

1032 Uppsatser om Voice Handicap Index (VHI) - Sida 3 av 69

Vocal Free Improvisation

As a vocalist, Casey Moir wants more than to just express what is written on the page or that which the harmony allows. She wants to discover every aspect of her voice to see how she can express her musicality on a deeper, more personal level. Some of the questions that helped Casey start her journey are: Why is musical expression so important to her? Why improvise freely? What sounds can her voice make? Can she utilise these sounds in her music and how?.

The Value of Digital Information DIV-index, A Corporate Asset

Companies have in the past decades changed fromtraditional manufacturing organizations into serviceorganizations. For these service organizationsinformation and competence have become animportant resource. The traditional view oninformation is that an employee use and search forinformation to reduce uncertainty for their decisionmaking. Even though information is strategicallyimportant for organizations, information is not valuedin any way. Hence, this thesis aims to valueinformation in terms of the utility it brings to theorganization.The conclusion is that four factors are important whenvaluing information in terms of utility.

Perceptuell bedömning av tal och röst hos vuxna med 22q11-deletionssyndrom

Speech anomalies have been described as characteristic symptoms forthe 22q11 deletion syndrome. However, research on speech and voice in adultswith the syndrome is still scarce. Previous research has indicated that speech andvoice anomalies seen in children with the syndrome might have neurologicalcauses. The aim of this study is to investigate speech and voice in a group ofadults diagnosed with the 22q11 deletion syndrome, with extra focus onanomalies with possible neurological cause. The researched group consisted of24 adults between the ages 19 to 38 with a verified 22q11-deletion, 16 womenand 8 men.

När medborgaren blir en kund - vad händer då med det gemensamma bästa?

In the late 20th century there has been some changes in the public sector. These changes are described as New Public Management. When ideas from the private market is transferred to the public sector, for example to regard citizens as cus-tomer. Central in this paper is the use of term customer in the Swedish public sec-tor. There are two questions in the paper; which possibilities has a disappointed customer to effect the public sector, and what may happen with democracy, the common good, when the citizen becomes a customer?To answer the questions I study two different cases, Svedala kommun and the tax department, Skatteverket.

Gränslöst uppdrag : om fackligt förtroendevaldas psykosociala arbetsmiljö

The two swedish unions, Akademikerförbundet SSR and Kommunal, have a majority of female participations who mainly work in the public services. The difference between the unions is that one of them only represents members with academic educations and the other has members with lower educations. The aim of this study was to compare the two unions according to the terms exit, voice and loyalty, but also participation and influence. There were 142 participants in this study and 8 participants were interviewed in a pre-study. The result of the study shows that voice is a strong predictor to wellbeing in work life.

Voice onset time hos svenska barn och vuxna : Ett utvecklingsperspektiv

Voice onset time (VOT) är en akustisk tidsparameter som reflekterar den tidsmässiga samordningen av talmotoriken. VOT betraktas som det mest pålitliga akustiska kännetecknet på huruvida en klusil är tonlös eller tonande.Föreliggande studies syfte var att studera och jämföra VOT hos svenska barn (8, 9, 10, 11 år) och vuxna för att se hur utvecklingen sker samt för att ta fram svenska normvärden. Ljudinspelningar genomfördes på 150 barn och 36 vuxna vid uttal av de svenska klusilerna i minimala par. Akustiska analyser av materialet utfördes sedan.Resultatet visade att de tonlösa klusilerna föreföll produceras med vuxenlika VOT-värden från och med cirka nio års ålder. De tonande motsvarigheterna producerades med vuxenlik VOT omkring tio års ålder.

Aktieindexobligationer : Småspararens Livbåt på Vägen mot Djupt Vatten?

The main purpose of the essay was to evaluate whether investments in index-linked bonds were suitable investments for smaller investors on the international finance market. To determine whether the index-linked bonds are good investments, the variables yield, cost and risk were used to measure the index-linked bonds against investments in stocks and funds. The reason for the interest in this subject is that investments in index-linked bonds have grown furiously the last few years. With the growth of the investments the criticism of index-linked bonds has also grown stronger. The critics? main point is the cost of the product, and they imply that investors can create their own index-linked bond and thereby avoid the bank fees.This study used a quantitative approach, because all the data of yield, cost and risk consist of numbers.

Fundamental indexering - fundamentalt rätt?? : En studie av den svenska aktiemarknaden

I denna undersökning konstrueras fundamentala aktieindex med aktier innefattade av indexetStockholm OMX30 under perioden 1999-04-01 till och med 2009-03-31. Dels konstruerasenskilda index där indexeringen sker efter faktorerna bokvärde, utdelning, försäljning, resultat,kassaflöde och antal anställda, dels ett index där faktorerna sammanvägs. Detta för att undersökahuruvida fundamentala index bättre speglar företags fundamentala värde och därmed genererarhögre riskjusterad avkastning i förhållande till ett marknadsvägt referensindex. De enskildaindexen bokvärde, utdelning, försäljning, antal anställda samt det sammanvägda indexet visarhögre riskjusterad avkastning än referensindexet. Kassaflödes- och resultatindexet presterardäremot markant sämre än referensindexet.

