496 Uppsatser om Volume rendering - Sida 2 av 34
Tekniker för fotorealistisk rendering
Denna C-uppsats behandlar området fotorealism i datorgenererade bilder. Frågeställningen och grundpelaren i min rapport har varit ? Vilka tekniker finns för att vid rendering uppnå fotorealism i datorgenererade bilder och hur använder man sig av dessa tekniker? Jag har undersökt och testat på ett flertal olika tekniker och metoder för att rendera fotorealistiska bilder. Rapporten grundar sig i ett antal testprojekt där jag uteslutit olika delar av en förenklad produktionspipeline. I varje projekt har jag flyttat fokus från helheten till specifika delar av processen och genererat en kort film och/eller ett antal bilder.
En jämförelsestudie mellan OpenGL 4.3, OpenGL ES 3.0 och WebGL 1.0
OpenGL is a standard API that is used to manage 3D graphics on desktop computers. Although OpenGL is independent of customized hardware it?s not suitable for all kinds of devices. Therefore both OpenGL ES andWebGL was created. These can be viewed as subsets of OpenGL.
Nivådiagnos med sensorfusion : Utveckling av koncept för nivåmätning i lutande tankar
Today?s system to measure the volume in a tank consists of a vertically placed sensor. When a vehicle is tilted the level of the fluid might change and if the volume is calculated based only on the information from the sensor it could result in a incorrect value.This thesis exams a new method to calculate the volume in tanks by using sensor fusion to crosscheck the i formation from the level sensors when the vehicle is tilted. The information is then used to see if it is possible to identify the grade of tilt by the change of fluid level. If the grade of tilt can be measured then the volume can be calculated in a more accurate way.
Utvärdering av produktionsrapporterad volym för contorta
The background to this study is that the forest company, Holmen, has found large discrepancies between harvested volume and the measured volume at the industry. Factors like bark features, breakage, double tops, bends and stem damages was noted, and all stems were measured manually. Hypothesis testing with the method "random in pairs" were used to examine whether the harvester measured values significantly differed from the manually measured.
The result of a properly calibrated harvester shows in average underestimation of the volume with Skogforsk Pine as a bark function. This means that the harvester isn´t the reason why the volume measured in the industry is lower, the fault is elsewhere. The study also indicates a need for a unique bark function for logepole pine..
Optimering av sampling quality-parametrar för Mental Ray
Fotorealistiska 3d-bilder används idag inom ett brett spektrum av branscher. Framställningen av denna typ av grafik kräver ofta väldigt mycket datorkraft. Vid rendering med renderingsmotorer som använder sig av raytracing algoritmer är aliasing ett medfött problem. Lösningen heter anti-aliasing som arbetar för att undvika aliasing artefakter som jagged edges eller Moiré-effekter med mera. En del av anti-aliasingprocessen är supersampling som ofta kräver mycket datorkraft.
Postningsoptimering vid sönderdelning av fura vid Säters Ångsåg :
The aim of this project is to optimise the sawing patterns used for sawing Scots pine at Säters Ångsåg AB. The thesis has a theoretical approach and does not claim to be fully applicable in a practical point of view.
The input used in this project is last year?s sales volumes and prices of sawn products. The input of the timber is collected from the database ?VIOL?.
Naturvårdsavsättningar vid avverkning på Orsa Besparingsskog
Orsa Besparingsskog has an aim to take nature considerations in relation to the harvested volume and area of the annual felling. Around 15 percent of the acreage and 10 percent of the volume should be set aside. It is important to keep close to those figures to avoid future negative effects on the long-term harvesting planning. The purpose of this study was to use laser scanning data to estimate those proportions.
The result showed that the proportion of conservation considerations in the ten selected objects in the study was significantly higher than the target of 15 percent of the acreage and 10 percent of the volume. The result showed a setting aside of 19 percent of the acreage and 17 percent of the volume.
Testikelmått och daglig spermieproduktion hos svenska halvblodshingstar :
Testicular measurements and daily sperm output (DSO) are important factors affecting reproductive capacity of stallions. In the present study testicular measurements of 10 Swedish half-blood stallions were determined (height, length, width and volume). Ejaculates were collected from each stallion once daily for 10 days to evaluate some important seminal characteristics: gel-free ejaculate volume, sperm concentration, percent progressively motile spermatozoa and total number of spermatozoa (TSN). The gel-free ejaculate volume was measured with a graduated cylinder, the sperm concentration was counted in a Bürker chamber, the sperm motility was estimated in a phase-contrast microscope and TSN was determined by multiplying the gel-free seminal volume by the sperm concentration. Testicular measurements were as follows (left and right testis): height 7,5 cm and 7,8 cm, length 10,6 cm and 10,8 cm, width 6,5 cm and 6,6 cm, volume 278,2 cm3 and 293,8 cm3, scrotal width 12,3 cm and total testicular volume 572,0 cm3 .
