

1215 Uppsatser om Visual Narrative - Sida 54 av 81

Wes Montgomery och hans förhållande till gitarrens greppbräda

Title: Wes Montgomery and his approach to the guitar's fingerboardThe purpose of this study is toinvestigate Wes Montgomery's approach to the fingerboard. It is based not only on audio but also on the visual performance. The tablature matches exactly with Montgomery's playing. The study analyzes the way he moved on the fingerboard and presents a theory why he moved in that particular way. The study leads to a discussion of various possible explanations for Montgomery's special way of playing.Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka Wes Montgomerys förhållande till gitarrens greppbräda.

Vi är och vi lever våra berättelser : en kvalitativ studie ur ett narrativt perspektiv

Berättelsen och berättandet har under de senaste årtiondena som kunskapsform fått en allt mer erkänd plats i vetenskapliga sammanhang. Narrativ forskning betyder förenklat berättelseforskning och beskrivs sedan mitten av åttiotalet som ett tvärdisciplinärt forskningsfält på framfart. Syftet med denna c-uppsats var att utifrån tre äldre kvinnors livsberättelser, narrativ teori och metod synliggöra berättandet och livsberättelsens påverkan på identitetsskapandet samt upprätthållandet av den egna självbilden. Metoden som legat till grund för undersökningen har varit av deduktiv, kvalitativ art med viss inspiration från hermeneutiken. Datainsamlingen har skett genom halvstrukturerade intervjuer.

Vi är och vi lever våra berättelser : en kvalitativ studie ur ett narrativt perspektiv

Berättelsen och berättandet har under de senaste årtiondena som kunskapsform fått en allt mer erkänd plats i vetenskapliga sammanhang. Narrativ forskning betyder förenklat berättelseforskning och beskrivs sedan mitten av åttiotalet som ett tvärdisciplinärt forskningsfält på framfart. Syftet med denna c-uppsats var att utifrån tre äldre kvinnors livsberättelser, narrativ teori och metod synliggöra berättandet och livsberättelsens påverkan på identitetsskapandet samt upprätthållandet av den egna självbilden. Metoden som legat till grund för undersökningen har varit av deduktiv, kvalitativ art med viss inspiration från hermeneutiken. Datainsamlingen har skett genom halvstrukturerade intervjuer.

Europa som begrepp - då och nu : En komparativ studie av läroböcker

I started this project with the understandning that European hisory has become more important in government documents as a part in a larger European discourse, and that this fact is likely to be reflected in the chools textbooks. Therefore this essay deals with the task of comparing history textbooks over time trying to find changes. Firstly to find out how much space European history is afforded in the textbooks, and secondly how Europe is described and used in the textbooks. In my first task I will use a content analysis and in my second a conceptual analysis. My material consists of eight books and I have three pieces of older educational materials from the years 1949, 1954 and 1962.

Ibn Khaldun om Banu Umayya : Historieskrivningen om det umayyadiska kalifatet och dess återgivelse i al-Muqaddima

The history of Banu Umayya has since the collapse of the caliphate occupied a major part in Islamic historiography. The present thesis analyses the presentation of the Umayyads in Ibn Khaldun?s al-Muqaddima and its relation to previous historical traditions. The thesis examines the social and intellectual context in which Ibn Khaldun stood and how it is represented in his historiography, while also providing an overview of the various socio-political, intellectual and historiographical developments in Islam. The theoretical perspectives are based on the concept of agency, examining the intellectual room for manoeuvre that the historian disposed of while composing the works.

De dömdas öde : en rättsmedicinsk tolkning av skeletala skador från avrättningsplatsen Galgberget i Visby

This scientific essay contains an interpretation of injuries caused by weapons and traumas on the bones from the execution site Galgberget in Visby, Gotland. The site was used from about the 13th century to 1845 AD. The purpose is to examine the injuries and describe them, also to investigate what may have generated them. An important question is what bodily position the individuals had at the time of the injury. The methods presented in this essay can be associated with experimental osteology, also the basic methods such as sex- age- and stature- assessment has been applied where?s possible.

Faveo Project Management Tool : Framtagning av verktyg för projektstyrning

There are several Project Management Softwares onthe market today. These tools are powerful andextensive to the degree they become too timeconsumingand complex and therefore often defeatits original purpose. This is the case especiallywhen the project manager is inexperienced and/orthe scope of the project is moderate.The purpose of this thesis arose from this context,there seems to be a gap between a home-made MSExcel spread sheet and the advanced softwaresavailable. The thesis and the product has beendeveloped in alliance with Faveo ProjectManagement with the shared goal to create a toolwhich is easy to use but still covers the essentialareas of project management theory. The tool willbe used internally by Faveo-employees as well asexternally together with Faveo?s clients in aneducational purpose.

Kvalitet och jämställdhet : En undersökning av kvalitetsbegreppets definition och dess relation till jämställdhet mellan könen inom bildkonsten

Quality is a vague concept, it seems to be about a ?gut feeling? but is used as if it were a concrete property. This paper examines the defenition of the concept of quality, the relation between quality and gender equality and also what the representation between the genders in exhibitions, purchases and donations looks like in this day. As method for this paper text analysis, with searchlight on the two parameters of quality and equality, have been used on documents that provide a historical and a cultural policy perspective. The main part of the paper is an analysis of the visual arts on Värmlands museum, Kristinehamns konstmuseum and Rackstadmuseet.In the discussion of the paper, chapter 5, the result of the research is presented.

