

1212 Uppsatser om Visual Narrative - Sida 8 av 81

Berättelser om hjälpsamma samtal En narrativ studie om verksamma processer I terapi och behandling

The title of the study is: "Stories about helpful conversations - a narrative study of active processes in therapy and treatment." The purpose of this study was to examine clients' stories of what has been helpful to them in therapy / treatment. The study has been made in light of the ongoing discussion in society about the requirements for empirical studies within welfare areas. The choice to make a narrative study comes from the desire to have clients' own stories at the centre of what has been helpful in the therapeutic process. The author has interviewed and talked with four people (clients) who told us about their experiences of therapy / treatment. Narrative research methodology is based on people's life stories.

Tekniker för att bygga en add-in till Outlook 2007

Denna rapport tar upp grunderna inom programmering mot Windows Outlook 2007. Den är tänkt att ge en inblick i hur man kan gå till väga och vilka verktyg man kan välja för sitt projekt. Den innefattar en jämförelse mellan användning av det inbyggda Visual Basic for Applications och att skapa ett insticksprogram med Visual Basic. Rapporten innefattar även en textuell beskrivning hur man kan skapa ett enkelt ärendehanteringssystem i Outlook 2007 med möjlighet till registrering av ett nytt ärende via en webbapplikation..

En beslutstödsmodell för övergång till Visual Basic 2005 - Vilka faktorer påverkar valet?

Uppsatsen behandlar det problem som organisationer har stött på när de vill uppgradera sin utvecklingsmiljö och sin produkt till Visual Basic.NET. Uppsatsen identifierar vilka faktorer det är som påverkar valet av en övergång, positiva respektive negativa. Faktorerna ger organisationer en bättre inblick i problemet och hjälper dem att avgöra huruvida de ska göra en övergång eller ej. För att arbeta fram våra faktorer har vi valt att använda oss av ett abduktivt tillvägagångssätt, som mynnar ut i en kvalitativ uppsats. Faktorerna bildar en modell över vad som påverkar valet av övergång samt hur.

Bättre kan det sägas : Om transformation som berättargrepp i Stig Claessons författarskap

The objective of this paper is to examine narrative techniques used by the Swedish author Stig Claesson, especially his transformations of texts out of the own authorship into new stories. In order to achieve my objective, I will specifically study two novels; Rosine (1991) and Efter oss syndafloden (2002) and the method practiced will be intentional reading, as described by H. Porter Abbott. For the analysis I will, with the complementary support of Abbott and Beata Agrell, turn to Gerard Genette and his theories concerning transformation and transtextuality, in particular its sub idiom hypertextuality. As a result of my analysis, various subgroups of transformation used by Claesson are identified, but also proven is how Claesson, largely by utilizing two of them; transvocalisation and transvaluation, provides the reader with the implied author of his own choice.

Språkförmågor hos barn som deltar i läsfrämjande aktivitet

In a school for children from 6-9 years in a small town in the southeast of Sweden, is areading activity program in progress since 8 years. The original purpose of this program wasto enhance the student?s reading interest. All of the students read at least one book a week andthen they review the book in front of the class.The purpose of the present study was to examine vocabulary, word retrieving, narrative skillsand grammatical abilities in children in this school. The objectives were to investigate if thechosen language abilities in these children were different compared to normative data andearlier studies in children at comparable ages.

Python scripting for network management: PyMIP - TeMIP made

Det huvudsakliga målet var att skapa ett python-bibliotek som fungerar som ett interface till Visual TeMIP. Visual TeMIP är ett C++-API som används till att utveckla applikationer och moduler för alarmhanteringssystemet OpenView TeMIP. Ett sekundärt mål var att skapa en lättvikts-webbserver och en webbklient för de mindre kunder som inte har behov av den fullfjädrade TeMIP-klienten. Webbservern skrevs helt i Python och använde sig av PyMIPbiblioteket, webbklienten skrev i DHTML och AJAX. En ASCII-baserad larmlista skriven i Python gjordes också för att användas av utvecklare och tekniker, samt för att testa funktionaliteten i PyMIP.

Visualiseringsverktyg för Sykedjor

This thesis has been done in order to ease the process of drawing schematics ofelectrical wiring. The need arose after demand from the government due to a seriesof incidents that took place during the revision of the nuclear power plant in year2009.The task of the project has been to create a computer program that can generate agraphical representation of the electrical components relations. The basis for theprogram has been an example of how the client wants the graphical representation tolook. During the course of the project weekly meetings have occured in which theclient has reviewed the work.The result of the project is a program written in Visual Basic Applications that can berun in Microsoft Excel. The program is capable of generating graphics for a majority ofthe cases.

