

17 Uppsatser om Veil - Sida 1 av 2

(Av)slöjad : En argumentationsanalys av debatten kring ett eventuellt svenskt lagförbud mot heltäckande slöja

The purpose of this paper is to examine and to analyze the arguments about a possible Swedish law against the Veil. I have therefore highlighted how notions about the Veil creates and reproduces power-structures and meaning-systems. I structured the arguments in a pro et contra schedule and then analyzed them by using a theoretical framework consisting post-colonial feminism, orientalism, multi-culture and intersectionality together with research produced by Joan Wallach Scott (2010), Pia Karlsson Minganti (2007) and Anne Sofie Roald (2003). The results of the study shows that the people who either argue for or against a Veil-law agree that the Veil is an oppression of women and that it must be resisted. To be objective in the discussion of the Veil seems to be impossible and the women it affects deprived voice.

Projekt: Slöjan : en undersökning av trender i den svenska sjaldebatten speglad mot sjaldebatten i Frankrike och Storbritannien

The title of this essay is Project: The Veil ? an investigation of the trends in the Swedish Veil debate compared with the Veil debate in France and Great Britain written by Cecilia Lindvall. The purpose of the paper is to analyze how the argument has been conducted by the Swedish politicians from the time when the Veil was first recognized in Swedish media up until today. The questions I wanted to answer was each countries definition of the three concepts secularization, freedom of religion and multiculturalism, how Islam as a faith with Muslims has developed in Sweden, France and Great Britain and each countries integration politics with the politicians attitude towards the Veil. The method being used is a qualitative study with three kind of theories for analysis; two who derives from a feminist point of view where the first one advocates for the rights of each women, the second for the rights of religious groups and a third theory which discusses different models of integration logics.

Slöja eller inte slöja? - medborgarteoretiska utmaningar för Frankrike och Sverige i kölvattnet av 11/9 2001

The aim of this paper is to perform a comparative study between France and Sweden analyzing the Veil debate that took place in 2003 and 2004. This debate has been one of the central features of the renewed conflict between the West and Islam post 9/11, and has the presumed oppression of the Muslim Veil in focus. With help of critical theory and a differentiated citizenship theory, including gender and post-colonial perspectives, I analyse the Veil in a Western context in the arguments presented and the actions taken. Through that I try to distinguish the potential problems posed for the Muslim minorities living in the two countries.Three main areas are covered: the different political actions in the two countries, the consequences for this sidestep in liberal citizenship theory and in what way the view on equality splits the two parties. I conclude: that the French secularism and the Swedish equality have played key roles; the ideal of liberal citizenship is being abandoned for a more partial state; and the view of the Veil as simply oppressive is part of a colonial heritage that can be challenged..

Drapering av en illusion : En komparativ studie med utgångspunkt i fotografierna av Leila Khaled och Shirin Neshat

The aim of this paper is to perform a comparative study between the photography?s of Leila Khaled and Shirin Neshat in order to observe if the woman are able to recede from an conventional formation to become the bearer of the Veil and not only reduced to that whichneeds to be concealed. From a feministic perspective I have observed how the symbolic of the Veil moulds the woman and how the woman in her context moulds the Veil.In the description of the news photography of Khaled and the art photography produced by Neshat the mechanisms that lies as a foundation for the modelling of the portraits becomesthe essays primary entrance. Mechanisms that evolve around the creation of the woman as aconcept, a subject shaped for being looked at and the woman?s self-image through others.The textual discourse is visually enhanced through a comparative picture material visually enhanced and explained through photographs by the contemporary artist photographers Cindy Sherman, Catherine Opie, Laurie Simmons, Robert Mapplethorpe and Elin Berge.

"Jag visste inte vad jag skulle tycka om sjalen" : En genusteoretisk och postkolonial analys av Marjane Satrapis serieroman Persepolis

The purpose of this essay is to examine Marjane Satrapi?s comic novel Persepolis from a gender and postcolonial perspective. To reach this I have used several theories from mainly three different fields of theory: gender studies, postcolonial theories and theoretical texts which focus on the form of comics.My analysis has shown that idols, heroes and other cultural symbols are important for the creation of the main character Marji?s identity, but that she at the same time has many Marxistic influences. These casts of mind do not stand in opposition, but become an expression for her hybridity.

Att undervisa om slöja : En undersökning om hur sex lärare undervisar om slöjan i religionsundervisningen om islam

A study about how six teachers teach about the Veil in the teaching of islam.

Den digitala slöjan : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om Facebook som scen för den svensk-muslimska tjejens framträdande

The purpose of this study is to find out how Swedish Muslim girls use Facebook and its functions in constructing their Muslim identity on the platform. The study is based on a qualitative method which consists of nine interviews with Swedish Muslim girls between the ages 17-23 and who use Facebook daily.The study is based on the view of Facebook as a scene where individuals can perform for an audience. I have used Erving Coffman?s dramaturgical perspective that explains why individuals appear in an appropriate manner to achieve confirmation from their audience. I also used theories about identity construction, community and the theory about how individuals create a social presence online.

Citizens United : - en strid mellan yttrandefrihet och politisk jämlikhet?

Modern democracies rest on a foundation of values essential to their prosperity. Two of those values are freedom of speech and political equality. To many, these values appear to coexist effortlessly. However, what this thesis aims to expose are some of the problems that quickly arise when attempts to interpret the values fail.The thesis investigates a specific US Supreme Court ruling called Citizens United. The ruling enabled corporations and unions to use their own treasuries for unlimited independent political expenditures.

