

1212 Uppsatser om Visual Narrative - Sida 6 av 81

Interaktionsdesign på webben - - Att påverka attityder till crowdfunding och mikroinvesterande genom grafiska komponenter och design

In this paper we have investigated which visual components that are of importance when designing a website with the purpose of influencing peoples attitudes in a positive direction regarding the specific phenomenas crowdfunding and microinvestments. To investigate how people respond to these concepts we made a survey. The survey showed us that the respondents were indecivise regarding risktaking and that personal interest was of great importance weather the respondents were to invest or not. Therefor we included visual components in the design with the purpose of expressing professional and trustworthy impressions and at the same time reach the user at an emotional level. In the following interviews that we made we tested if our visual components had the intended effects.

Öga-nacke/skuldra problem hos en grupp synskadade män och kvinnor i åldrarna 17-92 år : En kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie

The purpose of this study was to describe the prevalence of self-reported visual and neck/shoulder complaints among individuals with a low vision diagnosis. The study also aimed to examine whether there was an association between the degree of self-rated visual and the neck/shoulder complaints. There was a questionnaire survey that was conducted on patients that visits an eye center in a county in central Sweden. There were a total of 18 people participated in the survey, between 17-92 years old. The questionnaire contained 22 questions and was analyzed with SPSS.

Den ideologiska spegeln - en studie kring hur ideologisk-diskursiva ramar skapas inom ramen för ett politiskt parti

AbstractOne aim of this thesis, has been to explore how discursive frames are constructed, frames to relate to, compare with, and therefore be part in shaping political subjects. The other aim has been connected with a more empirical platform, where I wanted to discover how these frames are established and structured discursively within a political organization, among its members; in this case with a foucs on the Swedish social democracy and its former leader Olof Palme. The thesis starts with a theoretical presentation and discussion, where focus is on the concepts of ideology, discourse theory in the form of Laclau and Mouffe, and narrative theory. The concepts will be presented and discussed, and also related to the other concepts to see their theoretical potential, both ontologically and epistemologically. Finally the theoretical rudiment is linked and analyzed with the empirical material.

Berättandets betydelse i förskolan : En undersökning av pedagogers syn på och tillämpning av berättande för att främja barns språkutveckling

AbstractThis study investigates the impact of storytelling for children's language development in preschool from a sociocultural perspective. The purpose is to find what narrative methods teachers use to promote children's language development. I also want to examine whether the children are involved in the storytelling. To get answers to my questions which include what methods teachers use, narrative meaning and function, and their children's participation, I have used qualitative interviews with four preschool teachers at four different preschools.The results of my survey show that teachers use a variety of methods at storytelling. The most common methods were reading, rhymes and daily storytelling while eating.

Att återberätta glädje : En studie av struktur och språk i fem pojkars personligt återgivande texter

The aim of this study is to investigate how five boys in grade 3 of compulsory school structure and use language when they write narrative texts retelling and assessing personally experienced events. This is studied by interpreting how the boys use genre steps that are typical of the structure of personal narrative texts and by detecting and naming different linguistic features in the texts. The material in the study consists of five boys?personal reports and the method, which is based on the theories of genre pedagogy (see Johansson & Sandell Ring 2012:28ff, 223f), comes from systemic functional linguistics. A central finding of the study is that the boys structure their texts in varying combinations of genre steps which commonly occur in texts of a narrative kind.

Narrativ i visuell media

Denna undersökning omfattar kamerans inverkan på narrativet i visuella medium. Syftet är att få en insikt i hur kunskap om kameratekniker och ?vinklar påverkar hur åskådaren uppfattar vad regissören vill förmedla, och undvika att fokus sätts på element i filmscener som riskerar att förvirra åskådaren. För att undersöka detta problemområde har litteratur om filmhistoria och kamerateknik använts för att sammanfatta kunskap om hur kameran skall användas, för att förmedla relevant information och bygga upp den effekt som regissören strävar efter. Informationen utifrån detta har därefter tjänat som utgångspunkt för att skapa en kort animerad film med rymdtema där kameran eftersträvar att leverera en konkret visuell upplevelse där vinklar används för att understryka vad varje scen vill förmedla.

PRESS / PLAY. Ett studium av övergivna format och metoder för flerfaldigande genom grafisk produktion för musikdistributören Kyrkvägen Kassett

The purpose in this Bachelor degree project has been to create a visual identity and to design a compilation cassette for the small music distributor Kyrkvägen Kassett. My way of approaching the task has been to draw parallells between the cassette as an obsolete music format and more or less abandoned or anachronistic formats, materials and printing methods in the graphic design area. The result is a visual identity that is built upon materials and methods of production rather than specific visual elements. The work is to be seen as a tribute to the small non-profit producers of music and graphic design. As often done in the DIY movement, I chose to consider my lack of practical knowledge in these fields not as an encumbrance but as an asset and an incentive.

