

2742 Uppsatser om Video-game industry - Sida 8 av 183


Kunskapen om TV- och datorspelmissbruk bland ungdomar är idag väldigt begränsad. Stillasittande/fysisk inaktivitet, som TV- och datorspel ofta innebär och som kan innebära negativa konsekvenser, blir allt vanligare. En semistrukturerad intervjustudie har genomförts på sju män i åldersgruppen 17-29 år i syfte att undersöka drivkrafterna bakom mäns spelbeteende i tonåren. Dessutom har information om spelmissbruk bland ungdomar inhämtats av fyra yrkesverksamma inom spelområdet. Detta samt kopplingar mellan TV- och datorspel och spel om pengar har gjorts p g a bristen på forskning om TV- och datorspel.

Skype : En studie av faktorer som påverkar privatanvändandet av Skypes videofunktion

Our time is characterized by the development of new technologies that facilitate communication between people. The need for Video Mediated Communication (VMC) is increasing because people move to other locations due to migration and global mobility. VMC provides the opportunity for millions of people around the world to ?hang out? and see each other despite the distance in between. The world is "shrinking" because of the Internet and our perception of distance is changing.VMC is becoming increasingly available, in the form of applications like Skype and MSN for mobile phones and computers, and in addition, it?s practically free.The purpose of this thesis is to render a picture of the way in which people use Skype in the private sphere.

Funktioner inom Video on Demand-tjänster : En användarstudie inom online streaming

Sedan 2013 har allt fler börjat använda sig av streamingtjänster för film och TV på internet (Findahl,2014). I takt med att användningen ökar är det viktigt att tjänsterna är välutvecklade och lättillgängliga för användaren. I denna uppsats undersöker vi funktioner på de tre största Video on Demand-tjänsterna (VoD) i Sverige ur ett användarperspektiv. Med hjälp av befintliga teorier och litteratur diskuterar vi användarbarhet och genomför en områdesanalys av de utvalda VoD-tjänsterna. Utifrån analysen har vi gått vidare med tio funktioner för att avgränsa studien.

Karakterisering av bioslam för modellering av biogasproduktion

The report aims to investigate how well a certain type of affordable embedded single board computer can hold up against today's more expensive computers in a computer system by doing various tests on a system with the specified requirements. The system has a Raspberry Pi as the single board computer which task is to control a camera based on coordinates obtained from a server as well as capture and stream a video signal on a network.The researches were conducted to check how much network traffic a single-chip computer sent in different video formats and how much CPU utilization was required. Studies were also made to ensure the accuracy of the camera control. The researches have been experimental, where several tests have been performed and analyzed.The results show that a sufficiently good accuracy can be obtained from the camera steering unit, in which two different servos have been investigated. When the video format MJPEG and H.264 are used, the single-chip computer is able to transmit a video signal up to 1280x720 at 15 fps.

Undersökning om spelares uppfattning om latency i realtidsstrategispel

In this study we examine how much latency is required in an RTS-game (Real-Time Strategy) before the player quits the game. In the study latency is simulated in the games Age of Mythology and Starcraft: Brood War with the program WANem, and then the testplayers are asked ?Do you want to quit because of latency??. This data is then gathered and compiled into graphs to show the results. These results show that the limit for when players want to quit differs between the two games and that there are two factors that play into this.

?Daddy?, from Vision to Video

?A designer rarely works alone?. The first sentence of Jonas Löwgren and Erik Stolterman's chapter on design as a social process made me curious. What if a designer worked alone? What are the actual differences between working on a project alone and as part of a group? How would it influence the creative process? What would be different when coming up with ideas, meeting with clients and setting deadlines? Does the influence of another designer stifle the individual creativity or does it actually nurish it? This paper is written to answer these and other questions as well as take you through the creative process of the production of ?Daddy? - the music video..

Skärmfångad video som didaktiskt verktyg

Syftet är att få insikt i om skärmfångad video kan vara ett komplement till undervisningen? Vad kan det erbjuda eleverna i form av anpassning av undervisningen till varje elevs förutsättningar och behov? Hur kan det utformas för att komplettera undervisningen? Detta arbete beskriver vad forskning och undersökning på området kommit fram till och vad regelverken i skolan säger. Jag har med hjälp av sex utvalda elever genomfört kvalitativa intervjuer för att bringa svar på mina frågor. Sammanfattningsvis kom jag fram till att skärmfångad video är ett utmärkt komplement i datoriserade hantverksmässiga kurser som webbdesign, men det krävs att lärarrollen utvecklas. Eleven erbjuds en individuell studietakt och anpassning till dennes förutsättningar och behov. Skärmfångad video skall utformas efter elevernas krav på god bild och ljudkvalité.

Karaktärsskapandets potential och begränsningar

This project report describes a supplement for character creation in a tabletop role-playing game ?Dragons and Demons." The purpose of this project is to improve the character creation for the players? trough the narrative elements such as character?s background story. The applied qualitative methods such as a test panel and a questionnaire were conducted for the evaluation of theories used during character creation and to get feedback on the supplement?s creative value for the players. The aim of the questionnaire was to see how the method for the character creation differs from the regular way of making a character for a tabletop role-playing game and if this idea improves user experience during the tabletop role-playing game.The results of the evaluation are based on answers from novice and experienced players, and conclude that the additional background story creates an insight into the character's past, which makes it easier for novice players to get quick started with character creation.

