

2742 Uppsatser om Video-game industry - Sida 47 av 183

Moving pictures - En bransch i rörelse : En undersökning om svenska konsumenters betalningsvilja för nedladdning av film

Problem area and purposeNowadays, 2006, the downloading of music and movies is an increasingly more burning issue. But while the music industry has made great progress in using the Internet as a distribution channel the film industry has been at a standstill for several years. Recently however there has been progress in the form of a few film companies beginning to offer their customers legal ways to acquire films over the Internet. But with this progress one central question arises, which this report will try to answer; what are the important factors for selling films as the Internet moves from primarily being a information channel to also functioning as a distribution channel? The purpose is to examine what the consumers find important when purchasing film, and to establish to what degree there is a substitution effect between DVDs and downloadable films.MethodThe report is first and foremost based on an Internet survey with a total of 383 participants.

Oberoende skivbolag i förändringstider : Om den förändrade affärslogiken i skivbolagsbranschen

During the last decade the conditions for the music industry have been changed significantly. With the dropping sales of physical phonograms and the increasing illegal file sharing, the record labels have been forced to adapt and thus seek alternative sources of income next to the traditional sales of phonograms. Our purpose was to investigate how smaller Swedish record labels adapt themselves to the changing environment within the music industry and which new alternative sources of income they can use to finance their music production. To do this we used a deductive approach where we started by researching theories we thought were relevant to the subject, which we then used to get valuable information out of our informants.From our empirical investigations it appears that the independent record labels are rather positive about the future and that they will be able to survive, even though they will have to change their ways of working to a large extent. Our results show that the record labels as we know then will disappear.

Arbetstillfredsställelse : En jämförelse mellan kvinnliga och manliga industriarbetare på två avdelningar

The purpose of the present quantitative study was to examine gender differences inperceived job satisfaction in two departments, with different work patterns, in a Swedishmanufacturing industry. The questionnaire contained 30 statements and five backgroundquestions. The questionnaire was designed in combination of Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS),Work demands, Social support, Control and Competence (ASK), Questionnaire forPsychological and Social factors at Work (QPS Nordic) and Minnesota SatisfactionQuestionnaire (MSQ). Job satisfaction was measured based on the categories influence atwork, leadership, employee influence, work requirements and the physical environment. Theresults of the present study showed an interaction of gender and department where the femaleindustrial workers, who worked with more monotonous and standardized work tasks, valuedall of the categories of job satisfaction the lowest, except for the category employee impact.The results are believed to depend on that the women in the department had greater demandsfor variety in the work..

Rätt klädd? : En studie om klädföretags arbete och kommunikation av CSR

The number of firms adapting the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility is constantly growing. It is no longer enough only to supply your customers with demanded products and services since todays? customers have an increased awareness and are demanding more transparence when it comes to the manufacturing and responsibility for society.Along with a growing interest in social, ethical and environmental matters, many firms have received critique, consequently forcing them to start taking more responsibility for their activities. The clothing industry was among the first to get critized and therefore early in starting their work with CSR.The purpose of this paper is to investigate how firms in the clothing industry work with CSR today, and also how they choose to communicate this work, both internally and externally. The methodology of the paper is qualitative and aims to deeply investigate four different firms, along with an additional interview with a CSR-consult from one of the leading communication-firms in Sweden.The theoretical foundation includes a frame of reference around CSR and the communication thereof, and also a few relevant theories around CSR and business ethics.After analyzing the empirical material the paper have reached a few conclusions.

Att styra säkerhet med siffror : En essä om (att se) gränser

Work, especially that in complex, dynamic workplaces, often requires subtle, local judgment with regard to timing of subtasks, relevance, importance, prioritization and so forth. Still, people in Nuclear Industry seem to think safety results from people just following procedures. In the wake of failure it can be tempting to introduce new procedures and an even stricter "rule following culture". None, or at least very little, attention is given to tacit knowledge and individual skills. I am aiming to highlight the inadequacy of putting too much trust in formalization and that reporting and trending of events will contribute to increased learning, an increased nuclear safety and an efficient operational experience.

Det auditiva nätet

En skillnad i internets utveckling kan ses mellan de visuella och de auditiva elementen, där det auditiva ligger långt efter vad gäller övergripande standarder och användningens utbredning. Vad beror det på? Har skillnader mellan hur vi ser och hör information en betydelse? Denna uppsats undersöker inställningen till ljud över internet med hjälp av en enkät som vanliga internetsurfare med varierande vana av informationssökning över internet har svarat på. Resultaten visar en, inte helt oväntad och inte heller osminkad, skepsis mot ljud över internet..

Realtidsvideobehandling för användning i labbkurser - en fältundersökning

I min rapport presenterar jag en fältundersökning för att hitta olika lösningar för att behandla realtidsvideo. De programmeringsgränssnitt som det främst riktar sig till är Matlab och Java. Rapporten är tänkt att ge vägledning och fungera som en guide för dem som önskar arbeta med enklare former av realtidsbehandling av video. Jag kommer dels att gå igenom rena Matlab- och javalösningar och dels visa hur olika tekniker kan kombineras för att åstadkomma ytterligare tekniker för att behandla realtidsvideo. För full förståelse av rapportens alla delar rekommenderas att läsaren har grundläggande kunskaper om programmering i Matlab och Java..

