

3268 Uppsatser om Waiting period - Sida 3 av 218

Sittande i väntan på hållbarhet - Nyhaga vilfåtölj

The Sitting while waiting for sustainability project goal was to make a functional model for a resting chair and to make it by using furniture and artefacts as material. A try of understanding the process of re-design and to use it to design was driving the project through. The result was a prototype made out of a bed frame and 18 pair of jeans and with details made out of leather..

Varför sprang dina partikamrater med järnrör på stan? : En undersökning av medias gestaltning av Sverigedemokraternas politiska skandal: ?Järnrörsskandalen?

The purpose of this paper is to make a qualitative content analysis. The used articles are taken from the time period 2012-11-13 until 2012-11-30 and the questions that this paper is based upon are:How do the tabloid Expressen and the morning newspaper Dagens Nyheter define and diagnose the causes and problems of the iron pipe scandal during the period 2012-11-13 until 2012-11-20?What kind of valuations and solutions does the tabloid Expressen and the morning newspaper Dagens Nyheter provide of the iron pipe scandal during the period 2012-11-13 until 2012-11-30?Does the framing of the iron pipe scandal during the period 2012-11-13 until 2012-11-30 differ between the tabloid Expressen and the morning newspaper Dagens Nyheter?The result of this paper shows that through the tabloid Expressen and the morning newspaper Dagens Nyheter way of framing the Swedish democrats during the period 2012-11-13 until 2012-11-30, the society cannot get another picture of the Swedish Democrats than that they are a right wing populist party..

Det verkliga värdets värde : IAS 40:s påverkan på redovisningens värderelevans

I denna uppsats undersöks hur värderelevansen i nordiska förvaltningsfastighetsbolags redovisning har påverkats i och med införandet av IAS 40,och värdering till verkligt värde den första januari år 2005. Värderelevans mäts i denna studie i styrkan av samvariationen mellan redovisningsposterna eget kapital och resultat och bolagens marknadsvärde.Alla förvaltningsfastighetsbolag som har funnits listade på Nasdaq OMX Nordic small-, mid- och large cap under samtliga av undersökningsåren (2000-2013) ingår i studien. De bolag som har noterats under undersökningsperioden ingår inte i studien, inte heller de bolag som varit registrerade under hela perioden men som bytt företagsinriktning till förvaltningsfastighetsbolag under den undersökta tiden ingår i studien.Den undersökta tidsperioden delas in i tre mindre perioder. En period som representerar läget innan införandet av IAS 40 (år 2000-2004) och två perioder som representerar läget efter (år 2005-2009, år 2010-2013). Studien genomförs med hjälp av multipla regressionsanalyser där de olika perioderna skiljs åt med hjälp av dummy-variabler.Studiens resultat visar att värderelevansen har ökat mellan period 1 och period 2.

Rysslandsfondernas avkastning : Har de genererat någon överavkastning?

Svenska fondsparare intresserar sig alltmer för olika tillväxtmarknader. Årligen investeras sju procent av det svenska fondsparandet i Östeuropafonder, där Ryssland är den största marknaden. Denna studie syftar till att utvärdera Rysslandsfonder som är öppna för svenska småsparare med hjälp av CAPM, samt prestationsmåtten Jensens alfa, Sharpe- och Treynorkvoten. Studien omfattar 12 fonder under perioden 2007-2010 där daglig NAV-kursdata använts. Analysen är uppdelad där studien i period 1 analyserar hela perioden och i period 2 analyserar den andra halvan då 2008 års finanskris börspåverkan har minimerats.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelse av triageprocessen på en vuxenpsykiatrisk akutmottagning : En empirisk studie

Title: Nurses´ Experience of Triage Process in the Psychiatric A & E Departmentfor AdultsAuthor: Miljatovic, MilosDepartment: School of Life Sciences, University of SkövdeCourse: Degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Thesis in Nursing Care, 15 ECTSSupervisor: -Examiner: Brovall, MariaPages: 23Keywords: Triage, Nurse, Psychiatric A & E Department for Adults, Triage scaleBackground: In the beginning of 21st century some psychiatric A & E departments inSweden have introduced triage process and psychiatric triage scales. The aim was to meetthe growing numbers of patients with mental health problems attending psychiatric A & Edepartments, in order to shorten waiting and transit times.Aim: The aim of the study was to illustrate nurses´ experiences of triage process in thepsychiatric A & E department.Method: Qualitative empirical study was conducted.Results: Three categories were identified: Triage process creates confidence, Obstacles intriage assessment, Possibilities for improved patient care through triage process; and sixsubcategories: Aid and support in having an assessment tool, Sense of comradeship,Getting possibility to take answer and show the competence, Deficiencies with assessmenttool, Sense of inadequateness due to long waiting times to physician, Sense of ambiguityduring the triage process.Discussion: Safe triage process is needed to achieve quality care in the psychiatric A & Edepartment, thus it is important that nurses have adequate triage scale, and the resultssuggest that it is important for nurses to have an adequate triage scale which makes iteasier for nurses in nursing care..

Trender i ämnesval hos magisteruppsatser inom kunskapsorganisation 1995-2005 : en innehållsanalys

The aim of this study is to establish whether there are any specific trends in master theses concerning knowledge organization. To identify the past and current trends a method of content analysis has been applied to 110 theses over a time period of ten years. The results of this study show that there is an increasing interest in subjects concerning for example the evaluation of retrieval effectiveness in search engines on the Internet. A subject which was popular in the late 1990:s was information technology and its different applications. This subject has since that time decreased in popularity.

