuations are. This has been conducted by studying ten Swedish real estate companies listed on the NASDAQ OMX, during the period 2005-2008. The study shows that all companies use valuation models to determine the fair value of investment properties. Two different types of models have been identified. Companies that use the cash flow model show inconsistencies in time horizon, and how they determine the horizon value.

Septisk tenosynovit i kotsenskidan hos häst : en retrospektiv studie av 21 hästar

Septic tenosynovitis involving the digital sheath is a relatively common problem in the horse and the prognosis has been considered as poor. However, there are only few studies confirming this. The purpose of this study is to increase the knowledge about the prognosis for septic tenosynovitis in the digital sheath. The literature indicates that half or a bit more than half of the treated horses will return to previous use. The recommended treatment is debridement of the wound, lavage and sometimes application of drains and broadspectrum antibiotics. The prognosis is considered as worse when the infection is established.

Samtal om texter för ökad läsförståelse : Introduktion av boksamtal i en F-3 skola

This study covers reading comprehension and the introduction of the "Tell me" approach as proposed by Chambers (1993) to a group of teachers in a Swedish F-3 school. Five teachers got to use the method for three weeks and were interviewed before and after the experiment to analyze their current ways of working and reactions to using the method in everyday tutoring. The result from the first interview showed that all of the participants had been using methods to improve the children?s reading comprehension prior to the study, but no one had tried the "Tell me" approach. After trying the method throughout the test period, all of the participants were positive about the methodology and showed an interest in continuing the use of it.

Val av liggplats och väderskydd hos dikor vid utedrift vintertid

If you keep cattle in a herd outside all year round on big varying grounds, their possibilityto perform their natural behaviour increases. This way of keeping cattle requires that youprovide them with their other needs, like shelter and a dry and clean resting place.According to the animal welfare authority´s regulations on livestock farming, only animalsthat are suited to stay outside during the cold season are allowed to be kept outside. Theyshould also have access to a shelter or another building that gives them protection from theweather and wind and provides a dry and clean resting place.Research has shown that as long as cattle do not get exposed to precipitation and wind theywill manage low temperature well. Some of the things that will affect how well the animalshandle different climates are the isolation ability of the fur, the animals´ body size and thefeed intake. A dry lying place that is both insulating and moisture absorbent is also of greatimportance.

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