

1824 Uppsatser om Viral Marketing - Sida 19 av 122

Second Life som marknadsföringsforum : En kartläggning av marknadsföringen i den virtuella världen

TitelSecond Life som marknadsföringsforum ? en kartläggning av marknadsföringen i den virtuella världenFörfattare                       Malin BandhLina BäckeHandledare                                           Susanne ÅbergNyckelord                        Varumärkeskapital, relationsmarknadsföring, viral marknadsföring, virtuella världar, Second LifeBakgrund och problem                      De virtuella världarna växer alltmer och antalet användare ökar. Företag är osäkra på hur marknadsföringen inom den virtuella världen fungerar och hur de kan etablera sig där.Syfte                                  Syftet med denna uppsats är att kartlägga marknadsföringen inom den virtuella världen Second Life idag, samt hur företag kan gå tillväga med sin marknadsföring i den virtuella världen.Problemformulering     Grundproblemet är att företag inte vet hur de ska marknadsföra sig i den virtuella världen Second Life i relation till den fysiska världen. Detta leder till frågeställningarna: Vilka faktorer bör företag ta i beaktning vid en etablering i Second Life? Använder företag Second Life för att skapa varumärkeskännedom eller för försäljning? Hur kan företag kommunicera ut sitt varumärke i den virtuella världen?Metod                               Uppsatsen är en kartläggning av den virtuella världen Second Life.

Framkomlighet i cirkulationsplatser - En metodstudie om utformningens påverkan på kapaciteten

The major aim of the thesis is to describe the networks, relations and marketing of some university libraries and their customers in the year 2000. I illustrate how these issues interact and whether they have changed due to the recent development of technology and if so, how. The thesis is based on interviews with two directors of libraries and two librarians at two different libraries. A small survey with 16 questionnaires has also been performed in order to get a more general view on librarians' opinions in these questions. The thesis mainly shows that the networks in which the respondents take part primarily exist in the library sphere and towards the universities.

Ett förtöjt fartygs rörelser vid kaj - En metod för dimensionering av vågskydd

The major aim of the thesis is to describe the networks, relations and marketing of some university libraries and their customers in the year 2000. I illustrate how these issues interact and whether they have changed due to the recent development of technology and if so, how. The thesis is based on interviews with two directors of libraries and two librarians at two different libraries. A small survey with 16 questionnaires has also been performed in order to get a more general view on librarians' opinions in these questions. The thesis mainly shows that the networks in which the respondents take part primarily exist in the library sphere and towards the universities.

Att marknadsföra politik i Sverige : En fallstudie av tre svenska politiska partiers marknadsföringsstrategi gentemot yngre väljare

BackgroundPolitics in some ways has always been about communication and marketing. In Sweden some people believe that communication and meaningful relations with the voters are of no value, instead it is the political content that is of importance. Media evolution has changed the conditions of political marketing; this has meant that the choices of the right communication channels in political marketing have become more important today than ever. Political competition in Sweden has become more even in recent years, this has called for political communication and marketing to be more planed and well thought out. Political parties have therefore begun to spend millions on marketing themselves.

Den Digitala teknikens påverkan på resebranschen och dess marknadsföring

The intention of this essay has been to investigate how the new digital technology has affected the tourism industry and marketing, as well as how travel agents and tour operators adapt to this. We also aimed to get a broader view of how the future might look like when it comes to marketing and virtual service landscapes. We decided to base our research according to these following four questions:? What affect travel agents? way of adoption to the technical development?? What purposes do the travel agents have for building up their virtual service landscape?? How much does the travel agents emphasize on digital marketing?? What can travel agents do to better adapt to the technological development in the future?We have chosen to use a qualitative research for this essay. The reason for choosing a qualitative research was to gain a wider understanding that would represent a big part of the changes of technology development.

Att marknadsföra ett företag med hjälp av nationalitet : En studie i hur marknadsföring och varumärkesbyggande med fokus på nationalitet fungerar och uppfattas

AbstractTitle: To Market a Company with the Help of Nationality ? A study in how marketing and branding works and is being perceived when it focuses on nationalityAuthor: Frida HanssonSubject: Media and Communication Studies CPeriod: Fall semester 2010Length: 38 pagesTutor: Else NygrenAim: Companies and various corporations are always on the hunt for the next big thing in marketing. One idea to market themselves and give them a chance to separate themselves from the cluster of companies aspiring to take your costumers away could be to market themselves with nationality. To investigate why and how some company?s chose to market themselves with nationality, and also study how this kind of marketing is being perceived by customers and non ?costumers.

Event Marketing : En fallstudie av Fjällräven

Information och reklam finns överallt, på TV, radio, tidningar, och nu senast stripade på tunnelbanevagnar, vilket gör att reklamen får det svårare att tränga igenom det allt tätare mediebruset. Med detta som bakgrund kan man se en trend till det ökade användandet av Event Marketing, vilket är en kommunikationsform som genom evenemang ska stärka varumärket eller skapa ett mervärde. Event Marketing utformas beroende på målen och syftet med evenemanget, vilket vanligtvis är att skapa ett intresse för produkten eller tjänsten och att öka försäljningen, men hur skapas detta genom ett evenemang? Detta tar oss in på syftet med studien, där vi vill belysa och klargöra vad Event Marketing är för något och hur det används i syftet att skapa relationer och öka försäljningen hos företag. Event Marketing är ett outforskat område, informationen, fick vi från de intervjuer som gjordes på två eventbyråer och en mediaförmedlare för att skapa en djupare förståelse.

