

1768 Uppsatser om Veterinary nursing - Sida 2 av 118

Ögonbehandling av häst med lavage system och infusionspump Omvårdnadsaspekter : omvårdnadsaspekter

Objective ? To study the requirement of nursing care of the equine patient during eye treatment with a lavage system together with a constant rate infusion pump. Procedures ? Three veterinary nurses at ATG: s Hästsjukhus in Skara were asked nine questions at individual interviews. Inclusion criteria for participation in the interview were that the nurse should have treated equines with and without the infusion pump to the lavage system, but also traditionally with eye drops. Results ? The equine had a higher well-being since it experienced less stress during eye treatment with the infusion pump compared to treatment given by hand through the lavage system. The treatment would be more effective with constant rate infusion and save costs for the owner.

Utrustning och utrymmen för uppbyggnad av en rehabiliteringsavdelning för hundar

Physical rehabilitation is a constantly growing field in Veterinary nursing. To build a physical rehabilitation center for dogs you need personnel with adequate education and knowledge. In spite of good knowledge it can be hard to know which areas and equipment necessary for the work. It is of interest to describe how a physical rehabilitation center can be planned and which spaces and equipment to prioritize. In this study, data of different spaces and equipment for a physical rehabilitation center for dogs are presented and also the economical perspective is introduced as a background.

Djursjukskötarens roll i rehabiliteringen av inneliggande patienter på hästsjukhus

Veterinary hospital care and advanced veterinary services are rapidly growing industries. As of January 1, 2010, Veterinary nursing became a licensed vocation, the title of veterinary nurse became protected, and the act regulating competence among the professions of the veterinary field was extended. These changes, along with increased demands and expectations from owners, have given rise to greater demands on the staff's qualifications and have increased the need for well-educated staff with expertise in several different areas. The aim of this study was to find out what the licensed veterinary nurse can do in terms of rehabilitation for the hospitalized equine patient suffering from orthopedic injury. This has been carried out through qualitative interviews with veterinary surgeons experienced in treating such patients, and also by reviewing the relevant literature.

Feromonterapi för hund ? en kvalificerad stressreducent inom djursjukvård?

Numerous dogs are stressed during a stay at a veterinary clinic. Stress has an impact physically as well as mentally, and may influence animal care. There are different ways to prevent and handle animal stress. Dog Appeasing Pheromones (DAP) is sometimes used to reduce stress. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential need for stressreducers, explore the use of DAP and evaluate pheromonatherapy for dogs as a potential stressreducer within veterinary health care.

Användning av dietfoder till hundar och katter på Smådjurskliniken vid SLU :

During one week (9-13 May, 2005) the use of veterinary diets for the hospitalised patients att the University clinic was registered. The animal owners were interviewed by telephone six months later about the feeding after coming home. Four out of ten animal owners answered yes to the question if the veterinarian had asked what food their animal normally consumed. Out of 35 animals, 15 (43%) were prescribed to a veterinary diet. Among cats it was 8 out of 14 (57%) and among dogs it was 7 out of 21 (33%). Four animals out of ten were recommended a veterinary diet when going home, but 20% did not follow the recommendation all the way through and stopped feeding their animal the veterinary diet. Reasons that were given was that the diet didn't last the entire period, that the animal didn't need the diet anymore according to the owner and one dog that became to lean when fed the diet. The diagnosis for these three dogs was vomiting, foreign body in the digestive system and bloody diarrhoea.

Brister i veterinär intygsskrivning : en granskning av ärenden i Veterinära Ansvarsnämnden 2000 - 2007

After having reviewed the cases in the Veterinary Disciplinary Board of Sweden regarding certificates year 2000 to October 2007 I have found that these cases more often than in all other cases result in disciplinary action. The punishment is to a greater extent the more serious form, i.e. warning. When I examined the reasons for imposing the punishments and the material that constituted the foundations of the reports, I came to the conclusion that the statistics above do not depend on a general lack of knowledge in the Swedish veterinary profession. A possible cause is that the demands set upon the veterinarian are exceptional and that the responsibility board has a physical object to examine (the certificate) and regulations that describe how the certificates are supposed to be formulated. The fact that the knowledge about how to write veterinary certificates does not generally seem to be lacking does not exclude that lessons can be learned by examining the mistakes made by others.

Eutanasi inom smådjurssjukvården; yrkesverksamma djursjukskötares upplevelser

The quality of health and care of our animals in the veterinary clinic is dependent on the veterinary nurse. Therefore it is important that the nurse has a good mental health and can provide this. Research shows that veterinarians are exposed to an elevated risk of suicide, moral stress, depression and anxiety. One of the factors contributing is believed to be exposure to euthanasia. The impact of euthanasia to veterinary nurses is yet unclear, as research focuses on veterinarians.

