

1215 Uppsatser om Visual Narrative - Sida 27 av 81

Det behornade ansiktet En transtextuell analys mellan Hjalmar Söderbergs Jahves eld och andra Moseboken

The aim of this study was to analyze the transtextual relationship between Hjalmar Söderberg's Jahves eld (The Fire of Yahweh, 1918) and the Book of Exodus. A limitation was set to just focus on the theme regarding the horned face of Moses, which Söderberg extensively discussed in his book, both through narrative and commentary. The methodological and theoretical approach could best be described as a qualitative text analysis where Gérard Genette's model of five types of transtextual relationships (intertextuality, paratextuality, metatextuality, architextuality and hypertextuality) was used in order to systematically classify the various relationships and in a thorough way relate the texts to each other.The analysis shows that the transtextual relationships are many and varied, and some appears to be more relevant to the study than others. Due to the composition of Jahves eld, its first part (?I österland, i fjärran tid?, most easily described as a paraphrase and pastiche of the Book of Exodus) can be identified as a hypertext to the Book of Exodus, while the second part (?Markels försvar?) is rather a metatext to both the first part and the Book of Exodus.

Myten om republikanismen: En dekonstruktion av dagens franska demokratiideal

This paper is a critique of the hegemonic democracy ideal in France today, the myth of the Republic. Based on critical theory, the paper also contains a normative attempt giving the chance to subaltern groups to tell their, less often heard, version of the "truth".The theoretical foundation is the ontological narrative perspective, where identities and actions are understood as being constructed by the telling of stories. The interdependent relations of different narrative dimensions are analyzed. The power over who gets to tell the story of the "truth" is understood as decided in the interaction by dimensions of metanarrativity, public narratives, ontological narratives and conceptual narrativity. The author argues, inspired by Chantal Mouffe, that consensus is an illusion based on exclusion of those that differ.

Användbara CASE-verktyg : Utformning av CASE-verktyg med fokus på användbarhet

CASE är en förkortning för Computer Aided Software Engineering. Syftet med CASE-verktyg är att öka produktiviteten för dem som utvecklar mjukvarusystem genom att datorisera processer i deras arbete.Det finns dock problem med CASE-verktyg. Tidigare forskning pekar på att dessa ofta är komplexa i sitt utförande, att de lätt ifrågasätts om de visar sig ha buggar och att inlärnings-tröskeln är ofta hög till följd av den höga komplexiteten. Man frågar sig också hur komponenter ska vara utformade i verktygen för att fler ska använda dem. Vidare saknas nyare undersökningar med fokusering på användbarhet för CASE-verktyg och framförallt där man utgår från användaren.Vad gäller CASE-verktyg har det skett en del begreppsbyten inom området.

I arbetsförmågans gränsland : En explorativ studie om utförsäkring från Försäkringskassan

At the turn of the year 2009/2010 there was a change in the regulations on sickness impact. This led to 328 persons in County of Kronoberg had an expired period of sickness benefit from the Social Insurance Office (Försäkringskassan) when they reached the maximum time for sickness or temporary disability compensation. These individuals were offered introductory programs with the employment services. The purpose of this study is to investigate how the population with expired period of sickness benefit from the Regional Social Insurance Office in the County of Kronoberg (Försäkringskassan Kronoberg) is described in the initial stage, and to explore how individuals who achieved expired period of sickness benefit from the Social Insurance Office (Försäkringskassan) talks about the meaning to get an expired period of sickness benefit regarding economic and social issues. The study was inspired by Grounded theory.

Automatiserad Konstruktion av Varmkanalsystem

The thesis has been carried out in cooperation with Master Flow AB, Västervik owned by the EWEBE Group. The company produces and sells hot runner systems that are tailor made for the customers.The problem that MasterFlow AB has encountered is in the construction of complex hot runner systems in SolidWorks. With several different lengths, fronts and endcaps that builds the nozzles of the hot runner systems, is affecting the problems for MasterFlow AB. The purpose of this work is to automate the design of hot runner systems so it does not overload the CAD-system SolidWorks.To gain an understanding of the problem, there have been several studies and observations at the company, where the focus has been on how the work is done with the design of hot runner systems. By using help from the corporate management, enough information has been collected to find a solution to these problems.The implementation of design automation has been based on a flowchart that was created.

Visuell planering enligt Lean : Optimering av samordning i syfte att höjakvaliteten i grundläggningsprojekt

Construction production always contains different disciplines whose priorities andinterests can be very diverse. Good communication and coordination are essential tominimize misunderstandings and achieve good quality in the end result. This makesplanning a central part of the production management. In a world where conditionscan change as often as daily, being well prepared increases the opportunities to stayflexible and decrease negative effects of the changes.This study has been done in association with Skanska Foundations district North inStockholm in order to investigate how visual planning can be used in the productionmanagement to optimize the coordination and the quality.The history of Lean started at Toyota, but the concept are now spread over theworld and are used wide outside of the car industry nowadays. What?s challengingabout Lean in foundation projects is to embrace a long-term perspective and invest insolutions that are profitable in the longer term, instead of solve problems by onlytreating the symptoms.A holistic perspective is crucial in order to truly understand Lean.

Utvandrarna och friheten : En narratologisk undersökning

The purpose of this essay is to do a narratological analysis of Utvandrarna by Vilhelm Moberg to see how the form affects the theme of freedom and liberation. I used narratology as the method of analysis and my questions for the text regards the significance of the narrator, the use of focalization, the powers, helpers and opponents, the locations and spaces, and how these aspects affect the theme. In my analysis of the novel I found that the narration took place in three levels. This gave the story different perspectives of the theme; an outer perspective, a semi-distant perspective and a more personal perspective. The focalization of the main characters creates sympathies, and the focalization of non-main characters gives the reader an outer perspective on the characters.

