

513 Uppsatser om Video compression - Sida 21 av 35

Marte meo - "Show me" sade Maria: En kvalitativ studie av Marte meo terapeutens upplevelser och yrkeserfarenheter av metoden inom socialt behandlingsarbete

This thesis puts focus on Maria Aarts method "Marte meo" (on one's own strength). With the video camera as a principal tool, the purpose of the method is to be a practical working tool to support developmental processes on specific target groups, for example parents and their children. The aim of the thesis was to describe Swedish Marte meo Therapists and Marte meo Supervisors personal- and working experiences of the method, which was introduced in Sweden year 1991. Central questions were: How does Marte meo Therapists describe the essence of the method, it's establishment, development, and future in Swedish social services and psychotherapeutic treatment work? Which are Marte meo Therapists opinions of the methods relation to general problems and issues within social services and psychotherapeutic treatment work, such as the anchorage of theory and practice and the general claim for more research in social services interventions? In order to achieve the aim of the thesis a qualitative study was performed containing semi structured interviews with three Marte meo Therapists (two of them also titled Marte meo Supervisors).

Lika män leka bäst? : En studie om kvinnors hinder vid karriäravancemang.

The research in this thesis attempts to understand what happens when children (3-6 years of age) interact with each other in the context of free play in two pre-school settings when adults are not involved. The aim of the study was to get a closer look at how children create relationships and how they protect and defend their interactional spaces. Data was gathered through ethnographically inspired methodology, using video observation to capture the everyday interactions of the children. Results were analyzed using a phenomenological approach to peer cultures. Previous research suggests that it is very important for children to maintain their interactions with peers and gaining access to play.

Koloni Volym I. Hierakier bryts ner / Gemenskap byggs upp. Ett dokumentations - , arkiv - och utställningsarbete om en subkultur genom konsertarrangören Koloni .

Koloni is a concert promoter that put up shows in lots of different locationswith a wide variety of music styles and artistic expressions. In this work I havecollected material from Koloni?s nine years of existence to form a volume. Thevolume tells the story of Koloni?s work, but also shed some light and understandingon the alternative cultural scene of today.

Jag delade Kony 2012, fixade Afrika och blev en Facebook-hjälte : En kvalitativ studie om högskolestudenters attityder kring spridandet av filmen Kony 2012 via det sociala nätverket Facebook

Studiens syfte är att redogöra för hur delningskulturen ser ut på Facebook bland studenter. Detta har sin utgångspunkt i spridningen av Kony 2012.Virala kampanjer är idag en etablerad marknadsföringsstrategi där mottagaren av ett budskap blir aktiv i delningen. Sociala medier har bidragit till att plattformen för att uttrycka sig idag är enklare än någonsin. Hur ser delningskulturen ut för högskolestudenter i Halmstad på Facebook? Vilka attityder ligger till grund hos dessa studenter för valet av att sprida ett budskap, en text eller en video på det sociala nätverket?Studien visar på att delningar på det sociala nätverket Facebook har ett värde för den som delar och även andra användare, men om en användare sprider mycket material kan det som denne sprider uppfattas som mindre intressant av flera utav användarens Facebook-vänner.

Vattenbehov och olika system för vattentilldelning till nyavvanda grisar :

We all know that water is very important for both animals and humans. When we are weaning the piglets from the sow we must guarantee that the piglets can start to drink more water instead of sow milk. The first thing to check is always the quality of the water that is to be used. To secure that, you must take a water sample. If the water is inadequate it can bring a lot of problems and diseases.

Inverkan av ensilagets partikelstorlek på beteende och beteendestörningar hos mjölkraskvigor :

Modern milk production have come a long way when it comes to accommodating the nutritional and physiological needs of the animals, but unfortunately the behavioural and psychological needs of cows and heifers are often left unfulfilled. A long time for eating is beneficial for the digestion and also gives the cattle something to do and decreases the risks for developing abnormal behaviours. An important factor that influences eating- and ruminating time is the particle size of the roughage. The aim of the study was to find out if particle size influences the behaviour of dairy heifers, in particular with regard to eating behaviour and abnormal behaviours. The study was conducted at Uddetorp farm high school in Skara. Forty-two heifers of the breeds SR and SF were housed in 8 slatted floor pens.

Att skapa en anva?ndbar webbplats med ett kreativt utseende : En studie om hur man utformar en personlig webbplats som har bå?de anvä?ndbarhet och ett kreativt utseende

It becomes increasingly more difficult to stand out among the personal sites on the internet today and to become the one who actually gets remembered in the crowd. To be remembered, you need to have a useful website but also a creative appearance added to it.In this practical thesis I have focused on how a website should look like according to users and then added a creative look to the user-friendly website. The purpose of the study is to find out how to connect a useful website with a creative appearance. In order to do that, I first had to find out what users actually want. I used a survey in which I have asked questions about how a website should look like.

