

2742 Uppsatser om Video-game industry - Sida 40 av 183

En SWOT-analys av teknikerna HTML5 och Flash

Numera är multimedia på webbsidor mycket vanligt. Användare kan tillexempel se på filmer på sinadagstidningars webbsidor. Webbsidor har också blivit mer interaktiva. Detta beror dels på de högahastigheterna användare har på sina internetuppkopplingar, som tillåter tyngre multimedia påwebbsidorna, så som video. Teknikerna bakom de här multimedia webbsidorna heter HTML 5 ochFlash Player.

Motstånd under implementeringsprocessen av automatlager : En fallstudie av IKEAs implementering av automatlager

Företag är idag verksamma i en global värld där teknikens snabba utveckling och kundernas alltmer differentierade behov sätter sin prägel på det rådande dynamiska konkurrensklimatet. För att svara mot den dynamiska marknaden använder sig företag av olika strategier. Strategi kan definieras som ett medvetet sökande efter handlingsplan som utvecklar och förstärker företagets konkurrensfördelar. Många företag väljer idag att investera i automatlager för att säkerställa sina konkurrensfördelar.Syftet är att beskriva implementeringsprocessen av ett nytt automatlager på IKEA Industry med fokus på att identifiera motståndet som kan uppstå bland medarbetarna i de olika faserna samt hur motståndet kan hanteras under projektets olika faser.Studien är en fallstudie som genomförts på IKEA Industry fabrik i Älmhult, ett företag verksamma inom möbelindustrin. Den största delen av datainsamlingen är hämtad ifrån intervjuer där respondenterna identifierades utifrån ett snöbollsurval.

Hedging Core and Non-Core Risks: Evidence from Forestry and Paper Industry

A great number of empirical researches show that hedging is associated with higher firm value, particularly hedging interest rate and exchange rate. However, there is no clear support for value-added risk management hypothesis in the case of producers of commodities. Moreover, according to Shrand and Unal (1997), there are two types of risks, core business risks (or core risk) and homogeneous risks (or non core risks), which are based on a firm's comparative advantages with respects to the source of risk. Firm can earn economic profits for bearing core risks in which it has a comparative information advantage. Firm earn a zero economic rents for bearing non-core risks, where it has no advantage information than its competitors.

Industrialiserat byggande : Fältfabrikens användning, utveckling och framtid

The construction industry is currently receiving much criticism for inefficiency and slow development while demands for reduced built in moisture and efficiency increases. This report examines whether the use of field factories can meet these requirements and what factors that will be critical for future use of field factories. Industrialized construction with field factory is compared with traditional loose timber construction and industrial construction in the fields of execution, logistics and working environment. The aim of this report is to provide a basis for field factories current and future use and development. To achieve the aim of the report, people with experience in the use of the various methods was interviewed and literature studies in the various fields done.

?I´d like to see you in a silk dress so I could tear it off you? : En studie kring representation av genus och sexualitet i serien Game Of Thrones

AbstraktSyftet med denna uppsats är att genom ett motiverat urval av sex-scener undersöka representationen av sexualitet och genus i serien Game of Thrones. Vidare undersöks hur hierarkin skiljer sig åt mellan man och kvinna och vilken funktion det sexuella innehållet har. Teorierna kring the Male Gaze, Pornchic-tendensen och medierat sex appliceras under rubriken teoretisk ram. Genus och feministisk teori av Yvonne Hirdman och Helena Josefsson behandlas också i uppsatsen.Vi identifierar i vår analys ett antal karaktärer och nio motiverade sex-scener. Specifikt är dessa sex-scener bärande för både handling och syfte.

Nätbaserad utbildning för en hållbar besöksnäring

A system to regulate both quality and sustainability regarding Swedish tourism industry is under way. In order for the system to be successfull it needs to be accompanied by an education, in this case a net based education is studied.High requirements are demanded for a successful net based education for a sustainable tourism industry. This is valid both for the didactic area,  which is how an education is structured and planned and in the organisational area, which is how and education best is implemented in a company. The aim with this study is to increase the understandings of which aspects that are important for  developers  if this net based education. The study was conducted at three hostels in Stockholm with surrondings. Both managers and  employees participated in the study.  The managers where interviewed and got to answer a questionniare.