Förhållningssätt och bemötande i studie- och yrkesvägledningssamtal av elever uppväxta inom Jehovas vittnen

This essay aims to investigate how students raised in Jehovah's Witnesses have experienced their career counseling during their middle and high school education. My main objectives are, based on the testimonies of former Jehovah's Witnesses, to investigate how career counselors can find a strategy to approach these students in a non-threatening way. I also try to take into account the contextual elements which are of great importance when counseling students raised as Jehovah's Witnesses. A qualitative study has been carried out with five informants with a background in the movement. The material has then been analyzed using a qualitative, narrative method.

Digitizing the Parthenon using 3D Scanning : Managing Huge Datasets

Digitizing objects and environments from real world has become an important part of creating realistic computer graphics. Through the use of structured lighting and laser time-of-flight measurements the capturing of geometric models is now a common process. The result are visualizations where viewers gain new possibilities for both visual and intellectual experiences. This thesis presents the reconstruction of the Parthenon temple and its environment in Athens, Greece by using a 3D laser-scanning technique. In order to reconstruct a realistic model using 3D scanning techniques there are various phases in which the acquired datasets have to be processed.

Patientens upplevelse av smärtbehandling efter operation av distal radiusfraktur med perifer nervblockad

Syftet med studien var att utvärdera patientens upplevelse av den postoperativa smärtan och behandlingen av denna när den perifera nervblockadens effekt avtagit efter operation av distal radiusfraktur. Metoden som använts är en empirisk kvantitativ deskriptiv enkätstudie. Tjugo patienter deltog i denna pilotstudie. Demografin stämde väl överens med de statistiska data, som visar att distrala radiusfrakturer är vanligt förekommande hos kvinnor i åldern 55 år och äldre. Resultatet av studien har påvisat att många patienter har upplevt mer smärta än vad de själva varit beredda på.

Känner jag igen mig? : Etnisk identifikation i barnböcker sett ur ett retoriskt perspektiv

The purpose of this essay is to examine at how to portray characters in the stories and narratives which depicts one of these children's books and if they really have something to ethnicity and its identification to be done.The Research questions is: What are the different identification markers given, to the reading child in the books, which might indicate that the story depicts people of different ethnicities? How are the characters portrayed in the story and which role is assigned to the main character? What story is portrayed and is it relevant to an identifier can occur?The conclusions of the five children's books shows that it is important with identifications markers, to show that there are different ethnicities. For example the analysis revealed the specific features of the illustrations and how the books portrayes someone with a different ethnicity and cultural background as something exotic.In the texts, the analysis showed how it occurred ethnic differences, by explicitly demonstrating differences between the characters. It was found that the characters were produced mostly as good, happy, curious, suspicious and unsympathetic. Common to all the main characters was that they had been placed, in one for them unusual context and that they were trying to assimilate to the new situations.Depictions consisted of realism and fiction.

Utformning av entréområdet till Maglarps Golf på Lyckebo gård i Skåne : ett designförslag inspirerat av trädgårdshistorien kombinerat med dagens publika krav på en golfanläggning

Lyckebo farm is the original name of the four building big farm, where year 2000, the former farmer established Maglarp/ Lyckebo golfcourse on his land of culture. In 2007, new owners are approaching the Maglarps golfcourse with thoughts of expanding the business. A first step in that direction is to form the area of the entrance, the specific area the visitors are staying at before entering the actual golfcourse to play. The designproposal is inspired by the peasant garden history of southern Sweden during the nineteenth centuary. It also aims to satisfy the demands of function and usefullness of a golfcourse today.

Det är värre att inte börja studera än att hoppa av : En fenomenologisk studie om hur icke traditionella studenter upplever studieavhopp från högskoleutbildning

In Sweden we have the highest rate of nontraditional students among Europe. Coincidently, we also have the highest rates of drop outs among OECD. In this particular field, drop out from higher education, there is a need fore more qualitative studies that can support the "statistics". Studies about experiences of drop outs are significant for society, university and individual. The aim of this study is to describe and understand how nontraditional student experiences drop out from higher education.

En elev som till slut exploderar : En vetenskaplig essä om praktisk kunskap vid problemskapande beteende

This scientific essay starts in a story where you get to follow me in my work by three situations with creative problem behavior at the special school where I work. The story culminates in a dilemma where I ask myself questions about how I look at my actions and my thoughts about the student. I break down and put these thoughts into three questions: What is my student's perspective and how will it affect my actions? How can I explain my actions and attitude of the student from ethical perspective? How do my practical knowledge look like in the narrative situations and why do I act like I do?My approach is to get answers to the questions by the reflection of the text itself, the reflection group and supervisors, as well as through literature that I find relevant to the issues. The process is like a pendulum motion between text, reflection and new understanding.I look at my situations based on psychological theories about the treatment of persons within the autism spectrum of problems creative behavior.

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