?I was anxious to keep her in ignorance? : - berättarperspektiv och makt i Emily Brontës Wuthering Heights

Denna uppsats redogör för och undersöker berättarperspektiv och maktrelationer i Emily Brontës roman Wuthering Heights. På vilket sätt läsaren tar del av romanens komplexa berättande, om det är samma berättare genom hela romanen eller om det skiftar, vilka maktrelationer som existerar mellan romangestalterna och förhållanden mellan makt och berättarperspektiv undersöks genom analys av verket..

"Än en fågel, än en blomma" : En tematisk och dialogisk studie av ungmör och skaldinnor i Anna Maria Lenngrens dikter.

Anna Maria Lenngren (1754-1817) is known as one of Stockholms Posten?s sharpest satirists. Over the years many literature researchers have based their analysis and interpretations on biographical facts. This means that we miss important parts of her authorship, as she almost exceptionally has been writing role-poems. In a role-poem, the author takes a role as a fictitious narrative subject and/or another poem character.

?Om jag blöder betyder ju det ändå att jag är levande? : En narrativ studie om självskadebeteende

  This is a qualitative study aiming to illuminate and gain better understanding of deliberate self-harm. The study has a narrative perspective and is based on three women?s life stories, focusing on a period when they had an active self-harming behaviour. The study examines what the participants experienced as important to the initiation and the cessation of the deliberate self-harm. It is also examining identity performances and turning points which can be discerned in the life stories.

Förnuft och känsla : En studie av kokböckers visuella kommunikation under det tidiga 90-talet och sena 00-talet

The interest for food and cooking has probably never engaged the people of Sweden as much as it does today. Especially cookbooks are selling better than ever which has been a quite constant trend since the mid 90's. This study explores the connection between visual communication in Swedish cookbooks and the post-modern values which have influenced the market climate and the visual culture. I have used a theoretical framework as reference consisting of theories of semiotics, visual rhetoric, marketing communications and postmodernism. I have been studying six cookbooks, three from the late 00's and three from the early 90's, from the two separate angles of their graphic design and photographic material.

Begreppsbubblor/Visuella representationer i matematikundervisningen : En studie om bemötandets och undervisningens betydelse och möjligheter för elever med koncentrationssvårigheter

The aim is to examine how students with attention difficulties may demonstrate their mathematical understanding through visual representations. A curiosity about how students think about mathematics, national tests and Concepts cartoons has also permeated the study. With help of observations combined with interviews and actively work for a week, the study shows an idea of how visual representations can help students with concentration difficulties to stay focused on their tasks. I chose a selection of pupils to do some mathematical tasks from the national tests which they had not been able to solve before. Now in the form of Concepts cartoons, which I designed, they managed to solve the same mathematics data. In my study treatment and interaction reveals as key pillars for a successful educational work with the students with concentration difficulties. Thus, all pupils who previously have been unable to solve these assignments on the National test were now able to show their mathematical understanding supported by visual representations..

Så var fallet löst : En narratologisk analys av Freuds fallstudie "Fröken Elisabeth von R."

The main purpose of this paper has been to use narratological theory for uncovering the narrative structure in Freud?s cases, such as anachronisms and focalizing. My aim was to investigate the narrative and through these viewpoints discover what impact Freud?s writing?s had on the look of hysterical women. I choose one of the earliest cases,"Fräulein Elisabeth von R." which is published inStudien über Hysterie (I?ve used the text translated to Swedish and published in Tidiga skrifter och historik.

Kvinnokroppen som diskursivt slagfält: avvikande visuella representationer av genus i Pussy Riots musikvideor.

In this paper I will examine the five Pussy Riot music videos that the group has published online on their official You Tube website. I will examine them through a ?gender lens? looking at their visual representations of gender vis-à-vis the hegemonic gender discourse in Russia. In addition I will examine their potential effects and if/how these visual representations can be understood as resistance.In my study I will take on a constructionist approach and the main theories being used to understand and analyze the Pussy Riot music videos are discourse- and representational theory including deconstruction, performativity and the social construction of gender as well as ?in-between? and deviant representations.

Blixten & Ida, två elever med synnedsättning möter läs- & skriftspråket

By studying recent literature and following current research we know that language awareness and a rich language is important to all children when learning reading and writing and that decoding and understanding of the words are the fundamental processes in reading. How do pupils with visual impairment learn how to read and write? What strategies do they use in their contacts with reading and writing? What are the advantages do pupils with visual impairment have when learning to read and write? These questions have been the starting points in a study we have done by following two pupils with visual impairment. By meeting and discussing with the children, their parents, teachers, and lowvisiontherapists we have got a deeper knowledge in how these children meet the language in reading and writing. We have also come to an understanding regarding people surrounding the children have to make reading and writing comprehensive, enjoying, and meaningful.The problem for a child with visual impairment is the decoding, to catch letters and pictures of words good enough with the sight.

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