?Berättelsen om Hedvig och hennes son? : en narratologisk analys av en berättelse i Lars Ahlins Natt i marknadstältet

Natt i marknadstältet is considered as one of Lars Ahlin?s most significant works of fiction. The novel is complex in structure and meaning, containing numerous stories and characters entangled with the main story. One of these stories is the subject of this essay:?Berättelsen om Hedvig och hennes son?.

Makrostruktur och kohesion i berättande hos 6-åringar med och utan epilepsi

The purpose of this study was to examine the narrative skill of sixyear-olds in terms of macrostructure and cohesion, and its relation tonarrative content, auditory attention, auditory short-term memory and threemeasures of word retrieval. A group comparison of macrostructure andcohesion was also performed between children with and without epilepsy.The material consisted of audio recordings of 44 children (18 with epilepsyand 26 from a reference group) retelling the story Nelli-sagan (Holmberg &Sahlén, 2000). No correlation was found between content and macrostructureor cohesion, but several between the latter two. Auditory short-termmemory and word retrieval without pictures showed several correlationswith macrostructure as well as cohesion. No differences in macrostructure orcohesion were found between the children with epilepsy and the referencegroup.

Dagens Nyheter 3.0 : En kvalitativ jämförelsestudie av dagstidningens form i tryckt format respektive applikationsformat

A daily newspaper?s main purpose is to inform its readers without creating noise. Theimportance of the visual presentation is therefore of weight for an effectivecommunication process. This study informs about the importance of typography inthe visual decoding process. The study includes the Swedish newspaper DagensNyheter?s transition from printed media to digital media adapted to an Ipad.

Identitetsskapande på Instagram : En observationsstudie om visuell självpresentation från ett genusperspektiv

  The use of social media has increased in recent years and has become a part of everyday life.  Through  the  use  of  social  media  grows  new  opportunities   for  constructing  ones identity, this enables individuals  to selective self-presentation.  The social media trend has gone from largely consisting of a linguistic communication  to become directed towards a more visual form of communication,  this encourages individuals to be more visual in their self-presentation.  This study aims to create an understanding  of how individuals  present their  identity  through  visual  self-presentation,  more  precisely  via  Instagram.  Previous research  has  shown  differences  between  men's  and  women's  use  of  social  media.

Berättelser om Sverige. En narrativ analys av nationellt identitetsskapande på Dagens Nyheters insändarsidor

AbstractIn this essay I discuss narrative in the reconstruction of national identity. I discuss exclusion as a side effect in thick identities. That means that thick national identities always exclude another part. From this I´ve discussed the Swedish identity and its effects in the European co-operation. Identity is a discourse that reconstructs linguistically.

Tillgänglighet ? ett isolerat behov : Elva personer med synnedsättning beskriver erfarenheter av tillgänglighet i Stockholms stads offentliga miljö.

The purpose of the study was to learn how social structures can enable accessibility, by asking persons with visual impairment about their experiences of accessibility in the public environment in the city of Stockholm. Eleven adults with visual impairments, living in the city of Stockholm, were interviewed using two separate focus groups. The study was carried out with the objective to allow for the participants to be involved in the research process. The resulting data was analyzed on the basis of Nancy Fraser?s theory on social justice, focusing on the conceptions; needs, politicised needs, redistribution, recognition and misrecognition.

Digitaliserade möjligheter för skolan : En studie av två spels pedagogiska potential för historieundervisning i grundskolan

This essay examines computer and video games and their capacity of being useful in teaching sessions. Focus is being put at a possible pedagogical potential and how it is being expressed in games mechanics. To get answers on these subjects? studies by Professor James Paul Gee and Jesse Schell is used together in creating a model for analysis. With this model together with a narrative analysis this essay hopes to give clarifications on if a pedagogical potential is present and if so, how it is being expressed.Studies in this paper shows that a pedagogical potential is overall present in used material.

Varför väljer elever det estetiska programmets musikinriktning? : En studie över musikestetelevers tankar kring sitt gymnasieval

During the spring of 2013 we developed a visual identity for Jönköping Bandy, a bandy association in Jönköping, which was founded in 1947.Jönköping Bandy?s main problem was the low interest for the association by the local people. The association also had problems with the economy, which made it hard for them to merchandise themselves.In Jönköping, there were a lot of sport associations, and therefore, it was difficult to find sponsors. One way to help the association, was to create a good visual identity for them. A visual identity that would reflect on the proper values of the association.The intention was: ?Through graphical design, we want to convey Jönköping Bandy to a larger amount of people, and get increased knowledge in graphical idiom.? and was torn apart into these three questions:What core values does Jönköping Bandy have, and how can we convey them through the visual identity?Which visual materials does Jönköping Bandy need?How do other teams in Allsvenskan Södra merchandise themselves through their websites?The work began with a study of relevant theoretical literature, with focus on graphical design.

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