333 Uppsatser om Value relevance - Sida 16 av 23
Akutmottagningsjuksköterskors uppfattning av muntlig överrapportering från ambulanspersonal
Bakgrund: Studier visar att struktur och relevans i muntlig överrapportering är av stor vikt då detta ökar patientsäkerheten. I nuläget finns ingen allmänt accepterad mall för muntlig överrapportering av patienter i Sverige. En modell för muntlig överrapportering som nu börjat introduceras på svenska sjukhus är SBAR, vilken rekommenderas av Sveriges Kommuner och Landsting. Syfte: Att undersöka akutmottagningssjuksköterskors uppfattningar av muntlig överrapportering från ambulanspersonalen vid larm/prioritet 1, på ett av Stockholms sjukhus. Metod: En empirisk tvärsnittsstudie med enkät som underlag för datainsamlingen utfördes.
Socialsekreterares syn på bemötandet och relationen med klienter - en jämförande studie av försörjningsstöd och missbrukarvård
Our aim with this study is to explore socialworkers perception of what is a good treatment is and how to establish good relationship with their clients. We have decided to limit our study with social workers in Economic assistance and Abuse Units in social servises and explore if we can discern any differences between the units. We have chosen to use qualitative methods to achieve the aim of this study. We interviewed a total of seven social workers, of which three were from Abuse unit and four were from Economic assistance unit. One of the theoretical frame we have used is Goffmans (1970, 1974) theories about social interaction in which he explains the social encounter between social workers and clients.
Hbt i media : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av ett antal svenska och nyazeeländska dagstidningars presentation av homo-, bi- och transsamhället.
The purpose of the essay is to by means of a quantitative method investigate what the portrayal of GLBT-people looks like in a selection of Swedish and New Zealand newspapers. The essay focuses on aspects such as the gender ratio between GLBT-people who are mentioned and also those who are allowed to speak out in the newspapers. Also in what proportions the newspapers portrays the different fractions of the GLBT-term, what subjects are covered and what types of sources are used are areas of interest.The analysis is conducted through a quantitative research method where two Swedish newspapers (Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter) and two New Zealand newspapers (The Dominion Post and The New Zealand Herald) were selected. Three periods of 15 days were selected for each newspaper and electronic databases were used in order to try and collect all articles with relevance for this study.The theoretical background consists of Tiina Rosenberg?s theories about media?s role in the individuals? identity shaping, Nina Björk?s feminist theories connected to gender and power, and the patriarchal structure of society, and also Anders Sahlstrand?s accounts of journalism?s use of sources and their effect on the audience?s perception of the news presented.The main results from the analysis points towards preponderance in the occurrence of male homosexuality and male homosexuals.
Citeringsmotiv och forskningsevaluering inom kardiologisk forskning. En kvalitativ intervjustudie
The issue of using citation based indicators in the evaluation of science is widely discussed. Only recently did bibliometric indicators become one out of many means for the allocation of financial resources for scientific research at Swedish universities. The purpose of this thesis is to discuss the issue of using citations when evaluating science. The author studied the issue from the perspective of citers? motives.
Lost in place : on place theory and landscape architecture
Place is on the one hand a commonsense everyday word with diversely connotative meanings, and on the other a contested concept with different interpretations across a broad range of academic disciplines and discourses. This thesis researches theories of place and their implications for the theory and design practice of landscape architecture. Responding to problems of insufficient theoretical grounding and inconsistent use of the concept of place within the discipline presently, it argues the need for a theory of place better articulated in relation to landscape architecture. It seeks to contribute to such theory formation by drawing on ideas from related disciplines ? tracing diverse understandings of place beyond the commonsense meanings of the word and into the deeper reaches of place theory as tools to explain physical, social and spiritual aspects of the environment, and human relationships with it.
tills tron skiljer oss åt : hur uppväxten inom Jehovas vittnen påverkar de sociala relationerna
The purpose of this study was to explore how interpersonal relationship can be affected by groing up in a New Religoius Movement such as Jehovah?s Withnesses and how it has affected them both in their youth and today. The aim was also to explore if there were people in the respondents' environment that was significant to them during their childhood and which support our respondents have received if they were in need of it.We have not found any previous research on children's social relationships within the Jehovah's Witnesses. We therefore believe that this study is of high relevance to both society and also for all the professionals who come into contact with these children. To discover a child in need, knowledge about how their social environment looks like is crucial.
Ämnet Svenska : En kritisk diskursanalys av svenskämnets kursplaner i Lpo 94 och Lgr 11
The purpose of this study is to investigate how the subject Swedish is being constructed in syllabuses for the subject. The study includes the syllabuses for the subject Swedish from the Swedish curriculums Lgr 11 and Lpo 94. These are investigated in order to show what conceptions of the subject, i.e. the purpose, content and work models of the subject you can spot in these, and in what direction the perception of knowledge has changed. For the analysis Faircloughs critical discourse analysis and three dimensional model is being used.
Relationen mellan den personliga tränaren och klienten : att marknadsföra ett personligt varumärke inom träningsbranschen med hjälp av digitala medier
Purpose ? The purpose of the study was to examine how to promote a personal trainer in the fitness industry, as a personal brand, with digital media.Method ? To fulfill the purpose, the author have used three different methods. Both literature and quantitative and qualitative data in forms of a digital survey and interviews with two personal trainers regarding marketing and branding.Result ? Based on the collected literature and empirical evidence, facts could identify the importance of having a strong brand as a personal trainer, in order to recruit new clients. The result revealed that digital media is an excellent communication channel to nurture the relationship when you already have existing clients, but not when you want to recruit new customers.Implications ? This study is only developed through empirical data from a particular demography and a certain range, which could give a different result with other respondents.