Känslan i bilden : Sociala taggars användbarhet vid bildsökning i Flickr

Image indexing research today is either conducted on a visual attribute level or on a higher semantic level, forming a semantic gap between the two. There is much to gain if research progress from the two fields is combined. Image retrieval using access points in both visual and semantic significations could improve retrieval and bridge the gap. In social media today, images are often the primary communication agent and the number of images on the web is increasing in an uncontrolled way. New and efficient ways to index and retrieve the images are needed.The purpose of this study is to examine if emotions could be a semantic access point for image retrieval and if folksonomy indexing is useful when searching for images that represent emotions.

Webbportal för flygbolag

Examensarbetet handlar om utvecklandet av en webbportal för ett litet flygbolag. De behövde en plattform för att kunna hantera och digitalisera olika dokument. Den viktigaste funktionen som implementerades var flygloggen som fylls i efter varje flygning. När den är digital kan flertalet uträkningar ske automatiskt och exportering av statistik kan ske mycket enkelt. Resultatet blev en webbapplikation i ASP.NET och MVC med Visual Studio som också lades upp på molnet med Microsoft Azure..

Framväxten av den icke-euklidiska geometrin

The purpose of the project was to make a system that could extract data from a mobile eye tracker and make it comparable with data from visual stimuli. The produced system was programmed in Java and provided all the necessary parts that were required to achieve the purpose. This provides a foundation for further research to determine whether the eye tracker is sufficiently accurate to diagnose Parkinson?s disease..

Att undervisa i musik på mellanstadiet: Tre berättelser utifrån hur lärare som undervisar i musik på mellanstadiet talar om sin undervisning i förhållande till Lgr11

My interest in the problem I have chosen has grown from my practise as a music teacher in Swedish compulsory schools. It springs from my own reflection, that the content pupils meet during music lessons in year 4-6 of compulsory school, seems to vary. My ontological and epistemological standpoints belong to a life-world-phenomenological way of thinkink. This kind of thinking implies that human beings are indissolubly connected to the world, which means that the only way to access the world is trough human beings lived experience. The aim of this study is to describe and analyse how music teachers, who work in years 4-6 of compulsory school, talk about the subject music and its content in relation to the new curriculum, Lgr11.

CE-ma?rkning av produkter under byggproduktfo?rordningen

The purpose of this study is to achieve an understanding of how a CE- marking process is conducted and to identify the relevant factors that must be considered in such a process. We have conducted our study at Lo?vhults Svets & Smide AB (Lo?vhults) in Skruv, Sma?land Sweden, which are manufacturing brackets for small covering constructions.To understand how a CE-marking process is conducted several documents and provisions have been reviewed to achieve a basic understanding and insight of the subject. It thus led to that guideline ETAG 015 were studied and the factors to be considered in the CE-marking of brackets were identified. Together with Jan-A?ke Johansson at Lo?vhults we agreed on four different brackets to investigate for a potential CE-marking.

"De står tillsammans och försöker förstå det ofattbara" : Medierade sorgeyttringar i svensk nyhetsjournalistik

The aim of this Master thesis was to examine news journalism covering expressions of mourning related to violent or unexpected deaths. What rituals for mourning are brought out in media and do media present guidance to how mourners should behave? The questions examined were: What characterised news events that leaded to texts on expressions of mourning? How was grief framed? Which narrative patterns were there in the texts? How was the deceased represented? How were the mourners represented? 165 texts, from Swedish daily newspapers, covering 93 different news events were analysed. The methods were mainly discourse analysis with focus on identities and relations, but also semiotic analysis with focus on staging and symbols and narrative analysis with focus on patterns for storytelling. The result showed that a news story about ordinary people expressing their feelings of grief has elements of melodrama. The news story is based on the myth of the victim, and formed as a typical story where equilibrium is disturbed when the inconceivable happens and the mourners can by their actions restore equilibrium.

?Jag är en vampyr? Om unga kvinnors identitetsskapande i det senmoderna samhället

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to investigate if there might be a possiblecorrelation between young women´s fascination with the vampire narrative andtheir search for identity in the late modern age. With the help of contemporarysociological studies in the field of the late modern man and today?s youth culture,I?ve chosen to do qualitative interviews with eight young women in order to examinehow today?s society affects their process of identification. Lately we?ve been ableto see an enormous interest for books that deal with the vampire saga, and while thereaders are mostly young females, it brought me to ask the question why the combinationof teenage drama and vampires seems to be such a winning concept.We live in a time where most young females experience a lot of pressure trying to addup to the demands of society, and as the media keep producing images of youngwomen being thin and looking like supermodels, most teenagers feel a lot of pressureand anxiety trying to live up to such unnatural ideals that in the long run might lead tovarious health issues and eating disorders.As a result of this thesis I?ve found that the vampire narrative answers to some ofthe existential needs we have as members of a late modern society.

Så gör vi gott för Norrland - : En kvalitativ studie av Norrmejeriers visuella kommunikation

In a time where information overload is a fact, well formulated messages is required and communication is a big contributing element for building strong brands. In the north of Sweden, Norrmejerier is one of the big actors with dominance on the dairy factor market. Through making milk products that lands in the consumers refridgerators, they are not only working for economical interest but also for improving the nature of the north of Sweden. Through visual communication, Norrmejerier shows the consumers a beneficial view of the north of Sweden which corresponds to the populations own impression of their part of the country. This contributes to a feeling of belonging that makes strong and loyal consuments. The feeling of belonging is also reflected in Norrmejeriers commercial movies, that uses the consumers conscience to make costumers. By two group interviews and a semiotic analysis of Norrmejeriers commercial movies, this study aims to examine how Norrmejerier uses qualities of the north of Sweden when building their brand.

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