

1386 Uppsatser om Variable transport delays - Sida 12 av 93

Interest rate and exchange rate impact on U.K. firms

The purpose of this paper is to apply the Dual-Effect hypothesis in Pritmani, Shome and Singal paper (2003), in order to analyze the exchange rate exposure on firms listed on the U.K. market. The study will examine if the foreign involvement of the firm will affect the share price of the firm.In addition to evaluating the Dual-Effect hypothesis in Pritmani et. al. (2003), we will evaluate the effect of foreign interest rates impact on U.K.

Realistisk restidsberäkning för comodal reseplanering

With increasing traffic congestion problems in bigger cities, it is becoming more and more important to provide the traveller with correct information about all transport alternatives. When doing that, the traveller gets the opportunity to make the best decision based on the current traffic situation. Instead of traditional travel planners, where public and private transport modes are presented separately, the co-modal travel planner offers a combination. In order to make the comparison correct and fair, the travel times have to be estimated realistically and on equal basis. This master thesis focuses on how to estimate travel times in the city of Stockholm for journeys by cars, public transport, bicycles and also for walking.An investigation of the available data on maps and travel times shows where the currently used methods are lacking.

Kundcentrerade miljöåtgärder - En studie av Pan Nordic Logistics kunders krav på miljövänliga transporter : Customer centered environmental measures - A study of Pan Nordic Logistics customers demand for environment-friendly transport

Traditional product features such as price, quality and supply service have been extended and nowadays includes environmental aspects as well. It raises new and increasing demands on haulier companies. The transport sector is responsible for a large part of the pollutants causing today?s environmental problems. The business is being closely monitored and to operate environmental friendly is seen as one of the most important elements for the industry?s future development.

Utredning av behovsstyrd ventilation : En jämförelse mellan CAV och VAV

Denna rapport är ett examensarbete på C-nivå som görs i sammarbete med teknikkonsulten Ramböll. Det vanligaste sättet att ventilera en byggnad idag är med så kallad CAV-ventilation (Constant Air Volume). Denna metod bygger på att ett luftflöde bestäms för rummet och upprätthålls med konstant flöde. En annan metod är så kallad VAV (Variable Air Volume) som bygger på att flödet varierar efter behovet. Anledningen till varför man väljer VAV istället för CAV är att med CAV finns det ofta en stor risk att man överventilerar ett rum eller byggnad, just på grund av att flödet är konstant. Problemet med VAV är att det är en högre investeringskostnad än för CAV så metoden lämpar sig bara där energibesparingen är så stor så den täcker mellanskillnaden i pris.

Informationssa?kerhetsanalysers verksamhetsnytta : Utva?rdering och fo?rba?ttringsfo?rslag

The importance of good information security and safety grows larger and larger for each day in the information society of today. This concerns citizens, companies and public authorities. At the Swedish Transport Administration, the operation of an information security and safety process has evolved over the years to guarantee that the public authority can be trusted by its citizens, cooperating companies and other public authorities. This responsibility has been assigned to the Information Security and Safety Department (Informationssa?kerhetsavdelningen, ITsa?).In this thesis the aim is to review to what extent ITsa? achieves any business benefits for the Swedish Transport Administration, and to analyze, streamline and come up with solutions to improve their workflow.

Modellbaserad temperaturregleringav partikelfiltrets regenereringsprocess

Due to increasing regulations regarding new diesel vehicles particulate matteremissions the new Scania truck, Scania Euro 6, has been equipped with a particulatefilter. This component effectively stores the particles in the exhaust gas but must becleaned in order to prevent itself from clogging. The filter is cleaned through aprocess named regeneration which is a thermodynamic process in which thetemperature of the filter is raised through fuel supplied to the exhaust gas.The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to the development of improved controlstrategies of the temperature during the regeneration process through thedevelopment of model-based controllers. These controllers are designed in order tohave good performance in stationary as well as automatic regeneration.In order to develop these model-based controllers a model of the system isconstructed. The model is described as a linear thermodynamic grey-box model withflow varying parameters, showing good results in validation.The model provides a simulation environment during the controller design, which isfocused around the development of linear regulators with the exhaust gas mass flowas a scheduling variable whose size determines controllers? mode of operation.


The distance between home and work has increased in recent decades. By the development of infrastructure and public transport, jobs farther from home have become more accessible and this development has in turn increased commuting. Commuting travellers often pass over administrative boundaries which often serve as borders for public transport pricing. Also the market control prices. Research shows that travel times and costs significantly affect commuting choice.

