

1215 Uppsatser om Visual Narrative - Sida 51 av 81

Visualization of Particle In Cell Simulations

A numerical simulation case involving space plasma and the evolution of instabilities that generates very fast electrons, i.e. approximately at half of the speed of light, is used as a test bed for scientific visualisation techniques. A visualisation system was developed to provide interactive real-time animation and visualisation of the simulation results. The work focuses on two themes and the integration of them. The first theme is the storage and management of the large data sets produced.

Röstförmedlingen : Att skapa en kreativ designlösning till ett nytt företag

It becomes increasingly more important that, as a new buisness, both to be seen and heard in an increasingly harder competition situation where the range of similar products and services increase. It requires a well planned and well thought visual profile to succesfully stand out on the market. To give a good impression, this profile should be both distinct and aesthetically appealing. In the making of a new profile it requires creativity to succesfully think in new directions and to separate from the competition.This practical report presents the production process for a designsolution to the new website Röstförmedlingen (Voice agency), a commission from the production and commercial bureau Bartos media. The task in this project was to create a graphic profile and a lofi-prototype that would represent Röstförmedlingen as a buissness.

Smärtskattning vid bröstsmärta en kombinerad empirisk och litteraturstudie inom prehospital sjukvård

Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate how VAS (Visual Analogue Scale) is used in the prehospital environment, and describe how patients 40 years and older with acute chest pain describe their pain with help of VAS. Further, to investigate how the literature describes other instruments to evaluate pain. Method: This was a descriptive study and used both literature and empiric material as foundation. The selection consist of the paramedics medical record from one emergency department, 100 men and 100 women with chest pain witch had been transported with ambulance to one hospital in middle of Sweden. A literature review was done in order to see what previous research recommends for pain rating scales.Results: The study showed that 71 (35 %) of 200 individuals pain were rated with VAS according to the guidelines for the ambulance department.

Möjligheternas land? En kvalitativ studie om ensamkommande barns upplevelser av att leva i Sverige

This study concerns unaccompanied refugee children and their experiences of living in Sweden and also their thoughts about identity and security. The aim of this study was to find a deeper understanding of these children?s situation. We formulated three research questions in order to obtain this deeper understanding:? What experiences do the informants have of living in Sweden?? What are the informants? views of their identity in their new life situation?? What is security to the informants?This is a qualitative study based on six semi-structured interviews with six youths whom have come to Sweden as unaccompanied refugee children.

Tvåinstansjäv : om domstolars tillämpning av rättsregeln

The aim of this study was to get insight into refugee children?s perception about experience of the preparatory class, the transition to the ordinary class and the ordinary class. To get access to my informant?s perspective and also to get a more profound understanding of their experience, I oriented the study in a qualitative approach. This study will highlight the refugee children?s personal experiences and their point of view regarding the schools preparatory class, ordinary class, together with other pupils behaviour against them in the social interaction.

Det är mig det handlar om ? en intervjustudie om patienters upplevelse av möjlighet till delaktighet

Background: In Sweden it is a legal right for patients to have the possibility to participate in their own care. Several studies highlight the importance of a good relationship, good communication and good cooperation in order to increase a sense of security and thus the possibility of participation. One way to increase patients' ability to influence and participate can be to adapt person-centered care. This moves the focus from the patient's illness to the patient and his/her resources. Aim: The aim of this study is to describe patients' experiences of the possibility to actively participate in decisions regarding its care and treatment at surgical wards.

Det är värre att inte börja studera än att hoppa av: En fenomenologisk studie om hur icke traditionella studenter upplever studieavhopp från högskoleutbildning

In Sweden we have the highest rate of nontraditional students among Europe. Coincidently, we also have the highest rates of drop outs among OECD. In this particular field, drop out from higher education, there is a need fore more qualitative studies that can support the "statistics". Studies about experiences of drop outs are significant for society, university and individual. The aim of this study is to describe and understand how nontraditional student experiences drop out from higher education.

Granskning av Solibri Model Checker - En Svenskanpassning : Ja?mfo?relse av tva? egenkontrollsystem

The building industry are currently going through a huge alteration. The introduction of BIM (Building Information Modeling). Which also implements a lot of new ways of solving problems that building modeling can cause. This report is written for Uppsala University in cooperation with Temagruppen in Uppsala. However, it contains a comparison between two different systems that checks building models.

Skapa kreativa möten : En visuell gestaltning av situationer och funktioner runt ett community table.

This work is a study in how I as a designer can create the conditions for people to work, socializing and refreshments at one place. A place that encourages creativity, where I made a suggestion at a community table designed for Urban Deli?s new business. By visiting various similar sites I have identified what I think is important in an environment like this and then gave an answer to it in a visual form.A cafe-office will draw lots of different people. Which guests come here to work? Residents, freelancers, but also those who may want surrounded by a new creative work place and maybe leave their regular offices for a day at Urban Deli.