An Iron Lady for an Iron Throne

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur kvinnlighet framställs för att konstruera feministikonen Daenerys Targaryen i TV-serien Game of Thrones. För att uppnå mitt syfte har jag analyserat Daenerys karaktär samt personer hon interagerar med i serien. Jag har använt mig av en semiotisk bildanalys. Min teorianknytning utgörs huvudsakligen av feministisk medieforskning samt feministiska åskådningar. Materialet för min studie utgörs av fem scener från serien.

Trolley Innovation Project - Serveringsvagn för flygindustrin

Bachelor thesis, Trolley Innovation Project, has been unique in the sense that it has been carried out over the borders of Sweden. Iacobucci S.p.A, located outside of Rome in Italy is one of the largest manufacturers of interior equipment for aircraft in the world. With approximately 30% of the market Iacobucci S.p.A is one of the world's largest manufacturers of catering trolleys.The aim has been to produce a new competitive catering trolley for the airline industry. With customers and users in focus, the project team found that weight, ease of use, ergonomics and design were important aspects. Having a low weight of all the interior is particularly important when there is lots of money for the airlines to save in reduced fuel costs.

Effekter av EDI

Background: It has been shown that EDI can yield positive effects within companies. Which effects are possible for a company to direct assign to the introduction of EDI and is it possible to estimate the total effect.Purpose: The purpose of this study is to estimate and analyze the effects of using EDI in electronic business. We also want to contribute with a model for measure and estimate the effects of EDI.Accomplishment: We have studied literature concering EDI and realized a preliminary studie in form of interviews with experts to establish deeper knowledge of EDI. We have also tried to estimate the effects obtained in companies in three different businesses, power, government and transport industry.Result: To obtain as good effects as possible it is important that the co- oporation is built on trust and engagement. Before implementing the EDI-system a thorough overhaul of the processes in the company should be done, involving both the top managers and the staff.

Dammsäkerhetsutvärdering samt utformning av dammregister och felrapporteringssystem för svenska gruvdammar

A lot of mine waste rock and tailings arise from all mining processes and have to be stored in an appropriate way. Tailings are deposited in impoundments retained by tailings dams. The objective of tailings dams is to retain the slurry from the mining process and in that way prevent spill into the surroundings that might be harmful for the environment. Tailings dams are often constructed as staged embankments so that construction costs and demand of materials are spread more evenly over the period of deposition.The objective of this thesis has been to compile information about and evaluate events at Swedish tailings dams and also to develop a collective database for all Swedish mining companies for all tailings dams and all events that occur at tailings dams.Information about 60 events at Swedish tailings dams has been gathered and evaluated. The evaluation has been performed by comparison between and analysis of individual parameters and also by use of a multivariate statistical method called PLS.

Fyra barns erfarenheter via interaktion - ett nedslag i tiden

The purpose of my study is to examine how children through interaction are recognized and understood by other children and teachers at the preschool for one hour in the afternoon. This study gives voice to what young children in preschool do after snack. The overall purpose of this study is to find out what young children's experiences will be in preschool through interaction. The purpose of my research is to gain knowledge about how the time and opportunity for interaction exists between children 1;7-2;5 years, and educators as well as other children, and how this interaction appears during afternoon activities in the preschool.My research questions are:1) What experiences do children get in terms of their development of identity for one hour in the afternoon? 2) How does the interaction that the youngest children are involved in during the afternoon appear? And how long time does every occasion last? The study is based on the interactionist perspective and systems theory.


This study aims to investigate how small scale manufacturing companies reason around an implementation of a PLM-system, as well as the suitability of these systems compared to larger companies. The study is built on a qualitative method. Initially, secondary data was gathered through books, articles and reports. Primary data was gathered through four interviews. Two interviews were performed with PLM resellers, one interview was performed with a PLM developer, and one interview was performed with a small scale manufacturing company that opted to not implement a PLM-system.The results imply that overall differences between larger and smaller companies exist in regard to the need of PLM systems.

Implementation av timingbaserat fightingspel till Kinect i C# och WPF

Spelutveckling är något som ständigt förändras, möjligheterna vi har idag är väldigt olika de möjligheter vi hade för tio år sedan och de möjligheter som vi kommer att ha om tio år. I denna rapport vill vi utforska några av dessa nya möjligheter och vi vill därför ta reda på hur väl lämpat C# och WPF är för implementationen av ett timingbaserat fightingspel till rörelsesensorn Microsoft Kinect genom att genomföra sagda implementation. Resultatet av detta examensarbete är en tidig version av spelet och en analys av de svårigheter som har uppstått och de begräsningar som vi har upptäckt med C#, WPF och Kinect..

En digital kärlekshistoria

Kandidatarbetets syfte är att undersöka mötet mellan människa och medium genom att undersöka hur människor relaterar till och tolkar mötet med ett medium. Undersökningen tar sin utgångspunkt i flera tänkbara kunskapsfält, bland annat posthumanism, transhumanism, tolkningsvetenskap. Dessa kunskapsfält prövas sedan i en gestaltning för att avgöra om kunskapen är relevant i förhållande till vårt ärende..

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