Apoteksmonopol - en studie som handlar om apoteksmonopolets omreglering

The production costs have steadily increased within the construction industry during the 21st century. Voices are raised meaning that the construction industry is too unsuccessful in making the production more efficient and to develop it?s way of working. One way to deal with the production costs is to minimise the waste, with waste meaning activities that doesn?t add value to the finished product.

Sverige till Indien - En interkulturell förhandlingsresa

The production costs have steadily increased within the construction industry during the 21st century. Voices are raised meaning that the construction industry is too unsuccessful in making the production more efficient and to develop it?s way of working. One way to deal with the production costs is to minimise the waste, with waste meaning activities that doesn?t add value to the finished product.

Från produkt till prenumerationstjänst

The use of subscription services directed towards customers has become a common phenomenon in a vast number of different industries. We have noticed a clear trend of new businesses emerging solely offering subscriptions, and existing companies altering sales of their products to become parts of subscriptions. But research has not caught up with this trend yet, especially regarding why it occurs and how it affects existing businesses internally. The purpose of this study is to examine the driving forces for change and examine how existing businesses have to change parts of their business models to offer subscription services. The premise of this study has been Vargo & Luschs (2004) Service Dominant Logic with their foundational premises and Business Model Canvas by Osterwalder et.

Radioktivt cesium (Cs-137) i vildsvin (Sus scrofa) från Tjernobyldrabbade områden i Sverige

In April 1986 an accident occurred at the nuclear power station in Chernobyl. Radionuclides were spread all over Europe including Sweden. Today there are still measurable concentrations of 137Cs in the different ecosystems in the contaminated parts of Sweden. The wild boar is the second most popular game in Sweden and today the Swedish population consumes more wild boar meat than ever. As the wild boar population increases the wild boars are moving further north towards the contaminated areas, which creates an interest to study the state of 137Cs in wild boars in these areas. Muscle samples from wild boars collected during 2010-2013 were analyzed based on 137Cs content.

BIM förändrar produktionen

Because society?s demand for quality, efficiency at low cost is constantly increasing, companies are increasingly choosing to invest new methods to achieve these points. Those who manage to find ways to improve their processes are often the companies that have the greatest chance of becoming a winning player in the market. BIM is a new method that can reduce the internal costs while increasing communications between different parties. However there is disagreement about what BIM is and its purpose.

Byggprojektstyrning med Earned Value Management

AbstractToday, too many construction projects are delayed and deviates from the budget. Agood project management is the basis for successful construction project. The mostcommon planning methods in the construction industry is currently Gantt chart andCPM. The problem with these is that focus is only at the time of the project anddoesn?t handle the budget.

Death and Who Comes Next - A Neverwinter Nights Adventure

Följande är en översikt över mitt kandidatarbete som jag arbetade med under våren 2009. Dokumentets första del beskriver projektets mål, uppbyggnad och slutresultat samt min arbetsprocess. I del II reflekterar jag över mitt arbete och vad jag har lärt mig. Till slut finns en ordlista där en del facktermer förklaras, samt några utdrag ur designdokumentet som var en del av mitt projekt..

Optimal Yatzy : Kan den optimala algoritmen optimeras?

Yahtzee is a game based on luck. Yet there are algorithms designed to give an optimal result and succeeds in doing so. This report compares the end result of an optimal algorithm to an algorithm that has been modified for the multiplayer scenario. The modified algorithm tries to win over the optimal algorithm through taking greater risks in its decisions when falling behind in points. The results show that it is not favorable to do so.

Kvalitetssäkring av servicelämnare för skogsbrukets arbetsmaskiner : Intervjuer och förslag till utveckling

In this study we have examined the possible quality standards and methods for applications with service workshops in the forest industry. The purpose of the methods presented here was to start the work of standarardising the maintenance service in the industry and be of use for service providers in their quality effort.The methods we used to accomplish the study were interviews and field visits together with a comprehensive literature research. Our results are presented in the form of four solution proposals: a standard based on existing SIS standards for terminology and key indicators, checklists that are filled in by mechanics with customer participation, the construction of a instructions database, and the implementation of the method 5s.We believe our suggestions can help the service providers in the four problem areas that we have identified: long term strategy, documentation, recruitment of competent technicians, and standard procedures in their operations. These improvements will be beneficial for both the service provider and the customer..

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