En kollektiv retorik : Om konst och kvalitet i fanart-communities

The main purpose of this essay is to study ideas concerning the concept of ?art? within the discourse of the exhibition space that is part of a fanart community. In order to do so I have used a hermeneutical and to some extent structuralistic, discourse analysis. I have examined structure and rhetorics in two established and popular communities, Fanart-Central and deviantART.My conclusions states that personal ideas regarding artistic value are undermined the joint policies, because of a collective rhetoric somewhat inherent in the community structure.When a lot of works are being based on internal knowledge of symbolics and historical narratives, this may to some extent have consequences where unfamiliar observers might fail to notice elements of possible significance. Moreover, certain interests in keeping a united front of ?quality art? may also affect a general idea immediate to what signifies fanart.

Berättare, råttfångare och deras praktiska kunskap

I den här essän söker jag svar på följande frågor: Vad gör egentligen en berättare? Närmare bestämt: vad utmärker professionellt, muntligt berättande jämfört med det publika berättande som författare och skådespelare ägnar sig åt? Vad är det som just en muntlig berättare kan?Jag använder forskning som studerat förutsättningarna för dessa yrken ? särskilt hur berättelser konstrueras och berättande går till ? och tillämpar studierna på ett konkret fall: mina egna erfarenheter av att förbereda och framföra sägnen om Råttfångaren från Hameln vid Ljungby berättarfestival 2012. Det jag då gjorde och hur jag såg på det efteråt, jämförs med fiktiva berättares verksamhet i Mario Vargas Llosas roman El Hablador och Ursula K. Le Guins The Telling.Jag prövar bilden av en råttfångare som metafor för en muntlig berättare och kommer till slutsatsen att berättaren kan vara lika fängslande och lika förledande. Även skådespelare och romanförfattare kan fängsla sin publik, men inte luras så som en berättare kan.

Text i tolkning : Berättarteknisk analys av Carl Jonas Love Almqvists Drottningens juvelsmycke

Syftet med den här uppsatsen var att göra en berättarteknisk analys av Almqvists roman Drottningens juvelsmycke. Jag har i denna analys utgått från de begrepp som Gérard Genette presenterar i sin bok Narrative discourse och provat om de kan beskriva berättartekniken i Drottningens juvelsmycke. Jag har i uppsatsen också, ganska kortfattat, tagit upp en del andra aspekter av boken. Bland annat har jag berört romanens huvudkaraktär Tintomara, bokens genre och bokens grundläggande tema.Det jag har kommit fram till är att Drottningens juvelsmycke uppvisar en mycket komplex berättarteknik. Ett av de mest uppenbara och intressanta greppen i boken är blandningen av episk och dramatisk framställningsform.

"GODNATTSAGAN - Vart tog den vägen?" : En undersökning av småbarnsföräldrars aktiviteter tillsammans med sina barn.

The overall purpose of this essay is to come to a deeper understanding about videos in the Youtube beauty community by using a mixture of qualitative and quantitative methods. By answering the main questions of the essay which are; What quantitatively measurable components are there in the videos that can be seen as contributing factors leading to the fact that some generate more views that others?; Is there a set mold for success containing certain aspects that a video must have to stand out?; What correlations can be found between the two categories of analysis and how do these potential correlations affect the popularity of the video? and What effects do specific components on the level of popularity of the video?, we?ve been able to distinguish differences as well as similarities on both qualitative and quantitative levels. We have also seen that using the two methods together have enabled us to reach more profound results. The main result that we have found on a quantitative level is that there are obvious correlations between a high level of popularity and a good visual quality.

Se men inte röra : Röntgen som verktyg i dokumentation av historiska stoppningar.

How can we use modern X-ray technology to raise awareness of the information that is hidden in historic upholstery? The materials and techniques add information to the history object in question and  about a profession that is sparsely documented in our country. The knowledge we have today has largely been obtained by studying damaged upholstery, or by removing the show cover and upholstery, a technique which involves high risk of damaging the upholstery. X-ray technology offers  a non- intrusive way to examine historical upholstery.Through case studies, I examined four artefacts. The artefacts went trough an inititial visual exam before being transported to The National Heritage Board in Visby where they underwent a thorough X-ray exam.

Spelvärlden som informativt grafiskt gränssnitt : En studie om hur spelvärldens visuella uttryck hjälper ovana spelare att förstå mål och regler

The diegetic game world places high demands on how it is designed. It is common that game developers wants to create a deeper player immersion and some developers believe to achieve this by integrating HUD elements into the game world. To find out how digital games can rely on the design of the game world, we performed user studies on beginners who have very limited experience of playing digital games. By observing the beginners, we could discern the visual aspects in the diegesis that helps players understand the game rules and objectives because the beginners won`t make their choices based on previous gaming experiences. If players encounter a variety of difficulties to understand the rules of a game, then it will less likely be a successful game.

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