Lagerhantering på Voice AB

This examination paper is a lead in the educational program Industrial Management at Jönköping University. The paper itself contains an analysis of the warehouse organisation and its efficiency at the furniture company Voice AB in Torsvik, just south of Jönköping, Sweden. The report also contains propositions to raise the level of efficiency in the company warehouse and warehouse management.In the investigation of the warehouse a number of possible improvements were found. Examples are lack of a system for labelling shelves and racks, lack of an efficient location system and development possibilities in work routines. For the empirical investigation both qualitative and quantitative methods ware used.

Automatisk bedömning av reglerkretsarsprestanda

In this thesis, a computer program that in a simple way can calculate the performance of control loops at the refinery Preemraff Lysekil has been created. The computer program has been adapted to the environment at Preemraff Lysekil. Theories for evaluation has been studied in aspect of reliability and of automatic implementation. The evaluation has been carried out from data collected directly from control loops at the refinery and from simulated control loops with implemented errors. Among the studied methods are Harris index and Stattin´s oscillation index.

Är värdeinvesteringar bättre än index? : En studie av värdeinvesteringar i Norden under perioden 1980 - 2010

Det finns få studier där kombinationer av nyckeltal används för att indentifiera undervärderade bolag. Denna undersökning kombinerar P/E-tal, P/B-tal samt direktavkastning för att ta reda på hur värdeinvesteringar har gett för avkastning mellan 1980 till 2010. Risken tas även hänsyn till.Denna studie testade hypoteserna statisktikt, vilket inte gjorts tidigare i stor utrstäckning. Resultaten blev att värdeinvesteringar har överavkastat index i Norden under tidsperioden, men det blev inte statistiskt signifikant. Värdeinvesteringar avkastade i genomsnitt 55,72 % mot index som avkastade 18,87 % i genomsnitt.Vi undrar om det är värt att ta hänsyn till risken vid värdeinvesteringar över så lång tidsperiod.

Företags motiv till finansiering med realränteobligationer

The long-term external financing of a corporation is satisfied through the bond market where issues of index-linked bonds, which are discussed in this thesis, is one alternative. (Finnerty&Emery 2001) An index- linked bond is a debt instrument where the investor is guaranteed the principal and premium amount in real terms. As the bonds cash flows are indexed to the inflation this implies that the issuer of an index-linked bond assumes an inflation risk. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to describe and examine corporate motives for choosing index-linked bonds as way of financing their business. Realization: Primary data was collected through interviews with corporate issuers of non-swapped index-linked bonds.

Environmental, Social and Governance : Hot eller möjlighet för investerare

This study explores whether environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues affect the monetary value of a company.The samples used in this study have been taken from the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) in South Africa. Since 2010, JSE have been categorizing companies using the King Code III criteria to establish a Socially Responsible Investment index (SRI index). Companies that fulfill the required number of criteria are classified as 'best performers' using the SRI index.  In this study the monetary value of a random sample of 'best performers' has been compared to the monetary value of a random sample of companies without an SRI index evaluation.This study found that companies without a SRI index have a higher unique risk, which means a lower stock price with a higher dividend yield. Companies with an SRI index evaluation have a lower unique risk, which means a higher stock price and lower dividend yield. In conclusion, this study shows that SRI adjusted companies have an enhanced monetary value in comparison to non- SRI adjusted companies..

Institutionella placerare som aktieägare-en studie av fondbolags, försäkringsbolags och AP-fonders användande av exit och voice som ägarstyrningsmekanismer

En institutionell placerare har både en förvaltar- och en ägarroll. Som förvaltare försöker institutionen maximera avkastningen i förhållande till ett visst risktagande. Eftersom institutionen har rösträtt för de förvaltade aktierna ? och därmed det inflytande som följer med aktierna ? har institutionen också en ägarroll. Ägarrollen är betydligt mer otydlig än förvaltarrollen.

Utvärdering av kirurgisk behandling vid organiska stämbandsförändringar hos barn

In Sweden surgical treatment of vocal fold lesions in children is fairly uncommon. At Falun hospital they have adapted a more generous attitude towards phonosurgery of children?s vocal folds. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate surgical treatment of organic vocal fold lesions in children and to assess the phonosurgical patient utility. The study was carried out at the Ear-, Nose- and Throat clinic, Falun hospital, Sweden.

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