

363 Uppsatser om Vehicle lighting - Sida 6 av 25

Styrning och nödbroms av ModuLith

The purpose of this project is to get a fully functional, automatic steering system and a variable breaking system with an emergency breaking function to an off road vehicle. This off road vehicle is supposed to work as an aid in military situations. A team of two, Sebastian Attervall and Nichlas Gustafsson, got an order from Jonas Nyårds and the PreeRunners Project to construct a steering system that could manoeuvre an off road vehicle without any human involvement. To make this possible the vehicle would be guided by onboard sensors, cameras and computers. The team where also assigned to construct an automatic breaking system, there also no human would be involved.

Utbildningssimulator av funktioner i spa?rfordon : Ha?rdvarusimulator med felso?kning pa? do?rrsystem

This report is a description of a developed educational simulator over rail vehicles and its components. The simulator is a hardware-based prototype over a door system on rail vehi- cles. System specialists and technicians will use the prototype. The Simulator should give the user a technical demonstration on how components work in a door system. The proto- type consists of motor, switch, relay and sensor.

Viktoptimering av ett kompositchassi till en multimodal lättviktsfarkost

This report describes the master thesis project ?Weight Optimization of a Composite Chassis for a Multimodal Lightweight Vehicle? which is a part of the Master program in Naval Architecture and a part of a research project at the Centre for Naval Architecture, KTH. Demands on smart and energy efficient transport solutions are continuously increasing. In the Stockholm region the citizens are expected to increase with 25% and the road vehicles with 80% until 2030, putting high demands on the traffic system. Using a small multimodal vehicle deals with this problem and uses both the land and waterways for transportation.

Elbilen på väg mot 2030 : Handlingsplan för införande av elbilen i Sverige

The aim of this study is to examine possibilities and barriers for an introduction of electric vehicles in Sweden. The study has an interdisciplinary approach and thoroughly examines the essential topics which influence the future of the electric vehicle. The study reaches from answering the question on why electric vehicles lost the game to petrol cars in the early 20th century, to sketch how the difference in total cost of ownership will be between electric vehicles and petrol cars for the coming 20 years. Apart from these subjects the main topics of the study are today?s and tomorrow?s situation regarding technology, charging, fuel, market and economic incentives from an electric vehicle perspective.

Utveckling av undervisningsmaterial kring fordonselektroniska styrsystem : för fordonselever

Denna rapport handlar om utveckling av ett undervisningsmaterial för elever på fordonsprogrammet inom området elektroniska styrsystem. Rapporten beskriver processen från idé fram till färdigt undervisningsmaterial. Detta har tagits fram för att ge eleverna en bredare, mer generell kunskap inom detta ämnesområde än vad som är möjligt att få genom enbart teoretisk undervisning kring utvalda märkesspecifika system.  Undervisningsmaterialet bygger på teoretiska avsnitt som varvas med praktiska övningar kring en mikrokontroller med tillhörande sensorer och aktuatorer. Genom att skapa korta styrprogram som hanterar dessa sensorer kan olika funktioner skapas med hjälp av mikrokontrollen. Detta gör att många av de delfunktioner som används inom fordonselektroniska styrsystem kan simuleras..

Museibelysnings påverkan på gula krompigment -utifrån Vincent van Goghs målning Olivskog, Saint-Rémy, 1889

Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen iKulturvård, Konservatorprogrammet15 hpInstitutionen för kulturvårdGöteborgs universitet2013:16.

Realistisk integrering av 3D i en verklig miljö

Det kommande innehållet i detta examensarbete kommer att handla om min frågeställning som berör integrering av 3D objekt i en verklig miljö: ?Vad finns det för metoder att integrera 3D objekt med en verklig miljö och hur gör man??.Arbetet och efterforskningen har utförts i Söderhamn, där jag har arbetet hos 3D animationsföretaget Magoo 3D Studios. Med hjälp av anställda på Magoo har jag genomfört experiment för att själv prova på de olika metoder som ska kunna besvara min frågeställning.Som resultat så har jag kommit fram till att alla divisioner inom 3D, som modellering, texturering, ljussättning och compositing kan bidra till realistisk integrering på sitt eget vis, dock i olika utsträckningar. Mina experiment har alla varit lyckade och jag känner att de är på rätt väg mot fotorealistiska resultat.I slutändan så upplever jag att de metoder som bidrar mest till en realistisk integrering är en bra ljussättning med en Image Based Lighting metod, samt att ha bra vetskap om hur en kamera fungerar för att sedan kunna efterlikna dess typiska drag samt artefakter så bra som möjligt.Kombinerar man dessa metoder så är man en bra bit in på vägen till fotorealism där man inte längre är säker på om datorgenererade bilder är riktiga eller inte..

Energianvändning i restauranger i Umeå kommun

Efficient energy use in restaurantsUmeå Municipality wishes to combine energy issues with food control, and thus help restaurants to become more energy efficient. During March and April 2010, I visited seven restaurants and interviewed restaurant personnel about current state and application of kitchen appliances, using a checklist to make sure that the same questions were asked at all restaurants. The restaurants were all different sizes and offered different kinds of food. The study mostly focuses on energy efficiency by behaviour and not on location or technology. Almost every restaurant that was visited had the potential to improve in one or more areas, such as kitchen appliances, lamps and lighting fixtures, heating, cooling and ventilation.