Vad väljer du? En undersökning av beteendepåverkande åtgärder för att skapa hållbara transportsystem

Människors transportvanor skapar idag tillsammans med andra faktorer ohållbara transportsystem. Jordens befolkning använder färdmedel som förbrukar icke förnybar energi i allt större utsträckning, vilket skapar transportsystem som inte är hållbara. Dessa faktorer medför en stor miljöpåverkan på vår jord och om vi fortsätter på samma sätt som de senaste 60 åren belastas jordens kretslopp allt mer, för att slutligen upphöra att fungera.Infrastrukturen idag motsvarar de behov och krav människor har på sin transportmiljö och dessa vanor bygger till stor del på vår historiska tradition av transport. Denna historiska tradition motsvarar inte ett långsiktigt tänkande. De beteenden och levnadsvanor vi har idag påverkar kommande generationers livsmiljö, vilken kommer att äventyras om vi fortsätter på samma sätt.

Busshållplatsers kapacitet : Utvärdering av tillämpbarhet av modell från Highway Capacity Manual 2000 med uinderlag från busstrafik i Stockholms innerstad

Stockholm is growing with almost two fully loaded SL-buses a day. One of the consequences that derive from this is the increase of public transport travelers who put the regionally governed public transport up to the test in terms of its capacity. The Transport administration in Stockholm County initiated 2015 a project with the purpose of simplifying the calculation of bus stop capacities. A hypothesis (set up by the Transport administration) based on that a model for calculation of bus stop capacities could be calibrated for Stockholm conditions is being researched in this bachelor?s essay.The study is implemented by self-collected traffic data from bus stops located in the Stockholm city center.

Spatiella mönster och lager av organiskt klor och klorid i barrskogsjord i sydöstra Sverige

The concentration and storage of organic chlorine and chloride were determined in soil, to a depth of 40 cm, in a coniferous forest in the Stubbetorp catchment area in south-east Sweden. Also, the spatial distribution of the two forms of chlorine was determined. Soil samples were collected at 49 of the nodes in a grid with approximately 105 m between the nodes. The analysis of spatial variability suggested that no spatial autocorrelation was present either within the variable organic chlorine or chloride. This means that no sample was more influenced by another nearby sample, as compared to other samples further away.

Spridning av släckvattenpartiklar : En studie på spridning av partiklar genererade från brand

During a fire large amounts of particles and unhealthy agents occur.  Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and toxic metals are examples among many others. These agents have a capacity to bond to particles and when the fire is extinguished, the particles can be transferred with the extinguish water into the soil and to the groundwater.Recent studies in particles have been conducted. A study by Ulrika Iverfelt (2014) reviled that the particles from a fire contained large amounts of both PAH and metals, which is consistent with earlier analyses. Her column experiments with particles in the size ? 11 microns and ?100 microns in silica sand, reviled that the larger particles was immobilized because the transportation was influenced by sieving or physiochemical particle and surface interactions.The transport of the particles in soil and groundwater is regulated by two main mechanisms: physiochemical surface interactions and straining.

Engångs- eller returtransportförpackningar i livsmedelsbutiker

Master thesis for Mechanical engineering, at the University of Lund. Incorporated in project Pondora.The purpose of this master thesis is to compare the existing one way packaging system with a proposed return crate system not yet available in Sweden. The comparison is focused on packaging handling in the grocery store.The purpose is also to investigate how operating return crate systems in Norway and Finland function, identify, the problems they have encountered and survey economic and technical aspects. The knowledge we hereby have acquired was subjectively evaluated in the thesis.The Swedish survey has a focus on meat and bread. The surveys in Finland and Norway contain all the products utilizing the studied return crate systems.We have surveyed how the handling of transport packages for meat & provision and bread is done in the store.

Livscykelanalys: Pelletspanna från kvänum energi

This study will identify the environmental impact in terms of carbon dioxide for a boiler house on behalf of Kvänum energi. The boiler central consists of a main building, which in turn contains multiple components such as boilers, pipes, etc, the boiler central uses pellets fuel. It also includes a silo and an ash container. The total weight of the boiler is about 63 tons. Each boiler has an output of 600 kW; the central includes three boilers with room for a fourth if necessary.

Transport av häst på land :

The aim of this review is to evaluate the best way to transport the horse. When it comes to transporting horses there are a number of different types of trailers and trucks that you can choose from today. The most common type of trailer is designed for two horses and the horses are transported facing the direction of travel. Studies has been performed to determine if that is the most advantageous direction for the horse to travel in, in terms of balance and levels of stress. Stress is a widely discussed subject and the definition is not fully developed.

Postoperativa transporter: Patientsäkerhet under intrahospitala transporter

Få studier är gjorda om intrahospitala transporter och i synnerhet postoperativa transporter. De studier som finns behandlar framförallt intensivvårdspatienter som transporteras till behandlingar och undersökningar. Tidigare forskning visar att den intrahospitala transporten av intensivvårdskrävande patienter är en patientsäkerhetsrisk då patienten kan få fysiska komplikationer och en förlängd vårdtid. Den postoperativa transporten av den nyopererade patienten sker dagligen inom sjukvården. För att erhålla grundläggande kunskap om denna transport genomfördes en ostrukturerad observationsstudie med fokus på patientsäkerhet.

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