

4 Uppsatser om Volition - Sida 1 av 1

Handstilen bland elever som lever i ett digitaliserat samhälle : En studie om elevers och lärares inställning till att skriva för hand

In an age of increasing technology, it is a fact that typing on a keyboard are used in schools to replace handwriting, this raises questions about the future use of the skill handwriting still is necessary. The aim of this studys is to investigate students? opinion about their handwriting, how motivation can influence handwriting and how teachers work with handwrithing. Through intevjues with 25 sixgraders and two of their teachers, this study tends to proclame a picture of the handwriting education in a Swedish school. The results of this study shows that the students? attitude towards handwriting and choice of writingtool has some connection to the motivation but is not restricted to it.

Den permanenta krisen : En narrativ studie om orsakerna till det första kriget mellan Ryssland och Tjetjenien

The aim of this study is to increase the understanding of the causes of the first war between Russia and Chechnya. Empirical data consists of four half-structured interviews with former Russian and Chechen war participants that tell about their perspective of the causes of the war between Russia and Chechnya. The study used narrative method and the theoretical framework consists of International Relations theories such as Realism, Geopolitics, Liberalism and Marxism. Geopolitics sees the geostrategic interest, territory as a cause of war. According to realism warfare occurs because of the state?s endeavor after power and influence in term of territory.

Användning av djur inom arbetsterapi : En systematisk litteraturstudie

Arbetsterapi ämnar möjliggöra utförande av meningsfulla aktiviteter för klienter. Djur ger positiva effekter på människans fysiska, mentala och sociala funktioner som kan öka dennes aktivitetsförmåga, vilket är en förutsättning för aktivitetsutförande. Syftet var att kartlägga forskning kring djur i relation till arbetsterapi samt betydelsen djuren har på individens aktivitetsliv. Metoden var en systematisk litteratursökning som gjordes med 14 valda sökord i sju databaser som slutligen gav 15 artiklar för analys. I resultatet identifierades forskningsområdena djurägarskap och djurterapi.

Bedömning ur ett elevperspektiv

In society and school today there is a major focus on assessment, and this can for example be seen in an increased research on assessment over the last ten years. But one research topic still quite unexplored is how students perceive assessment. The main purpose with this study is to explore students? experiences of assessment, how assessment interferes with their Volition and if the extent of the impact on the motivation varies depending on how the assessment is performed. In order to answer these questions a quantitative investigation was performed at first. 83 students answered a questionnaire about what kind of assessment they experience in school, if they receive feedback, what is important for being successful in school, if they know on what grounds they are assessed, what impact failure and/or success has on their motivation, if they are stressed by school etc.