Marknadsföring via sociala medier : Social Media Marketing

The thesis work focuses on marketing and its point of departure centers on mapping the utilization of social media as a form of marketing. The choice of this thesis subject has been deemed by the authors as one of particular interest due to the current popularity of social media in the Internet connected society and their use as marketing tools. Specifically, this thesis sets out to explore how companies exploit social media tools in marketing and how their use affects retail operations and customer relations in an effective and creative way.The report concentrates on qualitative data collection, the interview answers of four respondents, of which, two are considered experts within the field of social media. The choice of suitable respondents was strategic with the goal of covering as large a portion of the social media field as possible; one social media educator that works with companies and one who assists companies with social media applications. The remaining two respondents work in marketing and communications and employ, as part of their job, social media tools such as Facebook and Twitter.

Intern marknadsföring: en fallstudie på Luleå tekniska universitet

For the success of universities, it is very important that the personnel are well motivated through internal marketing. The purpose of this report was to identify which activities universities uses to motivate their teaching and researching personnel and how the activities are valued by this group of employees. The study was conducted in the form of a case study. One interview with the chief administrator at Luleå University of Technology was conducted, and a questionnaire was sent to all the teaching and researching personnel at the same university. The result indicates that Luleå University of Technology uses many internal marketing activities to motivate their employees.

Hur en marknad kan ses som upplevelse och Event marketing samt stärka en kommuns varumärke

Marknader har i alla tider varit en viktig mötesplats, där folk bland annat skött hushållens inköp. Under 1900-talet suddades marknadens ursprungsroll ut, eftersom flera substitut uppkom, främst snabbköpen. Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilken roll en marknad spelar i dagens samhälle och om man kan se på marknader som Event marketing. Syftet var också att öka förståelsen för vad Noramarken betyder för Nora kommuns varumärke. I uppsatsen används en kvalitativ undersökningsmetod och problem frågorna har angripits genom ett deduktivt angreppssätt.

Den trojanska bloggen : Bloggreklam, en effektiv marknadsföringskanal?

Purpose  The purpose of this paper is from a consumer perspective analysis whether or not blogs are affecting a customer?s purchase behaviour to a larger extent compared to traditional marketing methods through TV commercials. Additionally, within the scope of this try to identify the type of consumers that are more influenced to a purchase decision by blog contents compared to others.Methods Through a quantitative approach this study will examine the effectiveness of advertising in blogs. A survey was used in order to collect data where the respondents corresponded to the population in Sweden in the ages 15-79. Initially the size of the blog audience was estimated and thereafter it was examined how many of these that were affected towards a purchase decision by blogs.

Utmaningar vid implementering av intern marknadsföring i fastighetsmäklarföretags verksamhet

ABSTRACTTitle: Challenges in the implementation of internal marketing in the real estate brokerage businessLevel: Bachelor, Business AdministrationAuthor: Markus BylundAnna IsakssonSupervisor: Agneta SundströmDate: 2013, MayIntroduction: For businesses to succeed and to get satisfied customers, they need to meet their expectations. The companies make promises to customers through external marketing, internal marketing needs to ensure that personnel have the tools required to deliver what is promised. Competition is increasing and hence the customer requirements have to be met. Through the implementation of internal marketing, companies can strengthen staff skills and motivation to perform a more committed and effective work, both internal and during customer contacts.Aim: The aim of this paper is to understand the implementation and the importance of internal marketing in service companies. Through our in-depth knowledge of the subject, from a theoretical and practical perspective, we will hopefully be able to convey the challenges businesses face when implementing internal marketing.Method: This paper is to achieve a greater understanding of the studied subject.

Yogainstruktör 2.0 : En analys av marknadsföringsstrategier i ett medium

This paper is about our collective fascination for the social medium Instagram, and our lively discussions about why certain images may be more so-called "Liked" than others and why some individuals becomes more successfull on Instagram than others. Thanks to our own daily use of Instagram, the idea was born to study and look at how some individuals build their brand through this social medium. With social media new ways to construct and communicate images have appeared. Artists, celebrities and companies use media as a channel for communication and marketing. In our study, we focus on the use of Instagram for marketing purposes by Rachel Brathen, one of the worlds most well-known yogainstructors.

Att effektivt marknadsföra Junebuds spel MilMo med sociala medier : Marknadsföring av ett gratis socialt massivt multiplayer online spel för barn och ungdomar

Det här examensarbetet utfördes från februari till mitten av april, våren 2010 på företaget Junebud. Jag arbetade efter hypotesen att en stark närvaro på sociala medier har en positiv effekt på aktiviteten på spelets hemsida samt för att få nya spelare att hitta till spelet. Spelet som marknadsfördes heter MilMo och är ett socialt massivt multiplayer spel för barn och ungdomar, som är gratis att spela. Om spelaren vill få tillgång till extra material kan han/hon betala en mindre summa pengar men något köptvång föreligger ej för att endast spela. För att genomföra marknadsföringen på de sociala medierna valdes fyra stycken nätverk på Internet ut; Facebook, Deviantart, MySpace och Youtube.

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