Kunskapsbaserat datorstöd för skadeprevention i arbetsmiljö ? En utvärderingsstudie

Information about vibration injuries as a preventive measure is beneficial to society as well as the individual. As early as after a few years work with machines that vibrate can cause young sensitive persons to develop vibration injuries.An evaluation has been done on a web page with focus on information about work related vibration injuries. As a part of the evaluation a user observation and interview study was performed with workers who worked in different occupations. The workers all used machine that vibrate as part of the work. A total of eleven workers participated in the study.

Rein tension measures as indicator of horse - rider communication

The purpose of this study was to gather knowledge about the functioning of the rein tension meter and test it for future studies of match and mismatch between rider and horse. We looked specifically into the possibilities to use a rein-tension meter to determine the quality of cooperation between horse and rider. We examined whether a rider shows a specific tension pattern and also if certain patterns could be recognised for a specific horse. During the study, a manual with pictures and text was written to support the practical use of the meter. The manual describes in a simple way the first steps in the installation and use of the meter.

En kategorisering av våld i dator och tv-spel

This essay will focus on video and computer game violence. We hope to uncover, with the help of semiotics, according to Barthes design, if this kind of violence can have a negative effect on youth and adolescents. How intense is the violence and how graphic is it?. PEGI is the European measurement for game age limits.

Ergonomisk utvärdering och förbättring av monteringsstation

The purpose of this study was to examine and evaluate an assembly station at Kalmar Industries in respect to ergonomics. The study was to result in an improved assembly station with lower risk of work- related injuries. It was the study group?s expectation that the measures taken at the assembly station can function as guidance and an inspiration for other ergonomic improvements at the company. Several goals related to the purpose were established as guidance for the study.The mechanic?s work situation was mapped through a series of methods.

Fo?ra?ldrars   perspektiv   av   Super   Mario   och   WoW

Vardagen sta?ller allt fa?rre krav pa? fysisk aktivitet och stillasittande aktiviteter har blivit allt vanligare. En av dessa aktiviteter a?r tv- och dataspel som idag tros ha fler uto?vare a?n fotboll och ishockey har tillsammans. Studiens syfte var da?rfo?r att underso?ka attityder och va?rderingar hos fo?ra?ldrar med tv- och dataspelande barn.

Webbgra?nssnitt pa? pekska?rmsdatorer : En anva?ndarstudie av webbplatser pa? Ipad

Nowadays, the establishment of new touch screen technology has changed significantly the way we navigate on the Internet. The requirement to design websites that adapt to various artifacts such as touch screen computers are increasingly a need to consider. The purpose of this study is to discover - What are the specific usability requirements should be addressed in designing of websites for touch screen computers? - In order to examine the essay?s question, it presents a study where five people visiting three different websites on the touch screen computer Ipad. The study was conducted using a participant and structured interview observation in form of a think-aloud method.

Den outforskade retoriken i tv-spel : analys av retoriken i Uncharted 2 och en jämförande studie med den muntliga kulturens särdrag

Uppsatsen handlar om retoriken i tv-spel. I tv-spelsforskningen pågår en debatt mellan ludologin och narratologin där ludologin menar att spel ska ses som spel och inget annat ? exempelvis som en fotbollsmatch där spelet självt är det huvudsakliga innehållet och där ingen frågar efter ytterligare mening. Narratologin menar att spel i grunden är berättande eller bär på berättande drag ? att en fotbollsmatch följer en överskådlig dramaturgi och berättande mönster.

Förstudie av MMS-tjänster för bildöverförd trafikinformation

Vägverket har ett önskemål om att distribuera trafikinformation till trafikanter. Vi fick uppdraget att undersöka om MMS skulle kunna användas i detta syfte. Eftersom MMS är en ny teknik med multimediala egenskaper som kan leverera stora textmängder, bild, ljud och video, beslöt vi oss för att koncentrera oss på de bilder som kommer från Vägverkets trafik- och väglagskameror som finns längs våra vägar.Det finns en stor mängd av möjliga tjänster som kan utvecklas, riktade till olika målgrupper och som strävar till att ge trafikanter ett beslutsunderlag vid val av färdsätt, färdväg eller starttid. Vi valde i arbetet en storstadspendlare som kan få en insikt om hur det ser ut längs vägen till arbetsplatsen. En annan tjänst är till landsvägspendlaren som kan beställa en bild från en känslig vägsträcka under vintertid.

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