"Ni måste se det här klippet" : En studie av gymnasieungdomars Youtube-vanor

The purpose of this study is to show and explain how and why Swedish young people use Youtube.We conducted a written survey, asking approximately 120 students between the ages 16 and 18. The survey was carried out in the classrooms in order to receive answers from as many students as possible. We then interviewed six of them to gain further knowledge of why they use Youtube the way they do.The survey showed that Youtube is used by all of the students and very frequently by most of them. Comedy and music videos are by far the most popular genres that are viewed. In most cases watching video clips on Youtube is a social activity, often combined with both talking about clips and sending and receiving video links to and from friends.

Våldsamma, sexistiska och rasistiska tv-spel på folkbiblioteket ? en undersökning om bibliotekariers syn på och hantering av kontroversiella tv-spel

The aim of this thesis is to study the views of public librarians on the subject of controversial video games and how they work with them at the library. The purpose of the study is to answer these questions: What content is controversial in video games according to the librarians? How do the librarians handle the controversial games at the library? Does it exist a conflict between the users and the librarians about the controversial video games? Is it possible to see any underlying reasons or tendencies in the librarians answers? Five qualitative interviews were performed to answer these questions and the collected data was analyzed using the terms, value rationality and instrumental rationality which were collected from a theory by Geir Vestheim. The results showed that the librarians see violence, sexism and racism as controversial content in video games. They handle the games at the library by limiting the access for children with age limits and by not buying the most controversial games in some cases.

Man blir lite taggad men också frustrerad : En explorativ studie av checkpoints i spelet A Story About My Uncle

In this study we pose the question if you through finding patterns in implementation of checkpoints can find ways to tailor the experience of the game A Story About My Uncle to hardcore gamers. To find out the answer we had hardcore players playing a modified level from the game A Story About My Uncle that was used as stimulus material for the following focus group interview. The analysis of the gathered material resulted in four patterns that can be used when implementing checkpoints to tailor the experience of the game A Story About My Uncle to hardcore gamers. Elements of checkpoints that our study showed to be important when it comes to how the game is experienced are density, placement and clearness..

Impressions of reality

Impression of reality deals with the subject of wearing a mask. It is an exploration of the idea that we are all playing different roles, on a stage in front of an audience. The aim was to work conceptually with text, photo and video as a way of exploring a subject. The goal was to create and edit the material so it would be interesting for the visitor at the graduation exhibition. The content was created through experiments based on questions such as the following examples; What is a mask? How can content control form? What is originality? The process resulted in a publication and a video installation with the ambition of highlighting the idea of the world as a theatrical construction.

Heuristiker för digitala spel : En studie om Game Approachability Principles

Detta arbete har utformats för att besvara frågeställningen: ?Kan Game Approachability Principles (GAP) upptäcka användbarhets-, spelbarhets- och åtkomlighetsproblem i tidiga stadier av utvecklingsprocessen av ett spel??. Teorier om användbarhet, åtkomlighet, spelbarhet, olika utvärderingsmetoder och användartestning samt Game Approachability Principles studerades för att skapa en teoribildning inom området. Två prototyper av ett spel skapades: en hi-fi prototyp och en lo-fi prototyp. Den första representerar det senare stadiet i utvecklingen av ett spel och den andra representerar det tidigare stadiet.

När stjärnor flyttar på sig : -En intermedial studie av läsprocessen som den relaterar till Codex, det digitala uppslagsverket i tv- och dataspelet Mass Effect

This study examines the in-game encyclopaedia Codex as it appears within the videogame Mass Effect. The purpose of this study is to analyse the Codex with emphasis on how the reading process is affected by the videogame medium. In this regard the study seeks to uncover what characterises the Codex as a fictional encyclopaedia, what it entails and how it interacts with the rest of the game. The theoretical basis of this study is derived from a combination of the writings of Wolfgang Iser concerning the process of reading, Jesper Juul's writings on the relationship between games and narratives, and the concept of intermediality as discussed by Hans Lund and Jørgen Bruhn.      This study is based on a close examination of the PC and Playstation 3 versions of the videogame Mass Effect, created by Bioware, with particular emphasis placed on the Codex. Mass Effect is a science fiction third-person shooter and RPG set in a future where mankind has begun interacting with aliens civilizations and colonising new planets.

Välj, kontrollera och dela: : en sekundär skärmupplevelse

Detta examensarbete har varit att ta fram ett koncept för ett second-screenlager till företaget Headwebs filmuthyrningstjänst. Denna rapport visar på hur tre second-screenfunktioner kan appliceras i en video on demand-tjänst. De tre funktionerna som applicerades var att som användare via sin second-screen välja på vilken enhet man vill se sin film, kontrollera filmens playbackkontroller och välja ut små filmklipp från filmen och dela dessa på sociala medier.Resultatet blev ett lo-fi-prototyp som visar hur de tre funktionerna kan appliceras på Headwebs iPadtjänst och listar för- och nackdelar med de olika konceptet..

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