Utvärdering av mikrobiologiska provtagningsmetoder inom ölbryggningsprocessen :
The aim of this study was to establish knowledge about the most suitable substrate for cultivating different kinds of anaerobic beer spoilage bacteria in the brewing industry. During the study, two other aspects were investigated; if the sample volume affects the results and which anaerobic beer spoilage bacteria are present in the micro flora at the brewery. The method used was standard cultivation with four different substrates; Universal Beer Agar, Nachweismedium Bierschädliche Bakterien, Raka Ray and VLB S7-S. During the identification of bacteria in the micro flora, a method using PCR was used. None of the substrates showed a significant advantage over the others.
Planteringsförbandets inverkan på bildningen av kärnved hos tall (Pinus sylvestris L.) : en modellsimulering av planteringsförbandets inverkan?
The current state of knowledge indicates that there is more than one factor that initiates heartwood transition. This study supports its hypothesis on the theory that heartwood is formed by a fixed fraction of the annual growthring, 0,5 to 0,8 rings. To calculate heartwood volume modelings were carried out in four different pine stands with different spacings, 0,75, 1,25, 1,5 and three meters. The model indicates heartwood diameter (HWD) and is based on four explanatory variables, height (H), crown ratio (CR%), diameter breast height (DBH) and tree height (TH). The shifting plant spacing results in varying growth rate in the juvenile stage.
Inledning till spelutveckling för AndroidSpelutveckling för Android med Java och OpenGL ES
This thesis deals with the problems you face as a new game developer for the mobile platform Android when developing a 3D game and presents solutions to these problems. It also explores which optimizations should be made to increase performance and how well suited for game development the Android platform is. A simple 3D game for version 2.2 of Android was developed to examine this. The conclusion was that a good game structure for Android separates logic and rendering by running these separately in different threads. Solutions to rendering and updating of game logic were presented and optimizations were implemented for performance, although fewer optimizations were needed than was anticipated.
Inventering och klassificering av kvarlämnad virkesvolym vid slutavverkning :
This final thesis is performed on commission of Hargs Bruk Ltd. Hargs Bruk manages one of Sweden?s largest privately owned forests. A main part of the managed forest is situated in Roslagen in eastern Uppland. Since 1934 felling calculations have been performed within the estate every tenth year.
Att sticka ut i mängden : En studie av tekniker för variation av instansierade modeller
Trots den senaste tidens hårdvaruutveckling är realtidsrendering av stora folkmassor fortfarande ingen trivial uppgift. Denna uppgift beskrivs som crowd rendering. Effektiv crowd rendering bygger ofta på instansiering, men instansiering kommer med ett problem, det skapar kloner. Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka och utvärdera ett antal tekniker som används för att skapa mångfald för instansierade modeller. Dessa tekniker kommer tillsammans att kallas varierad instansiering.
Älgens barkgnag på granstammar : omfattning med avseende på geografisk utbredning, skadad volym och ekonomiska konsekvenser
In three areas in the province of Småland studies has been done to investigate how big
damage the moose may do to P. abies. An inquiry examination and two different types of
surveys were done to find out how big area, which volume and which financial consequences
the moose debarking has had on the forest.
When the volume was calculated the rot spreading was included. The area that was damaged
was stipulated with the answers from the inquiry examination. 59 % of the asked forest
owners answered the inquiry.
Volume and taper equations for Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.), Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and White spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) in Iceland
The aim of this study was to evaluate different types of volume and taper equations that can be used to predict single-tree stem volume and stem diameter at any given height along the tree stem for plantation grown Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.), Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst) and White spruce (Picea glauca (Mounch) Voss) in Iceland. A number of published tree volume equations were tested and modified to predict the total stem volumes over bark but three logarithmic equations were taken for more in-depth analysis. Three taper equations were tested. Two variable-exponent equations (Kozak 1997, Kozak 2004) and one exponential equation described by Biging (1984). Data from a total of 617 sample trees were used in this study, collected from stands in various parts of the country and present different types of stands growing in different soil types and cover most of the site conditions suitable for forestry in Iceland.