Omvårdnad av den geriatriska hunden

Due to progresses constantly being made in veterinary medicine combined with increasing knowledge in pet owners, the dogs of today gets older than before. The population of geriatric dogs is there for constantly growing, which makes them an important group of patients on small animal clinics and hospitals. As dogs age, so do their interior organs. Geriatric dogs are prone to several diseases and in this text the author has decided to focus on three of the most common: Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome (CDS), cancer and osteoarthritis (AO). All of these illnesses are incurable in dogs, but it is important to remember that they are still treatable.

Hanteringsmetoder av reptiler på djursjukhus med hänsyn till stress och skaderisker

It is popular to keep reptiles as pets in Swedish households. The number of households reporting reptile ownership is more than 15 000 (SCB, 2006). This means that a veterinary practice should consider how to take care of reptiles as patients. The aim of this study was to examine literature and studies concerning safe handling and restraint of reptiles as well as the effects of acute and long term stress response and to suggest a simplified plan for handling reptiles in a veterinary practice. The result of literary studies is that common recommendations for safe handling and restraint of reptiles is based on old techniques and experiences from safe handling of wild animals. The main concern is safety for the veterinary nurse and for the reptile. Stress studies indicate that acute stress response is not harmful for the animal i long term. On the other hand studies of the effect of prolonged stress are not conclusive.

Lyssna även på mig! En litteraturstudie om hur närstående till personer med demenssjukdom upplever vårdpersonalen och relationen till dem.

The aim of the literature review was to investigate how relatives to a person suffering from dementia, in institution, experienced the nursing hom staff and the relation to them. The study was based on eight scientific articles. The result gave thirteen themes, that showed that relatives experienced the nursing home staff having a hard work under pressure. They were nice but without knowledge. The relatives experienced that the nursing home staff didn´t see or hear them and gave no confidence.

Arbetsmiljö för djursjukskötare på ett smådjurssjukhus : inriktat på belastningsergonomi

Purpose: The aim of this study was to observe and describe the work environment of veterinary nurses, focused on fysical ergonomics, in a Small Animal hospital. Method: An observational study was made in the stationary ward in an animal hospital. The observation was based on a checklist from the Swedish Work Environment Authority. Six veterinary nurses was observed over three hours when they nursed the patients. The checklist contained paragraphs concerning work postures, manuell work, knowledge, competence and the design of the workplace. Result: The results was divided into three categories; red, yellow and green.

Utvärdering av två hullbedömningssystem för katt av en djursjukskötarstudent och djurägare

Obesity is a growing global health problem among both humans and cats with the risk of several medical conditions as a result. This can be detected and prevented by body condition assessment methods in order to visualize and detect possible or potential weight problems in cats.To achieve the best results, owner and cat should be introduced to this as soon as possible in their contact with veterinary care.Purina Body Condition System and Walthams Feline Body Mass Index are both morphometric assessment methods that are quick, relatively cheap and simple to perform. 20 cats with owners and a veterinary nurse student participated in a study to compare pet owners and a veterinary nurse student's assessment of the Purina Body Condition System and WALTHAM's Feline Body Mass Index. The body condition assessment methods were compared with each other, and it was investigated which method was preferred, the body condition distribution among the studied cats and if long-haired cats' body condition was more often misjudged. Results of the study showed a significant difference between pet owners and the veterinary nurse student's assessment of Purina BCS with a difference in median of 1.

Hygien, städning och desinfektion inom smådjurssjukvården :

The aim of this report is to create an easily accessible guide to basic hygiene, cleaning and disinfection within the small animal practice. It is based on a literature study, using mainly research from the public health sector, due to the lack of relevant scientific reports within the veterinary field. To prevent the spread of infectious diseases it is important that the staff understands the importance of basic hygiene. Hand hygiene and disinfection and cleaning with water and detergent combined are the most important routines to prevent spreading of disease. In conclusion the differences between the veterinary and the public health sector are small, but some basic differences exist due to the nature of the patient?s needs.

Omvårdnadsdokumentation : granskning av omvårdnadsjournaler inom psykiatrisk slutenvård

Background Swedish nurses are required by law to document nursing care. Studies have proved scarce in nursing documentation with regard to written language, the nursing process and the nurse´s caring perspective. Educating nurses in using the VIPS model have improved nursing documentation. Few studies have included nursing documentation of psychiatric care.Aim The aim of this study was to describe nursing documentation within psychiatric care of inpatient settings.Method A quantitative, retrospective descriptive research design was applied. A total of 60 nursing journals from a psychiatric department of six wards were studied.

Nässvalgsond på hund ? djursjukskötarens område?

The aim was to identify if the veterinary nurse is as competent as the veterinaian in placing a nasoesophageal feeding tube. The aim was also to identify the complications with malnutrition and the advantage and disadvantage of the procedure. This essay is based on several interviews with both veterinary nurses and veterinaries. 16 persons were asked 4 short questions in conjunction with an intensive care/emergency and surgery congress in Gothenburg in February 2013. In addition 4 major hospitals that provided intensive care were asked to answer 5 more detailed questions, one answer from a veterinary and one answer from a veterinary nurse was requested.

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