När Imperiet Skakade : En postkolonial diskursanalys på The Sydney Morning Herald under åren 1947-1950 i relation till Indiens självständighet

This paper aims to demonstrate how the imperial attitude of the British Empire not onlycirculated within the British Isles, but also to and within the colonies, namely Australiain this case. It also shows how the discourse in an australian newspaper, The SydneyMorning Herald, might affect the people reading it and how thoughts about "the other"is reproduced in the media. The years 1947-1950 has been chosen because those werethe years of the Dominion of India, when India first became independent from theBritish Empire, to the formation of the Republic of India in 1950.All this is done by using postcolonial theory and discourse analytic method hand inhand to de-Veil the structures of Empire within the media..

Integration genom idrott : En kvalitativ fallstudie av rekrytering av flickor med utländsk bakgrund genom Drop-in-idrott

Girls with foreign background is the group that is most left outside the sports movement in Sweden and the ones with the least sports habit. Sports assumed to provide an arena for integration that these girls are being left outside from. The Swedish sports movement has adapted the conditions for them as a way to encourage them to participate in sports, but there are still lots of girls with foreign background that stands outside the sports movement. One input that the Swedish National Association has done for children and young adults is to adopt the Drive-in-sport, which can work as an entrance to the sports movement. The aim of the study is therefore to investigate which barriers, motivators and requests girls in Sweden with foreign background have to participate in Drive-in-sports.

Ser mitt huvud smart ut i den här? : en studie om sjalbärande kvinnors upplevelser av bemötande inom högskolan

Denna studies syfte är att beskriva några sjalbärande kvinnors upplevelser avbemötande inom högskole/universitetsmiljö. Studien undersöker dels bemötande frånlärare och dels bemötande från studiekamrater. För att undersöka detta användskvalitativa intervjuer. Intervjuundersökningens resultat visade på att respondenterna harmycket skilda upplevelser. Några av respondenterna har mycket negativa erfarenheterav bemötande från lärare, andra framhåller att lärarna är ett stort stöd.

Minimiaktiekapitalet i Sverige: En konsekvensstudie av ett slopande av aktiekapitalkravet

In 2007 the Swedish government appointed a commission of inquiry with the task to submit a proposal of reduction in the requirement of a minimum legal capital for private limited liability companies. The commission of inquiry?s main proposal involved a reduction to SEK 50,000 compared to the prevailing SEK 100,000. Following a complementary proposal from the Justice Department suggesting a reduction to SEK 1, this paper aims at providing an understanding of the function and purpose of a minimum legal capital and the consequences that follows from an abolition of the statutory capital requirement. The thesis concludes that the legal capital?s main purpose is that of a standard contract internalizing the shareholder?s risk in business.

Unveiling French Society - A qualitative study on young Muslim women's opinions and experiences regarding the law on religious symbols

Den långa traditionen av sekularitet i Frankrike har ett stort inflytande i den publika sfären och har därmed blivit djupt rotad i den franska identiteten. Den sekulära ideologin har resulterat i en lag som förbjuder religiösa symboler i skolan. Sedan hösten 2004 får muslimska flickor inte längre bära slöja i skolan. Syftet med denna uppsats är att presentera unga muslimska kvinnors uppfattning och syn angående denna nya lag. Uppsatsen strävar efter att förstå hur lagen har påverkat dessa kvinnor.

Slöjan, ett måste? : En kvalitativ undersökning med lärare om deras syn på slöjan i undervisningen om religionen islam

Det övergripande syftet med detta examensarbete har varit att inhämta forskningsbaserad fakta för att få fram varför den muslimska kvinnan använder slöjan. Avsikten har också varit att undersöka om lärare i årskurserna 4-6 pratar om slöjan i sin undervisning om islam och vad de anser om det. Respondenterna undervisar i tre olika skolor, i två olika kommuner, och två av dem arbetar även på samma skola. Genom en litteraturstudie och kvalitativa forskningsintervjuer med lärare i årskurserna 4-6 samlades kunskaper som gav ett lämpligt underlag för att kunna uppnå syftet med arbetet och kunna besvara mina angivna frågeställningar.I arbetet har jag utgått från dessa frågeställningar som behandlas genom arbetet:Varför bär kvinnor inom islam slöja?Går lärare i årskurs 4-6  igenom den muslimska kvinnans slöja när de undervisar om islam i skolan, och i så fall hur? Frågorna ligger som grund till arbetet och besvaras fortlöpande i arbetets intervjustudie samt forskningsstudie för att sedan knytas samman i diskussionen där jag också utverderar hur jag lyckats uppfylla dem.

Hur en tunn väv kan skapa mening i en outsäglig tomhet

Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att undersöka hur mening kan skapas utifrån en upplevelse av den amerikanska konstnären Robert Irwins verk, Scrim Veil ? Black Rectangle ? Natural Light, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, när det uppfördes på Whitney Museum 2013. Åtta recensioner bildar underlag för undersökningen där de partier som på något sätt hanterar hur recensenterna skapar mening av verket valts ut för närläsning. Metoden som använts för textselektion utgår från Mieke Bals koncept som Bal förklarar som ett alternativ till metod i sin bok Travelling Concepts. Uppsatsen tar teoretiskt spjärn mot Ludwig Wittgensteins begrepp språkspel och duckrabbit, (aspektväxling) som de beskrivits i Filosofiska undersökningar, publicerad 1953, samt gestalten som bildar figur-grund, en inom gestaltpsykologin utvecklad perceptionsteori.Uppsatsen visar på att mening har skapats av verket genom att det framträder, det förvandlar sig till en händelse, något som Rudolf Arnheim beskriver som An event in space, i sin bok Art and Visual Perception ? A Psychology of the Creative Eye från 1954.

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