Pedagogik för blogg : "när skolan blir viktig och på riktigt"
In this essay I examine if socio cultural theory is present for teachers when pupils and students are using computers in class, especially when using blogs as a tool for learning. The aim of the essay is also to examine if blogs among pupils in class can promote peer support, co-operation and reflective dialogue, and in that case in what way. The essay consists of two studies, one small interview study and one literature study. The interview study is made with the qualitative method phenomenographic analysis, presenting four Swedish teachers who have much experience using blogs in education. The aim of the literature study where some national and international research studies of relevance are presented, is to broaden the perspective.The result of the interview study shows that a socio cultural theory is highly present among the teachers who already use blogs in education. In addition, those teachers experience that the blog in the classroom supports dialogue and co-operation among the pupils. In contrast, the literature study shows that most teachers in Sweden who made their pupils work with computers in classroom seem to let their student work alone, without guiding them and without creating co-operation or dialogue in the classroom.
Fundamentala faktorers förklaringsgrad och simuleringsmöjligheter gentemot elspotpriset på Nord Pool : Utsläppsrätternas betydelse för elspotpriset under andra handelsperioden
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the relation between certain chosen fundamental factors (emission trading rights, hydrological balance, interaction with continental Europe, fuel prices) and the spot price at Nord Pool. Particular focus has been put on the trade with emission rights since it is only now their actual impact on electricity prices can be studied. The relationships are measured with regression analysis which includes both R2 and the simulation possibilities of ARX models. The studied period covers 2008 and 2009 with partly daily data and partly weekly data. Owing to the expected higher importance of the fundamentals during the winter months the winter 2008/2009 has been studied separately.
Goodwillnedskrivningarnas värderelevans: belägg från Storbritannien
Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om det finns ett samband mellan redovisad nedskrivning av goodwill och börsvärdet hos företag noterade vid London Stock Exchange mellan 2009 och 2012.Inledning: EU införde 2005 en ny standard för koncernredovisning. Syftet med den nya redovisningsstandarden, IFRS 3, är att öka relevansen, pålitligheten och jämförbarheten i den finansiella rapporteringen. Detta medförde bland annat att posten goodwill inte längre får skrivas av enligt plan, utan årligen ska testas för eventuell nedskrivning.Metod: För att fylla studiens syfte har vi använt oss av en kvantitativ undersökning, där relevant data har samlats in via marknadsdata och analysverktyget Bloomberg. Studien genomfördes på de största företagen registrerade på London Stock Exchange med undantag för de företag som inte hade den data som krävdes för att vara relevanta för studiens syfte. Svaren analyserades genom multipel regressionsanalys samt deskriptiv statistik framställda i statistikverktyget Minitab.Slutsats: Undersökningen visade att det finns ett statistiskt signifikant negativt samband mellan nedskrivning av goodwill och börsvärde.
Läsförmågans faktorer och deras bidrag till läsning : En jämförelse mellan barn med olika nivå av läsförmåga, utifrån The Simple View of Reading
The simple view of reading is a theory in which reading is divided into decoding and linguistic comprehension. The theory has been used to explain and to subgroup reading disabilities. Research has also investigated if additional factors are of relevance to reading. In the present study, decoding was divided into the factors orthographic decoding and phonological decoding, while comprehension was divided into word comprehension and grammatical comprehension. The purpose was to analyze these factors and their contribution to reading ability in children in fourth grade: one group with reading difficulties (n=36) and one group with typical reading ability (n=36).
Att expandera sökfrågor i en elektronisk bibliotekskatalog: En jämförelse av återvinningseffektiviteten för fyra olika sökfrågetyper
This Masters thesis deals with query expansion in an online library catalogue. The aim of the study was to compare the retrieval effectiveness of four different query types when applied to the online library catalogue of the University College of Borås. The query types were: an initial query, the initial query with right hand truncation, the initial query expanded with synonyms and finally the initial query expanded with synonyms and right hand truncation. 24 topics were formulated, and four queries for each topic were constructed. The records retrieved by the searches were judged with regard to topicality, and were judged to be non-relevant, partially relevant or relevant.
Spädbarnsmassage, ett verktyg för socialt arbete? : En kvalitativ studie
The overarching purpose of the study was to examine the effects of infant massage and to put these effects incontext with mother ? child attachment. The intention was also to study whether these effects have any relevancefor social work. This was accomplished by studying earlier research, theory and laws but also through interviewswith mothers who have followed through a course in infant massage. The main questions of the study was: Afterthe completion of the course and after using the massage technique at home, does the mother experience that thebond with their child is influenced by the technique and are the mothers more apprehensive of their child?ssignals? Has the mothers observed any signals from their infants during the massage and if so what has beentheir reaction? Does the mothers experience that the massage has provided any physiological effects? Has thecompletion of the course provided the mothers with knowledge that?s had an effect in their ways of parenting? Inwhat way does the earlier research, reports and laws deal with the benefits and risks of a secure or insecureattachment, and can the quality of the attachment have any meaning in the social work? A qualitative approachwas chosen with respondent-interviews.
Styrningsmentalitet i socialt arbete En kritisk diskursanalys av KBT
This study is based on the will to understand the importance of a specific theory within social work. From the concept of neo-liberal governmentality, the aim is to critically examine and discuss how governance and self-governance is manifested in social work methods and interventions, exemplified by the theory cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT). This will be accomplished through an analysis of:? How governance (and self-governance) is manifested in text through the advocacy of CBT and methods based on CBT.? How (governance and) self-governance is manifested in text through the contents of CBT and methods based on CBT. The study has a deductive approach including the hypothesis that the discourses inherent in social work methods and interventions, exemplified by the theory of CBT and methods based on CBT, may be related to the West?s development of a neo-liberal concept of governance.