Utvecklingen för e-auktioner inom fordonsindustrin

Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att analysera utvecklingen av användandet av elektroniska business-to-business auktioner, utifrån ett kundperspektiv i fordonsbranschen. Metod: Denna uppsats präglas av den kvalitativa metoden, för att därigenom ge en ökad förståelse kring utvecklingen av användandet av e-auktioner. Inledningsvis har en litteraturstudie genomförts, varpå intervjuer med representanter för företag i fordonsbranschen gjorts. Slutsatser: Som utgångspunkt har vi valt uppskattningen att e-auktioner skall motsvara 25 procent av den elektroniska B2B-handeln i fordonsindustrin 2002. Det råder en övertygelse om att en betydande missräkning gjorts.

Det Intelligenta Huset : - En studie i hemautomation

Today all buildings contain some form of home automation. It might be heating controlled by athermostat or motion detectors controlling outdoor lighting.This paper,The Intelligent House, deals with the planning of a house in Kiruna, in the north ofSweden and further immerses itself in home automation or intelligent control in single-familyhomes. The house has been entirely planned, from layout to structural design and plumbing.The purpose of the paper has been to investigate the possibilities in home automation in singlefamilyhomes and to choose a suitable home automation system for the house being planned.The system has been designed and the costs and energy savings have been calculated.The system chosen for the house is called KNX and is the largest system for home automation inSweden. It is used to control heating, ventilation, lighting and alarm systems in the house. Is hasbeen found that KNX is very expensive and that the amount of energy, possible to save in thehouse, using the system, is relatively small.

Externa kostnader för viltolyckor

The objective of this paper is to estimate monetary and non-monetary costs for the huntercaused by deer-vehicle collisions in Sweden. These costs include losses in hunting value as wellas time and money efforts related to the handling of wildlife casualties. The calculations arebased on available statistics from 2004 on deer-vehicle collisions involving moose, deer, roedeerand wild boar and on telephone interviews with hunters involved in the tracking of injuredanimals. Altogether, the annual loss in hunting value for moose was assessed to approximately30 million SEK based on the 2004 accident statistics. For roe-deer and fallow deer, thecorresponding figure was approximately 56 million SEK and 1.2 million SEK, while wild boaraccounted for 1.3 million SEK, respectively.

Energieffektivisering och solenergi i en universitetsbyggnad : Undervisningshuset och Biblioteket i Uppsala

Akademiska hus is a real estate company that specializes in providing Swedish universities with housing facilities for educational and research purposes. The company strives to reduce its use of energy by 40% between the years 2000 and 2025. The aim of this thesis is to determine which measures can be taken to reduce the need of purchased energy in a building that is used by theSwedishUniversityof Agricultural Sciences inUppsala.In order to determine the results of various changes to the building envelope and ventilation system, the building was modelled in the computer simulation program VIP-Energy. Other proposed changes to make the use of energy more efficient concerned water use and lighting. The need of purchased energy can also be reduced by producing electricity or heat on site, using solar energy.Results show that economically viable measures include upgrading windows and faucets, adjusting control systems for ventilation and lighting, and installing roof mounted solar panels for power production.

Arbetsmätningssystem på Scania Vehicle Service Information : En analys av nuläget samt framtagande av rekommendation för framtida utveckling

Scania CV is one of the world's largest truck manufacturer. It is not only the directproduction of vehicles and methods that are important for Scania but also the servicemarket handling spare parts, repairs and workshops. The department Vehicle ServiceInformation construct standard times through work measurement for particularworks in the workshops. The software application STAM is used in the servicemarket to create and store standard times which then are exported to theworkshops' own systems.The purpose of this master thesis is to analyse and evaluate the internal workmeasurement system that includes standard times and the software STAM. Also,based on external analysis and benchmarking of other systems suggest appropriatefuture development within the area for Scania Vehicle Service Information.In order to perform the investigation, interviews and studies have been doneinternally at the departments that are involved in work measurement as well asexternally at Scania workshops.

Nivådiagnos med sensorfusion : Utveckling av koncept för nivåmätning i lutande tankar 

Today?s system to measure the volume in a tank consists of a vertically placed sensor. When a vehicle is tilted the level of the fluid might change and if the volume is calculated based only on the information from the sensor it could result in a incorrect value.This thesis exams a new method to calculate the volume in tanks by using sensor fusion to crosscheck the i formation from the level sensors when the vehicle is tilted. The information is then used to see if it is possible to identify the grade of tilt by the change of fluid level. If the grade of tilt can be measured then the volume can be calculated in a more accurate way.

PSQS ? Power Supply Quality Simulator

Kitron had wishes to be able to test and measure how disturbance affects their vehicle electronic units before they have been verified by SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden in Borås. This work started with the writing of a demand specification together with Kitron for a product PSQS, Power Supply Quality Simulator, which can generate some test pulses according to a standard for electronic units to Volvos vehicles. A design proposal was developed with the help the demand specification and was verified with the help of simulations. All electric schematics was designed with the guide of the design proposal. The pulses realized in the works of this thesis are those which Kitron experienced that they have a need to test in their own premises and which are possible to generate with the means available.

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