Att rekonstruera förhistoriska odlingsförutsättningar : första steget i en metodutveckling.

The aim of this work is to take the first step into a development process, with the intention to find a way of making prehistoric soil fertility a variable in archaeological landscape analysis. A pilot study is performed on the Mälar basin area, where four topographical and geological factors are reclassified and then combined, resulting in a map which expresses a relative indication of agriculture potential. The map is then compared to the distribution of Migration Period graves and gold finds. This, however, does not mean that the technique is tied to a certain prehistoric period. Because the work is intrinsically experimental, the technique as a whole is finally discussed and evaluated, and suggestions of improvements and further studies are made..

LAURA: Kognitiv beteendeterapi för kvinnor med psykisk ohälsa till följd av en traumatisk förlossning : En randomiserad kontrollerad studie av internetadministrerad vägledd självhjälpsbehandling

The purpose of this randomized controlled study was to investigate the effect of internet- administered guided self-help for women suffering from psychological problems following traumatic childbirth. The eight-week treatment program consisted of written chapters based on cognitive behavioral therapy. 56 participants were randomly assigned to a treatment group (n = 28) or a waiting list group (n = 28).The results showed that post-traumatic symptoms decreased as a result of the treatment, with large within-group effects measured by both the Traumatic Event Scale (TES) (d = 1.33) and the Impact of Event Scale-Revised (IES-R) (d = 1.3). The difference between the groups was only significant when measured by the IES-R in which case the between-group effect was large (d = 0.97). The proportion of the participants who showed clinically significant improvement was considerably greater in the treatment group than in the waiting list group.

Världssamfundets förändrade roll och dess effekter : En kartläggning av humanitära syften inom FN:s fredsbevarande operationer

The aim of this paper is to map out the purposes of the United Nations Peacekeeping Operations. This is done in order to see if humanitarian tendencies have been an increasingly cause for the UN to initiate an intervention with military means. This paper uses the time period from the end of the cold war until today, since that historic occurrence increased the U.N.?s involvement in peacekeeping. By using this time span it enables the survey to indicate changes in the mapping of humanitarian interventions.

Hur ser elever på sin kunskap före och efter APU?

Sammanfattning Syftet med undersökningen är att kunna anpassa utbildningen tiden efter en APU period om det visar sig att eleven snabbare utvecklas i sin kunskap under praktik perioden. Undersökningens frågeställningar är hur elever som går en yrkesutbildning ser på sin kunskap före och efter en APU period. Skiljer elevens synsätt på sin egen kunskap markant efter en APU period? Metoden som används är en enkätstudie som analyseras kvantitativt med hjälp av SPSS. Respondenter har varit 59 elever som går praktiska yrkesinriktade program på två gymnasieskolor i Halland.

Tidsåtgång för rundvirkesmottagning på Södra Cell Mörrum

This study was made for the round wood transport company MT Transport AB. Time studies were made in order to analyze time consumption on the mill site for timber trucks delivering round wood at the Södra Cell Mörrum mill. The most interesting was to see how much of the time spent at the factory that was waiting time. In three weeks the study was going on and the drivers were clocking it themselves..

I arbetsförmågans gränsland : En explorativ studie om utförsäkring från Försäkringskassan

At the turn of the year 2009/2010 there was a change in the regulations on sickness impact. This led to 328 persons in County of Kronoberg had an expired period of sickness benefit from the Social Insurance Office (Försäkringskassan) when they reached the maximum time for sickness or temporary disability compensation. These individuals were offered introductory programs with the employment services. The purpose of this study is to investigate how the population with expired period of sickness benefit from the Regional Social Insurance Office in the County of Kronoberg (Försäkringskassan Kronoberg) is described in the initial stage, and to explore how individuals who achieved expired period of sickness benefit from the Social Insurance Office (Försäkringskassan) talks about the meaning to get an expired period of sickness benefit regarding economic and social issues. The study was inspired by Grounded theory.

Sömn och Powernap - Dess betydelse för återhämtning och prestation

During sleep the majority of the body?s production of anabolic hormones is produced and sleep is a general anabolic state of being. It has been to our recognition that a powernap is 4-6 times more effective when it comes to sleep intensity than the last 1-2 hours of a traditional eight hour sleep. With this in mind, and that elite athletes worldwide often sleeps in between their training sessions. This study has tried to prove a hypothesis which comes from the assumption that you can recover and perform better during times with intensive periods with better distribution of your sleep.We have in this study let three test subjects take part of a six week long program with two different training periods for legs.

Om att lära sig prestera under press

I have researched different methods for practicing with the purpose of learning some useful ways to handle my performance anxiety issues, to better understand the phenomenon, and to be able to perform better under pressure. I chose or created nine methods and used each during a decided period of time, each period ending with a performance. Afterwards I analyzed the methods with the help of audio recordings and written concert evaluations to see if it was possible to alter my practicing techniques to be more directly focused on preparing for the concert situation..

Optimal inkalvningsålder för rekryteringskvigor till mjölkproduktion : relaterat till data ifrån egen besättning

Heifer?s growth may be divided into three main phases: calf period, puberty and pregnancy. When the heifers are about three months old a critical period begins. This period ends when the heifer reach puberty and have her first oestrus at around 9-12 months of age. In the critical period the mammary gland starts to grow at a fast rate and Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) transport the growth signals to the mammary glands.

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